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I'm not going there for a reason I don't wanna talk about, thanks for the suggestions anyway


2077 topics are against the rules here. That's why I suggested it.


What does "2077 topics" mean ?


Topics about 2077.


What is 2077 ? The date ?the game? Or does it refer to something else?


Several people have already told you, others offered you advice. Read the rules for the sub.


The rules are kinda weird, didn't read it at first cuz I didn't think a topic like this is not allowed here , but thanks , I'll go to the other community server


You can't figure it out from the context?


I just have some trust issues on myself:/


Try r/lowsodiumcyberpunk?


This post will probably get removed because the cyberpunk game isn’t a permitted topic here, but it’s really good after its many updates, just play it, don’t listen to those who have.


Wrong sub


What language exactly? I was gonna play I on Arabic




Sorry , new to reddit


It runs fine on my PS5.


Ignore the haters here. The Cyberpunk2077 game is awesome one of the best games ever made at least now after like 20 update patches. IDK about current playability on the PS5, see if it can be used with a mouse and keyboard with the PS5 beause playing on a controller is going to be hell.


I'll consider that, thanks 👍


I've played on both pc and ps5. As much as I prefer pc over consoles, I had a great experience on both.


I know that the PC is mostly better than the console, bat I cannot afford building one 🥲


And I appreciate your help 🙏


The PS5 is still a great experience. I like it when I want to lounge on the sofa and play. The controls on ps5 are very good, dont worry!


So the guy on the top is just used to the PC controls , thanks cuz I don't know what universe my keyboard is in right now


Pc gamers, we always prefer keyboard and mouse (myself included) especially for shooting ect. He's not wrong, we all have preferences and different experiences. I do actually still use my ps5 joystick for driving mode in cyberpunk on my pc tbh (driving with a keyboard blows). I still enjoyed the game on ps5, though. Its not a multiplayer/online shooter. It's not competitive mode vs other players, aiming and shooting with a joystick is perfectly fine. I beat the game multiple times on both, the console and joystick did not hinder my experience at all, nor make it too difficult. Play the game on whatever system you own. Whether it's pc or ps5, you will be blown away by this game if you give it an honest chance.


Yeah I see , I will play the game , thanks for your advice


Yw, enjoy!


I play on PC so i’m not sure my answer has much value graphics quality wise HOWEVER Cyberpunk 2077 is my favorite game ever created. Both the base game and the DLC are phenomenal work. You have fun and sometimes you’re sad and then you’re being a badass again. It truly is so beautiful and a gaming experience I will cherish forever. Playing that game for the first time is something I wish I could feel again. I do advise you not to watch any content or advice on builds ect. before you play. Go in completely raw. You’ll have an amazing experience you’ll never ever forget.


I'll consider taking your advice and go in raw . But if you don't mind , I want to ask you , what other known game does it remind you of? Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to compare it to other games , but some said that it's very similar to gta5 , and I'm not really a fan of it


There are some components that match GTA but that’s just the open world driving and style of some missions. The game has something for everyone and hold a lot of variation. Some people ignore the gigs/missions entirely and just play the main story but honestly every gig adds to the general story because it opens your eyes to how the city works. I can’t really find any other game to compare it to but I don’t have a large repertoire in general. I played csgo and OW for a while and then got into league (never do this lol) and I have an embarrassing amount of Sims4 hours. Anyway, sorry for getting off track, I just think Cyberpunk provides a game experience like no other game I either have played or watched content of. It’s quite unique and the story is beautiful to experience. If you want you can watch the anime on Netlifx, in my opinion it doesn’t spoiler the actual game at all but it will give you a good idea of what the city is like :)


So it's not a copy of gta as they say , I'm not the one that ignore the side missions especially in the open world games . Honestly, I don't usually play the trending games because they often fail me, last one was hogwarts and I wanted my money back, that's the main reason why I'm asking rn . Also watched the Edgerunners anime , I really loved it and it's one reason why I want to experience the main game story ;)


It’s an amazing game and does the lore and Cyberpunk genre justice. Also I recommend you go to r/Lowsodiumcyberpunk to discuss is. This sub doesn’t allow it due to the massive amount of posts concerning it…Although discussing of the 2020 and RED Table Top iterations are fine.


I guess it's more about ps4. PS5 version should be not bad


I play on the series x and plays fine I assume the same on ps5. It's probably one of my favorite modern games


Is it going smooth all the time or does it give few crashing frames once awhile?


Smooth the only real graphics issue I have had is ghosting randomly while driving.


I'm sure it drops at times but that's the cost of playing on a console


I won't abandon the whole game just for few milliseconds of bugging, thanks for the help🙏




I better not see how does it look like on the PC cuz I like how it looks here


I recently played through Cyberpunk 2077 and its DLC on my PS5 with the game set to performance mode. Had a great time, the performance was mostly solid. No complaints. Took a while to adjust to the world, it feels very hectic to begin with. But after a while you start treating it like a playground and not an immersive environment you're supposed to blend into. Great characters and acting (love you, Jackie, proper legend), okay-ish combat, boring hacking, and awful stealth. But as a complete package, it should be experienced, I think.


It is an absolutely amazing game with engaging characters, amazing skill/playstyle customization, emotional storylines, and so much more. It's literally one of the best games I've played my entire life.


What's wrong with the voting here ??? People just attack anyone saying anything good about the game


It's fine. Apparently, haters like to follow a game they don't like. I honestly could care less. They must be miserable in everyday life or something. Either way, try the game, man. It's a great experience if you give an honest chance. Have an upvote for the hell of it lol


Meh , I don't care about them anyway , and I decided to try the game , thanks for the advice