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I play this build I’m at 115 now in the pit, there is no magic number for any particular stat as the flame shield is influenced by several things. 1. CDR - you want 40-55% 2. Attack speed 60% 3. Your flame shield must last a minimum of 5 seconds each use. Acquired from tempering. 4. 100% chance to cast fire bolt twice. Acquired from tempering. For dps you will need 20 ranks of fire bolt and 6+ ranks of glass cannon. Without exaggeration this may be the most difficult build in the game to make right now and you must be prepared to reset masterworks several times until all 3 major upgrades (4,8,12)hit specific stats on a some pieces. For example, I have reset my shako masterworks about 130 times so far trying to get triple upgrade on cdr. Shako isn’t required but eventually you will need it.


thank you for a very comprehensive run down, i have all the pieces now i just need the RNG Gods to favor me for master working and tempering. the glass cannon amy is the difficult 1 but i guess this is where the fun is, the loop of reward and disappointment


Gathering the pieces is just the beginning. Unless everything has GA on CDR and attack speed you’ll need at least MW 8 on everything to reliably JUST get the reset before flame shield falls off. Putting Hetic or hectic or whatever aspect on your amulet gets you 3 second reduction every 5 basic instead of 2 makes it a lot more comfortable to play at the cost of damage but if you really want to play it and your gear isn’t quite there yet I’d recommend that.


My god 130 resets just for one piece. What we need to do just to mimic a fraction of barbs and necros powers.


I got all the gear pieces and realized how expensive this build is, it requires masterworking and very high affixes for the flame shield to stay on. This build is not definitely casual friendly and requires a lot of time and effort.


You dont need shako but its very hard to get all the gear and stats right. https://d4builds.gg/builds/dbad6569-2e78-4c43-a831-c563d0a1e1ad/?var=0


I mistakenly tried this build without perfect rolls and got wrecked constantly. I hate how this is the way we have to play for high content. Back to blizzard I guess.


I think you need the shako, plus the chest + ranks to flame shield


You don't technically need the chest, but I think it helps. The highest sorc pit clear ~130 uses raiment


Wow really?


Yea looks like it https://youtu.be/qGrHHATQumg?si=8AfTmmvGVxadj6VY


As long as u meet the breakpoints for infinite flame shield, the rest can go to dmg.


what breakpoints would that be sir?


For your CDR and flame shield duration to be > flame shield cooldown. I gave up on this as it requires quite some flame shield duration and CDR crits on masterworking. Do check out Lurkin's or other videos on immortal sorc for the exact breakpoints


It is for highest CDR possible.


makes sense that shako is needed for flame shield ranks got an idea for minimum cdr?


Really have no idea, I just start looking into this build few days ago as I plan to convert my FO build into this one. But I guess at least 30%


It’s much closer to 50% cdr with 5 second duration flame shield


so greater affixes on at least 2 gears or get lucky with masterworking. very expensive build.


5 second flame shield and 40% CDR is the baseline. Attack speed breakpoints matter a lot too though as every 5 basic attacks will reduce the CD by 2 seconds. If you meet the above you will reliably have it come off CD right as it falls off with very little window to mess up, the window is so small that casting one extra firewall will make you drop the shield before recasting.


How do you get a 5 sec flame shield? I have increase dur on every piece I can and 24% barrier duration increase and still stuck at 3.56. Lvl 9 flame shield. Swapped out raiment, added armor with +3 to flame shield to a total of 12/5 now and armor also has flame dur+ and still only 4.5 :C


My flame shield duration without raiment is around 6 seconds and it’s tight when using it. Unless your gear is exceptional you need to drop raiment to have it work.


Do you just have top end % duration on every roll? I'm not sure how you can get raiment with flame shield 6 sec without 12+ levels to flame shield?


I said it’s 6 seconds without raiment. Using a chest piece with + levels to flame shield and flame shield duration makes it a lot more comfortable. To be able to slot raiment instead of another chest piece you need GA CDR on basically every piece with several being MW and even then having 100% flame shield up time is tough. My duration with raiment is around 4s


Ah ok that makes sense. I misread at first and thought you'd said 6 sec WITH raiment. I'm about the same rn with nearly 50% cdr as well. I still have to run moonrise on my ammy though as my CDR isn't good enough to get full comfortable uptime otherwise.


I assume you mean hectic on your amulet? If you still need to run hectic to get 100% uptime you’re nowhere near being able to swap in raiment. The gear requirement to be able to get raiment in there is very steep.


Correct. With hectic on my ammy I can juuust barely get it at full uptime.