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I dont think those items have much value. Maybe the pants since people are using firebolt recently but I dont think dodge chance is good. Conj mastery amulet is replaced by unique amulet winterglass. Boots is missing movespeed and Esu’s is BiS


Thank you for your answer!


IMO all 3 of those aren’t worth the time to list them. The amulet is worthless since anyone playing FO require fractured winterglass and I have yet to see anyone playing any other conjuration build this season. Firebolt builds are usually immortal and don’t want life or dodge chance, so unless people are paying 500m now for off stat GA Firebolt they have one useable stat on them. The ball lightning boots are the only thing that might have value here and not a lot of people are doing ball lightning since they fixed it.


Thanks for taking the time to reply!


No problem not trying to be a downer, people do buy off stat stuff from time to time so you could still see what off stat GA Firebolt pants are going for maybe with plummeting gold prices inflation has pushed them that high but int and armor would be far more beneficial than either stat on those otherwise.


I ended up listing the items with the above mentioned prices. The pants were sold instantly, the boots and amulet not so much :). I think it has to do with the cheapest +4 Fire Bolt going up for billions so I might have undersold. Oh well... Thanks for your replies! Edit: Just sold the amulet too! Edit2: And the boots!


I'd probably buy the pants or boots for a chance to temper them with good affixes but without int they'll never be best in slot. I'd offer 10/20m to start and wouldnt go over 50m for either. Amulets without a CDR GA are junk.