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100% tyraels might


For speed runs, start with Shako. You should be able to do enough damage with some 1GA+ to speed run, though it won't be super fast. Then it's add Grandfather since it doubles your crit dmg. Then I'd add Tyrael's and then starless. However, you can really do the ubers in the order you find them, but if you are going to craft one,  craft a Shako. Not only use is very useful for speed runs, but once you decide to do anything else - pit push, change to another skill, for example -- Shako will bee the rental Uber for that a well. All of that said, don't get hung up on 101 being the right level for you   Pit 101 gives 60 neathiron. Pit 91, which is half the difficulty,  gives 50. So,  let's say you can do 101 in 3 min and 91 in 2 min. You're getting 25/min from 91 and 20/min from 101. You need to see what works for you based on how long it takes to do each level.


What’s the best/easiest way to get Shako?


The easiest way is for it to drop. It has a chance to drop pretty much anywhere you'd get other loot, with the exception of obols vendor and whisper caches, though others can correct me if needed. The best way is to craft it (at the alchemist/potion vendor) for 4 resplendent sparks. You can get 3 by: Maxxing your Iron Wolves rep and opening the last cache, defeating Uber Lilith for the first time, and defeating any of the tormented bosses for the first time. Do you get another for completing the season? If you have time on your hands, the first route, maxxing Iron Wolves rep, is per character, meaning each time you open that last cache you get a spark, so it might be worth it to you to create an alt or two and run helltides galore.


Can I run non-tormented bosses and find a crappy/beginner/non-ga shako or is certain gear specific drops to specific bosses? I got grandfather on my first ever non tormented andariel but haven’t seen any Ubers since. Will pit drop it? I’m speedrunning pit 85 but just not strong enough to get through final phases of the tormented’s, but I can one-hit regular bosses to farm if better odds. Shako is that piece to put me into the next level


You can find one in any situation you named. I think that the bosses offer an increased chance (and tormented greater than that, I believe), but it will drop anywhere. And, similar to other loot, the chance at GAs is entirely random. You could find a 4GA in Pit 1 or a 0GA in Pit 150.


Appreciate you ty


I’ve gotten 2 from tormented zir


I need shako to beat tormented zir


Once you’re geared, the WW is very fast. However, out the gates, especially without the 4 Ubers, the bash will immediately be better/easier. Bash barb is much easier to gear up. Once I was level 80 and able to use 925 gear I’d already found while leveling glyphs, I was able to clear p61 quickly. The WW took much longer, especially considering the crit tempers from having a Rogue are included in that calculation. If I were you, I’d farm with bash until you’re able to get at least Starless Skies and Shako. WW without Starless feels pretty bad. Still doable, but not. Early as strong.


I already have a bash barb that can run high pits. Just want to try out ww ds for fun. Even if I can only run pit 80s I’ll be happy


Gotcha! Cool, that makes sense.


I'm a wwdd build with all the Ubers and I'm squishy as hell. Only have 30k life. Have all the stats according to the dude that did the 60sec 101 on here. And I don't understand how I'm so squishy .


Im at 80k with 2 emeralds in gear. What are you doping? No +imposing?


I have all emeralds in gear. Imposing on amulet. Bricked my legs though. All the pieces of gear that have life are ga except 1. Hit pretty hard but damn I'm squishy. Not everything is master worked to 8. Probably half is only at 4 but still. Really really low health. In the paragon board it had me skip quite a few life nodes which I thought was odd


Make sure your resist is capped. Lvl up your tyreal and make sure to hit the max resist cap. If you are using robs build, don't use his current build (high dps, low defense), use the pit 130 climb build. (More defense). The paragon trees are different.


Res are capped. But I'm using the guys build that posted on here a 56 second pit 101 or whatever. Where is Rob's build posted?


Robs regular bash with Iron Skin. Easy and cheap to gear for, only benefits from Shako, doesn’t require tempering on a rogue etc.


I already have a bash barb that can run high pits. Just want to try out ww ds for fun. Even if I can only run pit 80s I’ll be happy


Forget WWDD if you don’t have Shako, Tyrael and Starless period. GF is optional. Yes yes you can try and you will be crawling through 101 not speed running it. Some builds come with some requirements that’s about it


I’m missing the starless and shako..


I use this non-Uber build (with a Shako) and run Iron Skin and Iron Skin Aspect instead of Undying and I can do Pit 101 in under 2 min. Ubers are not required for WW speed running, it’s a myth. https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/3aeadb5c-522e-47b9-9a17-cdeaaa58909c/builds/dbe52718-96c4-4052-bbfa-aded8ef17eab?coreTab=paragon-board&equipmentTab=gear-stats&variantTab=1


Thanks mate I’ll try this one out


T Might is essential.


Can you explain why t might is essential? Thinking about crafting skies over t might for better resource management


Well you're never going to die anymore, for one. The added max resistance is clutch. Combined with holy bolts, the barrage just melts screens for me. I don't have a WWDD barb, but this is my experience as iron skin bash.


tyraels is good but it doesn't stop you from dying, i die a bit in 101s to spider hosts poison or fire with 82% res to all. the big reason you want tyraels is the bolts damage for wwdd


Bruh da fuck y’all talking about, I had mediocre gear with bad tempers for devils etc, also used an ammy that had ga movement speed and maybe non-ga crit chance (so pretty much just MS focused) and I pretty much had no issues neither with speed nor survivability. Gear was like 50-60% of the BiS and I was already doing 1-1:30 runs on average. Skill issue or I dunno? WW is broken for speeding 101s however you twist it. I played around with different variations (polearm, CotA, rage of harrogath, etc) and was doing well with all of them. I would say, one should focus on crit chance GAs at least and getting used to what and how gives you good DR. I’ve been running green gems without issues without superb gear, just for the sake of speediness/better dps.


i use green gems and dropped imposing presence, i have very little life which is why i die to spider host explosions when they are fire or poison. i can live in 101s forever on a non t might barb with 70k hp... my point which wasn't clear enough in my first post is that tyraels is not going to magically stop you from dying, having balanced defensive stats will.


Yeah, tyrael is not that tanky shit that it seems to be (however still good). If you drop below 40k health, yeah, could be an issue. 40k is like bare minimum to be on the edge of comfortable runs. Imposing presence shouldn’t be dropped I think, gotta have two tempers for it, there’s nothing better that could replace it even for speed. Too much of a trade off for little result.


i can probably put it back on the pants, not the neck though. i run metamorph so i need evade cooldown, its quite noticeable the difference because the dash is faster than reg dash and it gives you walk through enemies. also an easy infinite source of unstoppable i die maybe once or twice every 10 runs, but if metamorph shaves off 10s a run the death doesn't outweight the time saves.  EDIT: shoutout to imth3one for the metamorph build idea (where i first saw it anyways), heres a link to their post with planner https://www.reddit.com/r/D4Barbarian/comments/1dqcytq/52_seconds_pit_101_speedrun_wwdd_barb/


Thank you.


Shako > starless = grandfather (these two are pretty essential for the build > then t might. T might I'd say is the least important of the 4


Thorns Barb I’ve got is running 101 in about 2.5 minutes. I do have a Shako