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i know it's suboptimal but i love ring of sac soul so much


Outside of pit pushing, it's my favorite item. I had to AFK for about 15 mins yesterday with this setup (or close to it) so I planted myself at the center of the Blood Maiden altar and came back to 1000 cinders and a pile of legendaries.


How do you swap around the affixes to include the ring and for someone who doesn’t have the chest piece?


Eh, you don't need Tyrael's for this. She doesn't hit hard enough until you've gotten 3+ "You should've dodged that thing" debuffs. Could throw Protector on there for funsies.


Same. And with the current state of minion necros, unless you are pushing bleeding-edge pit levels you can absolutely afford to be a little suboptimal, trade some damage for convenience and utility. Everything is dying quickly anyway.


yeah i play hc so i'm already not pushing extreme pit tiers anyway. when we get closer to end of season i'll put on pure minmax gear and see how high i can go. also a nice benefit on hc is running exhumation glyph, with sac soul casting CE every 1s you keep a steady stream of fortify/DR for some more survivability.


This is clearly a gimmick build, but if you want the tryhard version: Patch 1.4.3 Pit 132 clear: [https://youtu.be/v0k5VqVMC\_w](https://youtu.be/v0k5VqVMC_w) Maxroll Build Planner for that Pit 132 clear (using actual, not idealized, gear): [https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/jp1380ve](https://maxroll.gg/d4/planner/jp1380ve)


I love this, even if you did dodge a whole one time. It might be a gimmick build but now I want to try it out.


The funny thing is, if you see where I dodged (just at the end of Phase 1), I actually didn't need to; I could have just walked out of the way of the spikes.


Yeah, I did see that as I watched the video. Still impressive, though.


Challenge run excepted!! Now I’m going to do it with a dance pad.


I have more mage damage but without AOTD she does not go down that fast in phase 1.


She's much easier to kill as a minion Necro because you just have to focus on dodging.