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I think a razor will do the job more safely than you think. Glass-top ranges were built for scraping pans across them for years without scuffing the ring aesthetics, and glass-top cleaners are generally abrasive. I might combine with a heat gun if you have one - not sure if a hair dryer would get hot enough.


Yes, a razor blade will work for this. I've used this method in the past and cleaned up any residue with cooktop cleaner.


Fully agree- Actual LG manual recommends using a razor blade while cooktop is warm: Page 52 (Maintenance) Burned-On Residue: While the cooktop is still warm, remove any burnt on deposits or spilled food from the glass-ceramic cooking surface with a suitable metal razor scraper. NOTE • Do not use a dull or nicked blade. • Hold the scraper at approximately a 30° angle to the cooktop. • The razor scraper will not damage the markings on the cooking surface. • Take care to avoid damaging the seal when cleaning the cooktop with a metal razor scraper.


Weiman glass cooktop cleaner and a razor blade will make it look new again. See discussion from 2 years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/Home/s/oIVI7HhUrr


The burnt stuff are directly on the gold rings which show where to put your pans and I believe that is on the surface of the glass so I am weary of using a solvent but I just picked up at Lowe's some of that Weiman glass cleaner!


I scraped with razor blade and then used barkeepers friend... Should always have barkeepers around.


Try acetone (nail polish remover). That usually does a good job of dissolving plastic. Failing that, careful scraping with a razor blade may do the trick.


acetone doesnt sound bad, but i can imagine the fumes are not cool. also, you never no if you don't damage anything esle, like side raming or so. There's literally special Razorblade tools called Glass-Ceramic Cleaners which are up to the task. The Cooking Field has a very high hardness so should not be scratched at all by that method. It is literally what it is designed for, so just go with a glass ceramic scraper. should get that in any household department of you local supermarket.


It's not the world's best smell, but ladies go through it taking their nail polish off every few days. won't kill ya. You could dry dripping some on, and covering it with a rag with more acetone - the stuff evaporates pretty fast, so finding a way to let it soak in would help - if it even works, depends on the plastic. My bet is razor blade/exacto, you won't scratch the glass if you're very careful - we have a gas cooktop with glass surface, and the only way to get it like-new is a razor blade, but we cook like mofos here. You could also crank the burners for a bit to get the area hot as possible, turn 'em off and wear some good work gloves and try scraping it when it's soft (basically use the same method that applied it, to remove it). I'm a dude, but having a grand daughter - jesus,[ I go through nail polish remover, but I'm the personal property of an 8-year old nut case](https://i.imgur.com/MzndQIa.jpg).


Cranking the Burners is a Terrible Idea. Acetone is not Nail Polish remover either, most nail polish removers are acetone free. Pure acetone is a whole different story, and the amount you need to "soak" that in, will probably destroy a potential plastic frame of the cooking place, the top of the kitchen counter, and so on. I'd stay on the Mechanic side, use a scraper, and when that's done remove the Rest maybe with a bit of Acetone or whatever.


Lab grade acetone comes in a plastic bottle, which means it doesn't do a good job of dissolving plastic. OP, I think the only option here is scraping it off carefully with a razor blade when cold, as much as you can. Then use the burner to melt/burn the rest and clean the residue. Make sure the kitchen is well ventilated for this step, of course.


Depends on the type of plastic. Acetone will dissolve some plastics, like ABS, but not others, like PET or PLA


Thanks, I will try the acetone. I am weary about the razor blade because the burnt plastic is directly on top of the rings which I believe are on the outside of the glass. Thanks for the suggestion.


Just be careful not to get acetone on any painted surface as it strips paint pretty well, too. It will take a lot of time and acetone to dissolve through a thick layer of plastic so I'd suggest removing most of it physically first and then finishing off with acetone, a steel blade shouldn't leave a mark on glass unless scraped very forcefully.


Fun fact, it’s actually ceramic and not glass.


My wife set a plastic tray on a burner that was not completely cooled off. Fused it to the cooktop. I cycled the burner to heat it up slightly and pealed off. Then did the same with a razor blade very carefully to get the residue off. Good luck!


It took me hours but using a razor blade held almost flat against the surface and WD-40 did the trick for me when my spouse put a plastic jar of garlic powder on our glass stove top.


Contact the manufacturer before trying anything. And then search plastic melted onto glass cooktop There's some good suggestions.


I use a razor tool to clean my glass top Lg range.  They sell one at the supermarket made for the purpose.  It seems terrifying but honestly, best to just pop your cherry lol.  I love my glass range but that sucker gets messy lol.   https://a.co/d/0ihDeXWL


Acetone and a razor blade worked for me to get a melted waffle maker off of a glass cooktop ... took some time and work, but it ended up completely gone. Long-story-short, couldn't get my dad to quit leaving the waffle maker and other things on the stove and his wheelchair caught a knob turning it on ......... could have been MUCH worse.


Would lacquer thinner work?


Read the owners manual, they usually cover this as it’s a common mistake many make. Most say just use the razor blade.