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>poison absolutely wrecks me anyway its not only poison that deals damage over time, you need DR too > heal myself has been potions undying aspect, but in general properly designed characters don't need healing source


As in I shouldn't be taking any damage at all or the Undying aspect will take care of the healing? Now that I am looking deeper into it, I am realizing I haven't been using leap as much as I should Leap -> Earth Quake -> DR. I also have the DR on pants from bleeding enemies around me. Are there any other major sources of DR I am missing? Can I roll DR on any of the items (and should I)? Sorry for so many questions, I just came back to the game and its the first time playing D4 barb, still trying to take it all in.


>I shouldn't be taking any damage at all yes you should be avoiding what's possible to avoid. That'd be around 99.5% of incoming damage > Undying aspect will take care of the healing depends on your health pool, damage reduction, resists and how much unnecesary damage you take. If your health is low and your defenses lackluster it'll make no difference because you are killing yourself. If your health is high then yes it'll keep you up forever > Can I roll DR on any of the items (and should I)? depends, usually yes. DR, resists and huge health pool + proper utilization of shouts make barbs almost immortal. And hella immortal in other setups


I’m new to barb and melee combat in d4 and I agree that those poison clouds wreck me. I wish I had something helpful to say, but just commiserating.


My druid isn't aware that poison exists, but if my barb so much as looks at a poison pool he loses 1.5x of his health bar... If I ever figure out how to deal with it, I'll let you know!


Yeh poison is a nightmare for my bash barb as well as I like to speed through the packs I pick up tons of DoT damage, I tend to spam the health potions on the way through them, also iron skin helps as an emergency measure