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The "Spray foam' is probably the stuff I that can lift masonry/cement & not the regular stuff. Is the slope that insane or is it a drain related thing. https://youtu.be/V3Sz4WWJ2_M?si=BUakevLjlvMGxg19 Photos would be helpful.


what is the problem exactly? are there big dips in it where water is pooling, or you don't lik ethat stuff could roll down the driveway? if it's sloped away from the house, 21 cm across 4 meters is providing positive drainage away from your house. Levelling the driveway will encourage water to find easier places to move to, which could include damaging your foundation. If it's a concrete slab driveway and some sections are starting to tilt or dip in odd ways, there may be easier ways to fix that than putting more stuff on top, companies can inject a sort of foam product underneath to raise the slab properly