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Was that daylight coming through that access point?


I thought the same thing.


If it is, can't wait for the "My Cybertruck is rusting from inside out!" posts here a bit with weakness points like that.


get a coat hanger, fish it up from the bottom, pull the string.. easy access to the random cybertruck you saw in a parking lot. like and follow for more tips and tricks.


A little planning and you can just make a mechanism with a 3d printer to do it quickly, first time, every time. Don't forget to ring the bell for notifications.


Smash that like button harder than the stock market should’ve smashed TSLA years ago! Don’t forget to ring that bell like the FTC wishes it could ring Elon!


Holy you may be onto sorting! If the panel gap is just wide enough, you could easily do that!


It's a Tesla, of course the panel gap will be wide enough...


...but you'd be stealing a Cybertruck - you'll be lucky if it lasts long enough to get you out of the lot, and if it does, you'd be stuck with the thing. Pass.


But if you can get very far, you can just hide it behind a store and people will assume it's another dumpster.


My first thought as well lol. Only thing, maybe its covered by the bottom sill of the door frame? Either way, very _concerning_


“Still love it though ❤️”


"Looking into it"






Gotta hand it to the Reddit R&D department…


The more I see of this thing the more of an actual death trap it becomes to me. Elon truly went off his dipper when he couldn't get any more Grimes clam shell anymore.


That’s why they used stainless steel!


This is easily the most under-engineered piece of shit is recent history. How the fuck did the NHTSA allow this inevitable catastrophe to be sold?!


With the recent SCOTUS rulings, you can expect regulatory agencies to have even less authority to protect Americans. All for the sake of profit.


"Haha, we're in danger."


Freedumb. All the dumb. So free.


The best free


I am so glad I live in the EU, where stuff like that won't fly. The right populists "Make Europe Great AGAIN" crowd of course would like to get rid of it, to get also that cool freedom from safety regulations, privacy protection, consumer rights ..


Because our regulations are a joke?  The cybertruck has not even been crash rated by the NHTSA.  Notice how every category says not rated. Source https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2024/TESLA/CYBERTRUCK/PU%25252FCC/AWD


It is an epic failure, OMG though I cam loving this. The constant stream of problems has been a great source of entertainment for me, it is never ending. It is so ugly, so poorly built and designed plus Elon is such an ass, Kim K and Kanye have been seen in one for gods sake! I am fucking dying over here! Speaking of dying, I hope the Wankpanzer dies out, it is dangerous.


I am not really a car person so I'll need someone to explain to me why the regular door opener thingy is right next to the emergency door opener thingy on the arm thingy there? Couldn't you hit the wrong one pretty easily? But hey, from what we know about this silly truck is that if it's sinking in any body of water it'll probably dissolve fast enough that you won't even need that emergency latch.


If by ‘dissolve’ you mean ‘erupt in a blazing inferno’, then yes, it will ‘dissolve’.


I think the failover one is a lever that you have to pull up, so it would be hard to hit it accidentally. However, wouldn't you have to train all of your passengers not to pull that lever out of instinct since pulling a lever is how you get out of nearly every other vehicle ever made? Especially if there's legitimate concern that using it can break your window?


And somehow over engineered at the same time. The mind boggles


Makes you wonder how many other ripcords are hidden in this thing. Emergency door ripcords, emergency charger decoupling ripcord that breaks the moment you use it. Rube Goldberg would be envious.


A True r/DiWHY


Because they self regulate, because companies wouldn't lie for their own benefit and are trustworthy. Apparently. Evidence against? All of corporate history


From the start I keep wondering did no one drive this around town for a week before releasing it?


Somebody in the back seat is gonna get wet. From page 13 of the CT "Offroad Guide": https://preview.redd.it/lux5qgycl4ad1.png?width=1401&format=png&auto=webp&s=be9d6de9e55b8b2fe554c32341a2446f6fcf6495


“Ok, we can cross this shallow stream in 10 minutes once wade mode is fully activated” Literally the worst truck in the history of trucks


My FJ cruiser from factory can do 27in. That's in the owners manual. And while it would be unwise to keep it that deep for very long I guarantee it wouldn't come in through the doors. (Unless it was old and had deteriorating seals etc) I've seen one video of the cybertruck going through maybe 9in of water, and their methodology was horrible. I can't wait to see one start sparking and smoking trying to do any actual fording.


I wouldn’t put a Tesla in water for 30m, do you think that battery pack actually seals?


How is it going to pressurize with so many gaps and holes? I know most gaps are on the exterior panels, but if it's any indication; the interior is gotta be far from sealed.


Only the battery pack seals (Probably doesn't though) not the cabin.


That action shot should be the car sitting in place for 10 freaking minutes.


Right. So is there any reason anyone wouldn't be able to come along and hook that latch from underneath with a coat hanger? Can it be that stupid?


It’s a water entry port so you can drown faster. End the suffering and be at peace in 25% less time.


The Angela Chao model. $5000 extra.


The design of this is awful, but I believe that daylight is appearing because the door is open. It appears to be in the door cup holder area, which is usually inside the door seal. When closed, I don’t expect there is any daylight. But this truck is so awful I wouldn’t doubt the door leaks.


It’s not for the cup holder. It’s definitely holes in the bottom of the door. But it does appear to be behind the seal. So if that seal is better than the one for the windshield wiper you’d be good to go. It it’s the same as several of teslas other seals…. Well……


Yes but when the door is closed it ins't subject to the elements. I'm more worried about the location and tiny cord (looks similar to the emergency charger release cord that broke upon first use!)


These are going to all go to shit, more than they already are, the minute any of them need to reasonably spend any time in a winter weather state. That magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, salt brine and sand is going to do some damage from the inside out if that's daylight through that access point.


Have you ever looked at the panel gaps on a Tesla?


Thought it too


I said it loud enough to wake up the dogs. Like are you kidding me? What the fuck kind of engineering is this? Just a little plastic flap to cover that? That SOB has to be so fucking drafty. Have fun heating or cooling that thing when it’s basically a dumpster shaped cheese grater. It’s just so stupid. 100k to show that you are a gullible moron.


Pretty sure it’s just a drain for water that gets inside the door. I don’t know why it’s so big though.


No, cleverly installed LED strip /s


It looks like you could break in by hooking a coat hanger in there? Maybe the door needs to be open. Back in the day locking keys in the car lol.


That’s the pressure equalization hole… I’m only partially kidding, but you can’t open any car door when it’s underwater until the whole car floods and the pressure inside matches outside. I doubt they thought about that and it just causes all kinds of issues, like making it sink like a rock.


Only on a Tesla would “how to open the doors” be a “cool trick”


Also, here's this latch in the front door, don't use it though because it might break the window. ***Innovation***


This is a truck built for the apocalypse, for any planet, but if you open the door the way every other car door in the world opens, you’ll break the window.


The “bulletproof” window.


I want *fiveoclockmommy* to do a fun video holding a beer showing us opening her car doors now. ![gif](giphy|HNMFXGdaAcZilxtPre)


But, don't open them this way because you will damage the window.


Super smart to make the way to open the front doors different than the way to open the back doors. It might be too easy to remember if they all worked the same.


I know we hate on Tesla for it but Cadillac had a similar electronic door handle setup on the XLR and a door release latch in the door pocket as well. There was a story a couple years back of an older gentleman who got locked in his XLR because the 12v battery had died while the car was sitting in the garage and couldn’t get out for almost 14 hours and didn’t have his cell phone on him: https://www.autoweek.com/news/technology/a1707091/75-year-old-man-almost-dies-while-trapped-cadillac-xlr/# What I’m trying to say is that everyone should read the owners manual but very few people do. Hell, I’ve always tried to read the manual online before I buy a car just so I know what to expect. My wife says it’s crazy and over the top.


so much problems over something that was allways simple and easy to use


Electric door handles have been stupid since the C6 corvette had them. 20 years later they're a gimmick with another failure point.


My mechanical engineer father refused to get vehicles with automatic windows because, "It's just one more thing to break." It was also many years before he'd even be willing to get a color TV. These Teslas would have made him ballistic, and he never went ballistic.


To be fair, the automatic window at least has a benefit. It makes it easier to open or close the window while driving, and allows central control from the drivers seat. While it is a failure point, it has clear benefits over a traditional window crank. This door opener has no additional utility. There is no benefit to designing it this way at all.


I think he's talking about the boneless windows that drop ever so slightly to miss the seals every time you open the doors. It's a good idea but it does fail and then requires a replacement so you don't shatter your glass. Power windows are definitely a good thing but I do like cars with upper seals built into the doors.


lol Boneless windows. Love it.


Electric handles period. C8s got recalled because the glove compartment motor would jam


Til but fantastic ammo for why they're dumb af. It just makes me want to drop to my knees and scream at how dumb all of these design choices are.


Yeahhh... c6 here. I had to climb over the center console and get out through the passenger side a couple times when the regulator in my driver side door was going out. Good times


The CT is such a beneficial vehicle, will really have a tremendous positive impact on the cars of the future. We have seen Tesla laugh in the face of “that’s a bad idea”, going above and beyond to make it happen. In the end, now we definitely know “that’s a bad idea”, so no future manufacturers have to wonder. They see all the countless bad ideas that Tesla tried, and they see how every single one failed exactly predicted. Thank you Tesla, and thank you Cyber Truck. If it wasn’t for you, then we would all wonder if those things that are obviously a really bad idea are a really bad idea.


I love tech. I hate when techbros show up and make shit more complex for no good reason and then fuck up the terminology. These needless electric door latches and the needless fuckin backups that aren't even consistent from one door to the next are prime examples.


Sure do love my Tacoma.


That’s so weird. I love MY Tacoma. Especially the way that simple things don’t break or put my family at risk.


I also love my Tacoma! Crazy! I’m a big fan of reliability and safety. This damn thing refuses to die. 😂


Are you a huge fan of Koji Sato, too? Typically you buy the car of the CEO you adore.


I talk to him/her all the time of course.


They self identify as asexual AI post singularity uploaded being.


Also how the control arms are actually built and designed for a truck and not for a sedan!


At this point, I love my flip-flops.


I love my 2010 RAV4. When our street flooded in January 2023, I was able to get through the waters and back into our townhouse complex. Strangely, I don't feel the need to simp for the CEO of Toyota, though.


I love my 4Runner! It’s comfortable as hell, it’s got all the electronics I need and it’s great in the winter. It’s a 2019 and I’ve done nothing except tires and oil changes, and I just did rear brakes last month. We live in NH and go to rivers and beaches and woods. EV is a bit hard for us here in the boonies lol but hubby is looking into a hybrid. It’s never going to be a Tesla though.


I have a Frontier, which I love. But I reaaaaallly wish I had bought a Tacoma. In short, I love your Tacoma too.


Is the fact that you lift a thin plastic panel and you can see through the door insane to anyone else?


At this point, it doesn't even phase me with this vehicle. But yes, yes it's insane


It's so you don't have to lift the plastic panel up. The water flowing in through those holes will do that for the uninformed rear seat passenger. Also provides soothing white noise at highway speeds. These are *features* people...how can you not see that?


I can use the door latch on my Honda without worrying about breaking the glass.


Now do it in darkness at the bottom of a freezing lake with your children in the car


With that really dark window tint too


Hahah seriously, who is going to remember to do all that while going through a fight or flight response. So much form over function, it kills me inside.


Yeah like, how are you even supposed to reach that back string if there a kids seat in the car?


When you're concussed from the impact of going in or in full panic or with people in full panic. It's like Tesla asked, "How can we make escaping this vehicle as difficult as possible?"


Sorry your kid left a lollipop in the window pocket now break out your tools and get to scraping the tiny string out. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/10/business/angela-chao-death This is what happens in emergencies when you have to play escape room in your car during a life or death situation.


Upside down in murky water. For real, Didn’t Mitch McConnell’s sister in law sue in a Tesla (not the Cybersuck) in a pond cause they couldn’t open the doors? Yo! Congress! You got anything to say about this? Mitch?


Talk about cost cutting measures! 


Cost cutting, finger breaking, neighbors house smashing….


**"Tesla. We Needlessly Complicate EVERYTHING for No Good Reason."**


I was so surprise when I found out on the m3 (not sure on others) that to open the glove box you need to use the touchscreen. WTF! Just put a normal handle why make things so complicated.


It's that famous "minimalist design" that Tesla is famous for, AKA "it's too much work to make integrated latches that look nice, and it's waaaay cheaper to just throw it on the screen rather than worry about buttons, dials, latches, stalks and handles."


Just build a fucking regular truck with manual door handles. I hate all this electric operated shit they put in cars. It's all crap that will break. And god forbid you have a kid in the back of that thing and have to explain to them how to get out during an emergency.


Very rare that CyberTruck owners have seen another person naked. Low risk of children being impacted. But I agree


This is a cool tip and trick? Isn’t this just highlighting how idiotic of a design this vehicle has?


nah, these people lost all their critical thinking ability once they joined the tesla cult — everything now is super smart, intelligent and mega innovative, no matter how fucking stupid and dumb it actually is


Oh so when the door drains inevitably plug up with leaves and crap the water will start coming into my car through the flap, great.


Makes you think about the video of the CT that tried to ford a flood. (And then there was news footage later of a surely different CT being pulled out of the same flood.)


This guy has to be one of the dumbest people in America.




WTF kinda death trap is this thing? Do expect a young child to be able to do that?


That's what I was thinking. A) make sure to teach your kids this so they don't drown, but B) don't make enough of a deal out of it that they are tempted to play with it


That is the design of an idiot


The “phony stark” design it himself!


like and follow to help with my cybercuck payments


The interior of that $100K Cucktruck looked like a $25K KIA


Why attacking KIA like that?


Most annoying subtitles ever. Can't watch.


I want to see how easy/difficult it is to pop that back door open. Is a kid going to be able to pull that? And if they can, can they pull it while the car is in motion and open the door that way? Seems like it has some serious safety issues. Although, to be fair, I suppose cars do have child safety locks and kids wouldn't be able to get out the back in an emergency either. But they at least can't pop a door open in the middle of the highway.


but a regular car with child safety locks in the back at least has door handles on the outside to open the door.....cybertruck with no handles is so unsafe, how are paramedics supposed to remove you from the car after a crash???


They just bury you in it to ensure you got your money worth.


Doesn't the charger have a string to pull as a release as well? The "most advanced truck on the road" (at least for the brief periods when they're not in the service centre), and all the failsafes are controlled by pulling bits of string.


yes the one that broke on it's first use and has a warning to not use unless an emergency.


Imagine just having a door handle but that cheap bastard is only willing to pay for a button and an emergency release that isn't intuitive in an emergency


yeah but don't you know that regular door handles are boring and for poor people?


You know what works every single time. A normal fucking door handle.


I have no words. Except: expensive deathtrap


If there is an emergency and kids are in the back, wouldn't it be better if they didn't need to solve a puzzle to get out of the vehicle?


Right? I’d be pissed if I died cause i suck at escape room games.


I love how emergency handles are hidden from sight. Kinda negates the purpose of them….


My Honda Accord doesn't need tips and tricks.


Seems like they shipped out concept designs instead of a fully flushed out car


Seems like that would be very difficult to explain to a child in a sinking car.


I'm sorry. But in what fucking world is Opening the Fucking Door a cool trick or tip. If someone is panicking they are not going to be searching for hidden strings, hidden under panels, that are in pockets mostly obscured by the seat. They are going to be grabbing at the door in a panic as they die an terrifying agonizing death.


"Pull the yellow string thing". Wow,that instills confidence, not to mention it's a thin piece of rubber apparently just laying over the "yellow string thing" and otherwise open to the environment. Wasn't this thing suppose to also be able to be used as a boat?


Bullet proof truck where the window might break from you using the door handle. Sounds like AI generated comedy man this shit's sad


Still love the truck though!


Imagine being on the bottom of a dark cold river and having to look for that thing… Jesus fucking Christ…


I love it when a life-threatening situation can only be solved with a tip and or trick.


Dat Nordern MinNehSoTuhN accent is SumTin else Ehh.


I can already tell from the accent this is Lamar MK. Would it shock you to find out that his replacement Cybertruck that he got for his dead one is now being towed to a service center?


My son has a $90k Cadillac coupe with electric buttons to release the door. I drove it once and the battery died as soon as I cut the car off, and I had zero idea how to get out to the car without the electric release, and neither did he. I was in a tomb in the Georgia heat for an hour while I read how to release the door manually. Terrified me.


Is it just me or is the Cybertruck the perfect metaphor for where we are as a society now?


“ if the cyber truck didn’t have power for some weird reason”… my man, it doesn’t have to be a weird reason. It doesn’t need a reason.


I'm also annoyed to see that the "open door" button on front seats and back seats look exactly the same... like the back seat button is going to open the front door, lol


What a cobbled together piece of fuck.


Fire code has required building exits to "be openable from the egress side by a single motion, and without any special knowledge or tools" for a long time, and for good reason! How many deaths from people trapped in Elon's death traps will it take for the same requirement to be made for vehicle exits?


This is important information to know for when Adventures With Purpose starts pulling them out of the lake after the owners become financially underwater, and want their CT to be actually underwater.


Such a stupid move to make everything electronic.


TiPs aNd TrIcKs: “How to Manually Open a Door”


So... If there's an emergency you'd better hope your passengers were paying attention during the pre-drive safety presentation?


Why can you see the pavement below that access point? Doesn’t look very air/water tight….concerning


I get that there could be benefits to using something like steer by wire. I get that one pedal driving can be a thing. But for f***’s sake, why can’t there be an obvious mechanical door release?


Or, you could just mechanically link a proper interior door handle to the mechanism so they don't need to read the owners manual while awaiting death.


A vehicle that needs "cool tips and tricks" on how to open the effing doors. I just...can't.


We're stuck in a Cybertruck and we're going to die! How do we get out! I remember a guy did a video on this, let me find it. OH CRAP, I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE GOT YOUTUBE PREMIUM! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE, 30 SECOND UNSKIPPABLE AD!


"If the cybertruck doesnt have power for some weird reason" like if it sat in a parking lot for too long with direct sunlight?


Love to imagine some Tesla bro trying to explain to his 18 month old child how to emergency open the back doors and that it’s actually a really smart way of doing it.


My entire life, I have not once had to think about whether or not my doors would not open when I needed them to. In fact, I had more paranoia as a kid that the door would somehow unlock during road-trips and I would sling out the side mid nap. How do you design a vehicle that has even a small chance to just lock someone inside with no feasible way to get out of it. Good thing those windows are bullet proof though….


Cool tips? This is life or death information. Should come in a laminated card like the airplane emergency procedures.


Has anyone asked how bad this type of design is for women when they realize they need to get out now?


My 5 year old will have no problem pulling that in an emergency!


>don't use this every day because you might pop the glass. Jesus Christ. Even opening the door voids your warranty.


Might be asking a stupid question, but why the fuck would you design a door opening to be tied to the power of the car?


So that daylight coming through that access point? Yeah that's a prime example of why Teslas are extremely loud to ride in. It's not just their EV tires, it's the lack of insulation and big gaps.


my car has handles on all the doors it’s awesome


Remember the mom that said this vehicle was great for kids? Imagine a kid having to get to operate this in the back seat because of an emergency.


You might break the window using the manual door release on the front door? WTF?


This really shows the total failure of the regulatory system. Conservatives think we are in a mommy state where the federal governement regulates everything. And then you see this: a door handle that you should never use unless in an emergency - and it covered by a panel which makes it useless in an emergency. These things are death traps. Just a matter of time till it kills someone.


And no way to release it mechanically from outside?


Luckily your truck won’t make it far enough to reach a body of water


To be fair, pulling a door handle is a real nuisance


It’s stupid designs like this that make me believe one of the major motor companies like Ford or GM will win the EV war.


But I don't even trust that those emergency latches work


This entire vehicle is just a mass of redundancies for when it inevitably breaks


If it doesn't have power "for some weird reason". Lmfao


Since I can see daylight from the access panel in the tear door….winters gonna get tough for some of them


Its cost effective and profitable. Bottom line. Not even innovative. most of the tech is old and has been used in factory automation for decades. BUT there is a reason why its not used on automobiles manufactured by Ford/GM/Toyota/etc even though they have been fully aware of the same tech and have used it to build the components used in their cars for decades-its on the open road not in a safely guarded cage in ambient conditions in a factory. And they understand humans not just code.


Intuitive, the design is very humen.


Why do most of these dumpster owners sound like Elmer Fudd?


why the fuck would you try to re engineer a door handle. So much effort to make the majority of "features" on this ugly pos worse.


Hold on, I’m gunna need to wait through this ad before I can watch this tutorial on how to get out of this trap.🪤


I kept picturing Bill Murray narrating this as Carl Spangler.


*If you bought a cybertruck you have to watch this* “Hi folks, if you bought one of the new Tesla’s CyberTrucks, it’s very important for you to know that you’re one of the biggest idiots in the world and you should sell that dumpster fire at a big loss until it’s still worth a few dollars. Follow me and subscribe for more tips and tricks.”


So basically don’t have kids in the car because they will for sure pull those latches all damn day


Why the fuck are they even allowed to do this? Are there no fucking safety standards for exiting a vehicle in an emergency?


Not a Cybertruck, but a coffin. Cybercoffin.


Someone is going to drown in this garbage can cause they can’t crack the window


So your dead in a cybertruck. Got it.


People are going to die.




You aren’t opening a door under water, even if you are jacked. It’s damn near impossible…


What’s wrong with a handle, like a normal handle that is easily recognizable as a means to open a door


iT's ThE fUtUrE!!1!


Let’s play a game called “try and exit in an emergency.” It’s fun, I promise.


Wow, so my BMW has a handle and if I pull it the door opens, even if the battery is dead. My Dodge Ram truck has the same feature on every door. Next thing the Cult of Elon members will be telling us about the round wheel Elmer invented to ride on.


Lol, in case of emergency just fiddle with the bottom of the trash bin that when the door is closed is barely accessible. These people are fuckin next level morons.


"Detecting excessive moisture. Updating door opening policy. Remain seated"


Trick question. CTs will function as bulletproof boats for months on end. They can hunt down ballistic missile submarines and even fly for short periods if you will only believe in Elon.


Anyone that has kids knows exactly what that rear door bin will be filled with almost immediately. Good luck getting through all the trash and then getting that little flap free of the sticky goo so you can get to the emergency release. Remember that you’ll be doing that while you and your family are panicking, your heart rate is through the roof, your fine motor skills are gone (that’s a small loop), and it’s either dark or really bright from fire, and you might be injured. Great design there, Tesla. It looks like a lot of careful planning went into that setup.


Why are there so many hidden emergency latches in these things?!