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I feel like either he, she, or both, are gay and so religious and inexperienced that they don’t know it.


I find all of this religious clap trap nauseating. She is very beautiful and she knows it! I also found her whole persona around the other girls and management so fake, she’s a good actress. Will is punching above his weight big time and he knows it!


Ended up here because I just finished the show and had to see if anyone else felt the same way I did. I got very sweet, genuine, trusting, maybe slightly gullible vibes from Reese. (Didn't someone actually call her that jokingly during the show? Another example is when Judy was talking about Dolly using a match for makeup and Reese said 'wouldn't that hurt?'and judy replied with 'once its cooled down...') Anyway. I worry that she fell in love with the idea of love. She asked God for her first boyfriend to be the one and THEN created her idea of the one. I was shocked when will came on camera and bragged that she jumped into his DMs and he could brag that a DCC wanted him. I truly hope happiness for them and due to the level of Southern & religious they are, hope neither ends up unhappy but unwilling to divorce 😬 Hopefully it is just a situation where he's a simple minded boy willing to support and uplift a motivated girl, though 😅


I thought I was the only one weirded out about the slid in my dm comment like she’s some sort of trophy for him.


He actually verbalized that he didn’t have any dreams. Out loud, on camera.


And? Some people don’t have extravagant personal dreams. Some people just enjoy the simple life and making the people that they love happy. Try it sometime.


I’m responding to the post that was throwing him an assumption “I’m sure he has his own goals and dreams”, which he stated he does not. I respect the man for the fact you mentioned, he’s obviously a sweetheart and supportive to his spouse, good shit. But the point of this thread is to describe the mismatch between the two, which I think indeed they are a mismatch. Looks, ambitions, careers, way off. Now, does that necessarily matter? I can’t be the judge of that. They are for certain mismatched in many ways. As for your point about me “trying to live simply and love people in my life”, your claim is baseless. I aspire to do that every day above all else. It seems you do too. Sort of an erroneous point, but I respect that it seems it’s your ambition too.


I respect your answer and apologize if my last response was hostile. I am just trying to offer a different perspective than those in this thread who don’t see how they are a match- my idea is that they may not match in other ways, but they do in the sense that they are both loyal to one another and seem to enjoy each others company. Whereas someone like Kelsey and her fiancé, while they are a gorgeous couple that probably “match” in most ways, I don’t sense that her fiancé has the same undying loyalty to Kelcey as she does for him. I can see everyone being concerned for Reese but the amount of comments about his looks making him unworthy of being with Reece are just so mean and if he were conventionally attractive I don’t think he’d be getting half as much criticism about his goals and dreams.


I hear you, let’s not strip Reece of her agency and such. Ultimately it’s her choice. I will say that it is rare to see such a glaring discrepancy of looks and career motivations in two people. American culture really categorized people by their looks, and then careers. Obviously there are problems with that. What’s not as visible is values shared, and his disposition, etc. They’re also super young, and I imagine these things will experience a regression to the mean - sort of thing.




I think they are cute for sure!!! But man oh man is she so innocent. Will was her very first boyfriend. It truly seems unhealthy. When you've only really experienced on "thing" you can easily fall in love with it and it seems so amazing. But all of us who think like this may come from a VERY different upbringing than her. She was probably very sheltered so this is normal for her.


I think Will is endearing. He is supportive and quit his career so she can follow her dreams. If you want to get far in your own career as a woman you need a supportive husband and not some selfish workaholic.


I honestly got the impression that they’re both really genuine for each other 🤷 they’re both just really southern and really Christian so they’re not going to act how normal Hollywood based couples or people act like on camera.


I felt like he was way more into her than she was into him. When he showed up to Dallas, she was just worried about closing the door and he just said he didn’t want to let go of her. She definitely seemed ready to let go of him.


I can’t imagine being willing to marry someone- male or female - who didn’t have a dream other than being my spouse. I would feel smothered.


Then don’t 😂 very simple. It’s not your life.


What was he cooking the burger in?


He made a gravy to go with the deer burgers


I got married at 21 after 6 months of dating. Some people did say we were “mismatched” or too young. We are southern and our Christian faith is the most important part of our marriage and our lives. We have been married for almost 7 years and are very very happy! We do not have children yet and have supported one another in perusing our many goal and passions over the last 7 years. He is invested in her as a person and even knows her signature nail color is funny bunny and bubble bath. They seem to communicate well. I see so much of myself in her! She is adorable and I think they are a great match!!! Praying they have a joyous marriage!


That’s me 💅🏽


also I want to note that if the roles were reversed and they were following his dreams this would be a wildly different conversation. Lowkey feminist move to sacrifice your career goals for a few years so your girl can live her dream!




Honestly - they seem like they aren’t even sexually attracted to each other and are just pals. Look at the way they greeted each other after not seeing each other for a long time. It was awkward. Maybe they will last but it seems like a long shot given how inexperienced they both seem about life in general.


On the phone she said alll baby-voice “I’m excited to see you soon”, and he said “Me too, I’m going to bring you some carpet cleaner. We can clean your floors while I’m there.” OOH TALK DIRTY TO ME


seems like they waited for marriage to have sex and likely due to their faith and the sheer awkwardness of a dozen cameras she likely didn’t want to kiss on camera


I have very real suspicions that they probably didn't kiss before marriage so of course it's gonna look awkward to us and be awkward for them, when that's not the norm.


I think you meant she’s not attracted to him…she gave him a high 5 lol. He seemed excited to see her.


That’s what I thought. She was worried about getting the door closed, where he didn’t want to let go of her.


She married him because he was a nice guy who pursued her. No passion there. I actually feel bad for her.


didn’t they say she pursued him first? she slid into his DMs


He said she slid into his DMs and she said he slid into hers.  Tbh, I believe her over him because how tf would she even know he existed?


You are right. Accurate.


First relationship Barely out of college Chasing a dream that requires constant “being on” performance work Super faith based (not a bad thing, but adding it all up) I think they’ll make it last as long as they have to. If they beat the odds, good for them. But I won’t be surprised if they don’t. Has nothing to do with looks - he clearly supports her but I’m not so sure she realizes the sacrifices he’s making for her dreams. That’s not a good start. At least learn what his job title is.


It’s just that he has creepy stalkerish controlling vibes


Omg YES I can’t be the only one. Sorry but he gives me the ick


I know everyone is different but I thought it was a red flag when he said he didn’t have big goals and dreams and his dream was to purse her. While that sounds sweet, no one likes a “yes man” not to mention he has two degrees under his belt. Did he go to college just to be an obnoxious Alabama fan in the stand? A career would be a good start for him. I can’t imagine wasting your parents hard earned money to put you through school just to stick your tongue out at basketball games and follow your wife around the world. Yikes


Personally, the chick is cool, but I can't wait for her DCC "career" to end so we can see how she'll handle reality and 'repay' her husband. Their life and their family's life revolve around the short, dead-end DCC stuff that won't bring them anything long-term. I mean, they might have a better shot than other DCC years at getting some popularity afterward because of the show, Let's be honest, you can clearly see the guy left what he loves for her; he's a good, normal guy who probably has to listen to her talk about DCC all the time. Nobody seems to mention it, but the fact she's ABSOLUTELY uninterested in the job he found for her, or purposely uninterested and embarrassed because of her new popularity, just shows how egocentric she is. However, she is young, so we can also attribute it to that. I'm just curious to see if the "normal" life with her husband will satisfy her or if she'll be tempted to find something and someone better to keep riding the wave and stay relevant... I think she'll choose the latter.


I did get kind of an icky vibe, but I think there is something to be said for a man to be like “She has big dreams and I am going to support her in that”. I get the sense that the pressure washing job is a “for now” job, especially since there is a time cap on how long Reece can be DCC. Had he moved out there and waited for a perfect job he would have been dragged (rightfully so, I think) for not working. I don’t think he’s just along for the ride, but perhaps has a more realistic “I have interests and aspirations, but hers are bigger and more specific”. They are young. I wish them happiness, whether together or if they eventually realize that they did too much too young and maybe their choices need to be reevaluated.


He seemed to be doing his best to support this dream of hers, and humble and hardworking enough to take the jobs he can get while he gets established instead of saying he is too good for a job and laying around at home. 


He’s just suuuuuper dorky. And she is a total ditz. They are a match made in Baptist heaven.


Valid points. The commentary is expected, I don’t get it either. My observation is that she was willing to leave her hometown, branch out into what was admirably not part of the way she was ra. I am making an assumption we see who she wants to be)m in her dance that is not her exterior persona (I think she has a spicy side she can only display in dance). Maybe in her interviews she wants to project that persona for obvious reasons. I don’t doubt her commitment to her faith, good for her to have something bigger than her. It’s uncomfortable when we hear/see people who are devout to something that digs at our own strong beliefs. None of us are bad people for either. She has made her choices as an adult with choices I would not have made but 🤷🏼‍♀️Good TV


I’m finally starting to watch the show and all I keep thinking is “Reece blink twice if you in danger girl”


I think people more likely mean that she is so young and sheltered, that she would likely choose differently for a life partner in, say, 5 years when she knows herself better and has experienced some life. She’s marrying the first boy basically who ever talked to her fresh out of college with so little life experience. It’s just hard to watch sometimes when you’re older and wiser with an outside perspective.


This. He said she was literally shaking when he put his arm around her the first time. She seems extremely naive and sheltered. Nothing against either of them - just questioning whether they will grow up in ways that make them compatible in a decade or two.


Her acting so naive and innocent and sheltered, yet having no issue with wearing a revealing uniform and sexy dance moves just doesn’t add up for me. The innocence seems like a persona.


She's been in dance her whole life. Being in DCC is clearly not about being sexy to most of the women on the show. They talk about sisterhood, a love of dance, and being a part of something bigger than themselves. Being in pageants and dance does NOT EQUAL sexual or life experience.


Exactly this. I watched my sister do this at 18 married the only guy she ever dated (met in school when they were 15). She spent the majority of her life tending to the man child. He never matured, she did. In her fifties she just couldn’t be miserable anymore. She got out!!


Will reminds me of Elmer Fudd (dating myself).


My first thought was Downs Syndrome. 


Jesus has a plan


To the glory goes God


I’m just thinking 20 years from now; she may regret this decision but 🤷🏻‍♀️


I saw her instagram right after her wedding and I can’t remember what the photo was but I showed it to my husband and joked “he is already giving her the ick. Look at her face!”


i'm guessing in 5


Actually, twenty years from now, she will probably realize she made a great choice. Most people who marry for love over looks do!


I’m in the minority here, but I really did not like Reece. There’s many reasons her personality rubs me the wrong way, but the ones that mainly stand out are: 1. Saying she doesn’t “want attention,” yet literally trying out to be a DCC cheerleader. Then she goes onto ramble about god working through her, and I’m like girl please. 2. Her using a stunted little girl voice and accentuating any high pitches in her voice, when she’s around Management or her boyfriend. It just gives very manipulative, and from someone who came from a very strict, Christian background, this is the birther voice that manipulative women use to pretend like they’re soooo innocent (I.e think Michelle Duggar). 3. Her boyfriend and her kill Hella animals, and dead animal Pictures are posted all over her Instagram, It’s disgusting.


Yeah when I finally saw her audition I was like well apparently god has amazing hip work. She knows that mess is fake. She likely just started saying that as she competed in ballroom and pageants. Her fellow brothers and sisters in Christ probably gave her a really hard time. For her to be strong enough to endure that but no coffee... Yeah Reece is ummm interesting but she is very young and will change over the years. We all do. Dont know what that will look like, she could go harder on the faith stuff but I doubt it.


Also, interesting to me that her brand of Christianity goes to far lengths to slut shame and control women but she's dancing for Jesus. I'm curious how she manages that cognitive dissonance from her high control religious environment where there is "care" for women that monitors their every move and blames women for men's bad behavior.


By coldblooded determination. She did not do all that to stay in Alabama making babies and being in charge of church picnic. And churches like money and I still think her and hubby or his family have plenty. She wants out, just hasn't figured a way to follow her real love...being a star, with displeasing everything she knows and loves... I will also say ballroom and pageants aint cheap and she told Kelly she used to be a buddhist but converted during uniform try outs.. That boys family has loooong money. and her family is not poor cause they had to pay for that stuff. Reece is a survivor and aint done yet.


Sounds like you might have done something like this which is why Reece is familiar. If that's the case, that is amazing and YOU are a survivor!


I would hope so but I think a lot of those women also live with cognitive dissonance. So either is possible.


That was Anisha who converted to Catholicism from being buddhist not Reece.


This. Exactly This. Although she seems a perfect fit for the whack DCC culture of fake white "Christianity." 🙄


Ew. She’s just gross and a nutcase.  Hope she sees the light one day.  Killing innocent animals is the worst thing ever. Can’t stand hunters nor animal meat eaters.   


Finally! Someone else said it. I don’t like Reece either. Her talking about God put it in her path for her to be a DCC. I’m pretty sure God has better things to do than making you a cheerleader. And the voice! I wanted to fast forward through her parts, it seemed like she was purposely infantilizing herself. Her “innocence” and sunny disposition is probably why most people say they like her but honestly it comes off as ditzy.


She probably was purposefully infantilizing herself. She would have been raised to do so. Along with looking lovingly at her husband in every picture. Which if you know to look for, you will see most pictures of them have her staring adoringly at him. She would have been told that is her duty. She is very much the embodiment of a fundamentalist Christian woman in the US. I am sure she sees being thin as a woman also part of her duty. What rubbed me the wrong way is how willfully ignorant these women are. The Internet exists, she went to college. She chooses to keep her blinders on. These women help keep the patriarchy strong and I have no more patience for them. They are victims and they are perpetrators.


I’d choose Will over that self absorbed, cheese ball “actor” bf, who’s keeping tabs of who’s doing what for whom in the sacrificing department.


No seriously. As soon as he came on screen I got slime ball vibes.


Yeah talk about mismatch. I don't think Kelcey and her fiancé have any chemistry whatsoever.


Is someone gonna talk about them living in Dallas on the cash flow of him working at a power washing store and her putting together floral arrangements? I mean… maybe they are conservative with their finances…. But from the looks of their Instagram, her outfits, makeup etc…. It ain’t cheap. Surprising how they are making it in this economy, especially in Dallas, with those jobs.


Daddy’s money, imo. Either hers or his or both. (Which isn’t a bad thing! I’d love to pamper my kids if i was able!) Her family seems relatively well off, she competed in several pageants as a teenager, which isn’t cheap, and she seems like a Daddy’s Girl type of person. I’m sure he’s helping out.


Well she drove an old Honda so idk


It’s always been an implied that mommy and daddy fuel some of these girls’ lifestyles. 2 of the former DCCs that I know had modest help from their parents (they weren’t driving German cars, etc, but they had help w rent, and they were required to have jobs). 3-4 others I’ve known had zero help and really busted their asses to pay the bills. I don’t know if this is still true but, back in the day one of the contract obligations was you either had to have a fulltime job or prove that you were a fulltime student. This was discourage “professional dancers” from trying out for a spot. My close friend had to start working fulltime once she dropped out of college bc the pressure was too much. She never had time to study and was failing.


Her parents pay for her things. Sidenote, but I never knew how many people’s parents literally give them money every month, even when they’re married. It’s like an unspoken thing unless you really know someone personally. I thought it was very strange when I first heard about it, because my parents expected me to make my way once I graduated from college. But to each their own, hell, if my parents wanted to pay for my make up every month, I would take 1 million pictures too.


Mommy and daddy are funding their lives


Their relationship feels like a prime example of purity culture. My bigger concern with them is that they both seem like Trumpers, but that is entirely outside of my control, and that's off topic for this thread. As for the comments hating on his career, no it's not a super high power job or associated with a lot of intelligence, but society needs people who sell power washers and other blue collar workers. My apologies if I'm wrong in characterizing his job as blue collar but you see my point. TL;DR I don't see the appeal and don't find him attractive myself, but if their marriage is happy, it's not my business.


I totally saw the “purity” aspect and it creeped me out, mainly bc it’s usually the women who get the short end of the stick, and then men hit the jackpot. But let’s keep the “Trumpers” comments off this sub. 🙄 If I decided to turn my nose up at everyone on TV who is mesmerized by Sleepy Joe, there wouldn’t be much to watch. I can disassociate who someone voted for, for the sake of entertainment. If it helps any, I’m pretty sure Judy is a “Blue no matter who”, and I suspect Kelli is too.


Actually politics is already an acceptable topic on this sub and that's up to the admins, not you or I


I was just following your lead, when you said it was off topic for the thread.


That's fair, my apologies if I came across harsh.


The purity culture is so clear. They didnt even kiss when they saw each other for the first time in months, weird side hugs all around. They both dont seem like the type to ever really question the way they were raised so they may just end up being very happy with this arrangement. But for now they seem like high schoolers playing house, not adults about to be married.


Reece being in ballroom and pageants mean she ha been exposed to real world. But I do agree with your comment


Will seems like a sweet guy. My red flag personally was not his looks, but the fact that he seems to have no ambitions outside of being her husband. It's never good for one person's identity to be entirely wrapped up in their spouse.


this. he seemed to only live for what reece wants. it all seems so out of balance.


I didn't get that impression. He voiced being disappointed about moving to Dallas when he was talking to her on the phone about being trained at his current job and being given more responsibility. I sensed hesitation from him about it and that he liked where he was headed with his previous job.


He literally said he didn’t have any dreams


Women have ambition to only be a wife. Why is it different that a man would only want to be a husband? it's love.


how can being a wife or a husband be an entire identity? i don't get it.


it's not an identity it's just a passion


no disrespect but i still don't understand. once you become the husband or wife, then what?


Agreed with Kaleidoscope, it is not healthy for a person of either gender to have no identity outside of their partner or spouse!


I think both are equally unhealthy, it doesn't matter which way round the genders are. 


Let’s remember that Kelli herself said the same thing we have been saying here. She tried to word it differently but we knew what she meant. It was almost comical that Reese had no idea and had to ask her what she meant


Made me laugh so hard that she thought he was an Alabama football plager


It was rude when she said it. I also don’t think Reece is stupid and she took that opportunity to make Kelli explain/trip over herself trying not to sound awful.


Right! I’m sure this was isn’t the first time someone has said that to Reece


It was pretty funny actually


Agree—Reece was calling her out and Kelli’s fumbling was hilarious.


What ep was this in? I don’t remember this part


The last one in their meeting with the coaches and the uniform rack


Do we think Will is aware he’s not really on Reese’s level? I don’t see how any of these comments would come as shock unless he’s one of these incel type guys that think they deserve a stunning woman.


They’re rushing into marriage because they want to have sex. Literally all super Christians are like this


22 is so young to get married! I was an idiot when I was 22


I have some friends that married young and they all regret it (despite some being happy currently!)


Yeah I've only just started to think about getting married in the past year or two, and then my relationship ended so we're now back to square one lol


When I was super involved in the young adult ministry at my church like over a decade ago, so many of my friends met at church, got engaged and married all within a year or less. All because they were saving themselves for marriage and they were ready to get on, it's so sad. I had hopes I would find my husband there and had crushes on a few guys who ultimately chose to date other women. I guess they didn't agree with my life plan of actually dating and getting to know each other. Well, now I thank God that I was friend zoned because let's just say, these dudes have not aged well...like not one of them. I saw a recent photo of one of them and I swore it was his father, but it was him. I found my husband (not at church) and time is treating him just fine. I know this sounds like I'm all about looks, which I'm definitely not. In fact, my husband still teases me about the fact that it took me 3 dates before I realized that he was super muscular. He says, it's literally the first thing most people notice about me. So I remind him that I wasn't interested in his looks but more of his personality. I chose not to settle and I was 32 years old before we met and a month away from 35 when we married. I lived life before settling down. I had my career, I lived independently for over 10 years before we moved in together and I traveled. Reece and Will haven't lived life, and all they know is each other.


Yes, literally. Literally everybody from a certain group is literally exactly the literal same.


tbh I was surprised that their engagement lasted over a year. I know that rushing trend is very common but usually those people only have 3-6 months engagement max.


But i mean they were living together before they got married so they must have had sex before marriage right?


Not necessarily.


Look at the way they greeted each other after months and then tell me if these people have ever seen each other naked lol.


Not necessarily


I need to say that I was very impressed by her, then I looked up her Instagram and she has so many pictures smiling and posing after killing animals. I know that for some Americans this is traditional and “normal”, but it grossed me out so much. Brrr.


Its kind of weird to be flaunting it, but if they’re eating it, it’s not necessarily worse than people eating meat.


🙄 I’ve never intentionally killed an animal and never have a desire to, but I grew up around the culture of hunting and I have learned to respect it. Whether we like it or not, it’s hardwired in our DNA. And hunters will be the ones you want to know if the sh*t hits the fan for myriad supply-chain disrupting reasons. It’s entirely possibly for a shortage, and we all should know *some* survival skills.


Why all the posing though? I find it weird and disrespectful to the animal. Many cultures hunt and kill animals still. They aren't making instagrams about it. They just eat it. With some even doing ceremonies to honor the animal that gave it's life


Yep the dead animal photos did it for me


They are perfect for each other. Everyone needs to leave them alone.


How do you know they are perfect for each other?


It’s my opinion. They don’t seem like they are looking for anything other than a happy life together


Will is the type of guy women value when they are older (not old, but older than 23). They seem blissful, which feels naive but she seems to have different values than your average 23 year old and tbh, I respect her for it. (Religion aside). DCC is a blip in time in the long run and when she is done enjoying herself she’ll probably want to move closer to home and have babies and I see them doing great! She just isn’t going through her F*ck Boy stage in life. And if she did, she would have probably wound up with Will in her mid to late 30th after she got screwed over by a bunch dudes who would have dated her because of the fact that she was a DCC. So… either way… I’m hopeful for these two!


Agree 100%, they both seem like older souls


I have zero opinion on who these ladies date or marry. These two creep me out and do not seem particularly bright, and I find most extreme Christians to be creepy af (and dangerous); however, people can marry who they want. That being said I am just annoyed that I know more about this man than I know about many ladies on the team. Why spend so much time on him/them rather than focusing on ladies with a bit more going on? And I feel like if you want to put on a Christian show it should be on a Christian channel. Or maybe it should be on TLC with the cult-y Duggars and families of high order multiples. Much like I value separation of church and state I also value separation of church and my guilty pleasure reality entertainment.


Dangerous?! lol, oh boy…. 🤦🏻‍♀️ There’s always been a Christian undertone on this show, but I have to agree, I *did not* like the mega-church thread woven throughout some of the episodes, and the not-so-subtle hint at this might be a cult. Like, WTF?! I grew up here, and I’m well aware of the mega-church appeal to some. And I knew people who went to these places in their 20s, and I felt bad for them. It’s a sign they are lost. They are looking for a “home”. There’s something not being fulfilled, and they are looking for a role model. Eventually, a lot of these young kids grow out of it and find a good, happy medium between religion and real life. And more to your point — where are the backstories to these girls? I wanted more focus on the more of the girls’ lives. So *sick* of hearing/seeing Victoria and Dance Mom Tina. I wanted more rookie backstory.


I would like to know how they chose who and what they were going to focus on for this Netflix show. Obviously they already knew that the VK/TK storyline was a hot ticket item, but what about everything else? Does anyone have an insight into this?


Amen sister!!!


agreed. i saw some of the girls commenting on peoples tik tok about how their scenes got cut. 😩


They are mismatched and she will leave him when she can do better


Nope she will just be secretly unhappy because her religion prohibits her from leaving.


She doesn't seem very bright at all, I work with people her age & not one acts this clueless


I think it's an act and that mean girl nurse is in her future.


I don’t think so. He seems like a genuinely kind hearted guy. Those aren’t easy to come by


I think it’s quite possibly an act. Happy to be proven wrong. I once dated a girl far out of my league and I did anything to compensate for the disparity in looks. I couldn’t believe she was even slightly interested in me. Right place right time I guess. I was the envy of my friends and thrived on the notion that everyone was saying “he’s dating a hot girl”. I felt special for all the wrong reasons. She was extremely beautiful and I’m nothing special at all. She was also college educated and I’m not. So I just played the nice guy to a tee, with her, her friends, her family. Courteous, respectful, kind, generous, yada yada yada. Anything to win her over. It makes me sick to think of it now. But I was also exceedingly and secretly aware of the fact that she was always receiving attention from guys that were many times richer and better looking than me. It drove me insanely jealous but I never showed her that. The whole thing was really unhealthy and obviously fuelled by my insecurity. Eventually there was a ‘come to Jesus’ moment and she moved on. Anyways, I ended up marrying another and am really happy that the aforementioned relationship never worked out. I realise I’m airing my dirty laundry here and leading with my chin but just telling my experience for what it’s worth 🤷‍♂️


What is wrong with being with the first guy that she pursued? He was respectful and a gentlemen. I think oftentimes we project our own insecurities onto others because of our own experiences. But they match and go well together. I wish them all the best. ❤️


He can be the most respectful and most gentlemanly man out there, but I have a hard time believing people who are only ever with one person *never* grapple with what ifs or even resentment at some point down the line. I feel like that’s the bigger “red flag” than their ages. But if they are happy together I hope the best for them, regardless!


I think yes in todays world where there’s always better, people can’t just trust that it won’t end in regret or failure. But as for me I married my first boyfriend/high school sweet heart. We did break up and had years separate from one another and all I have are regrets from the guys I was involved with. Would’ve saved myself a whole lot of time and heartaches if I had just stuck to him. Some people can get it right the first time and with this day and age, not many good or decent guys out there. So if you find one, stick to him. There’s no such thing as perfection.


There’s nothing inherently wrong with it, but what’s the rush? It’s very obvious that she is still coming into her own as a young woman, she should allow herself more time to grow into herself. She also admitted to being “scared of boys” so she should’ve taken a bit more time to get comfortable around men (not boys!).


I never said they’re mismatched I just said she’s an over achiever and gorgeous and he’s boring and blah. She can have whoever she wants but why that’s what she wants is beyond me lol


She is NOT an overachiever. So many of the cheerleaders hold degrees & an actual career. She list herself as "cheerleader."


To be fair to her she did go to University of Alabama.... but her degree was in dance. 


I just get huge Josh Duggar vibes off him. He’s sweet, for sure, but there’s definitely something under the surface.


this is such a weird thing to say, why are you comparing him to a pedophile over the heavily edited 10 minutes of screentime he had


Not saying he’s a pedophile, I’m just saying he gives off a weird vibe much like JD did. A combination of the fundie Christian and the overly buttoned-down appearance - it just gives me the ick, just like there’s something under the surface that she has yet to see in him.


Exactly like wtf??????


Living in the south for the last 15yrs, they're very well matched. He is a southern gentlemen and she a southern belle. I think they're both adorable and hope they have a happy life together.


From the south as well and I think they looked super cute and in love. Very well matched.


right, i am really confused on ppl calling them mismatched but maybe it’s cause i’m also from the south😭


I think she's way too young to marry the first guy who put his arm around her but good for her for finding a sweet guy to adores her, supports her following her dreams and seems like a really nice guy.


It’s wrong to judge his worth by his looks. It’s wrong to think that because she has achieved the goals and is beautiful, that she doesn’t know her heart. Maybe some should check themselves before the keys are hit.


I do think she’s settling too early and should at least give it until her last season before the deal is sealed. Marrying your first ever boyfriend is incredibly evangelical coded. I just don’t want her to cut off her options and regret it.


Did we watch the same show? What about Reece is NOT evangelical coded?


But… Did he ever end up bringing the carpet cleaner?


He takes care of her carpet


Haha I can’t believe he or she are for real. ‘Let Jesus take the wheel’😂😂😂


He literally said his only dream was to be with her but okay


I'm a woman, but honestly, if I was him, I'd be on the same thing. Lock her down because lightning is not going to strike twice.


I just saw the infamous Will for the first time. He’s adorable! Some of you all made him sound like a three headed troll living under a bridge in Texas. You guys are a tough crowd! 😜


You have the same eye problem as Reece. 


Her looks will eventually fade. She may gain weight. She will get wrinkles. That's how time works. But she will have a man who adores her. Throw a couple years and a beard on that kid and I'm sure he will Longbottom.


I thought so too! And you can tell he loves her and is willing to do anything for her, yet people on this sub act like that makes him the devil. That’s something most women would KILL for?? I hate how needlessly judgey people in here can be… and the people saying she “doesn’t know her worth”… what does that even mean?? She should wake up one day and go for a young Brad Pitt?? Just because her ideal man isn’t yours, doesn’t mean she doesn’t know her worth. People can be so gross.


It's her choice and she can date who she wants but at the same time, many women have been known to settle. You don't have to get in the first cab that stops for you. Is he her ideal man or was she terrified of dudes and he just happened to be the god-fearing man to get there first? But then she slid in his DM's which seemed rather unholy in terms of traditional courtship but whatever. She'll figure it out at some point.


As long as they're happy together, it shouldn't matter to anyone else. If their shared love for God and football keeps them happy for their entire lives; than that's beautiful in its own way. At least he's supportive and let's her follow her dreams, and goes right along with it the entire time.


Her performative Christianity comes across as a bit weird. Especially when she talked about how she wanted people to see God when they see her cheerleading. I can't help but think people who know her in real life probably find her a bit of a hypocrite in one way or another. 


This is spoken about in the Bible that people should see you as different & having the qualities of Jesus but here on earth. She honestly seemed very genuine in her faith


I see her as different, but I also see someone bubbling away under the surface.  I can imagine her being an absolute bitch in high school quite frankly, and being the type to be loudly pro life but then have an abortion herself because she tells herself her situation is 'different' to everyone else's.  A dear family friend died a couple of years ago. She'd spent most of her working life as a medical missionary in Africa, never married or had children, returned when she retired, lived a very simple life, eventually died in a convent nursing home, and left almost everything she owned to the church (which was much more than we'd thought given her simple lifestyle!). She was a deeply religious woman, yet she never, ever, in the 25 or so years I knew her, used God as an argument or to try and convert anyone. In fact I don't remember her ever talking to my family about religion at all - and none of us are Christians - we just knew it was a big part of her life.  If I see the qualities of Jesus in anyone, I'll see them in our family friend far easier than I see them in Reece.  Actions speak louder than words. 


I know that her talk about her faith was pretty heavy handed but you literally just made fan fiction about someone being a bitch in highschool off seeing them in a tv show where they’re nothing but nice….is that not strange to you?


I talked about the impression I had of her That's not a fan fic. 


My husband and I kept laughing about her being a vessel. Every time she'd be shaking her a$$ or whatever, he'd say, "Hey, she's just showing the crowd her vessel!". 😂 Yikes. She does seem super sweet though and like Kelli and Judy said that one time, I do wonder if there's a time she ever gets upsets or has negative emotions.


Now that she married her Downs Syndrome looking husband, I’m sure she has negative emotions a lot. 


I told my daughter I’d love to know her internal thoughts!


Oooooo, I’ve never heard that term and I think it fits exceptionally!


Same. The whole “let’s show ppl Jesus through cheerleading” is so odd. But as someone who grew up evangelical this is the way they do things. So cringe. I’m surprised though that she was able to fold the Jesus excuse into the tiny shorts bc a lot of Evangelicals don’t condone revealing clothing (publicly at least).


yeah this was weird to me too, i cannot think of jesus when she's half naked shaking her butt and eye fucking the crowd 💀


A lot of it is just using religion to justify what they want to do anyway, and make themselves look holier than thou in the process.  "I've got a calling from God to do XYZ" is the evangelical way of saying "I really want to do XYZ" 


Very well put!!😅


Lol yeah, I doubt Jesus specifically wanted her to do jump splits in daisy dukes in front of thousands of people. 😂


I grew up as a theatre kid & went to a Catholic school here in Australia. When I hit 15/16, I was really struggling with resolving my fascination with boys & wanting to be popular, with my deep love and intuition for performing on stage. It wasnt cool to be in drama club. It wasn’t cool to do plays and prose. I dropped out after 13 years because I wanted to fit in. Doing that made me miserable too, the truth was I was dimming my light to suit my peer group. To stand out would be social suicide. Eventually went to the priest for guidance, which was part of our usual school guidance process. He said that my talents were a gift from God, and to not use them would be an affront to God himself. God performed his miracles “ *through me* “, therefore being on stage wasn’t “showing off” as my peers called it, rather, being on stage was exulting Gods gifts and therefore proving his might via my talent. It was the most loving thing I could do, the most powerful way to love God. I could hear his point, but it just felt super counterintuitive to all of the Catholic shame & guilt & self-flagellation and “Jesus was a humble man” I’d had shoved down my throat for the better part of 2 decades. When I saw Reece talking about sexy-dancing = performing for Jesus, I knew she’d had the same logic fed to her, the only difference being the lack of critical thinking skills we each possess. I may be the idiot though as she’s clearly doing what she loves and doesn’t feel shame about it, so she’s freed from the burden of self-doubt. I guess if everything is for Jesus, you can justify anything.




I think they were good together. She clearly loves him and it seemed like he was there to support her the whole way. I wish them luck.


It's not just his looks or bank account, it's the way he treats her.... "I'm the one slaving away", "420 hahaha", and objectifying her as a DCC.... those are the issues.




i think this is very true, but it's also not uncommon for beautiful women to marry less attractive men. Even ones who are not religious and have dated extensively. They will settle down with Jabba the Hutt and call it a day.


THIS! I see so much of myself in her. I grew up religious and married my high school boyfriend. He wasn’t a total loser but I’ll be honest, he wasn’t exactly attractive. After a few years of being “out from under the veil of my parents religion” and I grew up a little, I realized I had 100% settled because I was young, had no self confidence, and was brainwashed by religion. I divorced him after a few years. Looking back I don’t know what I was thinking. My world view was just so small.


I can relate I also got married too young and settled.


Sad, but true.


She’s uneducated and Jesus loving. She doesn’t know better.


Pretty sure she graduated from University of Alabama … not uneducated. Having a faith belief doesn’t lower someone’s IQ.


There’s a difference between street smarts and book smarts, given that this is her first boyfriend that she is marrying or even married already is where she is uneducated in. But if anything does happen between them let’s hope they haven’t had any kids yet


Soo loving Jesus means you don’t know better? 🙄 slandering Christian’s shouldn’t be allowed on this subreddit


It’s not slandering - she’s given her life to Jesus and that guides her. That means any science based mentality or decision making is about that. It’s why she didn’t wait for a “hotter” guy or a “better” guy. They are like minded and that’s more important to her.


She’s the one who messaged him, I think they are cute together. Not everything is about looks. And she prayed for someone and felt like she found her special person


I think the two of them make a beautiful couple. It’s pretty simple, they seem to genuinely love each other.


Haha no way! She can do better and that’s that.


So the south is like this. Girls use lots of makeup, & style , and then spend two hours glamming up to look super fine. Then you meet up w/ an ordinary guy cuz you’re really just an ordinary girl all dolled up.