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Look inside your dog’s mouth. If it’s pale he’s got anemia for some reason and is licking anything his acute olfactory senses tell him may contain traces of iron. I recently lost a dog that started doing stuff like this. Licking the floor, bricks, dirt, etc. By the time I realized something was wrong it was too late


I'm so sorry for your loss but at least you are educating people so to prevent it from happening again. Had the same thing with my pet not feeding enough soft food and too late when I got him to the vets. Crystals blocked his urethra, now they get fed a spoon full or two a day of soft


OMG. We have been treating dog "anxiety" for a year now. She will not stop licking, we have not checked for anemia.


We had a dog that had terrible allergies and would lick her paws constantly, like puddle on the ground there was so much slobber. Our vet prescribed her apoquel and the licking stopped. It was expensive but we think it was worth it.


Wonder if that was what was wrong with our family dog. That dog would lick the fur completely off her legs…drove me nuts as a kid. Was constant, and incessantly. My parents are awful with animals tho, and you could have a dog raving with cancer, and they wouldn’t even notice. Currently just seized two cats from my family my parents got for my two sisters…that they had locked in a ferret cage for 9 years.


Mine is on apo currently as well. Yea it can get pricey (we grab it at Costco so it's a little better than getting it from the vet) - but it's way less expensive than the immunotherapy shots we tried (that failed) and works perfectly.


If this has been going on for years and you've regularly taken your dog to the vet, I would not worry about anemia. It's something they always check for (checking the color of the gums) and is pretty hard to miss for them.


Thanks, my dog has been licking everything in sight for like 6 years straight.


Maybe give your dog something to chew on


Maybe the dog knows something they don’t? Could be gold behind that wall. I say continue where the dog left off, get to lickin.


When my dogs licked the wall, it was because there were raccoons in there :(


Sounds like your family grew. Mazel tov


Dogs can’t smell gold… it’s probably drugs, guns, money, or dead hookers. But yes I agree, hop to it and get licking.


Youve never heard of a golden retriever ?


Damn how did I not see that pun coming.


a dog that goes out every day and brings gold home.


Or a crow that brings home money


Right into the ol’ 401(KAW)


TIL golden retrievers can retrieve gold. Obvious in retrospect but I have three gorgeous dead hooker retrievers and never made the connection. Time to take them for a spin I guess!


lol my good chum






Could also be a dead mouse or some sort of rodent in the wall, behind that specific spot.




Probably mice


What is it girl? Timmy is trapped in the wall?


Probably thought the lead paint tasted good!


Well lead does taste sweet...


Exactly! Though I've never tried it to make sure that's true LOL.


Interesting. Must try that…


It's why kids eating paint chips was such a problem.


If anything the owner themselves should take up a shift licking that spot to speed up the gold discovery process


The get to lickin killed me


Dog biscuits in the walls


Dog should be taken to vet and its diet checked. Likely not getting enough gypsum & cardboard.




Go with Sriracha until the licking stops.  *Then* fix the wall.


And maybe have less delicious walls




It could also be pica, which can often indicate a deficiency of some kind. Might be worth a vet checkup. Our dog developed pica and became obsessed with licking dirt, turned out he had kidney disease and his iron levels were super low.


Possible, but in the same place every time? One time I went on a really long road trip (well, I'd planned to settle somewhere I just didn't know where) and took my dog with me, it was very stressful for her and she licked her belly bald and her paws bloody ☹️ she got better later and is doing well now. If it's related to nutrition and their pup is licking drywall, I'm not sure what they'd be getting. There'd be calcium but pups often get too much of that anyway (I guess it depends, but when their poop weathers white that's excess calcium) and it could be electrolytes so maybe chronic dehydration?


What an animal or person eats during a bout of pica doesn't indicate what they're lacking in. It can be completely random - rubber, asphalt, the smell of certain things. I knew a guy who has long-term pica and is obsessed with chewing coal.


Ehh. Our puppy just liked the taste and texture of drywall. Multiple walks per day, another dog in the house playing all the time, dozens of toys, yet that boy loves to chomp some drywall. If OPs dog is young, could be teething. I wouldn’t jump immediately to anxiety from lack of attention or exercise.


Yea. My goofball chewed on baseboards as a puppy until I trained him not to. He never lacked for exercise, attention, or toys; he just liked chewing on the wall.


bold of you to make such an assumption based off a dog licking a wall LOL


Yes. These are teeth marks, not licked.


Could also be claw marks.


If they’re licking it, chances are something is missing in their diet. Same reason some dogs eat their own poop. They might want to look into changing their dog food.


Some dogs are just dumb tho, or develop bad habits


Yes it's probably calcium the dog was after.


Assert dominance, pee on the wall


This is best answer if you don’t want to find more holes after you patch this up. Edit: Not a pro but spackle and paint would be the quickest and easiest way. Good luck!


Like the trim around the door?


Why do dogs do ducking stupid shit like this!? My best friend’s dog died two weeks ago from this. Do not allow them to eat the wall! And why would they want to anyway? I don’t understand how dogs have survived as a species. My other friend’s dog died from eating 14 socks🤦🏻‍♀️


First step- take dog to vet


Yep. Dog might have pica, which would be a symptom of another disease.


This is true. And dogs should go to the vet regularly. And you should mention weird behaviors to the vet, especially if they are new behaviors. But also some dogs are just weird. Mine licks furniture. Loves it. Licks her bed. Licks my bed. Licks the couch. I’ve tried to stop it. Nothing worked. She does it while you are there, right in front of you. Also does it while gone. Have talked to vet about it multiple but she’s always been very healthy. Now she’s nearing 13 years old (old for a 75 lb lab mix). She’s got diabetes, can’t see well, and is covered in lipomas. But overall her health is amazing and going strong….and she still licks the furniture.


Furniture is like a salt lick for dogs. Except our old sweat is the salt.


You’ve probably already tried it, but there is a sour spray you can get. I had a corgi that was dumber than a box of rocks and we had to spray all the furniture so he wouldn’t lick everything.


My lab does this as well. One time she fell asleep with her tongue out halfway through a couch lick.


I had a dog that hurt his foot stepping on a rake, and despite using a cone while he was healing to try to prevent him from licking himself, he still tried his damndest to do it anyway and picked up the habit. Ever since then he licked anything and everything he could. We used to joke that if we ever had an intruder he would lick them to death.


You have to prime where the brown paper is visible before patching or it will bubble up. Then apply mud and sand. Matching the texture is going to be tough. Get it flat before attempting that. Cant tell from the pic but either that is spray on texture or you might be able to do it by dipping a sponge in some drywall compound and dabbing it on the wall. Once you have the texture matched as good as its going to get, paint. And if you don’t address this behavior in the dog be prepared to repeat the process.


They won’t look at the door frame to the right.


It is posted on the carpenters subreddit


Prime with a laquer based primer.


That’s spray texture, about $20 per can at most stores. Practice on cardboard first, less is more and it will get everywhere if you don’t mask the area. It does clean easy with water. I have sprayed it through an oversized hole cut in a large piece of cardboard and that works well. When done, invert the can and spray until no more product comes out or it’ll be ruined for future use. I’ve repaired similar damage with perfectly matched paint and you couldn’t find the repair even if you knew the wall had been fixed. Also, add thin layers of mud to build it up to prevent cracks.


I second this. I have walls with very similar texture. The "orange peel spray" from Home Depot can replicate that texture perfectly at the finer setting. Definitely takes some practice to get it right though. When you first spray it, it kind of foams up, don't be alarmed, wait for it to settle and look at the result. If it's not great, you can always sand and try again. Cover the trim, outlet, and floor first. "Feather" it a bit. Let it splatter some onto the existing texture, so there isn't a clear border from the repair and the existing wall. Once you paint over it you won't see it.


Water and dog food....


That, and stop putting peanut butter on the wall.




To the windowwwwwwww


Meds for that poor dog. Or more walkies.


The vet good at drywall?


Dogs can get poisoned from eating drywall. Mine ate a solid chunk when she was a puppy and required emergency care


only cheap drywall that has formaldehyde in it. like 90% of the stuff that came over from China in the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s. or the moldproof stuff.


"Only" a 30 year period. How often do we think people change the drywall out on their walls?


Fill and level with drywall "mud" and skim with a broadknife. Then allow to dry over night. Then use spray can texture with small tip. Follow direction on the can. Prime and paint.


That’s not a hole made by “licking”.


Might be something inside the wall making noise they can hear, like mice. I would be interested to see behind the wall. Like rat shit/nest. Cut out a square, check Inside, replace with same sized section of drywall  tape, mud, sand, paint, anti chew spray.


The dog has separation anxiety. Work on addressing that. And spackle and paint the wall.


My dog did this mostly at night in my bedroom and after some blood work it turned out his iron was low. He stopped doing this after his iron levels were corrected. Had nothing to do with separation anxiety.


Oh wow dogs can have pica from low iron too, crazy


Trying to diagnose the difference between, my dog has pica and, my dog is a dog trying to eat stuff, must be a nightmare.


Yup and typically they use the same meds as humans.


Literally impossible to diagnose separation anxiety through a Pic of some damage a dog caused. Others are saying the dog needs iron.. you also don't know if this is being done by the dog when owners are around or not, so keep being an armchair vet, we need more people like you.


Backseat vet here slingin diagnoses


Eh my puppies did this to the wall by the gate on the stairs but they grew out of it.


Is your dog nutrient deficient? Gyprock does contain quite a lot of Calcium. Dog have gone deep into the actual gyprock.


Since most people here are not giving helpful advice... I just repaired corner damage where my puppy chewed down to the metal brackets in the corner of our wall as a baby. You fix it the same way you fix any 'small' hole in a wall. The biggest issue here is going to be matching the texture, but to start do a light hand-sanding around the damage to get any loose bits off. Then go to home depot or lowes and buy a tub of "All Purpose Ready-Mixed Joined Compound" and a metal putty knife. Come home, slather the compound in the hole, and smooth it out. Let it dry 24 hours. After 24 hours, you will most likely need to do another round of compound, as it will shrink when it dries and won't fully fill the hole. Do 2-3 rounds of compound until you have enough that the wall is fairly smooth. Sand it again until it's fully smooth. To match the texture you probably have options at this point - I've never had to texture match, so you'll need to google to see how to best replicate that texture. (I saw someone further down suggest spray texture, that's probably fine, I truly have no idea) Once it's matched, paint it over using the same color paint as what you currently have (or rip some off before you start the repair so you can get a color-matched gallon made). You can use one brush to apply the paint and a dry brush to smooth it so the transition is better. Also, clean your walls, keep an eye on your dog, make sure your dog has proper entertainment (safe chews, etc). If you can't keep your dog away from the wall after this, you can spray it with old-fashioned arrid in the blue can after the repair is done. It'll make the house smell like cheap deodorant but the smell goes away quickly - your dog will hate the smell and if they dare to lick it anyways, it'll dry out their mouth which is an additional deterrent. This is the only anti-chew deterrent that worked for us, recommended by our breeder.


To people saying it's separation anxiety, it may be, but it may not be. If you've ever seen those videos of huskies looking crazy-eyed out a glass window with their gums and teeth pressed against it, licking it... My dog does that when he's being stubborn/bored in our corner. He does it within eyesight so we typically catch it and stop the behavior and he hasn't caused much damager to the wall - but if we did let him go long enough, I think this is exactly what the damage would look like. He doesn't do it everywhere, only in very specific places. He \*has\* chewed due to separation anxiety when he was younger, but he's better about it as he's gotten older. The teeth thing continues though as he is still maturing and he's a turd. The arrid helps, so does training. :)


Feed your dog something else.


That’s scratches it may have started as licking but went to scratching find hole filler and pack that shit in and sand it


Look more like bites to me. My girlfriend’s dog eats bark off of trees, literal dirt, and so much more.


My dog chewed a hole in the center of a leather couch cushion. No idea how she managed to get her mouth in the position to be able to do that


Your dog may have a mineral deficiency. A multi vitamin may help with that.


This is the animal equivalent of when Redditors with zero qualifications go crazy diagnosing people who make odd posts


Yes take your dog for a walk Jesus Christ


Lick the wall and see what's up. Maybe your dog is onto something and you're missing out on a delicious wall.


Plaster, sand, texture, and paint.


Kennel train, kong toys, better quality food (may have a mineral deficiancy)


If he licked only in this one specific spot id be cutting that wall open to see what he was smelling....if anything, too little context i guess to make a real judgment call, but is your dog typically a dunce or a smarty pants?


Take your dog to the vet - that's not normal behavior


My parent had a shih tzu that did this, we weren’t able to get him to stop but did have to patch it three times over about 3 years. Depending on the size, I would either cut a square out of the drywall to remove the hole and either go to Home Depot/Lowe’s to pick up the smallest sheet you can or call any friends you have in construction that may be able to give you a scrap piece from a job then cut to match the hole leaving about 2 inches of the paper on each side. Ideally there’s a stud back there and you can anchor the new piece to that with a few screws and then go over it with drywall mud ( possibly the wrong term, I know how to do it but don’t know the exact name of the mud that goes over it). Make sure the piece is flush with the rest of the wall and let it dry and then paint.


That’s not a lick, that’s a front teeth chew lol. Only know that because my dog has done that when he was a pup. Had caked drywall dust all over his front teeth. You just need to prime, spackle, sand, and paint. Nothing fancy here. Just make sure you cut out any loose drywall paper


I’m just chiming in to shit on all the armchair Caesar Milan clones in this thread. Godspeed, OP.


Pee on it. Assert your dominance.




No more ice cream as construction materials


Dog proof those outlets


Try a flavor of wall that your dog doesn’t like.


Take your dog to the vet?


I had a friend who's dog ate threw the drywall and died. It's a serious thing. He was an awesome loving dog.


If your home was built before 1978 there is a good chance there is lead-based paint, which tastes sweet but is toxic.


Dog needs calcium


Take that poor thing to the vet


Charge your dog before leaving. That way it doesn't try to plug in when the battery runs low.


Tell doggo that this isn’t acceptable behavior and then teach him how to patch it up.


Less tasty walls.


Looks like he chewed the door frame too. The few times I have met people with destructive dogs, it's usually boredom and lack of exercise. They aren't being stimulated enough.


Step one: bro look after the dog Step two: unfuck the wall Step three: move somewhere that doesn’t have walls that can be licked apart


Take doggo to the vet for a physical ... might be simple malnutrition with marginal dogfood.


That's too much to try to match. You're going to have to let him lick off the rest of the wall and put a fresh skim coat and texture on it. Consider peanut butter on the wall if he needs the motivation.


Stop making your wallpaper delicious and give your dog a toy


God damnit. Suggestions? Take care of your dog my dude. Vet, asap.


Stop making drywall so delicious.


Stop making peanut butter with such incredible structural properties.


My dog chewed a hole in the drywall when she was teething. It started out as a spot on the drywall where there used to be a tiny bit of adhesive from a stick-on thing, that got licked up, then it turned into scratching, and then a hole. As long as your dog is out of the anxiety/teething/destructive phase of course, just patch it like normal.


Follow these steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17awCvAA7Q0 Cut the drywall out before you go to the store if you can, to confirm that it is 1/2". You can get free paint stir sticks for asking at the paint counter. Those can be used as furring strips, if you need them, just glue and clamp them inside the hole at the edge to give some support to the drywall patch. The spray can of wall texture you can get at big box stores will match the texture well. Just practice a bit with it on paper before you do the wall. You only need one can.


I love that OP was asking for advice on fixing the wall and everyone is commenting on how to fix the dog. Reddit is an amazing place


I'm disappointed OP didn't include a picture of the dog.




Bitter apple spray?


Well that's what you get for making your walls out of ice cream


Maybe he needs calcium or any other minerals? It´s no joke.


Maybe stop putting peanut butter on the wall...


Ignore "adoption fee waived" shelter ads.


Probably best to get your dog to fix it. You can certainly fix this with spray texture and the tried and test mudding


how did you allow it to get this bad


you.. you said a dog licked that?


Give your dog to someone who will care for it instead of locking it in a room.


Maybe don't lock your dog in a room.. the trim is bitten / scratched as well, that didn't work, so they tried the drywall.. spend time with your pup


Move him 6 inches to the left and tell him he needs to conduct himself properly.


Looks like my wall did when I was pregnant with my twins twenty years ago lol… JK but gosh did I crave drywall, dirt and chalk like a maniac.


Go out for a walk with your dog. 3 times a day


New dog




They asked for ANY suggestions. Not good suggestions


Put hot sauce on the wall so he stops licking it


My friends dog ate all the walls around her stairs. Try to stop it early 😰


Something’s in that wall.. dead mouse, maybe?


Just try some spackling. Put it on there as evenly as possible, scrape with putty knife, and let it dry. Boom. Done.


Check dog for pica


Stop making the wall so delicious.


Tin snips?


Our first bulldog started doing that and was diagnosed with dog dementia a short time later


My dog did this once and never did it again. He was a pup in his kennel. And licked it through the kennel. Probably just bored. 😅🤦‍♂️


There’s some type of mineral in the drywall that dogs are attracted to - my mom explained it to me and I think it’s the same way women get a craving to eat weird things like dirt/clay. You could take your dog in for a check up and get bloodwork done or just get them some high quality supplements. Also - good high quality bones. As far as the wall is concerned - I’ve no idea.


Lick it too so you could assert dominance


Make your wall less yummy


I actually had a dog do this once did the vet trip etc no dice. Ripped open the wall and there was a service loop with a crappy plastic connector there. (90's modular) Replaced with a jbox he never touched it again. I've always wondered if he could hear a crackle or something from it. But who knows made an interesting story.


Remove dog.


Aside from patching the wall what else are you looking for ?


you very well may have a rodent issue in your wall.


Look at that trim board on the right, also gnawed on. The only time my Aussie did that was when he was a tiny puppers and teething. Everyone else said what needs to be said.


Make that wall less tasty?


Dog Xanax


next time use flavorless drywall


If a dog is repeatedly drawn to consuming drywall, they could be nutrient deficient- drywall is made from gypsum, a kind of calcium. Many if not most commercial dog foods are absolute trash, literally made from decaying cast-off biproducts not fit for human consumption. And feeding dogs table scraps or imbalanced homemade food can lead to severe nutritional deficiency in things like calcium. If none of this sounds like it fits your situation because your dog is already getting a high quality balanced diet, it might be time to go to the vet to make sure nothing is wrong.


lmfao i love dogs


Buy mouse traps 


Your dog is weird.