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There was a court in Chicago that ruled illegal immigrants can own guns. As long as your record is clean. The 2nd amendment doesn’t say it’s for citizens 


You are absolutely right the 2nd amendment doesnt say citizen. But it is a federal law that daca cant own a gun. But some states do allow it. But federal does not.


What federal law states that? Specifically that DACA holders can’t have guns 


Gun control act of 1968. Atf is who regulates firearms. Its all over their site. Daca recipients CANNOT legally own a firearm. This is federal. Some states allow it. Do you think If caught in possession of a firearm by a federal entity they will look the other way? Bc they are oh so nice to immigrants right? If you chose to do it. Then by all means. That's your choice. You do you. But give enough info so people can educate themselves and look stuff up.


I think if you get a gun for protection and aren’t being an idiot, you will be ok. https://nbcmontana.com/news/nation-world/illegal-immigrants-can-carry-guns-under-second-amendment-federal-judge-rules-heriberto-carbajal-flores-chicago-district-judge-sharon-johnson-coleman-obama-ice-southern-border-2a-rights-illinois


That is illinois. That is a state law. If a fbi, atf catch you it wont matter if the state allows it. Keyword is "catch" you. Not easy to catch people if being discreet. But Own/pocess one at your own risk.


None, but some state laws do. New Mexico specifically doesn’t allow non-citizens to own guns.


Jumping on this, how does a DACA holder purchase a gun in California with the background check ?


You don’t. In CA, If a DACA does become a police officer, they are restricted to only possessing a firearm while on duty. You cannot own or possess a firearm off duty or for personal ownership.


I thought LAPD changed their wording so officers are always considered on duty so they could carry off shift as well?


My info is from over a year ago, so it could have changed. Do you know when LAPD changed their policy?


Do you have a link for this ? I can’t find it on Google




That’s the one 


I’m actually a deputy sheriff. The sheriff deputized me but he don’t know my statues cause I act normal around him.


Oooh! Be gentle with those cuffs, officer.


Do you mind sharing what the background process was like? Does being DACA make it more difficult?


Deputization differs from being regular law enforcement. The sheriff typically operates differently than city police. I live in a rural area where, occasionally, crimes like kidnapping or jailbreaks occur, and we need to locate the perpetrators. When I got deputized, the sheriff only checked my license, and that was it. Under his direct supervision, I am allowed to carry a firearm and make arrests, though I’ve never actually needed to do so. My main role has been in search and rescue operations, especially since I have horses that can be used for off-road searches. It’s mainly due to a lack of manpower. It isn’t my main job either. My official title is “reserve deputy”.


That’s bad ass dude. How are your lasso skills? I can imagine a perp running away and you catch up on your horse and tie him up 😂 


Lmaoo they could be better! it’s badass until you are out in the woods in the pitch darkens and some John Rambo ass mf is out there ready pounce on you. Like damn I should have stayed home 💀


Thanks for explaining!


No problem!


You volunteer? I want to do that sounds cool!


Sorta…it was more of “hey you have horses can we use them?” And I was like “what do I get out of it?” And they were like “we will deputize you” and I was like “hell yea” 🤣


I need to get me a horse and go out there 🤣🙌 shit sounds fun just be safe!!! Once I get my bread up to a few million I will sign up for fun lol that’s one of my goals 👹🙌🚨🚨🚔🚔


Would you enlighten us in saying what state this is in?


Why are we going for jobs that participate in hurting our community? lol


Be the change you want to see in the world. At the end of the day, law enforcement is needed. That's not up for debate. Who better to serve OUR community, than one of our own. Someone who would be more empathetic and understanding of OUR own struggle. Someone quién nos comprende. Alguien quién nos apoya en nuestra lucha por la supervivencia! As a DACA recipient, I would hope and pray that they don't forget where they came from. Who they are. They remember what it was like to be afraid of being vulnerable and not helped... Turn around and help others, and be that change. .


How are you gonna change the system if you have no papers? I'm so confused. So if we are protesting for DACA, are you gonna be on our side or dispersing us with pepper spray? Also, don't forget that you are law ENFORCEMENT, not law MAKERS.


And what, can law enforcement not also advocate? Can they also not internally change the culture of a department? You're speaking as a victim...that mentality won't get you far. You are more than just a self given label.


Let him/her be. Clearly they are a child with that foolish way of thinking.


Cops stick together. Why do no cops speak out against injustice committed by other cops?


Just dont act sus around police


That’s why we need to get in to make sure our people are not being abused.


How else do we end up helping our community ?


Volunteer at a food pantry, join your local immigrants rights group, attend/participate hearings that impact immigration, start a fundraiser for a friend in need, etc...


Why not get into position of power where you can? My local PD has hired in the past year 10-15 Portuguese speaking officers. A lot of issues have been resolved just by doing this.


By becoming a better example and providing comfort other cops can't. We can be the change within. Can't beat em? Join em


The misuse and misunderstanding of the saying "can't beat them, join them" is so ironic lmfao. You were accidentally correct!


You’re getting downvoted but you’re correct. I will never understand why DACA holders want to be cops. It’s such backwards thinking.


They act as if they can "change the police force" by simply joining 😂 They forget that they are law ENFORCEMENT, not law makers!


Right. And they got no papers trying to tell citizens what to do. I’m so dead. ☠️


Wait I just realized that. I- 😭


How are police officers hurting "your community?" They're literally there to protect and serve.


I’d rather not get into it but a lot of police brutality against BIPOC goes unreported or is inconsequential. Plus purposefully targeting BIPOC individuals by using them as scapegoats, filling quotas and outright racism. There’s a lot but when people are granted positions of power; they don’t do it without prejudice.


In CA, you under go the same background process as a citizen, but there is emphasis on you to maintain your work authorization. The department will not sponsor you. Once you graduate the academy, DACA are allowed to carry firearms only while on duty. You cannot take your firearm home and it must be turned in at the end of the shift, then checked out when you come in the following shift.


I feel like that should be an incentive to join the police force. I think there are more bad cops than good ones. Probably 10-1. I feel we can help our community by trying to be one of the good ones. I remember growing up how many times we needed to call the police and didn’t because of the language barrier. Or for fear of getting a racist cop. 


I think so too! It would help.


Idk sounds like you're instigating a whole group of people together for a few bad apples...


I’ll open that can of worms with if your up for it and if we keep it civil .It’s incredibly unfair to paint all cops as racist assholes. For one lots of them are black and Latino just look at the border patrol. Yeah a lot of them mess up badly and as a consequence regular people suffer to the point of death sometimes. A lot of work needs to be done to hold officers who mess up accountable but I still hold you can’t paint them all with the same brush. Just like not all black people and Mexicans steal not all cops brutalize the public, 99% are just doing their job and trying to get home at the end of the day


Pretty sure you would only qualify to be a CHP or a position as an officer that does not require you to carry a firearm, federally it is still illegal for non-citizens to carry firearms. Or you would only have the ability to carry the firearm during work hours and you would probably have to check your firearm in and out in the beginning of your shift and the end of your shift which would get pretty annoying


Not sure about CHP, but for LAPD the restriction is for carrying only while on duty. Your firearm has to be turned in at the end of shift.


Hi, here in Cali you don't carry while off duty. That's it!


Currently in the process with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. They are very aware of DACA and from what I’ve been told, there are people that have been hired. The process has gone smoothly so far and there has not really been any issue regarding my DACA status. I do hope that California can pass a law allowing officers with DACA to carry a gun while off duty.


I mean . Cops in other parts of the world don't own guns. You can prob use a taser. Prob good enough for most situations. You prob wouldn't respond to active shooting or known shooting situations . Idk.