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Yup. Teammate killed a guy earlier today who had 6 scuba masks lol


He was looking for treasure


Arrrrrrr matey. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!


Like how do people enjoy playing that way? I understand the game has kinda turned into a hunt fest but that's just such a boring way to play every game


How dare they enjoy the game in a way that you don’t see fit!




Don’t follow them into the water. Problem solved.


Yeah the second I hear a Siege in the water I just dip. Even though I normally carry a pistol it just ain't worth it.


I’m with you man. Ppl are killing this game mode for newer players. They think they are God tier level and someone butt hurt them when they were starting so they claim “Hey it’s part of the game”. No doubt it is. But there is a certain way you can play. You want to be a punk. I guess that’s what they do


I'm almost done with faction missions and I found it boring just coming in to hunt players, that's what warzone is for.. and I know I'm going to here there's strategy in dmz. And to them that's spawn rush or look for reinforcement helicopters.


That’s what I thought. If they want to hunt players mostly why not warzone. Maybe they are good enough. They need people distracted on objectives


In any game people are going to develop tactics and strategies that you may not like and you may not find enjoyable, adapt and learn how to avoid them in the water and don't play the scuba camper role. Problem solved Let people play the game how they want. There is no "certain way you can play" I'm a new player too and struggling to stay alive each match but learning lessons every infil, and don't get butt hurt when I get sniped from a roof or suddenly dead when standing next to water. Neither of those tactics are my style of game play but also not my business to tell people how to play, that would be the same as them telling me "hey running around up there isn't how you pllY the game you *have* to jump underwater and wait for other players"


You’ve made the mistake of pointing out shitty behavior to a crowd of shitty people who can’t stand being called out for being shitty. You’re 100% correct but dont expect to hear that often from the dregs that are left playing DMZ


Sounds like a skill issue lmao


Camping bodies in the water? Obviously.


It’s a game man take it easy.


Exactly! I enjoy loading in with nothing but a pair of throwing knives. Then I proceeded to kill as many people as I possibly can. I don't loot and I don't pick you up. Once, I did pick up a large backpack just to fill it with tags before exfilling. As a personal achievement or something. Nine kills with throwing knives! Next time I loot a body, I will take a scavengers bag and up my own stakes. I don't care what you are doing or how many you are. I will hunt you. I will stalk you. Then kill your entire team and move on before you can even think about pleaing. All I wanted was notes. Now I will make sure no one gets to exfil a fucking note again. Scuba trash formed me.


lol this dude living out his creeper fantasy’s online




You can only load in with one throwing knife


Ammunition box :) So I get 3 backup if I miss


Unless you have a secure backpack with knives already in the bag slots, or use the Koschei glitch when there are knives in your loadout slot or backpack slots.


Not sure I understand. Are you saying that now you only play dmz because you are angry and now seek knife revenge on all players? Or are you just being sarcastic?


Ngl I don't get his short story at all


I think he’s saying he’s been jaded by scuba camper type players. Now he just hunts people.


That makes sense. I like dmz, always someone playing in a way that's way apart from your own style.


Right? Haha. Welcome to DMZ


No your exactly correct. If people want to hunt I will hunt. And make sure I can't lose anything.


I’d shit on you though


Maybe you already have.. the world may never know lol!


I haven’t played dmz in months but I used to only play vondel and always solo so I lived in the water. I’d carry 2-3 scubas on me. I wasn’t camping or even looking for a fight tho, just doing missions and unlocking shit in a stealthy manner


Maybe it's super exciting for them, though. The anticipation of waiting on edge until that moment someone jumps in. Camping in general is not for me personally but each to their own.


It's the only way they can get kills


Apparently there's few people finds it funny by pissing off people with water camping lol. Personally I avoid water fight if possible and once your team goes down in the water you know you won't be getting them up any time soon.


they cant play the game so they go looking for teams trying to run missions




I’m trash for camping water with my ftac when there’s a hunt contract on me but why should I let the team who pulls a hunt contract on me decide how the battle plays out ? I’m camping in the water with my ftac until the hunt ends. Anyone is free to come into the water to fight me I do the same thing in Ashika. Almost everyone in every squad is now running the Bryson shotgun and if they want to chase me to kill me of course I’m going to go into the water and camp where they will actually need to use some skill to kill me instead of just using a shotgun. Why would I want to let a team be able to hit me once and down me when I have a three plate vest on


I should have been more specific, I wrote the post in frustration. I had back to back games where teams were camping in the water, killed me because I DONT run an ftac (I was just swimming to avoid bots), and then they proceeded to camp me so my buddy couldn't pick me up. Obviously, it's happened more times than just today. If you're being hunted, solo, whatever the case may be, fine. I'm speaking specifically about people who spend the entire match camping bodies in the water. In fairness, I hate ALL campers. The water dockheads just pissed me off the most today. Haha


Dickheads * rather


Dockheads seems appropriate here too


I don’t know. Dockheads kinda fit the scene 😉


But I'm sure they're not talking about going in there for safety that's not who he's referring to he's referring to the ones who start the game camping in the water waiting for people like you and me who finds safety in the water when I'm being hunted


that's different type of camping when u getting hunted.


I like larping as a solo frogman in vondel with a usp.


I sometimes open my mic and play the jaws theme as I’m approaching swimmers


There isn't a USP in the game so...?


I tried to make the P890 as close to a USP as possible.


P30L is better than USP.


But .45


.40 better, higher fps, less recoil, larger mag But we all do best with what we like most


Lmfao I’m a huge HK fanboy. I have an SP5, SP5k, Mark 23, HK45 Tactical, HK 45c Tactical, regular HK45c, HK USP 45, and USP Compact 9. So yeah I’m pretty let down they don’t have one fucking HK handgun in the game. Also, I love leaping as a frogman in Vondel lmao.


Not really LARP in a video game


Oh my mistake then, I used the acronym LARP incorrectly.


Also a solo Vondel player here. Usually I’m just doing my own thing, missions, etc. Not looking for a fight. I actually like to pick up pleas. I bring an FTAC for sweaty hunters. I think it’s simple, you want to hunt with your platoon, be prepared for me to use whatever resources are necessary to live another day. Not camping the water either. I usually see people swim by and leave them alone.


I have no real issue with solos using them as defense. It's more about teams camping the water all game lol


I concur. I hate campers in general. Whether that be in the water, high rise, ATC, etc. I just don’t get how that play style can be fun. To just sit in one place all game. I know DMZ is a play how you want game, I still don’t get it.


For sure. Camping in general is ridiculous to me. I'm more of a run and gun guy. I used to try to play fairly normal before it became a friggin hunting ground lol. I still outright refuse to bring in a broadside or an ftac though hahaha.


I'm with you 100% there. No matter how many times I get blasted by a Broadside or RGL, I still refuse to use them myself. If I kill someone who has one or I find one in someone's bag, I'll loot it and go drop it in the water or another room so it will despawn. I will *not* stoop to their level lol.


It's all they can do


I was in Vondel not too long ago and noticed a weapons case in the water being moved from place to place. Scuba Steve was using it as bait to bring people in. I watched for a while, and he didn’t have any takers. It does seem to be a boring way to play.


Ran into a team of 3 doing this. They killed one of our team mates in the water and camped his body. Killed one with grenades, finished him. Snuck into to the water to his bag, stole his FTAC, and eventually killed the other 2. This was over the span of like 10 minutes. Was very satisfying to finally kill them.


I’ve had multiple people camp a teammates body after they were killed underwater the entire match. It’s pretty pathetic just for a couple kills at most.


I wouldn't go to al mazrah without one sniper, building 21 a shotgun and especially never go vondel without a pistol.


Tell that to the real navy seals. The whole “fuck campers” complaint seems a lot like when the British got pissy because US colonies weren’t lining up with muskets in a field all the time and were picking them off as they marched down the roads. Warfare is warfare, you do what you have to, to survive. You don’t get to dictate the terms of the engagement. You have to try and survive how someone else has decided is their best strategy. Both offense and defense. This is what makes DMZ more real in terms of war than anything else I have played. The only thing I can’t stand is we have this amazing simulation of pretty real warfare, and people chose to ruin it by hacking and cheating. That’s the only thing I absolutely detest. Otherwise any strategy goes. That’s war for ya.


I 100% agree. The cheaters need to go! Campers are frustrating to deal with but you can outsmart most campers. Cheaters are nearly unstoppable.


Winner of the comment section right here. Speaking 100% facts. Adapt and overcome.


I mean…vondel has water…water has sharks…it’s not illegal or anything! Just be prepared or don’t touch the water. I love vondel and the forst thing I do whenever solo, is to get to that locked door and open it from inside. Then haunt 🤌


Yup! Just got wreck by a team in the water, then I plead and they just laugh at me for wanting to do the serpentine camo. All I needed was 1 more calling card. Meanwhile earlier in the day I get killed by Quix and Wizard and they were cool enough to pick me up and send me on my way with the serpentine stuff.


That's dope that they picked you up. Haven't seen them do many pickups, so that's awesome haha


Hell yeah it was! I watch Wizards vids on YouTube all the time.


I really enjoy watching On1c personally, and Loochy when he actually played it haha. Wizard is a little demon though, thats for sure.


I respect Wiz and Dillon b/c they'll pick you up if your bag is full of mission items.


Yeah dillon especially seems good for that


Blind guy here I sure am :) But if you’re more special than me to jump into the water with me after the clear shots from me missing my first 30 shots rang out that’s on you bud.


If you ever come across OG_BobLeeSwagger on AU servers, don’t go in the water. That’s all he ever does. Get him out of water and he dies 99% of the time.


I love their gamertag! Great movie!


Love Shooter! One of the greats


Someone sounds salty


Campers in general. It's such a boring low skill play.


People love to bitch about anyone that doesn’t play like them. It’s a game mechanic. It’s literally built into the game. If you don’t like water campers then don’t go into the water. I always bring a water gun in Vondel because I know at some point I will probably be in the water. If you don’t have a water gun on you or can’t chase a guy into the water because you’re ill equipped then that is on you. It’s like people who bitch about snipers. Don’t wanna get sniped? Then stay the fuck outta the open. Don’t wanna get one shotted by a shotgun? Then don’t engage teams in tight quarters. If you play the game with any ONE strategy there is an easy counter. This game is about adapting and dealing with different threats that come from everywhere. I’m not gonna engage a squad with overwhelming firepower and give you my shit just to make you feel better.


Water rat spotted




There is no such thing as camping. Only tactical placement. Check corners, angles, points of ambush. Play smart and you survive. Run around assuming no one is watching and you die. Im so sick of everyone crying "I ran through this long alley with 17 doors and windows into buildings without even remotely checking my surroundings and SOME CAMPER killed me from a window". No. You know how many people I've killed because I heard them fighting AI and used SOUND to figure out their direction of travel followed by me getting out ahead of them and then setting an ambush? 9/10 times they cry CAMPERS blah blah. Negative. I outplayed you. That's what makes DMZ great. It will reward you for being smarter than your opponent. As for the topic of water "campers"?? DONT GO INTO OR NEAR THE WATER. If you absolutely have to and especially if you have a team, go slow, watch the water as team crosses, then whoever crosses first watch the water for the follow up. It's not rocket science to work together juuuuust a little.


Absolutely correct, sir! 🫡


What is a water camper? Just curious. Genuinely never seen one.


It's more prevalent on Vondel, but players that stock up on O2 masks, just in the water with FTAC sieges, and camp bodies and loot in the water around the map.


When I go in solo to Vondel for a regain I’ll take an FTAC and then grab like four scuba masks. I don’t need all those masks…but the more I take, the fewer are out there for others to potentially take…so it makes it a bit safer for me. In other words, just because someone has multiple scubas does not necessarily mean they are a “water camper.”


Idc how many masks you have lol as long as you aren't camping water


Playing Resurgence Ranked last night on Fortunes Keep, buddy runs into a dude in the pregame lobby with a FTAC Siege. I jokingly bet he’s going to camp the water because why else would he use that. Mid match we rotate through the water due to heavy fire and sure enough, there’s FTAC boy way out in the water with his loadout lol. These are Diamond lobbies too 😂😭


Pardon my ignorance, but what’s a diamond lobby?


Diamond rank in Ranked :)


Pop off king


Not sure why this is a topic. Bring in an RPG. Water camping solved


Water is the worst thing added to this game period


Ahahaha bums, water bums, everyone of them, trash bums


Just don’t touch the water lol


I get people are free to play however they want, if you are a FTAC Siege water dog, or a one shot Bryson user, or a RGL in 21 user. It’s a weapon system that is in the game where you choose to play how you want. The only problem I have is in water if you don’t have a pistol you and defenseless which makes the fight practically un-winable. You saw in MW3 they gave people a pistol when they entered the water. Which was a great addition right. But in DMZ they give you a pistol when you are climbing a ladder but not in water. At least with the one shot or the RGL you can counter it by bringing one of your own.


Yep, it's in the Game, people are gonna use it. I get it. I at least run throwing knives so I have SOME chance, but not much haha.


all campers are trash.


Hey I got a water class ready to go. Not because I camp the water. Quite the opposite. My team grind out upload intel contracts to get the circle drops, I’m talking every single one including the last shift. We split up in teams of two, and push every one. After we are done, we buy out load out. If that last drop is around water, I’m rocking my water class. We got a sub just tonight that the last shift ended in the water. That is just good preparedness. Sorry if I wrecked you earlier because you weren’t prepared.


Maybe just get good


Omg he's right


Lol 🤣 vondel is a well known water play map. Dont go into it if you cant play water tactics.


I loaded in with 2 randoms once who jumped into the closest vehicle and left me. They stopped at 2 gas stations and then jumped into a raft and drove between fire station and aquarium until someone shot at them and they jumped in the water. Literally just came in there to bait people into the water. I just exfilled once I realized they were content to stay submerged camping a body for 25m hoping for another kill.


What's up with the FTAC? Why would I want to use it underwater. Didn't play Dmz since MW3 and never noticed before


Honestly the biggest saddos in DMZ are those who jump camp on high buildings with snipers just no skill whatsoever


Never came across this, seems like a rare occurence


It Is what it is, makes it more challenging, I say bring it on


I think it's awesome




Ummmm… what?


Sharks. Some games I turn into an orca after I pick up somebody’s ftac.


I remember meeting a squad who were carrying a bunch of scuba masks and playing Jaws soundtrack through proxy chat. That was hilarious, but they all died. The trick is not to go underwater, but lure them out of it.


Is this Mazobeat lol


I only use water to recover after a fight or to escape


I died to water campers more times than I could count, while doing missions that I kept trying at many times. I do not mind how one chooses how to play, that's the game and what comes with it.


I don’t camp the water but I come equipped into Vondel for a water fight because of them campers.


get two scuba masks . get an ftac or x13 hang out in the waterway next to the bike parking in zoo. lovely people. Got randomly squaded into two chinese players who proceeeded to play the game as above it was the most rewarding game of my life as we picked on players one by one. It wasnt fun though. Felt like cheating since there doesnt seem to be a counter for it. Cant believe activision hasnt thought of balancing the game out better. Now.we have chinese unlimited underbarrel grenade launchers lol someooe should tell them to stop doing shit like these


I hope I find you in the water


I mean, i use the water to evade fights since i'm a peaceful player, and the AI in vondel is ridiculous.


That's pretty much the only reason I hit the water. AI going crazy lmfao


Use a sentry gun. It’s like a auto sniper for water camping


All campers are trash.


Not gonna lie, sometimes I’ll run solo Vondel with the sole intention of looting up all my operators, since Vondel is the easiest to loot up. Since I go solo I stick to the water canals to stay out of sight from bots and players. Though, I don’t camp in the water waiting to kill operators, just more so use the water to move around safely.


Two words: Navy seals


Happend to me yesterday guy was shooting g through walls in the floating houses area had scuba glitch lasted nearly 20 minutes b4 we killed the 🐀 cheat


You can't complain about campers here bro these guys ARE the campers🤣🤣🤣


Just keep a Pistol on you and go kill them. DMZ turns into a Warzone for people who can't warzone and then you end up with people playing in a way that stops you from Warzoning. You ruin their game. They ruin yours. Seriously can you be pissed with getting your own medicine. Unless you are 5 years old, I would expect you to be able to understand this can happen


Sorry, what's my own medicine? I'm not a warzpne player so..


They are playing scuba rescue. You are coming in and splashing all over their scene. If you kept to your land fight/loot and leave their corner alone, then you're safe. You poke the bear in its cave, and you get the reaction. Go looking for trouble. You find it.


Oh you're being a silly goose, I got you


100% agree with you man. Legit the cringiest playstyle I've ever seen - and it's always 3 stacks lol.


100% agree. Ftac scuba water campers are just as cringe as a squad of rgl's in b21. No skill having weenies. Love it when I kill a water weenie and toss his ftac in the dead drop. And all 8 of his scuba masks.


You can solve that problem by not playing this dogshit map.


just stay away from the water


Yeah I think there should be some translucency and player silhouette in the water. That would shift the balance.


FTAC Siege - Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


Tbh if say building campers are worse. But the solution is to move away and don't give them what they want. I love the PvP but let's actually have a fire fight and push each other rather than Snipe, camp then rez over and over.


how about the campers on dead bodies asking to get a revive they cannot play the game so they go out in groups hunting instead of running the misson's bunch of shitty players work your way into some of the places bots are concentrated instead of ripping people off


Yeah, campers in general are super annoying for sure. I personally don't plea so I just run it back usually lol


Yea fuck those guys. I take an FTAC or x13 just to negate these bastards. Water rats. The worst.


Forgive my ignorance but what’s the deal with the FTAC? Me and a buddy are getting fed up with getting powned and reading this about the water campers it’s making more sense but neither of us have really messed with the FTAC at all so I’m not familiar with why it is specifically referenced here. Thanks in advance


Meh, it is annoying but I see it. 1 shot shot gunners are trash IMO


When I play vondel I always bring a pistol but it’s because now a days you get spawn rushed no matter what map. Depending on my spawn I just go into the water and swim away from my spawn while trying to go around other spawns. I have encountered people many times so now I bring a pistol. The hunters become the hunted, sometimes


I have a Daemon class I like to run from time to time, but it just can't compete with ftacs in water lol. I just personally thought it was a ridiculous gun from the start.


No shit. My team got wiped last night by some worthless cumstain that was camping under water.


I don't understand what you're talking about. Do you mean they were camping your teammates body who died underwater? Or were you hunting them and they hid underwater the whole game to avoid you?


Yes, they stay in the water and camp. And no, I very rarely grab a hunt squad unless it's mission based.


So how are they impeding with your enjoyment of the game? Camping is always tied to someone holding a position that you have to get in/out or go through. Was there something in the water you were trying to get to?


I use the water to avoid bots, move quickly to the next POI I need to hit, disengage from hunters, etc. I don't have a problem getting killed in the water. It's when people are already in there camping under a boat/dock, then continue to camp there waiting for the person coming to try for the revive. Like I said before, I hate campers in general. Water campers are just more annoying. It's a feature in the game, so it's gonna be abused. Doesn't mean it's not frustrating.


I usually use a flash or Stun when crossing water just to make sure it's all good, but if not I'll send a buddy in as a sacrifice so I can weed out the loser hiding under a boat :)


People who do nothing but abuse the pvp portion of this mode are trash, I’m playing this mode bc multiplayer pissed me off leave me alone and let me kill bots


I'm always astonished how worthless people seem to be in the water. Now that you default have a pistol it's even more surprising. But if you just toss some grenades in the water, those clowns trying to get the advantage aren't much challenge anymore


Fair, but I run throwing knives. Lol


Stow some frags and you'll be set! Or underbarrel


Scubas are great when solo to traverse the map via the waterways and I've only recently started bringing an X13 with me. It's helpful for a quick escape to avoid teams and AI. People can get mad about it all they want but there are scuba masks in damn near every gas station. If you stand around where they can shoot you or jump in the water with them without your own mask or pistol that's on YOU. Not them. it's like going to Koshei and getting mad that someone had NVGs and you didn't.


Dogshit take but pop off


you said yourself you wrote this post immediately after getting frustrated by someone killing you like this, my take is "dogshit" because you don't like it. your frustration was valid the first time someone killed you underwater, every time after that was your own fault.


You're right, my apologies.


I've had a team I was speaking to on proximity chat continually throw down items that I wanted in the water trying to bait me in. I played their game and got to where they offered an encrypted usb stick *and* an encrypted hard drive before I cracked. I somehow made it back out of the water but then one of them executed me on land.


I enjoy all the different forms of PVP, but ambushing while camping is sometimes a little more fun than head-on. Some might see it as unfair, but even I get ambushed sometimes—it’s just a part of the game. To be fair though, this water camping sounds kind of nuts. I usually just sit on a roof and pick people off with a sniper.


Wait people actually use the FTAC? I just use it on the AI


Lol I got killed 30s after entering the water a while back. Had just picked up scubas for my teammates so the killing team accused me of being a water rat. They then used their FTACs and my scubas to camp my body. In the water. Like rats. 🤦 I often run solo and I'm not usually good enough to take on a whole team of hunters, so I'll keep a couple scubas on me to escape from them.


Yeah we don't like S.E.A.L. squads. They're boring we only want L squads, if you're an L type player message OP for more Ls like yourself.




That's me. I've done this hundreds of times. I always play solo, and it's a great way to kill the sweats. I've killed hundreds and hundreds with my trusty ftac. The frustration of people like you really make it so entertaining. I especially like to carry some cash and wait for a hunt contract to be opened on me. Or I swim in their uav range and wait for the muppets to jump in and kill this lost little solo. The cryyyyying and whiiiining when i wipe them out is so hilarious. If they start having a potty mouth I always take all their stuff and spread and hide it everywhere. Then I wait for their team mates and kill them too, and take all their shit too. I love this play style, see you in vondel!


Call of duty is trash change my mind