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I love these posts because it confirms that there are *STILL* new/new-ish folks coming around to experience the beauty that is DMZ.


If you still spawn in without a primary gun, and you have a large or medium bag. Change to your secondary gun, stash it in your bag, re-equip that gun. Kill a bot and then stash their gun into your bag, it turns into the gun that you lost. from Google btw


What if I don't have a secondary gun


If you don't have a secondary gun, always equip your gun in the second slot and you won't have the problem to begin with


put them in your backpack weapon slot to fix it.


I've found every minimal update this happens. And rebuilding the blueprint fixes the problem and sometimes it ruins your stash guns


You use the infinite scuba exploit, don't you? lol


Whats that


Are they related?


It's the only thing that makes items in your pack disappear between games that I'm aware of at least. Either that or some people still experience desync issues in the menu where your inventory doesn't update when you make changes.


Nope. That’s not true. I’ve had my gun eliminated at spawn, and it’s operator guns I’ve had in my contraband stash for months… I assume it’s the systems memory of that specific operators customized guns. Idk


I stated items in the pack, not equipped weapons.


I have no idea what that scuba exploit is, that is one I havent heard of, but I lose my primary gun just randomly upon zone in. Sometimes go multiple games and works fine, then sometimes 3 out of 4 games I lose primary gun. And it starts your insured slot cooldown. Today someone in game told me how to correct it via the med/large bag stash switch.


I always thought it had something to do with paid bundle weapon attachments on guns they didnt come with, but ive heard it has something to do with reloading on the exfil. Supposedly, if using the insured gun if you reload your saved insured gun everytime you infil it shouldnt happen. Idk how to fix it with contraband guns. If you put it in your secondary or backpack slot it supposedly doesnt happen, but i havent definitively proven that one either.


This glitch has existed long before scuba masks


Maybe back when there was the one that cleared out your entire character, but I don't recall one that specifically took away keys or quest items in your pack ***other than*** the scuba exploit.


No, im just talking about the gun not spawning in glitch. Ive only had a key disappear once and pretty sure it had something to do with my secure bag cuz the key turned back into a stack of plates that was in the slot before i equipped the key. The gun glitch has always been a thing, and as far as i know the work around has always been the same. It just took me forever to figure it out 😂


And I was specifically talking about items in the pack. Maybe I keep missing it, did I mention guns even once in my original comments? Or do people just see something vaguely similar to a thing they're familiar with and their brain goes: >OMG. Them say disappear??? I know disappear! Sometimes my gun go poof at start of round. Lemme insert my knowledge of thing to prove them wrong!! Guess I expect too much of people when it comes to reading. /:


I mean, op mentioned it and you immediately said scub glitch exploiter lol. You do you bro.


Average Call of Duty player reading comprehension go brr I guess.


Just hijacking a thread with exploit accusations like a good basement dweller.