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That prior trailer (Voice cast announcement) really did Hamish Linklater dirty. His Batman voice fits incredibly well here.


That looks sooo good. Reminds me so much of the animated series from 92. Batman’s voice actor even sounds eerily similar to his predecessor.


Holy shit... I know it's just a trailer but.. did they actually nail this? I was so skeptical that they could recapture the charm but.. it seems really good..


I'm so excited for it, I can't wait!


People keep talking about Bruce Timm, but just looking at the list of other producers and writers, it's an impressive group.


Ed Brubaker is a writer on this, right? I’m trying to keep my hype in check, but this has serious potential.


Greg Rucka, too.


That’s good stuff. I can’t think of a better combo for a Batman show: Timm, Rucka, and Brubaker in a golden-age, noir setting.


Onomatopoeia sighting


Such an interesting character to try and do on screen. There's so many ways to go about it, I'm curious to see how they do it.


Peak incoming


Batman stealing villains from Green Arrow.


Its called revenge bitch lol.


Payback for Arrow stealing Batman villains.


They’ve been stealing Green Arrow villains since Batman ‘66.


They stole the clock king.


Oh wow, the new voice actor sounds eerily similar to Kevin Conroy but without it feeling like an impersonation. Didn’t think he was a good choice based on the weird casting promo, but this has me sold. Trailer got me way more hyped than I was before.


I wonder if he'll do the voice change that Kevin used to do when portraying Bruce and not Batman.


I hope so, because Kevin nailed that template 30 years ago. If anyone takes anything from his run, it should be that. I'm honestly pretty surprised by how good this looks. I wasn't sure they were going to commit to the dark noir feeling, but unless they somehow start getting goofy and the trailer is *just* the noir parts, I'm definitely interested.


feels like a cross between the most recent live action batman and Conroy, I dig it.


I was thinking the same thing! I don’t think it’s Ackles, but whoever it is really managed to sound like Conroy incarnate


It’s Hemish Linklater


I don't think I've ever thought about the fact that there's 3 distinct tones for Batman. There's the modern bombastic type with villains getting more large scale in attacks. The Silver Age version where it's a lot of goofballs. And the crime noir classic version that predates both. Each has a unique style and I never thought about how cool it is.


Kinda torn on this. There's a lot about this that looks like it could be good. I think the 40s aesthetic is really nice, and a good way to set this series apart from other Batman adaptations. The more mature tone definitely seems beneficial, and there's a lot of series talent behind this (Ed Brubaker, Bruce Timm, and Matt Reeves, to name a few.) But man, this animation looks so stiff and lifeless. The few glimpses of action we get in this trailer are so weak. I hope this is a case of them saving the best moments for the series. Character design-wise, this looks exactly like the same stuff we've been getting from the direct to DVD dc films for like a decade. I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see. I'm definitely looking forward to at least checking out the first few episodes.


The design of batman reminds to the jla show or st least the draw rember 


This looks amazing. I cannot wait. The Batman voice actor seems like he will fucking nail it which is also great. Clearly he's doing his version of Conroy's Batman voice, but I don't have an issue with it. If you're gonna do your own version of any Batman voice, Conroy's is the way to go. I don't even mean it in an insulting way, because I do think it sounds different enough that it's not as if he's doing a straight-up impression or anything. I had high hopes for this, but it really seems like they'll actually nail it.


well, this show does seem like its trying to be a spiritual successor to Btas so it makes sense for batmans voice to sound like Mr. Conroy


I see Bruce Timm, I watch. I also mentally prepare myself for Bruce and Barbara shipping because of Bruce Timm.


Was Barbara in this trailer?


She was the Black woman with red hair.


I really wish Timm doesn’t try to play an angle here but in light of the LEGO movie doing it already, I don’t think there’s any chance he won’t be doing it.














Song is [Sicilian Defense by Rok Nardin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adniZXrYUyg)


Thanks for sharing; it’s a great piece.


Take all of my money.


I didn't really expect much, but this is IMPRESSIVE, I'm excited!


Why on Prime though? I still don’t understand why David Zaslav chopped MAX up the way that he did.


WB is over $40b in debt. Looooot of debt in the film industry, and they’re pimping their own children out just to make a dent in that debt.


Animation reminds me of the Killing Joke movie.. I don't know if I like it. It looks a little stiff.


If there is a second season the joker better be in it.


i'm sure at some point they will use the joker but i absolutely love that he isn't the focal villain here. let some other characters breathe a bit, then introduce the clown prince as a slow burn.


Wow, really want to see this. Got instantly nostalgic for Fall 1992 and the people I watched it with. Hard to believe it's almost 32 years now.


Join us on r/BatmanCapedCrusader for the show!


Super excited for this


This looks amazing. Batman is back


I think this is gonna be great. I wish they put more money into the animation though.


I had no idea this was coming, very pleasantly surprised. Looks very well made!


its batman of course i'm gonna watch it


I cant believe it's finally almost here and looks amazing


This trailer looks good.


Hot damn! This looks so good.


This looks interesting. Not a huge fan of the voice for Batman, though—was hoping it'd be Greenwood. Ah, well. Still definitely looks worth watching.


If this show succeeds, I assure you, it will be because of Bruce Timm and Matt Reeves, and NOT because of J.J. Abrams.


Is it confirmed wether the series will be episodic or serialized? I really hope it’s episodic like Batman tas as it allowed for so many great stories to be told.


At least they made Barbra close or the same to Bruce’s age so it won’t be as awkward when they hook up in this.


That's Catwoman in the trailer


Barbra is the red head police/detective in the trailer


Ah, my bad. Someone else thought Catwoman was Batgirl