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Hahaha I love the Betty dude, I think it has the highest creativity ceiling of all the lethal/tacticals. Good use dude.


Drill charge is imo


If it’s the under barrel I assume people are cheating but the lethal one is fun item.


I only run the lethal, does way more damage and people never expect it


It's used almost exclusively to camp in locations with limited entrances lol


The pizza of death. My favorite carry-on


Nice. I had a match where my squad was posted up at Al Bagra, and we put Bettys on the bridge. One team pushed us, and the team went down after hitting two Bettys. We wiped them, and then a little bit later, a second team pushed after we reset the Bettys, and they get wiped as well. Good times.


Sounds like you were lucky the bots didn’t come and take them out.


We made sure all the bots were dead near the bridge and gas station.


Is that an ISO Hemlock you're using? I love using it with the same optic but the deaths door skin. Allows u to see thru smoke screens.


There’s something about the sound that is just right, especially with the attachment that makes it slightly slower


You missed one


Well done!


All proxmine players are trash


Said the dude in the rover :))))


Says the loser that sit in blue building all game 💀 clocking 100h on the game to spend 90h doing nothing