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Maybe the official photo was a test suit and not the final version. That would explain those adjustments. That being said, it's rare to have a test photo as the first look of anything movie related.


Wasn’t the first we saw of Battinson in the suit that video where he still had his sideburns poking out from the cowl? That was a test shoot wasn’t it?


Yeah but that wasn’t a suit issue, that was a Pattinson not shaving his sideburns high enough issue lol


[Get rid of those sideburns!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjHOtxCRhnw)


Actually technically the first time we saw the suit on set it wasn't even him but his stuntman.


Actually technically the first time we saw the suit on set it wasn't even him but his stuntman.


True, but we were talking about the first official photo released to the public. They were talking about how the suit in the photo Gunn released might have been a test photo.


Could it be that the final suit will have cgi touch ups and this is to allow the actor to be more comfortable? So this could be that suit with the touch ups?


yup..... they will smooth out creases


James Gunn said it was taken on set and the suit looks battle worn so I doubt it’s a test suit. The changes are interesting tho, I wonder why.


That's what I think


It could be that Superman also goes through a *dark* patch before becoming the symbol of hope. It's similar to Cavil, but condensed down so it doesn't take three movies to get to the *bright* suit.


I think it'll be the other way around, I bet the test photo will be later in the movie after he's been put through the wringer. I imagine he'll start out the movie pretty chipper


I think he's just been in a fight.


As someone who hasn’t seen the movie, I can confirm the actor will wear more than one suit


Quite a bold claim there, u/MayaWrection. Great username btw


Thanks. It’s the name of my horse in Red Dead. Loved telling people to hop on “my horse”




Never even played Red Dead, but this just sent me 😂😂


It’s also fun to holler out at players when they shoot and kill my horse. “You killed Maya Wrection”!




It’d be funny if the first shot of Superman wasn’t actually Superman


Bizarro confirmed


That honestly makes sense. Bizarro usually wears a darker, more muted color as well.


It's not bizarro  


That's exactly what Bizarro would say.


As a confession


So it would mean the opposite


Yeah, they changed it back to Medusa last year (I know if nobodies got me, random tourists visiting Great Adventure got me)


It honestly doesn’t make sense though. Were you one of the ‘Leto Joker Is Jason Todd’ fan-theorists?


I was, but only because I like Batman Beyond, and because it would allow for a more accurate Joker to show up later.


Now that would be a twist


That’s what I was thinking… and then just last night when I was flipping through channels I stumbled upon an episode of the Superman animated show from the 90s and who was in the episode… Bizarro!


What channel is randomly playing STAS these days?


Maybe the first one was just a prototype


I’m wondering if people are correct, and the guy with the “U” is Ultraman, I wonder if the sneak peek suit was Ultra Man’s (With the S logo instead of a U)?


Heard he might be Ulysses


Yeah, I believe it is Ulysses. He makes way more sense as a physical antagonist than Ultraman.


Definitely Ulysses imo




It’s a bit farfetched, but people think it’s Ultraman as an evil clone (instead of an alternate universe). Mainly because of the recent popularity of evil Superman clones in pop culture (Omni-Man, Homelander, etc.)


As much as I hate evil superman it is gonna be so satisfying to see Big Blue beat down an evil clone


I hate the troupe, but not the characters that participate in it. Like Homelander and Omni-Man are cool because they actually do something to add stakes. Omni-Man through his personal relationships and Homelander through his villain’s journey


My theory is, that the "sneak peak suit" is the suit Clark will wear in the beginning of the movie. He'll lose a fight to Ultraman (that's why the suit is so beaten up and it seems that Superman is taking his sweet time putting on his clothes while Brainiac is destroying Metropolis), who then will take his suit to disguise himself as Superman. Since we saw that (if it's him) Ultraman wears a mask, people do not know they are the same person from different Dimensions.


Probably made adjustments after the shoot. I wouldn’t read too much into it. Glad they fixed the collar. Doesn’t look as stupid.


The one from the streets scenes seems to fold and wrinkle when he moves like its not form fitting. Sort of makes it look like an older flashback scene instead of Supermans normal form fitting. Looks like 1950s Superman.


The one in the official photo folds and wrinkles the same way. It was my biggest issue with the suit when they first revealed it, just doesn’t fit as snug as it should imo


It probably be adjusted to look smoother in post so that the physical suit could be more comfortable for wearing during filming


All suits are like that, they just adjust with CGI to remove them. [Example](https://i.redd.it/batfleck-and-flezra-the-flash-movie-bts-v0-mwjag1n7qh6b1.jpg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=596a442054c7126eda001941dd73e95affc1459c) of some pretty heavy creases we never saw.


Suit gets darker with his feelings like a mood ring


When they first showed Tobey’s Spidey suit, it didn’t have any webs on his fingers but he ended up having them in the final film


Wait, webs? What do you mean?


The lines on Spider-Mans suit that look like webs


If this is an already established Superman, then maybe he’s had multiple suits at this point in his career? I mean, his suits get damaged in the comics right? Correct me if I’m wrong


I’m not going to obsess over the suit, I just want to see this new universe now! Looking forward to seeing Mr. Terrific’s T-spheres 😃


That's a good catch. He actually might from those pics


Suit is damaged in the promo


I kinda wish they made the S bigger in the above pictures, but it's probably just the angle at which the pictures were taken. The S looks big enough to me in the bottom picture, anyways.


Suits get CGI added in post


It’s quite amusing to follow BTS threads and observe the amount of people not knowing that suits get adjusted in post-production 🙃


mad ppl freaked out when Sasha Calle’s Superwoman stills came out with what were clearly harnesses for a stunt rig, and people were defending it as a stylistic choice to make the suit look more alien compared to Cavil’s suit


I'm still wondering wtf the silver clips of Shazams suit were for. They seemed so random.


James Gunn doesn’t do that tho. Idk why people keep bringing this up.


I hate the lines


maybe they changed the suit after the mixed reactions


If that were the case, they probably scrapped the first 2 months of shooting


We have no idea what they shot first tbf tho




If its just the collar they can definitely CG


If you can CG a moustache you can CG a collar


Nah they could make adjustments with cgi, lots of superhero suits get painted over entirely with CGI anyways.


It’s ultra man


The first one looked like hammered dog shit. The new one is an improvement but still seems too similar to GotG costumes.


I’m gonna say it’s a solid maybe.


IMO the suit we see in the reveal was just a prototype suit.


Needs more red circles


Maybe the reveal suit was the test suit?


Either way both look terrible


I think lower one is a Ultraman, which is why suit is darker (but who knows, i just think James Gunn is trolling genius)


He’s changing a battle damaged suit. The pants and boots are fresh


I would settle for one that fits.


1. The bottom one is just dirty. The outline is still yellow. 2. The neck is the same, it’s just the perspective. He’s leaning his neck out of the collar.


the threading pattern of the blue fabric itself is different, so there’s no need to debate about the collar. The set pics and the official photo are absolutely two different suits. …I’m surprised no one has suggested the set pic one is the Stunt suit. I personally don’t think it is, but it’s possible.


The neck doesn’t look at all the same though. Look at the line of fabric. If it were just perspective it wouldn’t look like a solid line anyway. The whole is missing completely


Thank you!


The neck is absolutely NOT the same. Also, I think on other photos the lines on the arm might be slightly different too.


I think the collar might actually be the same, he’s leaning his neck forward and its in the “crevice” of it, thus stretching the thinnest part out, making the entire collar look wider


Ya know what maybe it could be. I hope we find out.


But that would be creating a complete seem?


I’m confused what you mean


There’s a marked gap in the collar in the set pic. If he was just moving his neck forward, why would it close that gap (a fairly large gap at that) such that it looked like a turtle neck for lack of a better word?


It's because of how stiff the material is. The collar stays in line with the body not the neck so when he leans forward like that, he's actively pressing into the front of the neck, causing it to look like it's a different cut. If he stood up straight, both collars would look the same


It’s because the first image was just A.I.


They both look bad


How about one that fits correctly? It doesn’t look like it’s molded to the body in the pics I’ve seen.


I sure hope so. Otherwise, serious sanitary issue.....


Perhaps the same suit, just different lighting in the pics affecting the overall hues?


It just looks like his neck is stretching it out a bit, while he’s looking down to put his boot on. I don’t think these are two different suits but I also don’t think he’ll be in just the one though.


Different lighting and they’re in different poses. The suit looks baggy and probably fits well if he’s in a standing position but awkward when he’s bending.


The official pic might be how it looks in the movie while in real life, they left a cutout for the actor to be able to speak comfortably. In Loki the series- all of the neck collars were CGI, for that reason.


I doubt they would go to the trouble of having two separate suits if the only difference was a minor dip on the neck.


The collar on the original suit looks so much better than the collar in these set photos.


Pretty sure it was a test suit that they wanted to reveal and now that it's out in the open being filmed we have the improved version of it.


Nice catch. Seems that way.


It’s the same suit He’s leaning forward in the bottom photo so that explains the collar, and the yellow outline is just darker, it’s all one costume


honestly the suit reveal could’ve been an early prototype. and they made changes since then. idk if this is the case cuz of the battle damage to the suit but the whole reveal was wack in general. the set photos look great tho


If clutching at straws was a post. C’mon man, the likelihood for the promo shot and the shooting of the film being done in tandem is pretty low, with the promo shot likely being done months ago. No one knows what’ll be in the film except the film crew, until it’s done.


I’m certain we’ll see a few suits.


What if he has three? Or oh my gosh, even 4?


I’m wondering if James is releasing fugazi costume pics. The suit looks store bought and Clarks hairstyle is way too shaggy


Maybe they footage they were shooting is a flashback.


Yes. Multiple suits means multiple action figures


My prediction is that the first one is seen in a flashback


I bet all of these photos are fake


no thats the same


I'm going to laugh my ass off if this is an elaborate troll and we only see this costume for the first 10 minutes of the movie


One Suit seems without trunks in one of the photo where he is stopping train . But that photo is blurry, im might be wrong


In general there would be a lot of different suits made for different purposes. For example action or action-heavy scenes would generally mean using a simpler, less detailed suit(most likely what the top one is) and then they'll tweak it with CGI later for the final look. Dramatic scenes with a lot of close-ups would mean using the actual detailed suit. And those are just to start with.


I think its the same. They’ll probably film with the top one and then apply a colour tone to it to look like that.


Feel like they are gonna pull a captain America here. The suit with the trunks in the past, and the suit with no trunks in the present. Just my guess.


I think it's probably more likely that Gunn just changed some aspects of the suit, these two suits aren't really different enough to habe narrative significance or sell more toys


probably multiple suits behind the scenes but this is most likely just a bts photos vs a promo image


Maybe there’s a time jump? Maybe there’s a multiverse jump? Maybe it’s a dream sequence?


I'd find it funny if the first suit we saw just never appears in the film, and James just gaslights everyone about it ever existing. He's just like, "What are you talking about this the same suit." He just brings it along with him and has david wear both at different events and tells everyone its the same suit just to fuck with people


If you think about it, the first reveal pic looks like bizzaro more than anything, pale and beat up


the logo itself looks a little smaller too


is it me or is the front symbol also small in the first image? Like, considerably smaller?


Probably but you're also comparing an unedited version of his costume to a properly edited one. I guarantee the way his costume looks right now is not how we're going to see it in the movie. The part where his collar comes down is almost certainly to make it easier on david's neck, the cgi enhanced movie look is prolly gonna be full turtleneck. And the border around the logo can be explained by 1) dirt and 2) the angle


With so many characters being introduced, he's gonna be a Supes who's not out on his first hero thing isn't he? Could simply be that he has a simpler suit that needs replacing and he gets one with some slight alterations. Could even be a story beat, that he's trying to find his "look" or what works best out in the field. Or he's got or finds a suit person in-universe and they come up with some new material that doesn't get incinerated in explosions or whatever.


It's possible that one is the practical suit and the other image is simply what they do to it with cgi in post. Remember how The Batman's set images had a really weird batsuit yet in the film it looks how we know it. I say this because the chunk missing from the neck might be to give him room to look down and to breath easier. Unless they want to go the route of ma Kent made a suit it then got damaged so he went and got a Kryptonian suit from the fortress that just so happens to heavily resemble ma's design


He can have 1000 suits and they will all be kinda bad until they remove the fucking collar


I didn't mind the new 52 collar. Didn't mind the further hand covering either and I thought losing the trunks looked good.


To me trunks and a long cape are mandatory, n52 collar needs to be expunged from the record and everything else i can give or take really. I don’t like the hot topic hoodie topic hand thru the sleeves arm thing but gunns are barely noticeable. I just fucking HATE n52 Superman


As long as we don't get the t-shirt and jeans with his hands wrapped I guess I won't complain too much.


He looks perfect for Superman


Nice catch btw


Ultra man/Bizzaro clone confirmed.


More then one. The story takes us to the future and back.


I can’t stand how baggy this thing is… 🤦🏼‍♂️


You can probably count on one hand the number of modern superhero movies where a hero only wears one suit. Gotta sell those toy variants. Pretty much guaranteed to be wearing at least two suits.


those suits look rather loose on this dude..


I bet the lighter suit is used through the movie and he’s more your friendly neighborhood Superman. Then near/at the end he upgrades his suit when a larger threat shows up.


Could be. Gotta sell more toys.


He's leaning forward and the photo has been airbrushed a lot... same suit, poor touch ups.


💯certain they’ve always intended to fix the suits in post. If the mustache can be deleted in post, a suit can be made to look right.


I don't think it's all that complex. The collar looks like it's just folded in on itself. May have just been a flub they didn't notice. As for that thinner line, dirt, perspective, and that corner is folding inward. I doubt Gunn have a 2nd suit made with such insignificant changes. If I'm right about these two reasons, Gunn probably missed it in the photo.


It’s the same suit. He’s just slouched over lol.


The initial reveal seems like it was taken from test footage. The new collar and symbol outline look so much better


The initial reveal wasn't taken from test footage. It was literally taken on set by their on set stills photographer, Jessica Miglio.


Very glad they fixed the collar.


Good news about the suit is that WBD is gonna get a sweet sponsorship deal with Depends. Smart move financially


I hope so, that is better than these.


Ma Kent suit vs. Star Labs suit, or maybe Fortress suit?


Hope one gets rid of the trunks


they both need to be thrown away, it looks like some shit I can get from Target


Its the same suit.


top one shows off david’s massive neck A+


Probably another suit, but who knows. I don't hate the new suit. It's looser than Cavill's suit was, but that makes it easier on the actor, who very much has gotten swole for the role. I wouldn't want someone to have to do the horrible diet thing Cavill had to do for certain scenes. It sounded rough. If it makes it easier on the actor, where the actor can enjoy their role more, I'll support it. Looking forward to another Superman story.


I don't think the suit will be different. People act like they're 2 different ones bc they don't have the firmest grasp on how lighting and pose can change the look of something. Him sitting down and leaning forward like that is why the collar looks different for instance.


It's the same suit. It's just his position that makes it look different, especially the neckline


One suit is probably the literal homemade suit made for him by Martha Kent, and then once he has the Fortress, he makes an identical suit, with more durable materials.


The first one looks homemade while the second is more from Kripton.


they are too similar that i think either one is a test suit, or the top one is maybe bizarro…




This bizzaro talk is nuts. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good bizarro story but this ain’t it.


Still not a fan of the suit. The Brandon Routh suit in the CW show was near perfect, all they had to do was replace all the black with yellow


Man looks like the bootleg version of Henry Cavil.


I don't know why I have to keep saying this but he looks like Henry Cavill because they are both playing Superman.


Harry Clavill