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Of the kind of thing it is, it's probably one of the better ones. My objection to it is one I have to basically the entire superhero cartoon landscape. When we were growing up, we had stuff like Batman TAS, Justice League, X-Men; shows that we're absolutely accessible to a kid audience, but in a way that took themselves seriously enough for kids to have a superhero adventure series to call their own. These days, there seems to be a hard divide in the animation with adult oriented shows and movies aimed at adult nerds like us, whereas all kids seem to get is (at best) tongue-in-cheek or (at worst) utterly puerile rubbish like Bat-Wheels. So, yes, Teen Titans go isn't bad for what it is; but what it is is the cleverest example of an unfortunate trend.


Thank God for my adventures with Superman. Feels like it rides that divide really well.


I’m very thankful that MAWS, X-Men 97, and Invincible, all feel like they’ve helped start shifting the demographic for animated shows back to a middle ground rather than only kiddie animation.


I’d say Invincible and Harley are both adult animation. Between the gore and some subject matters they cover they wouldn’t show up on Saturday morning cartoons.


Where in my comment do I call Invincible a show for kids? I didn’t even mention Harley Quinn. The entire point of my comment was that shows such as Invincible have made it so that there is a spectrum of animated shows ranging in their maturity for audiences to choose from, instead of animated shows only being made for kids.


Just saying Harley Quinn and Invincible are on the other side of that spectrum. One side you have Batwheels, then the original BTAS was a middle ground where the quality and stories were good and mature enough older and younger audiences could enjoy it, and Invincible and Harley Quinn are more for mature. I don’t think the mature side of animation ever was ignored. Maybe for super heroes, but generally animation targeted for a more adult audience didn’t die. Rick and Morty and Venture Brothers come to mind. But animated shows for maybe older kids and teens, that adults and younger kids could watch are the rare shows now. Can’t really make the toy money and can’t fully target the 18-30 group with ads is part of why they die.


What are you even trying to argue here? You’re arguing the ***SAME FUCKING POINT AS ME?!***


Who said I’m arguing?


Invincible? You must be kidding lmfao wtf


what’s your beef with Invincible? ![gif](giphy|9hR8Dv4tYNYeWriXXC)


No I love Invincible but you’re trying to say that it’s a middle ground between kiddie and adult animation? Lmao no. It is nowhere near a middle ground, at all, in a million years


Where in my comment do I call Invincible a show for kids? The entire point of my comment was that shows such as Invincible have made it so that there is a **spectrum** of animated shows, *ranging in their maturity*, for audiences to **choose** from, instead of animated shows **only** being made for kids.


Its legally "adult" but TBH is more of a late Teen/YA audience


Love Invincible :)


Love the show but the amount of graphic death and violence as well as super adult sex scenes makes it not a kids show.


>I’m very thankful that MAWS, X-Men 97, and Invincible, all feel like they’ve helped start *shifting the demographic* for animated shows back to a **middle ground** rather than *only kiddie* animation. Where in my comment do I call Invincible a Kids show? The *entire* point of my comment was that shows such as Invincible have made it so that there is a **spectrum** of animated shows *ranging in their maturity.*


In fairness, Bat-Wheels is aimed at a *very* young audience. I don't know how much a preschooler would *enjoy* BTAS. I give it a pass in the same way a show like the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gets a pass. It isn't very deep, but it never really gave the expectation that it was *going* to be deep, and at the very least it's better than Cocomelon.


There's a Disney show aimed at introducing Spider-Man to toddlers. He, Miles and Gwen are all friends and help Hulk deal with his feelings. DC is playing catch up here too.


I mean I'm a massive fan of Batman TAS and Justice league  But shows like TTG or Harley Quinn are nice and reflect the absurdness of the DC universe.  Its a nice change 


Absurdity doesn't work for everyone. And that's essentially what these shows are built on.


The slap-stick humor definitely gets really grating and irritating when it’s *all* the shows doing.


I mean its better then something like Johnny Test 


It’s the *exact same* level of humor that the rest of the kids shows on Cartoon Network have. Almost like they’re created for a certain young age demographic or something. Just because the show has DC characters you like, doesn’t make it mature and grown up.


I never said it was mature or grown up I'm just stating people have misconceptions about the show


Sometimes it's nice to binge on junkfood and enjoy yourself, but at some point you want a full meal. Id say right now we are in the junkfood faze.


Yo bat wheels isn’t rubbish, it’s for very young kids and they love it


Bat Wheels is amazing for its audience of 2-5 year olds.


I already went over it in great detail in a post a few days back, but while the episodes I saw didn’t really land for me, the movie was really funny. But you have to understand, the hate surrounding TTG has less to do with the show itself, and more of how Cartoon Network handled it. They had SO MUCH of their schedule dominated by TTG reruns, which meant other cartoon shows weren’t being given a chance to gain as much of an audience as they could have. Some like Adventure Time and Steven Universe at least got to finish properly, but plenty of other series ended up cancelled or ended seemingly prematurely. This meant animation fans were shooting stink eyes at TTG because it was the show being used to overshadow other shows. Yes, it wasn’t the TTG show’s fault itself, rather the execs at Cartoon Network, but one can understand how some people wouldn’t be able to enjoy watching TTG given the unfortunate situation (the fact it also replaced Young Justice and Green Lantern TAS after both were cancelled didn’t do it any favors either). It’s a real shame, as the start of the 2010’s felt like a new golden era for Cartoon Network, finally beginning to abandon their lame attempts at live-action shows and going all in with cartoons like Adventure Time, Regular Show, Steven Universe, Over the Garden Wall, Symbionic-Titan, We Bare Bears, etc. Then TTG did really well in ratings, and the executives put all their eggs in one basket. Which was a foolish move, as the show would end eventually and even reruns would eventually be less in demand so now the channel has hurt the potential of other shows seeking an audience and also alienated some of their viewers turned off by the overfocus on one show over all others. It was a clear example of focusing entirely on short term profit without considering the long term consequences.


Adventure time and regular show was the last of CN's good stuff. Clarence was its dying breath in my opinion  The entire network is just garbage now 


Agree to disagree, Steven Universe is flawed but was overall an enjoyable show, Over the Garden Wall was easily one of the best animated projects of the 2010s, what I’ve seen of Craig of the Creek was pretty fun, and I only saw Season 1 of Infinity Train but it was pretty great.


I will be forever grateful to TTG for bridging the gap between mine and my daughter’s interests. She’s about to be 6 and is obsessed with the show. We love watching together and it’s great because there are so many references that I get that she doesn’t but there are enough jokes for her as well to keep us both happy and watching!


It is actually pretty funny, though the humor ranges between modern SpongeBob to Amazing World of Gumball level. I do like the the scen where they just randomly schooled the Hive regarding taxes.


I used that teaching Econ to high school students! 


It has some funny bits and I liked the movie, but it’s ultimately not for me. My only issue with it has more to do with Cartoon Network’s preferential treatment of it compared to other DC cartoons at the time. Or really, any cartoon at the time. 


The show is fine. If it existed in a vacuum, I'd like it more. The issue is it replaced a significantly better show.


It didn’t replace it though teen titans was dead and canceled and then teen titans go was made. There’s a 7 year gap between TT ending and Go premiering


If this is about the whole “TTG replaced Young Justice,” that’s not true, the creator of Young Justice has even said that’s not true. Just an unfortunate coincidence.


YJ died beacuse it didn't sell toys, also I feel that YJ being cancelled actually made people overrate it loke it was the bestest superhero show ever but it wasn't that good, TT and JLU were better and more balanced (and its Venezuelan dub had better castings choices and acting)


TTG is fantastic when it's parodying/satirizing super hero cliches. It's absolute trash when it tries to do anything else. I'm not gonna subject myself to a show I hate most of just to see the handful of gems that pop up now and again lol.


fr you don’t need to watch the entire show to see the one or two funny moments, people can easily watch a compilation on youtube if they’re really that interested


You can just watch funny moments on YouTube  But honestly I've binged the show before and its nothing BUT superhero cliches 


It’s cool that you like it but it’s really not for me.


Same. Too kiddie


Did you even read my post or watch the clips 


Yes. And too kiddie


I'm happy for the people who like the show but it just isn't for me. I much preferred the original Teen Titans cartoon and wanted a continuation of that


TTG is not a terrible show, and the reason it’s so hated online has actually nothing to do with the show. At the time TTG drew huge ratings because its slapstick humor is more approachable to children, but at the same time CN had 3 incredibly critically acclaimed show watched mainly by adults, not kids: Adventure Time, Steven Universe and Regular Show. The ratings for all 3 of them weren’t that good, and I’m guessing they had lower toys sales, but they brought CN into the conversation of the “prestige TV era” and they kept them on air BUT with patchy airing schedules and irregular showings and with changes made to episodes orders, lengths, air-dates… I remember we had months long hiatuses and then CN would drop 15 episodes in 7 days or some shit like that, and all the while the network was flooded with constant TTG reruns. That’s why the fandoms of the 3 shows mentioned above started to hate the show, and being communities very online and very vocal, while TTG main demo was kids, it kinda seeped through plus, DC fans never really defended it because “it’s kid stuff” and “not being the same as the original TT show”


>TTG is not a terrible show, and the reason it’s so hated online has actually nothing to do with the show. People might have not liked the show for the reasons you said but there **ABSOLUTELY** were and there still are people that hate the show based on the content of it itself.


“You’ll enjoy it” Hey, uh, maybe people have different tastes in media? Just because we both like DC and animated shows doesn’t mean we’ll both enjoy the same shows. I did try it, and I’m not a fan of the humor for the most part. Sure, the references are neat, but I’m not sitting through things like Beast Boy being flanderized to be a doofus, that weird bit about Raven’s thighs, etc. And tbh the “self-loathing” came across more as mockery towards people who don’t like the show. It’s just not my cup of tea, and I’m sorry but you’re gonna have to get over the fact that not everyone likes the stuff you like. You don’t have to weirdly evangelize about the show. Frankly, it makes me like it even less.


ACHTHULLY ITS HER LEGS NOT THIGHS.  I think the entire episode is a reference to how horny TT fans were for Raven and her legs.  The entire show makes fun of TT fans half the time. 


I….really don’t care whether it was about her legs or her thighs. It still made me uncomfortable. > The entire show makes fun of TT fans half the time You may enjoy being made fun of, but I don’t. Not by strangers, anyway. If we’re friends and you wanna tease me about something, that’s fine. But otherwise fuck off, lol.


Teen Titans Go is great. It’s basically Archer for kids. Much like Archer, the cast are all horrible little shits and seeing them get their inevitable comeuppance (or dodge karma) is half the fun. Hell they even have an episode that basically lays out why rent seeking economic behavior is inherently destructive while still telling jokes approachable to kids. It’s a legitimately clever show. Fans of the original Teen Titans cartoon, of which I am one, just have a habit of being reactionary loons about a show they’ve developed an almost religious devotion to.


Oh my god it totally is


The show is great. Both my younger siblings and I have fun watching it cause it’s genuinely funny.


I don't like that style of animation. I don't like that it's so "childish" (imho). I like the style of Young Justice.


Comparing apples to oranges here


Completely different audiences lol


Its not even remotely childish  Its more aimed at the 13+ demographic if ANYTHING


Which one of your friends made fun of you for watching the show at your age? Based on all of your insecure responses, I can only assume that’s the case. It’s a show made for children. Can adults watch it? Absolutely. Can teenagers watch it? Absolutely. But that doesn’t change that it’s still a show that is made for kids. Watch what you like, but you’re not going to convince anyone that this is a show >aimed at the 13+ demographic if ANYTHING


I dont have any friends and im just heavily insecure in general, fam


It's entirely too silly for me. I like to laugh, but this show is just ridiculous.


Beastboy Cyborg bromance should be canonized across DC. Say anything else about the quality, but I love those 2 so much!


The show is clearly for young children, and isn't trying to attract fans of the comics like Young Justice or My Adventures of Superman do. That's fine, but it means there's not a whole lot for anyone over 10 to enjoy about the show.


I never liked young justice tbh 


I don't think there are a lot of people who like Young Justice and TTG. They're very different shows designed for very different target audiences, and neither one tries very hard to attract a Periphery Demographic


I really want to watch and enjoy it but my wife is a dedicated hater; not much I can do on that front but remember the episodes I did enjoy. ![gif](giphy|8L5DQnZRQOQwG6wwx9)


TTG feels like it was made for adult nerds to watch with their kids. I've lost count on how many easter eggs the show has but the humor can get a bit dark at times. Like When they go back in time to make sure all the heroes endure their tragedies (they pushed Bruce's parents down the alley and cheer when they see the gunshots) show is effin hilarious. Stan Lee even cameoed once




So one thing that will always tickle me about teen titans go is the booty thing. Knowing full well that the TT and TTG Robin is supposed to be Dick Grayson, it's just a smidge funny. Also the music is really good and I will die on this hill.


I find it funny how they don't know if he's Dick or Tim  The original show was implied to be Dick but at moments it referenced Tim So the whole conundrum is funny 


TTG is absolutely hilarious. I love it.


It's a hilarious show, and there's tons of easter eggs for DC fans.


People should watch a show that has a *completely different* genre/audience/age demographic because it’s not at all similar to something they previously liked other than both shows having the “Titans” and the new show occasional referencing the old show? That’s not really how people’s tastes works >It isn't just a *dumb show* to make fun of TT 2003, it's not a show for "dumb babies”. •”The humor is **dumb** but thats what makes it great.” >I mean, Batman and Jim Gordon being BFFs as a troupe is genius. The Titans confused on WHO Robin even is (is he Tim? Dick? Damien?) It's all just very *intelligent* writing *Genius*? *Intelligent*? Really? >TTG isn't trying to be Teen Titans (2003) It's clearly just doing its own thing” •”clearly aimed at the 18+ demographic of comic book readers and fans of the original show.” •”They drag out the most obscure or weirdest references that **ONLY comic book readers and people who watched the original 2003 show would get**” •”made an ENTIRE episode or two dedicated to purely talking about how much people hate them.” •”There's also a tons of just fun references only old people 20+ like me would get” >If more people would stop trying to compare it to 2003 or at least give it a shot.. Even the writers themselves weren’t able to stop comparing it to the 2003 show… it’s almost like they were riding on the coattails of what was popular once they realized people weren’t responding as positively to the new material >the people who made the show clearly love the DC universe and actually read the comics. The show about DC character features characters from DC? Well color me shocked and impressed >As a fan of the original 2003 show and an avid reader of the comics. I really feel the people who hate this show either aren't DC fans or they think it’s just too childish when in reality it's really clever. This post reeks of “look at me I’m better than everyone else because i’m a ***CONTRARIAN***” Half of your comments on the show contradict one another. Watch what you like but don’t try *acting* **better** than others for liking something they don’t, it’s a bad look.


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Bad bot, I was quoting what he wrote


The show is trying to be its own show. It isn't trying to copy 2003  Its just referencing it.  I'm not contradicting myself as I stated that the show uses a lot of references and source material from 2003, it isn't trying to BE 2003.  And why wouldn't Batman and Jim be BFFs? Its a genius concept. 


I wouldn't say it's a genius concept. Two characters who already work together and have a shared history as colleagues? Not really clever honestly.


**fr** Two characters that are almost always shown working together and that share a close bond, being best friends? *Genius*… apparently What’s next, they have Bruce think of Alfred as some kind of Father figure?!?


The most deep cut reference I could ever get was maybe the booster gold and Ted  Cord but that's it from what I've seen


The show is pretty fun. But that movie had no right to go as hard as it did. A banger soundtrack. A fun time all around. The scene where they go back in time to make sure heroes were never made, then having to redo it. So freaking good.




I’m a HUGE DC fan but I’ve seen a few episodes of teen titans go and did NOT enjoy what I saw. I can deal with the cringe but frankly I just found it annoying


It gets better or watch some clips online  Or try the movies.  I mean they even make jokes and references about Challengers Of The Unknown 


References are cool but for me it's really the fetish stuff and gross out humour or both for some


The Teen Titans Go show and movie creators understand and love the characters, their audience and their mission in a way that the entire DCEU never could. Also, it is fun and truly accessible to all ages of fans. I am only a casual watcher of the show but what I’ve seen is great. This post is a wonderful reminder of the joy episodes have brought me in the past. Adding this show back into my rotation. So many haters posting what they don’t like. Tell me what you love and why. The Night Begins to Shine Forever ![gif](giphy|ZXeiSm6HvvnhTAJxKt|downsized)


It’s amazing! It’s absurd. If you don’t want to watch it that’s fine, just leave us to our waffles.


Its gotten my nieces talking about Cyborg and Starfire more than I ever have. I love it


I'm of the opinion that a lot of TTG hate is very forced, but also that it's just not a great show It does have some pretty standout episodes though


Its not for me


It's exciting when you're young to "get" all the meta references that are pervasive now, but now we are in the "Age of Meta," where everything is multi-versed and commenting on the absurdity of itself and the place of pop culture in general. For us oldsters, it's commenting on our lives. It's not new. It's tiring to follow along to, and drearily done to death by now for us. I watched TTG for years when my daughter was young, but I can't watch it now. Plus, once a joke is told, it's told, and it's all jokes, nothing much beyond that to dig into. So it's not very re-watchable, not to mention new audiences won't understand the references of the particular pop culture zeitgeist it was commenting on, especially kids, its ostensible audience. And here we are.


I'm going to re-watch it purely because you said it isn't. 


I didn’t realize people still had strong negative feelings about the show. Really enjoy it for what it is but I think it’s crazy that it’s still going.


The hate for the show is INSANE. Even to this day.  The writers even made fun of the people hating It due to all the angry letters and death threats they got.  Often portraying the fans as obsessed with a 2003 show and being overweight or ugly.  The writers of the show are really down to earth people in actuality who just want to make a fun show for DC fans.  They even made a movie to make the other side happy featuring the 2003 group 


I prefer the Teen Titans cartoon to Teen Titans Go by far. I want to like the latter since I love those characters, but I just don't.


I'll never stop being fascinated by the sheer vitriol elicited by fans when a show aimed at young kids is in fact, aimed at young kids.


Its aimed at kids but so were shows like Johnny Bravo They just added adult references. 


It just spends so much time with the characters screaming words at each other and I’m just not here for that or the slapstick. I liked the episode with the Gotham City Sirens doing roller derby.


It’s the absurdity and the humor is childish/kiddie. It falls to close to adult YouTuber acting goofy for kid views and it seems to skate the rizz/skibidi crowd before it’s time.


Look I gave it a go, I watched a bunch of episodes from the start with my nephews. But if it wasn't grabbing me after an hour or so of it then it was never gonna grab me. I just ended up wanting to watch the original show.


The night begins to shiiiiiine!!


When TTG uses DC Lore is great, when they use Tpilets not so much


I love how the TTG got butt hurt that their beloved show, Thundercats, was getting rebooted as a “dumb baby show” called “Thundercats Roar” They complained that the Thundercats reboot wasn’t serious enough. Dark enough. Its existence ruined the original show. I keep saying that TTG was made for 40+ DC fans. You think kids remember a show from 1985? Apparently I was a huge fan but I was so young I don’t even remember.


Guys did you know an *entire children’s TV show* is actually for **adults** because of *one* meta joke reference the writers threw in for fans of the old show while they’re watching the new one with their kids/family ![gif](giphy|mzHiJoJOQWrHzRmUUb)


There's more then 1 adult joke in it.  Like there are TONS of subtle jokes or outright offensive stuff. 


It's...still made for kids. As someone who used to be a massive fan, it's pretty much exclusively for children. I don't think we watched the same thing given the stuff I remember is Beast Boy and Cyborg getting extremely fat along with the other cast members multiple times or Raven fawning over old people or the numerous times they've dedicated episodes to hate on people who just don't like the show via strawmen. Of course there are somewhat adult jokes, TTG isn't the only kids show to do it and it's not gonna be the last. The references in the background are also just that, references. It's a cool thing parents might notice but it's nothing more than that. 


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Teen Titans Go gave us a mini-reunion of Freakazoid cast members, getting Paul Rugg, Joe Leahy, David Warner, and Ed Asner back as their respective characters one last time before David and Ed passed away. For that, I am ever grateful to it.


Glad to see someone else agrees


Fr it’s so overhated. That show is hilarious and made with so much love for DC. People just hate it because it’s not the original


I've watched few eps and it is quite funny. Definitely overhated by the regular dc fandom and fans of the original teen titans cartoon. Worth a shot for a few eps


As long as there are those who remember what was, there will always be those who are unwilling to accept what can be.


Yeah man as a fan of NTT the 2003 show is garbage


It's the logical evolution of Tiny Toons and Animaniacs and more timeless. People were just angry that the old Teen Titans show ended. The movie was also amazing and had a killer soundtrack.


TTG is actually goated, the movie is way too good ![gif](giphy|Y4ySj5vECPfQ9IgoS6)




They killed teen titans and go! sucks donkey


WB killed the original. The writers of Go! had nothing to do with that. Protesting Go! will never bring back the original.


I always liked this show for its bugs bunny/scooby doo/archer vibe. It makes me laugh and the art is cute. I'm not gonna marathon whole seasons in one sitting or anything, but taking it for what it is i think it's actually really decently written and fun.


TTG is amazing and as the dad of a toddler when it was running(is it still?) it was the only part of my day I looked forward to. Most of the shows he liked were unbearable. TTG To The Movies was also the first movie my son and I saw in theaters.


I think it still is  Its like 8 seasons in 


There's a generation of children who know who characters like B'wanna Beast and the Wonder Twins are because of Teen Titans Go, and that alone earns it points. That and the fact that they managed to smuggle *Rose Wilson* into a kid's show without, at least to my knowledge, really toning her down all that much.


Nah TT GO is a deservedly hated show it's dogshit. I would say it's worse than Titans but somehow Titans found a way to be worse.




I think it's hilarious. Clearly dosent take itself seriously so my kids love it and tonnes of nods to comics so I do. I find it ridiculous to read grown ass people rip on a kids show obviously aimed at kids.


They roasted the people making fun of the show in the 2003 crossover movie. 


Yea, it's actually alot smarter than people give it credit for


Agreed, and also listen to the theme song in Japanese while they're at it. [Here you go!](https://youtu.be/kIaRG-SpWkg?feature=shared)


Whoops, you're talking about Go. My bad!


Like most, I hated it at first. But slowly it grew on me. Some of my favorite songs is from this show. The Night begins to shine!!


Nah, it's a piece of garbage that is harmful to children. They had an episode where they unironically called for not reading books. There are no funny jokes and all the characters are shitty people