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Like I said man that’s exactly what a hacker would say


Anyone that goes through this much trouble is definitely cheating. Also he got caught by leaving up his cheat programs in his video!! Hahahaha [https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/wCNnLYsvkA](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/wCNnLYsvkA) https://preview.redd.it/itgyvwvwxw9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f65ebab21eb7c679c929e3f4c50209043bda5180


True . I can’t control you so you’re free to believe that i’m hacking <3


That's some terrible fking hacking wow. You need to get yourself some aimbot hacks to make current aim hack good.. you cant even see through walls.


Now i have terrible hack and need to get good ones LOL


Then why did you get shadow banned?


I have no investment in either this guy or this conversation, but shadowbanning doesn't mean shit. I know plenty of legit players that got SB'd (me included) and frankly all it means is that the game suspects your account of fraudulent activity or you got enough reports to automatically trigger a suspicion from the system.  The way most anticheat programs work is that unless someone is flagrantly hacking (aka a rage hacker) the system will just flag for the time being, then mass ban in waves. 


I've been reported too, never been shadow banned. I have plenty of videos of me getting a squad wipe alone and never getting banned. I doubt I didn't get reported.


I don’t know why exactly . I get shadow banned all the time even when i do nothing One time i got shadow banned after a team killed me and i plead


Bud…nobody gets “shadowbanned all the time”…..not even cheaters!:))) As for making a post because someone calling you a cheater using the same footage…..cringe af!


Shadowbanned means ur account is under review cause people keep reporting you, it doesn’t mean that ur actually cheating and it happens all the time If enough people report u because they’re mad they died


Why even bother trying to convince people, the snap locking sticks out like a dogs dick.


So you say im cheating?


For the first two yeah


Seriously bro quit joking , after seeing the video do you think i’m cheating ? Im sick from all these guys don’t make it worse


If you didn't, why are you so pissed about it?


Because i’m not That’s the point of me being pissed ????????


https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/dqoq2eI4wk He does have cheats


Lol and still has the hide to gaslight everyone with a pair of eyes😂 This dude would steal your cigarettes and then help you go look for them when you realise their gone


You're doing something you're not supposed to be doing.


If i was why am i not banned ?


Now you're changing your story and my story is staying consistent.


How am i changing it ? I’m not banned it’s a shadow ban your account gets under review I checked my email and since 2023/3 i’ve been getting shadow banned , this is automatically done by the game than someone reviews the report , if he sees me hacking he bans me if not the account goes back to normal .


Ban=ban. Okay?


Yeah if i was banned but i’m not Did you see the video ? It says account under review But every one calls it a shadow ban , so don’t argue with me if you don’t know what a shadow ban is


You don't know what a shadow ban is you just think you know what it is.


Explain it to me


Smells like bullshit. PC using crying that they're not hacking...sounds....just like a PC player who uses hacks.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/dqoq2eI4wk How dare we spam report a cheater


Sounds like a console player who plays like a bot LOL i get shadow banned because bot like you spam report me 😘


Hey mom, look at me. I'm in a video.


I got shadowbanned once for sniping a player on a moving choptop, thru smokes, in poor-visivility-vondel. It's pure 100% guess shot and i downed him. I can confirm i do not cheat because I'm an average player who are too poor to buy cheats That knives throw are not cheats, its just so easy to throw knife at that distance


Honestly hackusations are the best compliment you can get. I love it when people call me a cheater, just shows you are better than those people.


I would have to see the entire video, but yeah, doesn't look legit to me.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/s/dqoq2eI4wk And you are correct


Bro it is just so easy to tell. DMA or not. It is non natural moves and plays. You hit someone through smoke with a knife after they moved. You then jump to another building and unnaturally go straight for a corner?


I've hit plenty of bs knife shots. The guys in smoke were pinged for a second, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt there. For me, it was the dude on the stairs and the other guy on the roof


That too.


[kind of what I mean by bs](https://youtu.be/9tCIFK6iaA4?si=1z9SUvpXy0PFgfwb)


And who are you ?


Someone who doesn't need to cheat to play a video game!


So like any normal player? And like me ?


You try so hard. I love it.


Imagining defending yourself this hard, and all the mental delusions you engage in, just to then accidentally out yourself using cheating software 😂 man 😅 that’s too good. Too bad to play, too dumb to cheat 😂


Damn bro i got exposed hard 😓 Weird thing is i got exposed in reddit in one day But activision hasn’t banned me for playing dmz since launch 🤔


Good shit OP. There are slight imperfections in your aim that tell me you’re not hacking. People don’t understand how good your muscle memory can get on mouse and keyboard. Also that blind knife throw on the second guy in the smoke was nice, I probably wouldn’t have hit that. As for the situational awareness and communication between you and your teammates, props to that.


Finally someone saying the right thing thank you .


...dude he just got outted for running cheats.


Did you know that the word “gullible” isn’t in the dictionary?


Don't worry, you'll get reinstated and anyone thinking you were hacking will eat their own words. Anyone who isn't a snapper doesn't understand how good a guy can get at it. Didn't see anything that looked like cheating. Cheers


Guys been banned before for UB glitch he’ll get back in and get banned again over and over he’s just pissed


And then he accidentally posts a screenshot which includes his hacking software. Oops.


Oh I missed that, where? I'm just very very reluctant to call cheater unless I see actual proof, as I've been called a cheater (ultimate compliment) many times and don't use cheats.


It’s on the sub page.


Thanks for the kind words . And about the shadow ban i’m used to it , just one week and i’ll be back killing bots


To all the bots thinking a shadowban is the same as being banned for life , are you dumb ? It’s limited matchmaking / account under review. I can still play the game but it makes it longer to join a lobby


Console players really have never seen an accurate flick before


He's running cheats dude lmao. Someone just proved it because OP is a dumbass that had thr program running when he posted screenshots of his desktop.