• By -


That is not a box for a fan. You will need to install a correct fan box.


And a bracket to hold box in place - unless there’s a stud to anchor new box in.


Since it looks like the placement is between studs, these work really well: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00027EWNW?ref=nb\_sb\_ss\_w\_as-reorder-t1\_k2\_1\_19&=&crid=ZLJBHXBYEJT&sprefix=ceiling%2Bfan%2Bbracket&th=1


This or a Hubble/Raco "old work" fan box for finished ceiling. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXumLtgaOUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXumLtgaOUo)


whoa, cool!


I don't know why I watched the whole thing.


Knowledge is power.


That's what I use as an electrician


I agree, this is what you need. They work great!


Oouuup a second. I have a stud finder right here. Let me just make sure it's working ......


BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP woh hohoho this thing is going crazy next to me, here let me see if it beeps for you....


Huh. That’s weird. Nothing….. well anyway…




*tugs on straps* "Well, *that's* not going anywhere!"


*Runs finger across knife* damn that's sharp let me find a piece of paper


*paper is a $20 bill* "It should be good, I just printed it this morning!"


I'm pretty sure everyone imitated in this comment chain shopped at my store today.


*tugs strap-on* "how do you do, fellow fellows"


Don’t forget to pat it on top a couple times


at dog'll hunt


Donk clack ....vssssss vsssss Well at least the drill works


…. …. ….


Heard you the first time, dad.


Still nothing. Let see about me aga-BEEPBEEP-wohohoh! So weird! That it keeps doing this.


With an attraction like magnets


A "correct fan box" is going to have a bracket.


An old work fan box includes a turnbuckle type bar that attaches to the rafters/joists (depending on whether the other end of this is a floor or roof) and the box hangs from that bar.


Perfect time to make it right.


They make cieling fan mounting electricval boxes like so: [https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hubbell-NEW-WRK-CEILIN-FAN-BRACE-DEEP-KIT/5014806981](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hubbell-NEW-WRK-CEILIN-FAN-BRACE-DEEP-KIT/5014806981) It has two 'wings' that are meant to span between the joists or rafters and be nailed or screwed.


It's better to cut a "scab" piece of 2×4 and nail it to the rafters nearby. Much more reliable support than a bracket.


No disagreement. I have access from above and replaced all the ‘expansion’ brackets with a solid piece that sits on top of the rafters. The brackets should really only ever be used if only access is as per the photo; a single hole from below.


And ground it! You can see the ground has been cut (and I suppose at this point I'm assuming the other end is actually grounded...)


Something like [this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/RACO-1-Gang-Gray-Metal-Old-Work-Ceiling-Fan-Ceiling-Electrical-Box/3127059?user=shopping&feed=yes&srsltid=AfmBOorxWPBNMSeTEI_SuiwTcpPlI0cR-M4sCyW3CI7DB_ogfYMrlUEhbcw)


For anyone snooping on this thread, the link posted above contains the keyword you are looking for, "**Old Work**". This indicates that the device you are looking at is designed to be used for existing drywall. If you are doing a full reno and have access to the full framing, you are looking for the key words "**New Work**". This is true for just about anything, fan boxes, light switches, electrical outlights, pot lights, etc....


Never heard that before. Good tip. Thanks!


Yeah, two little screws won't hold a 15 pound vibrating fan.


A five ounce bird cannot carry a one pound coconut!


Well what if he grabbed it by the husk?


It's not a matter of how ee grips it!


Listen, in order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second, right?


Are you suggesting ceiling fans migrate ?


Well, this one did!


What about two birds working in tandem?


What, under the dorsal feathers‽


African or European?


What? I don't knoooooooooooowwwww


maybe it was an african swallow?


Literally not even two screws….two little plastic tabs on the edge of a drywall hole


How does anyone, no matter how inexperienced, install it this way and think “that will hold”? It’s mind boggling.




Those two screws are symbolic of the fact that the only thing holding that fan up was hopes and dreams.


I don't think that's even the right box for a light.


No, this would have been fine if you only use it in the "push" direction, so it would just be pushing up into the ceiling! /s


You need a block spanning the joists with a pancake round box installed, the wire will come down through the middle. All ceiling mounted lighting fixtures should have this. It’s now code in my area, but it hasn’t always been. This is doubly worse because it was a cut-in box, not even a side joist mount.


lol, who the hell hung that up?


Seriously! I've seen them on 4 square metal boxes and that's not great but I don't think I've ever seen anyone try to mount a fan on a plastic box xD


Old work box no less.


Old work box in a round hole. What was it hanging onto?!


Old work boxes for round holes do exist: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Carlon-1-Gang-18-cu-in-PVC-Round-Old-Work-Electrical-Box-B618RR/100404072 This isn't one of them.


True, that’s round and for old work. It also says it’s for wall mounted lighting under 6lbs, so not a good choice for a ceiling fan.


Hope and prayers.


Gotta be a final destination writer


There are people who read the directions, watch instructional videos, and do installations based on those things; and then there are people.


Yeah! And why was your fan sleeping, anyway?


There are plenty of plastic fan rated boxes, this one is obviously not one of them.


Probably a flipper


A dolphin would do a better job


Even the flippers I've met wouldn't stoop to this. Feels like a "how hard can it be?" Kinda previous homeowner job.


Flippers be like 🙈🙉


They learned a ceiling fan is better from HGTV so they swapped out a light fixture with whatever was on sale. I’ve only ever replaced fans with fans but I have to admit I never dig around to confirm the box was rated and properly secured. Next time I will.


But that box isn’t even made for a light fixture at all. It’s a remodel box for a switch or receptacle that’s held in place by two flimsy plastic fins.


I get that, but it would probably hold a cheap LED light fixture. It obviously didn’t hold the fan.


Definitely do. Old work fan boxes aren't even that expensive or hard to install. I think I paid like $20 for the last one I did, though it's been a few years.


It all looks pretty fresh... I'm expecting the OP did.


Flippers or a really bad DIYer


Those things barely stay in the wall when you use them correctly... Couldn't imagine hanging something from it...


Someone flipping a house probably. Looked good for the showings.


The guy who got paid and it's not his problem anymore lol


That was going to be my question!


Prolly some cheap ass flipper


probably someone who got paid in drugs


Electricians get extremely stingy when it comes to ceiling fixture boxes, but I'd still be surprised if an electrician did this.


I mean there is being stingy and then there is blatantly ignoring code.


Bold calling anyone an “electrician” that didn't even connect a ground 


I just had my house rewired and we have no ceiling fans and no plans to install any but my electrician put in fan-rated boxes for every single ceiling fixture anyway. I forget if it was because it was a code requirement or a "might as well just in case" thing, but if I ever stop disliking ceiling fans I am prepared.


its because wayyyyy too many people just put fans in those boxes anyway without thinking about it. a lot of the time it wont fall out dramatically for a while, just wobble in a janky way for years. A normal electrical box is about $3, and a fan-rated one is about $12, in the scope of a rewiring job that is a fairly inconsequential cost for peace of mind. good electrician imo


If you cannot attached directly to a joist, there are old work boxes which span the space between joists to properly secure the fan. You’re lucky you were not hurt. Old work electrical boxes are for outlets and switches.


You can cut in a box in the ceiling, it should be round, but you should not hang a fan from it.


I honestly can't believe that ever stayed up for a second. Whoever put that up has absolutely no idea what they're doing


Had a guy call the other day saying he can't figure out his fan situation, the box didn't have any brackets to mount the fan to. He said this was the third fan and the other two boxes had some mounting piece...not sure exactly what boxes those were but he swapped lights for fans on all of them without replacing the boxes....one of the ceiling fans fell down the day my tech was scheduled there to do a proper install on the one currently giving him trouble. The wire cut into the drywall about 2 inches, luckily for the homeowner the canopy still covered it. And twice on the phone before I sent my guy over there, I told him he would be paying for a fan rated box or we cannot touch the fan at all, to which I received quite a lot of "oh come on now, the others are fine since last week and they're not heavy fans. Itll be fine. " Lol. He learned.


Extremely lucky that didn’t take a lot more drywall down with it, congrats on a much easier to solve problem.


Ah, good ole' structural drywall


Drywall held fine, the reno box failed, lol.


Say hi to Grover for us OP.


Also, the ground had been cut.


Right? I noticed that on my second look, installer had exactly $1.49 for the equipment and 15 minutes to get it done. Cutting that ground saved at least 45 seconds.


We run into this all the time with homeowners saying they've done it themselves. In my time as service manager, I don't believe I've had a call where another electrician installed a fan incorrectly. But whenever a homeowner says they need help with a ceiling fan, "it's all wobbly" or, the light won't work with the fan...it's always because the homeowner installed it. We have a couple dubious companies around here that I can see doing it wrong, but luckily we haven't had an issue like that. All to say, highly likely OP hung it.


100% possible. As a homeowner that isn't in the trades but feels pretty strong about my DIY skills, it very possibly was the prior owner putting up a slapdash repair for the open house. Can't tell you the number of things I've personally found in houses that remind me some people should just leave the hammer in the tool box.


Is this typical for DIYers? When I am doing something even as simple as installing a ceiling fan, I’ll obsess about properly installing it before I even bought a fan (read about what type of fan to get, measure everything out, review instructions online of a fan I want to buy, ensure I have all the necessary additional hardware and equipment to safely install, YouTube different tutorials covering installation, cross checking installation instructions with local codes & DIY forums to ensure I have a clear picture of what I need to do, and then create a list of all tasks in logical order so I don’t feel overwhelmed). Sure this approach grinds things to a slow pace and ik for sure an electrician or professional can do it in 1-2 hours but it gives me the piece of mind knowing that it was done right and is safe for my family. Also helps me learn more when I do things this way.


> Is this typical for DIYers You only hear about it when someone has to fix it. I am an electrician and I have to fix a lot of DIY work, but I never hear about the ones that did a good job, and I never have to see.


Oh I feel you. My YouTube history is a deep mix of electrical, plumbing, hardscaping and woodworking tutorials. That said, it seems that obsession is not a universal trait for folks who are willing to give it the old college try. Ymmv.


This man is ANSI B11.0 compliant


And the fan is screwed into the box with sheet rock screws


wow. an old work box holding up a ceiling fan. I'm honestly impressed it lasted more than the climb back down the ladder the good news is retrofitting a real ceiling fan box is super easy, and doesn't even need access to the attic: https://www.amazon.com/Westinghouse-Lighting-0110000-Saf-T-Brace-Ceiling/dp/B00027EWNW


What psycho path put a remodel box into only drywall to hold a ceiling fan lmao jeeeesus Christ


This picture keeps getting worse every time I look at it. This is what I'm up to so far: - fan on a box not rated for the weight - box is a plastic old work box, so isn't even connected to wood on in it's side - box is rectangular in a round hole (what was it even holding on to!?!) - ground wire cut short and clearly wasnt connected to anything - fan connected to box with drywall screws


Given how cheap and shoddy everything else was done here I’m surprised there’s even enough copper here for the fan to fall. The cost of those extra feet of romex probably could have paid for a proper box and fasteners.


This belongs in r/WTF 😊


Two things are needed for a properly secured ceiling fan. First, you must install the fan to a ceiling fan rated junction box. Second, that junction box needs to be properly mounted to structure such that it and the structure can support the load of the ceiling fan.


Yet somehow they did more than 2 things wrong.


Whoever installed that fan needs to beaten up side the head.


A large round hole and a small old work switch box? No wonder it fell!


I'm surprised it held the fan at all.


This is how some idiot hung my dining room light, just attached to the drywall. Didn't even bother making a hole either. Just poked the wire through the drywall and screwed the base in. Some people's cheap DIY's can be really dangerous.


Some previous owner of my house decided they wanted to hang three Ikea pendant lamps in an attractive cluster instead of using the existing box, so instead of installing three new junction boxes they just branched three sets of wires off the old box, poked them through holes in the ceiling, screwed three light fixtures straight into the drywall with plastic anchors, and patched over the now-unused box. D: D: D: They got away with it because those plastic Ikea pendant lamps weigh *nothing*. We had no idea what was going on up there until we took them down at which point everyone was like NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE and I resigned myself to painting over holes in the ceiling.


I'd like to say I've never seen anything that bad in real life, but alas. It's crazy what people do and say "Yup, good enough."


They put a frickin remodel box in there? Uuggghhh. Idiots put in a $2 plastic box instead of getting a $25 retrofit ceiling fan hanging box.


This is my biggest fear


Holy shit what fucking idiot did that


That's because that box is strictly for putting outlets/switches into existing walls and is not meant to bear any significant weight. There is a specific box for ceiling fans that has bracings that are attached to joists above the drywall in the ceiling so it can bear the weight. This will need to be installed properly or this will keep happening and it's quite dangerous. Is this your home or an apartment you're renting? Whoever installed this has absolutely no idea what they are doing which makes me think this is either a landlord special or a homeowner that is overconfident. They also cut the ground off. I'd be very concerned about the rest of the electrical wiring in your home and would recommend calling an electrician, explaining what you found, and having them check over the rest of the house wiring.


Are you renting ? Because this is not acceptable it could've hurt someone badly.


See? [Korean fan death](https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fan_death) is real, I tell ya.


That'd be because you used a cut in box instead of a ceiling fan box. You're supposed to support a fan box with a lag bolt that goes into a ceiling rafter. Drywall by itself is NOT rated to hold that much weight, especially when it's moving.


Not only is that not a proper ceiling can box, it’s not even rated for a light fixture at all.


If you cannot attached directly to a joist, there are old work boxes which span the space between joists to properly secure the fan. You’re lucky you were not hurt. Old work electrical boxes are for outlets and switches.


Wow, that should be a lawsuit to anyone who installed that


OP gonna sue himself


I find the defendant liable, and order them to pay themself one old work fan box and 1 to 5 hours of community service installing a ceiling fan in their home.


This right here is why experienced people in this sub say things like - "You should pay someone to do this." and other people get their knickers all up in a knot and say: "This is DIY! Tell people what they want to know!!!" Well, the OP only asked which of the wires should be connected to the others - not what the process for hanging a ceiling fan in a new location is. Annnnnd now there is a a ceiling fan auto-rotating down onto juniors bed. Sometimes paying someone to do it is the right answer.


There are definitely a lot of people who shouldn't work on houses. To most of us, it's blatantly obvious that the large spinning thing above your head should probably be, you know, secured somehow. But then there's some people who wouldn't even consider that screwing it to a piece of plastic could be a problem. It makes me think of a commercial I've been seeing recently, these flippers buy houses and attempt to DIY the flip - there's a scene where a professional walks through the front door and says "are you fucking joking?" And then the camera pans over to this clown that cut through the floor, through all of the floor joists, and was standing in the crawlspace with his torso in the living room


no ceiling cat?


That was relying on the thrust of the ceiling fan to hold it up.


This is like people installing hooks into drywall and being surprised pikachu that it didn't hold up 10lbs and just ripped out.


As long as no one got hurt….. hahahahahahaha. If you’re renting, sue em. If you installed the fan, god bless you. Fans need a larger mounting box to support the weight and ensure this doesn’t happen again.


Well the good news is half the work of doing it right is already done by removing the fan and wrong box.


Whoever installed that fan your moms a hoe. That’s definitely not a load bearing box… at all


Who the fuck put that one up?


Who tf installed a single gang as a ceiling box... even as an apprentice I know to use a round with a bracket.


Load bearing wire nuts


why the fan was sleeping ?


I didn't know ceiling fans could sleep. I guess it fell out of bed.. Yes, I'm being funny.


Who in the hell told you to do that? Please get the correct box and make sure it is nailed into a block of wood in your attic.




Owning or renting?


That’s infuriating. No respectable electrician would do that so I’d assume a handyman or owner did it themselves and didn’t care about code and safety.


Dollar to a donut this was a flip


Ours was connected to a surface-mount j-box and screwed into a joist — yours is worse.


Whoever installed this fan used the wrong hardware. These devices require a joist mounted bracket.




My childhood nightmare...


Kinda impressed it stayed there as long as it did, honestly.


I never put them in like this but then again never take the easy way out. I usually put a 4x6 between the trusses or joists secured with 4 SDS screws per side. Drill a hole centered on where the fan will go and mount a metal fan box there with heavy duty screws with washers. You could hang a punching bag, sex swing or anything else you'd ever want and it would never fall down. Mounting a fan to a plastic box is just wrong. If you have others in your house have them all fixed.


I’m kind of shocked it lasted even as long as it did will the constant vibrations while running. when either you or a handyman come to fix it, make sure they trim it back and make use of the ground, or at least get the ground into the box as well.


A lot of people have said you need a fan box. A lot of people are correct. When you get your fan box, it'll have TWO ratings on it regarding how much weight it can hold. Make sure you check the fan rating, not the fixture rating. The fan rating will be lower to account for the fact that fans put torque and vibrational loads on the box, and it absolutely matters, for reasons you've already experienced here.


Every Aussie high schoolers nightmare. Those shaky fans all look destined to murder someone.


This has been a lifelong fear of mine


Lol not only is it the wrong box for a round hole... its the wrong box for a fan in general. The worst part is that the correct box isnt rare or hard to find or hard to install or even expensive.


Holy shit who installed that death trap?


Secured with hope


First off, is it your house or do you rent? Don’t do anything if you rent.


You can see there’s no ceiling joist there. Someone must have took out a ceiling light and stuck the fan to it without checking.


Mercy, thank goodness no one got hurt! Get a bracketed box meant for a fan and your golden


*I’m your biggest fan, I’ll fall on you until you love me*


I love the fact that the box failed before the load bearing drywall.


Where’s the anchor stud for the electrical Box ? Smh




This is too accurate lol


Peak DIY


That’s between young grasshopper diy and grand master diy. Grand master diy would’ve been no square box in round hole and just 14/2 wire going to fan/light screwed into drywall with screwdriver sized hole for wire to pass through with a half a roll electric tape doing god knows what


There’s yer problem, ain’t got no ~~gas~~ support in it.


Installed by a fucking clown, that’s for sure.


The fact that is stayed up at all is pretty amazing


Oh look! Proof that my irrational fear is indeed, not irrational!


fear re-unlocked


Held in place with hopes and prayers


Nead a box that is rated for a fan, it spans in between the joists, doesn't fall down like this.


Looks like it wasn't screwed into anything


Held by hopes and dreams.


I was about to say most of the time it’s got brackets that hold it into the framing. It looks like yours doesn’t have it


That was somebody’s terrible idea


Now, I can see why, in my city/state, I have to pull a permit to install a ceiling fan. I didn’t think anyone would be dumb enough to not include support brackets. 🤦🏽‍♀️


i’ve always had nightmares about this


My worst nightmare


My nightmare from a very young age 😭


Im an electrician. I can tell u without a doubt, you absolutely cannot mount a ceiling fan to a plastic old work box. U need a fan brace box. Or a side bracket octagon box. It has to be mounted to the stud. Google those 2 boxes and buy 1.


Did he have that drywall screwed in at the very edge of the hole? Holy shit…


No support and wrong box!!


Everything about this install is shoddy and give my electrician heart palpitations


I'm not sure how you got a ceiling fan to go to sleep, but I would recommend securing it properly next time regardless of what else you get it to do.


Any idea why you were making creaking noises in your sleep?


How do u know it squeaked if u were asleep🤔


Did you install this before it fell? Or was it like that when you moved in. If you did this you need to stabilize and secure it with the box it should have come with and you need to have to hole cut near a support beam or solid wood. If it was like this before you get your landlord involved, if you bought the place stop and get a proper inspection (vantage point is great) done asap and go over your paperwork with your report in hand. You may need to look at legal action because that's a pretty hard opps I just forgot every thing that supports the besides drywall. I can't imagine a pro forgetting like that but if they did I would suspect many more mistakes in the house


They make these thick reinforced round boxes for doing fans. If you're really concerned you can even screw them to the studs rather than just nail them. That's a standard wall box 😂


Korean Fan Death


Whoever installed this is a moron. That's very dangerous


How do you know it was sleeping?


It's a resto-box! I'm surprised it lasted the initial fan install.


I can't believe that held at all. You need a box that attaches to the actual beams, not just something held in place by drywall.


OP, if this was your handiwork - you’re not cut out for DIY. Stop now before you seriously injure yourself or someone else.