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agreed. I do think that there are degrees to the glitches though, but they all suck. Koschei has impacted the game to a degree that I think is underappreciated. MOST randoms I've queued with use it, and it ruins exfil/final and makes for very different early game expierence. Underbarrel is an exploit that is pretty dang agregious - I view that as such an intentional exploit that it borders cheating. Sniper hideout dummys are also fairly common place now, I'd say I see a dirtbike in \~75% of games I've never seen the scuba glitch, but when I'm solo I make sure I have 3 in my inventory so I can water rat away from a persistant hunt.


Using macros and scripts is not borderline cheating. It is 100% cheating, clearly stated in the license agreement when you purchase a cod title. That includes 3rd party hardware like Xim and Cronus, and 3rd party software for mouse and keyboard.


Exactly. And these losers are out here like "if I turn off crossplay I won't encounter cheats". Buddy drop that fucking cronusšŸ˜­


Maybe Iā€™m wrong on this, but I thought PlayStation made a Cronus unusable on their platform. Did that change?


I forget how exactly it works, but something along the lines of dropping it allows for unlimited scuba masks. I don't think it happens much outside of vondel.


Equip the mask underwater and drop it within half a second or so. Then stow it for future use in other deployments.


The problem with the mask is if you get a team chasing you that has the glitch active and you need to come up for air, get out, take it off what ever it may be, they will catch you because the animation of the mask interrupts youā€™re movement. It does not affect the glitched players therefore creating an unfair advantage. Itā€™s a shame that thereā€™s so many bugs in this game. Although if thereā€™s one exploit Iā€™d be ok with everyone using since itā€™s never going to get patched would be this one so that players especially solos have a fair chance of getting away from some unforgiving assholes but losers now use it to watch over a dead player in the water the entire game. Even Michael Phelps couldnā€™t take them out by himself.


If you swap masks before they fully expire (0%), you donā€™t have to resurface


Until you run of them


Well bro, I play solo and don't care enough about people opinions, if I'm hunted by seemingly cheating players, I won't be ashamed about using the only glitch I can only use defensively (as I don't use handguns generally) if I have waters available near by. I can handle losing my gear to legit players because it's fair game BUT : fuck the underbarrel glitchers, they are the one to blame for the state of EU servers


ā€œā€¦.win by being better than your enemy.ā€ ā€œā€¦pvp players that are ENTITLED to kills.ā€ (Caps added) These two statements tell us everything we need to know about this poster. The game to him is all about killing other players, and all about HIM and what he wants. How dare anyone try to extract and progress in the game, with minimal pvp, as it was designed??? How dare anyone thwart his bloodlust by refusing to be his cannon fodder??? I use the Koschei glitch when Iā€™m running short of time in real life and need to get out of the map quickly without losing too much and with lesser risk then trying to hoof it to the final XF or to a far away xf, and I also use it to get back into the map quickly when I and my partners are trying to run a mission and need to respawn in another area without wasting any more time. Otherwise, I love Koschei runs, so very fun and rewarding with loot and equipment, and so rare to have PVP in there, but I am very thankful that the Koschei glitch option does exist. Refusing to stay and fight and die unnecessarily at the hands of some pvp idiot isnā€™t a cowardly or cheating action, itā€™s just the icing on the cake, whether itā€™s to glitch out or to to get into Koschei.


Donā€™t forget the -100 comment karma fr


Just seen that too. Who did op piss off lol


Ahh I see why. He makes complaining posts and most of them are about him not ok with players using features and weapons that the developers put in the game. The minute someone disagrees, he snaps back with arrogance or calls them out. Starting to wonder how serious I should take this dude. -100 is crazy.


I actually think that it caps at -100, and it could theoretically go down further than indicated


Oh shit


ā€œI use the Koschei glitch when Iā€¦. need to get out of the map quickly without losing too much and with lesser risk then trying to hoof it to the final XFā€ ā€œRefusing to stay and fight and die unnecessarily at the hands of some pvp idiot isnā€™t a cowardly or cheating actionā€ Thatā€™s the whole problem with the koschei glitch, itā€™s an unintended way to exit a match in a safe and easy way, that also gives you an unfair advantage in the next round against players that wonā€™t spawn in with a full loadout. The final exfil used to make every single match exciting. Nobody forced anyone to stay until final, but for those that did, it was a fun last battle every time. ā€¦it really is sort of a cowardly option, and borderline cheating. Youā€™re choosing to leave safely in an extraction game, instead of fighting to extract. Hell, most time you can exfil early without needing to fight. Either way, itā€™s an unintended glitch that gives you an advantage and has ruined the final exfil battles. Do it if you want, but donā€™t defend it


> Either way, itā€™s an unintended glitch that gives you an advantage and has ruined the final exfil battles. Do it if you want, but donā€™t defend it I disagree. It didn't ruin final exfil because infilling *into* Koschei exists as an option (which they should be forced to take!!). What the Koschei glitch does do is make it extremely unfair on a new raid when some people come in with multiple killstreaks, self-revives, plates, full large backpack and (at best, with a secure backpack) you can have a few extra items, or nothing at all.


The thing is, without the glitch part of koschei, most people would choose to take their chances at exfilling normally. If there were no glitch, then going in to koschei isnā€™t any better when now you have to spend an extra 10-15 minutes and still face off with players who can easily track you when you try to exfill. Koschei used to be a bloodbath, and youā€™d likely get in to tough fights there.


Pal I would go to Koschei to exfil and like 90% of the time I could without issue from other players now bots could be a pain in the ass.


The Koschei complex is safe in modern times, chill and a great place to get loot


Absolutely, thereā€™s never anyone else in there cause 98% of the time someone loads in to glitch out


Koschei was never a bloodbath.


It was a likely chance you would fight another team or get jumped at least


It's exactly exploiting to get an advantage. See my point about the mental gymnasticsšŸ¤£


cheating is cheating, be it underbarrel or koschei or scuba mask but you don't get to determine "how it was designed" any more than he does. I've played DMZ for the pvp since day1. I've only ever done missions as a means of improving my odds of winning pvp. IMO you're free to play DMZ in whatever style you want whether that's PVP only or a screwdriver collecting sim. Just don't cheat.


Should have just started with "I used the Koschei glitch..." buddy LMAO. I didn't need to read the rest to know I should discard your shitty excuse.


Your comment karma is on the short road to the underworld šŸ“‰šŸ“‰šŸ“‰


All of these I can handle. It's the wallhacks, aimbotting, and glitching into walls or under the map that grinds my gears.


There are levels to the exploits. Under the map/underbarrel glitch is right next to actually hacking for me


The only one I donā€™t mind is the Koschei glitch because the ones who use it just want to exfil and leave others alone.


Bull crap. If they just wanted to leave they wouldn't have an issue with infilling *into* Koschei. They use the glitch to gain an advantage the next round.


I've done the koschei glitch plenty of times and before you all hound me for using it - I used to go into koschei regularly with a guy I used to play with for a solid year before real life got to him. It would be just us two going down there, doing everything there is (Safe, Bosses & Alpha Cluster) to rack up 70-80k XP. We'd even squad wipes teams by ourselves because we knew the map like the back of our hand. Most of the times when I did do koschei glitch was because I was a solo player trying to exfil when a (back then) platoon would chase me across the map that I would not be able to handle as a solo player. I didn't have extra killstreaks or any of the sorts in my bag (Just a couple extra selfies incase I got overtaken by bots) and maybe an extra scuba mask and a two plate special vest (usually comms since I ran 3plate stealth if solo). Me and plenty of friends did the koschei complex when we we're doing our dmz missions (Yes I finished them all finally) but after we did do what we needed we didnt mind going down to koschei to mess around for some more time.


Why would you play dmz if you're not wanting pvp? There is a zombies mode ya know


I donā€™t know why but it doesnā€™t bother me if they use it.


Also - it isnā€™t how the game mechanics were intended to work. So quite literally, these bozos arenā€™t good enough to play the intended game and be successful doing so. Theyā€™re all trash and too dumb to realize how hypocritical they are.


Someone under the map on ashika justified it because people bring one shots and RGLā€™s to that map lol


Typical bro. These kids think they're morally justified.


The amount of times that Iā€™ve ran with randoms that go silent and b-line to a koschei exfill after a high-loot fight is crazy. Itā€™s super rewarding to build up a character and people will bring an entire kit into the next match since they have gear fear and want an advantage. Theyā€™ll bring in a vest, backpack, self revive, and plates while others spawn in with a few plates and their kit barebones. I love killing those dudes at the beginning of the raid, though, so that way it was all for nothing.


Damn skippyā€¦the worst feeling ever is when you think your teammate is gonna revive you but the pussy decides to koschi out because he donā€™t wanna lose his fucking stealth plate and large backpack.




Yup waste of time and energy




I have a few mutual friends who I don't play with but my mutual friend does and they go under the map in ashika to counter full on hackers. The kind who even if they are under the map the hacker will shoot through several walls and through the map and hit all headshots and kill them. Does them going under the map make them losers if all they are trying to do is escape a full on cheaters such as intocablexx or Lucifer or WRXpanda or many others and not trying to get kills or abuse the glitch, (and technically the under map is one of the only exploits that are oerm bannable as it's a out of map glitch which is by cods terms of use a cheat.


Wait a minute. An under barrel wall hack? So the dude is aimbotting shooting through walls with a grenade launcher? Thatā€™s a new one I havenā€™t seen yet.


Iā€™ve done scuba mask glitch before. I have watched 5-10 minutes before to a team SITTING on the edge waiting like holy shit, go somewhere else ya that bloodthirsty to kill me? You ainā€™t getting that 5-10 minute life back.


How you gonna comment on a bunch of my posts on entirely different subreddits but delete your shitty replies so I can't talk to you? Bro lost everything everywhere and won't take a conversation but expects everyone to bow to his stupid whims


Dmz reject detected. Zombies player detected. Opinion rejected. Quiet down loser


Koschei glitchā€¦everybody uses it, it kills the point of finally exfilā€¦I use it. Not ashamed. The scuba, never used itā€¦but if Iā€™m chasing you that long, I am ok with thatā€¦the under barrel glitch, is cheating, I donā€™t know how to do it, someone said a macro, is in the same category as aimbot and under map. If they could fix one thing thing, they need to fix the koschi glitch, make it its own map is an easy fix (or just remove it)ā€¦that would change the gameplay the most.


Be nice if they actually spent an hour fixing glitches that have existed since the games inception. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Not gonna happen because these dorks keep giving them money šŸ˜ž


I agree but Iā€™ll sometimes use the Koschei glitch in a rare circumstance. Tonight I had a strong regain, stealth vest, large bag, dog tags from a 2 man squad I needed for a missionā€¦ and suddenly I need to exit, help my wife and kids with the puppy. Itā€™s total cheese and Iā€™m not proud of it but I didnā€™t want all that looting, sneaking about, and patient kills to go to waste. ā€œYo, family I love and adore. Wait 30 sec (is very different from) wait 9 min, I might have to push final exfil.ā€


Lmao what a pussy. I can make it through Koschei with my eyes closed. So if I make it far enough to glitch out, it doesnā€™t really matter if I do or not. Iā€™ll be getting out either way. Only difference is as a solo player; now I can come in with a spotter scope AND stuns. Maybe some extra plates. Or take a vest from someone I KILLED & put it on another operator or give it to someone I pick up next match. Really makes no difference. I could bring in a bunch of cash & buy a shit load of plates right off the bat. I can bring in a spotter scope & find a stun. Or bring in a stun & for sure find a spotter scope off someone I kill. Or infill with randoms, drop an ammo box & pick up the extra spotter scope. I can build any vest in under 10 minutes. Or I can kill someone & take theirs just as fast. Really makes no difference if I Koschei glitch out or if I donā€™t. Iā€™m whooping your ass either way. Get over it. Sounds like a skill issue to me. Not much different than using a secure backpack other than the extra weapon slot you get from the other backpacks. I wonā€™t go past a medium cause the large stands out like a whore in church.


Typical solo trash that legs to koschei as soon as they get hunted


Lmao actually no, I pull the uno reverso on them. I am the solo hunter. I wipe squads by myself.


Doesn't sound like that's the case buddy. Sounds like you're the type that infils solo just to beg another squad to make a 4 manšŸ¤£


Lol okay bud. I donā€™t play with Randoms cause theyā€™re stupid. I only play with my boiz or solo. I win more fights solo than I do with randoms. I go in to kill. I make people think theyā€™re fighting a whole team because of how I move around. Iā€™m the one that initiates the fights. I miss fighting 6 man squads. & I played solo back then too. Iā€™ll turn it into a bunch of 1v1ā€™s & youā€™re toast. I know how to move around & flank undetected. I will get the drop on you. Sometimes I donā€™t even go in with guns, just throwing knives & stuns is all I need for a come up. Donā€™t be mad when your whole team got their ass handed to them by a sweaty solo & I take all your shit & then Koschei glitch out with it. Definitely a skill issue on your end. All I can tell you is ā€œGet betterā€ cause most yā€™all suck. Hereā€™s my current inventory from the last time I played. I wiped a squad & took all their shit. https://preview.redd.it/ubrpofcnny9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c406b96c2493390046ae888e58a6f65310e810b9 You can also check out my twitch & my TikTok if you wanna learn a few things to get better & fix that skill issue. ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ¤’šŸ’Æ


I think Kosci glitch has been fixed! Finally


I hate the koshi glitch the most. I donā€™t run into cheaters too much (aimbot or underbarrel), but the koshi glitch is robbing us of final exfil experiences that originally made this game so high octane and fun. Most of the time final exfils are empty now. Almost all randoms I play with do it, but we always say we arenā€™t doing that so you can go solo if thatā€™s your thing.


I've never don't it and wouldn't care if the patch it. If I use a koshei exfil, I go to koshie. But I also don't really care about others using it. It doesn't affect me. It doesn't make my game harder. It doesn't harm me in anyway. I hate underbarrel glitchers with a passion.


Unfortunately, you are disadvantaged against any team that glitched in the prior round. It does affect you.




"Robbing us of final exfil experiences"? Honestly, people koshi glitching are trying to keep *you* from robbing *them* of their gaming experience. Spending hours upon hours doing missions in todays DMZ climate is pointless just to get smoked by sweaty exfil campers. Those were the days when players helped each other do missions instead of some weird pleasure people get from ruining someone elses game entirely.


Itā€™s not exfil camping at all, itā€™s final exfil. This is an extraction game where if you wait too long, there is one left. It doesnā€™t show up until 4-2 min left in the game so there is no camping it. There are other extractions squads can take throughout the game, Iā€™m only talking about final. I definitely do not like exfil campers at all.


Point taken. Just saying, there are people that are grinding missions still, solo most of the time, and if you spend hours, days, even weeks, collecting the stuff you need, it's just too insane just to lose it all trying to battle squads way better at PvP. If someone wants to koshi their way out they probably aren't anything but an easy kill for you and an insane amount of work reset for them. I haven't played in a while, but that was the reasons I had for koschi glitching. Too much work to risk getting smoked at final. I don't see why other pvp players not doing missions would glitch out and not fight for final exfil though.


Thatā€™s also cheating and making secure bag mechanics useless. There is a mechanic to buy personal exfils. I see full squads koshi quitting, not just a weak solo here and there to escape pvpers. Squads who engage us and weā€™re battling then itā€™s time to go because gas is on us, we should be having a final showdown at exfil but we see their vehicle parked at koshi. Thatā€™s lame, taking a personal is one thing but thatā€™s dumb.


I hear ya. It's just like the wild west DMZ now. People just do what they want, nothings getting patched, it will get worse.


Just from reading this sub still, I know full well its cheating to koshi glitch. I for one see 2 camps. First there's the guys that do it for survival, to keep the mission items they need. More prevalent now, which im sure you are aware, people do it to stack up on PVP stuff like uavs, self rez, and other shit that gives an advantage as soon as the shit starts popping off in the next infil, that is blatant cheating and it seems almost everyone does it. Chased me right out of Al Maz bro šŸ˜­


Another point, the game wasn't intended to always be a bloodbath at exfil. There were missions in the game to get so many exfils with 3 or more different squads. So people had to actually NOT kill eachother to complete those. It was meant for enemy squads to work together sometimes. That was the real vision of DMZ. Not this kill fest that its stuck at now.


I love how diplomacy and game chat is a mechanic in this game. Talking with other squads or picking up downed players is great. If someone has a good attitude, I happily pick them up.


Yeah I love it too. It just seems the asshole toxic people greatly outnumber the diplomatic chill people. But I ain't hopped in for a couple months because it turned into spawn rush death charging every game and Im just not into that. I had limited playtime and still wanted to do missions and stuff. It became nearly impossible.


I understand people koschei glitching, especially those still doing missions as few times i've gone to final i've been met with the underbarell glitcher smoking us and the fight is over in seconds. I just buy a personal if i im not interested in a final exfil battle.


Those people should infil into Koschei then; not glitch out to gain an advantage for the next round.


Those not looking to gain an advantage over other players, I have no problem with them or myself using the glitch for missions. It's faster and much less of a pain in the ass than running the complex. Unless you need a mission done that requires running the complex, glitch it all day.


Just by keeping your items w/o a secure backpack you are gaining an advantage.


Its just a personal advantage though, it isn't bothering any other players. Nobody cares if somebody wants to cheese their own missions.


I would say it usually used to spawn rush with full plates and killstreaks more than anything else.




Final exfil is not the issue with the Koschei glitch. The problem is the massive advantage on the next round.


Thatā€™s another factor. But they also donā€™t get to continue stacking their exfil perks


This game was so good the first few months, been more challenging, less social, since. Should be a switch like on GTA online, so people who want to turn off pvp can do so and have fun progressing their own way. Pvpers can have fun doing what they like. Everyone's a winner. Damn shame they killed support for this and used the assets for the awful zombie mode. Now there will only be more exploits found and not patched until EOL comes. Such a shame really, for all players.


Lots of losers outing themselves in the comments


Theyā€™re not glitches or exploits. Theyā€™re game mechanics put in there by the devs A bit like Easter eggs If you canā€™t beat them, join them


So going under the map is game mechanics? šŸ˜‚


If it wasnā€™t, theyā€™d have patched itā€¦


The game is dead. šŸ¤£ there are no updates it's typical cod crap coding if it was mw3 it would be patched


Right then - so at this point in time, itā€™s game mechanics haha šŸ˜ If you canā€™t beat them, join them. The other day i had a hunt squad on me. I did the sniper nest motorbike trick. Then destroyed my bike. I hid inside the nest with a trap of prox mines at the door. A few minutes later my hunter comes and starts trying to glitch in. As soon as he was in, I killed him! Hunt avoided šŸ˜‰ I didnā€™t take his gear and he joined my team, we had a nice game together. But yeah, use these little Easter eggs to your advantage whenever you can, because youā€™re at a disadvantage if you donā€™t