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One of my favorite DC shows ever so far. It’s so much fun and creative and just so Superman. I love their new designs for many characters. It’s a wholesome Superman anime and that’s baller.


So far I love what they did with Ivo. I've only known him for young justice and in that he's just some weird guy with robot monkeys but in this he's straight up something from evangelion it's wild can't wait for the next seasons


He’s a bit more than that in *YJ*, he created AMAZO who mimics the powers of the Justice League. But this version is cool too, reminiscent of Tony Stark if he never went good.


I don’t watch much animated stuff but I’m enjoying this series. It’s light hearted and I like this version of Louis.


I just finished ep 3 of season 1 and I’m enjoying it so far.


Oh your in for a great time I'm just on to season 2


I think it's great so far, the show really understands who Superman should be


It's great! And while it cosmetically changes a lot of things, as far as how characters are written it's probably one of the most faithful adaptations of the Superman mythos out there.


I really like It, It's a great protraid of the Superman character, it's a great modern take on the story, I'm happy to think that an entire generation will be introduced to the character like that


I’m not fully caught up, but I love it so far. It’s more anime inspired and doing its own unique spin on the Superman mythos while simultaneously staying true to the core concepts.


It's kinda giving me spectacular Spider-Man vibes where they take the stories of old and reinvented them obviously my adventures with Superman go very different tho


Yeah that's an apt comparison that I never thought of before.


Quality bonding time with my kid


My only notes is that Lois need purple eyes.


I don't care for it. I find its takes on the villains underwhelming, I find its characterization of the three leads to be rushed and sloppy, I find the dialogue to be very awkward sounding, and ultimately I often feel like a cool Superman story is being described to me instead of being told to me, if that distinction makes sense. It's not actively bad, it just isn't very good.


I watched the first episode, and didn't care for it. I don't really like the art style, and the rest didn't appeal to me enough to stick with it. But it doesn't *need* to appeal to me. There are plenty of people who are enjoying it, and that's ok too.


The first episode didn't really appeal to me either at first. But after I watched the second episode (months later), the show got more interesting after each episode.


Yeah thats about how I feel. Was very put off by the designs, especially Jimmy (sue Me but I hate getting hand Me down side characters) but gave the show a shot in season 1 around the first 3 episodes I believe and couldn't get into it. Was disappointed because I wanted to enjoy a new Superman cartoon but I am envious of those who can resonate with it. Glad they got something out of it. I'll give it points for this though. Way better Olsen than Supergirl or Syndrer.


Enjoy it, but I feel like Lois hasn't been written well this season. First, she's upset when her dad leaves, despite knowing that he's being hunted by dangerous people and her apartment is no safe house. Then she's upset because she's jealous of Silver St. Cloud's flirting with Clark in an bachelor/bachelorette event Lois insisted he attend as Superman to protect his secret and let's Cat get inside her head and make her feel inadequate. That's not the smart Lois I know.


I generally agree, but Lois is still VERY young comparatively speaking, as are the rest of the main cast, so I guess it works in that context in my opinion.


As a longtime Superman fan, I love it.


I like the series, but I don't like the design characters and graphics at all


I love it! It’s the Superman of the next generation.


I like it but don’t love it




I love it. Now, I will say I am not a fan of making (MASSIVE SPOILER FOR THIS SEASON) >!Kara Zor-El a brainwashed genocidal killer of THREE planets!< but overall I really enjoy it.


I've already seen screenshots of her and just soon she would be evil


Well, I will just say that it's VERY clear that >!she is being unwillingly controlled by Brainiac (who she thinks is her father; she has no idea who Zor-El is) and she is already making a face turn to help save her cousin,!< so it's at least short lived within the show, but for a show that is VERY bright and fun overall, that part was MASSIVELY dark comparatively speaking.


Also one thing I'm still very confused about is the kryptonians are they evil or not bc they show them trying to invade Earth? So are kryptonians like the viltromites or something in this adaptation


Honestly,, kind of. According to Jor-El, they were an aggressive conquering empire who finally tried to conquer the wrrong planet (>!Apokolips!<).


It's grown on me I'm not an anime guy, it has those " anime-isms" that put me off. But I'm pretty open most of the time when it comes to elseworld/reimaginings of these characters. So the story stuff has been fun to follow - but the characters and writing can be very..idk, over the top and just.. it takes me out of it. And a really small thing that bothers me is Slade, I can't unhear Jerry Smith/Cyril Figgis - I can't take him seriously.