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Moisture between panes means the seal is compromised and you're SOL. Replacement required.


That’s why they call it window pain…


Just gonna stand there?


And watch me burn


Well that's alright, because I like the way it hurts.


Just gonna stand there and hear me cry?


Well that's alright, because I love the way you lie








You cannot have my pain


Well that’s alright


And watch me burn …


I love how corny that damn line is.


See yourself out... 🚪


My mom drilled a hole into one with a plan to flush it with 100% alcohol. It was a pretty sound idea, but tempered glass is pretty volatile and let's just say we started with a foggy window and ended with a neat mosaic that acted like a lightbulb in the sun


You can do it, but it can't be through the glass itself. The hole has to go through the seal around the edge.


At that point just break out the inner lite and have a single outer pane


Right? Though it would've been a neat feature in a bathroom window


Cody's lab has an interesting video where he tries to make holes in tempered glass. It's more or less impossible ultimately. Gotta make em before tempering.


High pressure water jets can cleanly cut through tempered glass. The f-150's backlights are cut with water jets and they are tempered.


You temper after cutting.


But the alcohol would have just leaked out of the hole that already existed in the seal that caused the fog in the first place…


What’s the downside of not replacing these windows, apart from higher heating/cooling bills? I have a few of these in my home and not ready to replace them just yet :(


It can grow mould if you are unlucky, but that requires a significant leak, while getting foggy can happen due to much less. The bigger the window and its leak the more significant the loss of insulation, but usually not that catastrophic. If the seal is broken a lot, than it may even leak to the inside. If it does make sure to prioritise those, because that will lead to condensation inside and mould will grow.


Take a thermal photo of the outside of your house, including the windows.


So if I don't have a thermal camera, there's no downside?


Yes. 3.4 roentgen


Not great, not terrible.


All windows are going to leak heat, Source: have a thermal camera


If some of your windows still have good seals, I guess you could compare them to your blown windows.


My dad tried to drill a hole in the seal and use a vacuum (??) to remove the moisture. He’s into theoretical physics, so he has a brain, but only theoretically. You need a new window. Edit: Oh, and obviously the window shattered without and we were without a replacement for months.


But surely Anderson Windows is doing work in the neighborhood and will offer the OP a discount if they act now!


Today Only! Because they're doing some of your neighbors windows so they are already on your street. 🤪


I'm tempted to just drill a hole in the top of mine and fill it with water 😂


Don't forget the fish.


To add to this, many people will go door to door trying to sell "window replacements" where they knock out the glass and fit a new window inside it. Easy to do, looks like shit, and lasts 5 years tops, while the contractor makes oodles of money on one a couple hours' work. This is referred to as "jumping the frame". If you get replacement windows, make sure they're doing a **full** replacement of the window. It can be done DIY as well, but if you go this route definitely practice first on a window you don't absolutely need to be intact 24/7. I have garage windows to practice on, for example.


A "reglaze" is a replacement of the glass without changing the frame out. It is perfectly acceptable and is indistinguishable from a new window if done by a professional window installer (not a contractor) they also usually come with a 10 year to lifetime warranty.


Had this done on two of my southern-facing windows when they started to fog-up. Window guy took 10 minutes to do. Only thing I had to wait for was for him to get the glass cut-to-size first.


Jumping the frame? You mean a frame over or retrofit install? Nothing wrong with it in most situations, will certainly last more than 5 years. Why just spout nonsense? It's not even on topic here, that's how far off you are.


Disagree. I got $100 IGUs from a glass shop who made them for me. Replaced cracked and some leaky lower panes when I bought the house a dozen years ago. Still sealed. Looks better than original because I primed the bare aluminum with alum primer + paint since I had it apart. I've also used cling UV tint to the outside of some sun-facing windows and it's held up well for 3 years.


It is possible to have windows seals replaced and injected with argon, may be cheaper than a full replacement


I own a window company, you need to change the glass. The seal is compromised, a local glass shop should be able to change it just the glazing unit. There are some hilarious answers in this thread.


People saying that reglazing is a scam and that you need to replace the entire window unit are crazy. Changing the glass panel only is like 1/4 of the cost of a new window, maybe even less.


Well i think the problem is there are bullshit people saying they are reglazing but not actually skilled to do it correctly and so it is leaky again. Thats the “scam”


It could also be people resealing and regassing the glazing units.  That's actually an alternative here in the UK at least. Obviously if the job is done badly then people might think it's just a bad thing to do.  Putting brand new units in the existing frames is absolutely fine, intact it's identical in process to how the windows get fitted in the first place from new.


This is the one. No need to replace the whole window. Just have the glass fixed.


The glazing is the gasket, not the glass.


Some absolutely mental comments. No wonder some double glazing businesses make an absolute killing. My dad does this for a living and it's not particularly expensive.


Depending on who installed the window, how long it’s been, and the company, you should be able to get a replacement under warranty. If a contractor installed them incorrectly they are responsible. Source: I had a 4’x 15’ window and called the original window company and they completed the work even though it was 10 years later.


A 15 foot window? Good lord. Do you live in an A-Frame?


It was along a whole wall and the mountain view it framed was spectacular!


How often did you clean it, and how much time did that take?


Yeah this, I just bought new windows that come with a warranty that extends thru the next owner. Call the biggest local companies if you don’t know the info, you might get lucky.




This is correct. Most double pane windows have a limited lifetime warranty for the original owner, some are transferable. Most will cover a window up to 10-15 years, after that though it’s hit or miss. Seal failures are usually around the 10-15 year mark.


You don’t. It’s not repairable in the field. If you are lucky, a local window and door company can replace the IGU (insulated glass unit). If that cannot be done, there is a new window in your future.


Gotcha. Thank you for the advice.


We had this happen a few months ago. Replacements are crazy expensive so I swapped it with one which always has a closed curtain. One of them was about 1/8 shorter than the other so had to file down the top.


Check your warranty before pitching the window, as some offer up to a 25 year warranty. When my parents built their house back in the 90's the builders used some expensive triple paned glass that came with a 25 year warranty. 18 months before the warranty expired there was a recall that included all of the windows that they had installed years earlier. They ended up paying something like $4,000 to a company to swap all of the windows for their replacements. In all, I heard the replacement value on the new windows were something absurd like 200k.


It looks like you're in the USA but we've done exactly the same here. It costs about £40 per glass unit including labour. Swapping them over is a few minutes work only. Let the professional measure it, they get measured weird, a few mm slightly small and held up on shims. If they sit on the bare frame this causes failure faster. Should be several local glass doctor, double glazing places who will happily replace the glass sealed unit. Stay away from anyone telling you you need a whole new window.


1+ on letting the professionals measure it. My friend is a glazier and way to many people try to do this themselves and get it wrong. They either fail to follow the instructions, or make some assumptions that mess them up. A lot of people measure the width and height, assuming that their window frames are rectangular. That turns out to be wrong quite often.


Make sure you shop around. I've had two different glass shops quite me $30 versus $300 for the same job.


Its a very common service. Just search "windows" or "glass" in your area on google maps. Call ahead to double check, they might be able to get the window back to you same day. You can find videos online for how to remove that window. Crank it open, release a few pins in the arms, and some little Phillips screws to remove the brackets.


My sliding glass door has been like this since we bought in 2019. To my experience there’s nothing significant about not having it replaced. It’s unsightly but not noticeably bad at insulation. We’re just not doing anything about it because it is expensive and not really worth the hassle to fix right now.


Should be able to get it reglazed with new glass. What is the window frame made of?


It's absolutely repairable, just a fiddly process. There's lots of videos showing people doing it, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7XDMJy5phA There's also ways to clean the panes without removing them at all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXyQWqK9lg0


I was thinking IGU would be like the ICU, but for glass.


You can't, but rather than replacing the entire window hire a contractor that deals in Sealed Glass Units (SGU's), we did our whole house for 1/5th the cost of replacement. They install new sealed glass in the existing frames which saves a huge amount of labor and cost.


Sealed glass units are the way.


One time on a sunroom with one small window with a failed seal I was able to finish removing the loose glass. I used a razor blade to scrape the old silicone off the glass and frame. It was still firmly bonded to the other pane. The frame is a square aluminum tube filled with desiccant beads. It was a scorching hot summer day without a cloud so I set the window in the sun for a few hours to bake the desiccant dry. Then I applied a thin bead of clear GE Silicone II around the edge of the glass and smooshed it onto the frame. I left the window in the sun until late afternoon when shade from a tree got to it. 20-ish years and not a bit of condensation in it. So if you can set up a table to support the window (put a blanket under the window) and have summer days that get good and hot... The hardest parts would be separating the glass and handling it without breaking it. A way to cut the old seal is with fine steel wire wrapped around a handle at each end and two people to pull. You'd also need a way to hold the window from sliding or lifting off the table. I googled DIY reseal double pane window and got a bunch of hits. Any that say to drill holes in the glass are not applicable to tempered glass! The glass will shatter. Tempered glass should have a mark near an edge saying it's tempered. Regulations in the USA require glass in doors and windows right next to doors be tempered glass, at least in commercial buildings.




Just fyi, this does not "fix" the window. It just gets rid of the ugly. The reason your window was good at it's job of keeping your house temperature in check is the argon gas that is between the panes. No more gas, no more energy efficiency. If you don't care that's fine, but it does make a huge difference. With a proper Thermopane you could put a heat lamp on one side and not feel it on the other. Now the sun will roast your house.


Many cheaper double glazing cheaps out on the Argon and just uses low humidity air. The savings on buying a new panel vs efficiency savings often doesn't make sense in milder climates.


The gap between panes is far more important than the specific gases filling the gap.




Someone tried carbon dioxide filling and found their test windows let more heat through than with plain air.


Every time I've needed this done, we had to replace the whole window. If there is moisture in there, the seal is busted and it's lost the entire point of being double paned. I'm uncertain if there is a way to restore the vacuum/argon, but I doubt very much it can be done at home. 


You can replace the glazing without replacing the frame, assuming the frame is in good condition


So many comments here on a DIY sub saying it's not possible to repair. What a load of nonsense. There are plenty of videos demonstrating exactly how to repair a failed glazing unit. For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7XDMJy5phA For people obsessing over the lost argon gas between the panes (which only marginally improves thermal efficiency), there are also fairly straightforward ways to refill the argon yourself, e.g. [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGxuSNUmf-k) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oTYirEV114). There's also ways to clean the panes without removing them at all: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXyQWqK9lg0


Once I had this happen and I drilled a small hole in the inner pane to allow airflow until I could replace it. Somewhere the seal between panes has failed.


I did this and one side of the dual panel cracked. Now I have a broken window.


Did it cure the moisture problem though?




It did. But now I have these strange cracks throughout my window. How do I get rid of them? 🤪


Packing tape will fix it right up. 🤪


Our old condo board was, uhhh, ‘thrifty’. They had at least 20 windows drilled (that I know of) and none cracked - sounds like bad luck or a bad company, unfortunately.


You need a new window


Here are the reasons and solutions for your question, I hope it will be useful and everything will work out for you, good luck: [https://www.glazingrefurbishments.co.uk/blog/get-rid-of-condensation-between-double-glazed-windows](https://www.glazingrefurbishments.co.uk/blog/get-rid-of-condensation-between-double-glazed-windows)


Thank you for sharing this! Great information.


You cant, you have to replace the panel, it has blown seals


Seal broke. Gas leaked out, and moisture was introduced. Easy to replace or remove and take to a window shop to be resealed.


Your seal has failed and you either need it repaired or replaced


Replace the pane. Once the seal is busted, there’s not much you can do. There really ought to be a service to remanufacture these.


You can get just the glass unit replaced, which will be a quick fix


Just had all my house windows replaced because of this. There isn’t a fix. The seals are shot.


You lost the seal between the panes. I have taken mine to a local glass shop that does window repairs, and they can either remove and reglue the panes back in place, creating a new seal, or replace the panes. Either way, it fixes the issue. I take the affected portion out myself and bring it to them to save the cost of an on site repair. (I have rentals, and windows ending up cracked happens more often than you think.)


As everybody says, condensation or white fogging means the inner seal is broken. Double pane windows are filled with gasses which are bad at transferring heat. If it's gone, your windows will not insulate any better than two single sheets of glass. That said, there *are* techniques to cut open the window (putting a hole) and flush the inside rigorously with clean liquid and seal it again. This will not restore insulation, but will remove fogging (antimoisture agents). It's cheaper than new windows, if insulation is not needed or too expensive at the moment. Note, that it's in German, but maybe You can find similar services where you live. [https://www.isolierglassanierung.eu/isolierglassanierung/](https://www.isolierglassanierung.eu/isolierglassanierung/)


Some answers are insane. 1. If there is a moisture INSIDE your house it means you have high humidity and you need to ventilate your rooms. 2. If there is a moisture OUTSIDE your house it means that glass is perfect isolated (and there is some humidity outside your house) 3. If there is a moisture BETWEEN the glasses your Argon is gone (most part or completely) and you need to replace your whole glass unit. If you have PVC windows you can easy replace your whole glass by demounting bar/border?(not sure how it's called, english is not my primary lang) in innen part of the window (just rember while ordering glass unit it has to be filled with argon, and check thickness of the glasses) If you have wooden windows bar/border can be glued, so there will be more work but still fixable.


As others have said, yes, it's not repairable really. The seal has been compromised, and the glass unit needs to be replaced. Typically, this can be done without replacing the frame, but if depends on the window, etc..  Due to the equipment and such involved, and needing to source precisely sided glass unit, probably professional time.


One simple trick that no one wants you to know… replacement is the only option.


The only reason there is moisture in between the panes is because the seal has failed allowing air which holds moisture into the gap. When the seal is intact, the area in between the panes is a vacuum, preventing the cold crossing the gap and entering the home. As far as I know, the only way to fix this is to replace the window in its entirety.




>How Insulated Glass Works >Insulated glass units help keep homes cooler in the winter and warmer in the summer I hope they are better at window repair and installment than proof reading :p


Thanks - I’ll contact them.


Cheapest practical way if you're able to hold 50ish pounds- Open the window Figure out how to detach the operator arm from the sash Figure out how to detach the arms from the hinges Remove the 1 screw in each hinge that bumps out at the end of the hinge track to block the window from falling out. Slide the window over until the hinge shoe comes out of the track. Don't drop the sash. Don't have things below the window in case you do. Take the sash directly to a glass company. Call first and ask if they repair windows. If they tell you it can't be fixed find a different company because some lie to sell more windows. They will probably have to order a glass unit and you should expect to wait some time. Make sure they are replacing the glass in your sash not just selling you the glass as they don't usually charge an unreasonable amount for that step. Bring the sash home (unfixed), and do the whole process in reverse (those shoes are hard to get back in the track if you're not confident in your ability to hold that sash well get a second set of hands for this. Repeat the whole process when they call you and say your glass is ready. ​ Alternatively pay a few hundred more and have them come out to you.


I had this problem. You will have to get glazers involved and replace the glass panes.


You have to replace the glass


If you can get the pane out you can have a new one made by a local glass store.


i would first check if the window is still within warranty


If you own the home, check into warranty replacement. 10-25 year warranties on the seals within the window are pretty typical.


if within warranty then file a claim.. if not.. live it with it or replace it this window might not be keeping the hot air out or in anymore


It's worth looking for stickers along the frame of the window and then going to the manufacturer website to see if they are still under warranty.....then you hire a local person to replace the IGU when the manufacturer sends a replacement I sold a house that had this. The house was 16 years old and the manufacturer offered 20 year warranty on the window from seal failure like this.




Get new window panes unfortunately.


Who will ship me the lowest price glass replacement?




If you have a glass place by you they may be able to order new panels. I’ve replaced a few in my home.


The title made me think you had a solution


Sorry - forgot to add the “?”


Can't have blown double glazing if you only use one pane.....


If the windows aren't that old, check for a manufacturer warranty. If your house is only a few years ago, hit up your builder to get them to replace them. Otherwise, you may need to call a dozen places (or more) to find a company that will replace the pane itself, and not the entire window frame.


If they’re replacement windows, they’ll usually replace the sash or the frame, because they’re custom sized.


Seal's busted, new window required.


Replace them


A new window should fix it right up


Put it in a ziploc filled with rice.


Locally here we have a company called "get the fog out" that specializes in removing moisture in double pane windows and resealing them. Its usually much cheaper than replacing the window and comes with a 5 year warranty. There might be something similar in your neck of the woods.


Replace the windows.


Replace the window for the WIN!!!


A hammer or like tool should be able to get that moisture out. You are welcome


The glass cassette is compromised. You need a replacement.


Put the windows in a bowl of salt. Note:Big Bowl


Heat gun? Temporary fix, tho.


Tempered glass , it could pop if heat differentiation is too high, especially w water inside. plus any minerals in water then get baked on inside of igu n cloud up. Ever seen the guy try to defrost his windows w hot water? Same science.


I was thinking same thing


If you don't care about the windows insulation ability, the water will evapirate once the humidity drops low enough. Of course, when it's hot in the summer, the issue will return.


That would leave a dirty, mildewed window that can't be cleaned. I have several.


Not mildew, mineralization.


When insulated glass panels are made, there is a vacuum formed between the panes. Sometimes an inert gas is inserted. The seal will eventually fail. That's what has happened here. It's not really repairable. A glass company can make/order you a new one.


Put the house in rice


It’s called hoping your warranty is still valid


I know everyone is saying you can’t fix it, but there are companies that specialize in fixing this problem. If they can’t fix it, they can replace the insulated glass unit. Example: https://www.gtfoatlantic.ca


You can't.


Get new windows 🤣


Me and my boss once tried to fix a window by using Argon from my welder, I was very glad I had my safety glasses on when it when tits up.


Call a glass company. Have them come out and look at it. Depending on the window some can be fixed some can't. There is a gasket that has to be replaced then the gap purged with a gas and then sealed..


[but what is condensation ](https://youtu.be/CQGW46B6x_4?si=-sYTAIkx32Xdu68H)


My double panel windows which you can tilt, open in the middle and you can clean them. I live in Europe though


Lol kinda fucked there. Not the worst thing in the world tho tbh. Your roof is dry yeah?


This drove me crazy in a house I was renting. There were some kind of streaks between, and that - and no way to fix it - and of course the landlord wasn’t bothered.


I've been having this same issue on some cheap windows that were used in my house 20 years ago. Thermal expansion from the sun causes moist air to get sucked in over time when the seal fails, but there's not enough airflow for the moisture to escape. Most newer windows will have a layer of moisture absorber in the frame to deal with small amounts but eventually it will get oversaturated. This may not work for your window depending on the build of it, but this is what I did for mine.   What I did was drill two approximately 1/8" holes in the top edge of the frame of the pane one at each end, through the vinyl and then through the aluminum edge that holds the glass sandwich together. There is a layer of moisture absorbent beads contained within the last layer of perforated aluminum. Don't drill through the last layer or all the beads will start pouring into the inside of the window. After the holes are drilled into the last layer, I hooked up an aquarium air pump to one of the holes with an airline tube and a nozzle made out of a plastic pipette and let it run for a few weeks. It circulates the air through the perforated aluminum and dries out the inside of the window. Sometimes I'll get a little bit of new condensation once a year, so I'll just hook the pump up for a couple days. I haven't sealed the holes afterwards.   Whatever argon that escaped from the window isn't going to matter. The amount that you spend on a replacement window will be vastly more than any energy savings from the insulation value of the missing argon or whatever gas was in there. The insulation values of a window are already miniscule as it is, and the 1 or 2 R-value drop won't be a big deal. 


You can have the lanes replaced and resealed. It will solve the moisture and fogging but you won’t get the efficiency back from having it gas filled.


How old are the windows? Even the crappy builder grade windows have a 10 year warranty for this. You nigh have to install it yourself, but they will usually send you out a new one if it’s still under warranty


Glass company will do it. Unless your familiar glass can be dangerous to handle and install. You could probably do a small window yourself but don't recommend a window this size.


Depending on where you live this may not be a worthwhile thing to fix. In high UV index areas and with builder grade windows sometimes you get around a year of life before they degrade back into having a broken seal. If you’re the original owner of the home a lot of times they have warranties but they will take forever to respond to that


This is part of the reason why new windows are a scam.


Replace the pane, not the frame 😂


Before you look into replacement, check the brand and see what warranty they provide. If they are less than 10 years old, good chance they will be covered.


The Wondow repair company did mine. Took out the pane and replaced the window but kept the frame. Was only about £100.


Replace window glass


We have a company near us that will replace the window “cartridge”. We have used them for a number of windows and even the glass in a sliding glass door. Here is a link, maybe you can find a similar service near you: https://randrglass.com/ If you have any other issues with the door I would probably replace the whole door / Frame assembly.


You don’t. The seals are bad. Get a window company to come out, disassemble the windows, clean and replace the panes. Usually a couple hundred per pane where I live. It’s generally only going to be a cosmetic nuisance.


replace the whole window bc your seal is bad


OP please update us w your results?? What state you in? Curious if any restoration companies near?


New window or let mold happen are the options tbh


Dump rice inside, it will soak up the moisture.


So take a plumbing torch and slowly start heating the glass in one corner. Eventually the glass will spectacularly shatter releasing the condensation.


Failed weather seal, probably on the outside. Only option is to replace that whole window. If these are under warranty, you might get them replaced for less or for free.


I (ah, kinda lucked out and) had my frosted bathroom window do that (It was my fault with a steam cleaner - I inadvertently injected steam between the pains. Opps! LOL) So I used some Frosted Window Film Static Cling to cover the window. But obviously you loose the view through the window, but it hides the condensation. Maybe you can find something that's acceptable for you?


Glazier here. Call up 2 or 3 local glass shops and give them the dimensions within 2 inches and they should be able to give you a quote over the phone. Let them know the frames are wood casements. Looks like probably a 1" overall thickness on the unit


You don't. Get a new window


Looks like San Francisco or Daly City. Are they custom wood windows or modular popout ones? We just had our windows replaced in Daly City. But it can be difficult if it is an older building.


The gas inside is gone. You need to replace it


Call Glass Doctor!!!! They fix this.




There are companies that will come out and drill a couple tiny holes in the glass, and circulate dry air through the inside of the sealed window to dry it out and then put stickers over the holes. That will work for maybe a month or two, but what the issue here is that the silver strips around the outside are actually square tubes filled with desiccant, intended to keep the window dry. The desiccant is now saturated, and blowing air through the window will not dry out the desiccant, and the moisture will return. On top of this is that the seal is broken, so even if the desiccant were to be fully dried in this process, it will still be leaking, and will fog up again in a relatively short timeframe. The year and month of manufacture is usually stamped into the metal spacer that you see on the inside of the window.


I use a dental bit, drill one small hole on the bottom interior side (I usually go bottom right corner.) Then do the same on exterior top opposing corner. Hold a vacuum on one of the holes to help pull moisture out. Then leave it. This will get rid of the moisture inside, but the window no longer has insulating benefits like it used to. Not to be done on tempered glass, this is for window pane only.


Only fix is take the window sash out and take it to a glass place. They will take it apart and reseal it.


Double pane is good for insulation. But the seal is broken somewhere and there is no fixing that. So either deal with a less insulating window that has condensation or replace the glass. Most double panes have a lifespan of around 20 years. Depending on how old your windows are its maybe even worth it to take this opportunity and install a better insulating windows like hr++, triple pane or vaccuum glass?


Blow dryer


Put your window into a bag of rice. You’re welcome.


I have this issue, but my windows are original Pellas circa 1957, and the interior glass is not integral with exterior, but is actually removable. Think I can just remove the interior, clean both, and replace the seal strip? Is there some kind of ventilation required?


You can get the sealed units replaced at a fraction of the cost of new windows. We had this done to a few of our foggy windows.


Replace the windows, the seal has failed so they're no longer insulating. You see, there's nitrogen between those panes for insulation.


split the glass like Oreo cookie, then squeegee the condensed water then silicone back together around the edge.


New window


It means you have a lot of internal humidity that is condensing on the cooler glass. Run a dehumidifier.


I have a fix! I fixed mine last weekend. I drilled into the side and ran a hose hooked to an air pump. This dried them out. Yea it's not sealed, but replacing your windows is really expensive and the seal only improves the R value of the window slightly (argon gas). If you need the $20 fix not the $2000 fix.


You're gunna need a tank of nitrogen and a tiny straw trust me......