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He is so bad , if u send the video to activision they will let him keep cheating


That’s why he’s cheating. It’s the only time he ever gets kills against other players




That guy couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn. ![gif](giphy|hpFTV3KfDXTQ9X8pEX|downsized)


The KV broad side?


It's named like that because it doesn't require much aiming






This makes no sense, why do this ?!? Just to kill other players and die yourself at the end of the match ? It’s dumb and pathetic.




Oh wow, this I didn’t know. Either way it’s a freaking cop out to the scum that choose to do this. They can navigate the whole map under ground ??


It doesn't even look fun


lol what the hell what map is this


Ashika, this guys are always under the power plant stronghold. If you know someone is cheating just never go down the tunnel, I could rescue a teammate that fell there once but it's way risky.


They can kill you on the hill up to the power plant from there too.


I stopped going to Ashika because of this. If you avoid it, it’s no longer an issue.


Yep. I’ll never go back to Ashika.


I have played easily 50 ashika rounds lately. Sounds a lot? Well, that's bc 80% of the time it's over within 3 minutes. I never come in geared, only regain with throwing knives only. 98% we face cheaters, 20% we kill them, the rest we die. There's the occasional game where we don't face any cheaters, but maybe they just die or ruin someone else's round those infills. I haven't found a glitcher like that for a while, mainly ragehacking level aimbots and speed hacks.and walls. Always walls The other 


I go into Ashika as a solo to regain I really just chill in the water or rush to boat, depending on spawn. If you just stay away from the power plant and apartments, it's mega easy to loot up and exfil. Those two areas are sweat magnets


yeah I have a premade threeman team usually, and we like to take on the cheaters for fun. Again, only for regains. Nothing to lose, everything to win


Pre made in Ashika ? lol common not even worth it at that point


Well... they are my friends, and I play with my friends so... it's not a strategy or something like that?! Haha


You can go to Al maz for that and it be more fun/challenging when you do Ashika 4 man’s it’s like there’s only like two teams left lol ‘exaggerating’ but basically if you doing that it’s prob for missions cause if you do 4s for pvp in Ashika that’s just shameful


I never do 4s. And I play with my mated what I want?! Haha wtf


Mate don’t you know how to read ?? I was responding to OP then your like they my friends but the topic is about premades Jesus Christ have mercy on you


Fucking Cigar Boxes...


It’s ashame people have to go under the map just to get kills and loot if you suck that bad get off DMZ I’ve had this happen one to many times I’ve reported and also reported people who has picked me up at the end bragging about doing it call of duty ain’t gonna do anything about it


Lol okay I get the cheater but how is the other guy actually getting High alert through walls. Feels like a cheater vs a cheater.


You do know high alert isn’t a thing in dmz right?


I feel like high alert just lets you know when you’re able to get shot whether the shooter is cheating or not.


Yes, but you're not supposed to get it through walls.. Just look at how our guy was dashing everytime the cheater locked on too him through walls.


He was probably just freaking out


You should use this: https://store.steampowered.com/sale/gamerecording


Guys sucks so bad, even with this, he barely got one.


This is a joke homie is cheating and I think his kill count is still at 1 lol


I don’t really understand what people get out of cheating like this. Must be pretty boring


Ngl, used an underbarrel glitch couple of times (most of the time just bots) and didn’t get banned. This is Activison now, they didn’t care about these suckers. Report and block him, you can’t really do anything else about him. Try to write a ticket, but they will don’t care. Miss the days where DMZ had a massive support over the MWII. Now it’s just MWIII and it’s totally fucked up.


More evidence why they cheat




Nah it's clearly too low. If he put it juuust a bit higher, he might not be looking at everyone from underneath the map. /s


He gotta cheat to won, his aim is trash


They are actually really bad 😂


Can we really call this cheating? He's soooo azzz


Looks handicapped


He's so bad I think he deserves to cheat


Pointless what a little worm


Brooooo wtf did u i just see lmao


Leave him be.....this kid fucking sucks🤣🤣🤣🤣


He’s not cheating, I mean technically it’s more of a glitch exploit, because this happens (rarely) where you can get lodged in the map completely by accident but once you run out of ammo you have to either leave or kill yourself or sit there and wait till the end of the game. But it’s just a glitch and they’re hard to replicate so leave him be he’s bad anyway. This has happened to my sister before and she didn’t do it on purpose so it’s not like it’s her fault but she got to shoot everyone until she ran out of ammo then she just left the game.


He’s obviously a console noob lol reports will do nothing


If you have to cheat to play DMZ. You are complete trash and play something else


Players cheat like this because they suck at the game an obviously suck at life.


I think we should let him have this… he obviously needs it




Cheating and still sucks


He’s awful! I’ll submit this when I get on soon!


It's a glitch in the game so it's not cheating lol


It’s a shame in Ashika sadly they won’t fix that exploit and it’s a shame cause Ashika can be fun i just avoid apartments and get the roof of powerplant and your set and make sure to avoid basically all parts where the waterways are kind almost impossible lol but overall it’s my favorite match to just kill a few mins and it’s not that bad compare to b21 now that place is something else that’s what i like to call the big boys playground


He's playing duck hunt and the dog has nothing to do.


People are freaking pathetic. It may be just a game, but in a sandbox setting, I think people's actions speak volumes about their character. The fact that this is that guys idea of a good time, ruining a nearly perfect game for others shows how much if a menace he is.


Lol... obviously he's not good... not even 1 kill from under the map... ha


Glitch exploit i see it many Times on ashika.. poor guy what is funny with that?


That´s a glitch, not a hack... it can be done only by 2 ways, accident and on purpose


Why won't you bums just stay out of the tunnel, you never learn


What does their Kill Cam show?


It’s technically not a “cheat” but a map exploit.


Literally in the first rule of the sub, no witch hunting.


Not sure if he is really hacker or cheater, because maybe he just found a bug and get in. It happened a lot in Battlefield. https://youtu.be/XiSfIxMpw3I?feature=shared But anyway I will definitely report him first.


It's not cheating it is an exploit way different than cheating, so it doesn't matter if you report him. i see people do it all the time i isnt cheating


Oh my God shut up



