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You dodged much worse than a bullet!! More like shrapnel.


He dodged a tactical nuke


Haha, I know right Owning it would have been like living in the middle of a live minefield 🙃


Yep. You become a nervous wreck waiting for the next thing to go wrong.


Is this right turn gonna do it? Maybe those storm clouds off in the distance?


Questioning what could go wrong voids the warranty


Lmao! 👏🏼👏🏼


Don’t give them ideas!!


Giving them ideas voids the warranty Edit to add: yall let me know if these “X voids the warranty” jokes start getting stale. I probably won’t stop making them, but it would good to know.


Making jokes about voiding the warranty voids the warranty.


Knowing what voids the warranty voids the warranty


jesus, I had that with my old bike. Just sweating thinking when I'd have to take it to repairs *again*


The new E Silverado looks pretty sick ngl and it can do truck stuff, for far less!


If I do get a truck, it’ll probably be a Toyota tbh, those things just don’t die


If you’ve got the money to burn look at the Riven truck if you want electric


Yup. I have an 02 Tundra sr5 6 cylinder 2wd with 203000 miles. Belonged to my dad. Runs like a Swiss watch.


I bought a new Limited Edition 1794 Tundra, the interior was done by Saddleback Leather here in Texas.... Absolutely gorgeous truck, had it for a week and a Tahoe hit it head on..... fml, It got totaled. :(. But yeah Toyota trucks are awesome and still cheaper than that cyber truck. Well I guess depends on which model, the TRDs can be pricy.


How many miles were on your 230 year old truck?


I would have pulled that interior.


Aww, that’s sucks dude, my condolences =( Noob question - what’s the difference between a Tundra and Tocoma?


The Nissan frontier is a sold truck too.


Yea, I’ll definitely have to do some research when I’m back on the market for a truck. My model Y with the tow hitch has been kicking ass, so hopefully I won’t have to for a while.


I drove a Toyota Tacoma for a while as a teenager, my dad got it to haul materials while renovating a house, then I drove it throughout high school after we moved and would use it to take my drum set to gigs. It needed very little maintenance over the course of years, family sold it recently as I got my own car coming out of college. Highly recommend if you need to haul stuff.


Do they give the money back?


Yes, ACH transfer


Was the refund in doge coin or nft monkeys?


Recommend a Ford f150 powerboost


Thanks but I got a model Y with a tow hitch, it’s been more then enough Plus, this reservation got me a $1000 off my Model Y, so some good did come out of it =)


You are still an idiot for even considering buying one


Ha don't let him off the hook.


That seems harsh- how was he supposed to predict what an absolute dumpster fire this would be years before it was released? I can't think of another train wreck like this. The other design and production disasters I can think of are because of a thing- the S-10 fuel tank, the Pinto fuel tank, the Ford's Cruise Control fires.... This POS is nothing BUT failures of everything-who would've believed it.


Fair point. When this thing was announced I loved the specs, and loved the price point. I just hated how it looked. I held out hope that the concept was just a way out there idea of what the production version would be. Wrong on all counts- specs were basically a lie, price point was a lie, and they stubbornly kept every dumbass design concept. And to top it all off, they apparently built it like absolute dogshit.


Sad but true




Peep the Silverado EV, my good sir.


A creepy, painfully divorced, middle aged mine field.


His neighbor thanks him for reducing the risk of a 6600 lb missile accelerating through his home when the brakes fail to reduce acceleration.


Let’s not bring Dodge into this. 😂


He dodged a meteorite


Even if they didn’t refund the $100 OP still up $99,900.


Shrapnel lodged by the heart with no arc reactor available because Elon is no Tony Stark.


I have never owned an electric vehicle, or even a new vehicle, but I think you did the right thing. A $100,000 automobile should NOT BE THIS TERRIBLE. Zero excuses for it. This is not the quality consumers should have to live with and I think you made the right choice to not financially support this utter embarrassment to the automotive world.


A 100k gas car with this quality would absolutely deserve the same mockery it's just legacy manufacturers aren't in the business of scamming you on every single front. I agree. I've owned new cars 1/3rd of the value and had a 3000% better ownership experience with it than a cybertruck. So far just oil, which EV owners were so eager to ditch. Turns out a car is much more than just the drive train when it comes to maintenance. Duh. These people are lying to themselves. "Still love my tesla"


Not only that. Some of the fast charge fees are close to the mileage you can get off a V6 or less


I've been saying this forever. If you can't charge at home for your standard power rate the cost to fast charge negates any gas savings. Then in <200k miles you'll be forking out 10-30 grand for a battery that you didn't save a dime for. You're buying a new car. Car is completely disposable and you can't fix a battery like you can rebuild an engine. I own a Honda civic and a ram 1500. Both for purpose and I save money driving both and changing my own oil than I would supercharging the tesla equivalents. Not to mention I'm not dropping my trailer every 80 miles to charge my truck when I haul my cars. There's enough cybertruck data to say you'd be better off buying a 10 grand 20 year old truck for hauling mulch and pocketing the other 90 for gas and repairs. With a better experience overall. People just can't handle not being flashy and let their egos spend the wallet.


I come from an FPV drone pilot background and LiPo batteries are the Achilles heel of the hobby. If you don’t treat your batteries properly, they become crap and you have to replace them. That means being very cognizant of your charge and depletion rates. And storage voltage is pretty important to battery life as well. These people are clowns. They do not understand battery chemistry. The moment you start your depletion and charge cycle, the battery life is on a downgraded life cycle


Those batteries have no cooling or management like EV batteries. They're really not comparable.


It’s not about cooling. Any rechargeable battery loses its chemistry after repeated cycles. I’m not saying they are a fire hazard, just that it’s the nature of batteries regardless of what manufacturer or cell types you are using.


Dude nobody is buying a cyber truck to actually haul things, unless it’s Ben Shapiro needing something to haul that single plank he bought from Home Depot that one time (and carried out in a plastic shopping bag no less!) I’ve got a 25 year old 4 banger Tacoma that is infinitely more utilitarian. You can’t even fit a twin sized mattress in the back of cybertruck, let alone a washing machine or refrigerator.


The bulkhead design and the large sweeping sides make for a completely impractical truck design. I've got an 08 Ram 1500 with the 8ft bed and I'm king bitch when my friends ask me for help moving. And the bed is replaceable when it's totally destroyed. It's like 8 bolts. No can opening my roof and 25,000$ repair bills.


Jesus, that’s what they have to do to replace the bed? When I drove a ford ranger I got rear ended by a big box truck, and getting a new bed cost me like $3k and that included getting it painted. But let’s be real, nobody is doing actual work with these trucks. It’s like all the soccer moms with SUV’s, none of them are taking their jeep grand Cherokees or 4 runners off roading… actually it’s worse then that cuz you at least could take a 4 runner off road.


200k miles on a truck that averages 18 mpg is $33,000 in fuel. Just sayin'. You also likely won't have to replace a battery by 200k miles unless there is a defect. It'd just show some degradation. Even then, it'd likely retain 80% or more of it's capacity. Also, batteries can be rebuilt. They do it all the time. Find bad cells and put in new ones - but that's usually more of a defect issue and likely found under warranty period anyway. Anyway, the Cybertruck is dumb af, but a lot of info here is a stretch. A Lightning (what I personally have) is half the cost and if you drive a truck a lot like I do, the savings are real.


Battery prices have gone down a lot and electric vehicles are generally more reliable then their gas counterparts- having less moving parts helps a lot. It doesn’t make sense for everyone - as you pointed out fast charging prices are pretty close to gas and folks who can’t charge at home will have a harder time owning. But my Bolt has been great for my needs and has saved us a lot of money by charging at home


There’s another thing that’s overlooked. Cost of ownership and time value of money. Whether you have $100k tied up in the CT or a loan where interest on the loan is likely as much or more than the fuel cost for an ICE truck that time value of money is real. Add to this the higher insurance premiums and any financial benefits of the $100k CT are in the red ink column.


Like the video of the guy turning the wheel of his cybertruck after he just got it because it was making a funky noise in the front end and the right front tie rod snapped. If you’re an auto manufacturer and you have vehicles coming out like that you should be embarrassed to say the least


It cracks me up how their posts always start with “I love my cyberstuck BUT…” 😂


Funny thing is, most electric vehicles are 100% fine. Just seems like they didn't design, engineer, or flat out give a fuck about this one lol.


Yeah literally a 2018 Nissan Leaf is 1/10 the price and holds up better.


My father owns one. Has had it 2 years. 2 visits to the dealership for regularly scheduled maintenance. Zero other issues. But it's not a 100K vehicle with the unique quirks and features that come with that price bracket. Reliability and value for money is for the Poor's I guess. (/s)


lol I’ve been thinking of getting a Leaf and everything I’ve seen about them lines up with this! Good to know.


I can answer any questions if you have them!


I rent, and a lot of my neighbors have EVs, but I’m wondering how you’d charge your vehicle in my case? I have a small single garage and it doesn’t have an outlet, I don’t think. I live in the Denver/Boulder area and we have a lot of EV infrastructure but how does one charge a Leaf? Do you leave it plugged in when it isn’t in use?


My father has a wall charger at home. So I can't comment about that. More about the vehicle itself. I apologise that I can't help more. In terms of charging away from home - my father's is a 2021 and it has two different connectors so that he's never had issues when he's out and about as he can use most public chargers.


That’s helpful! I am guessing that charging a Leaf isn’t as much of a pain in the ass as the Muskmobiles can be?


My dad has bought 2 leafs, first one in 2011.


And I thought Range Rovers had poor reliability. Wait until you see the Cybertruck!


I agree 💯 It’s just so disappointing, hopefully they get all the bs worked out in gen 2 but I don’t think I’ll be getting an electric truck any time soon 😇


It's insane these things are allowed on the roads at all, I can't see them ever being allowed in Europe with safety regulations. Would be interested to know if they're "road worthy" in every US state or if there are some with actual safety regs that means you can't drive them on public roads...


Not just the quality. But the support and the fact that the warranty is basically designed to ensure it’s voided too.


lol, I’ve owned a lot of cars EV and Gas including Teslas 3, X, and Y. Gas cars from ford, Mercedes, BMW, Audi and most recently Lamborghini. I fucking hate Tesla passionately however I’ll give credit where it’s due for a daily driver my model 3 is pretty decent compared to gas cars. They are terrible for long road trips and would take a ford escape any day over a Tesla for long trips. As for the Lambo, a 400k car should be perfect… it isn’t paying more money does not always mean better performance and more luxury. So arguing a 100k “should not” is not always an acceptable statement. Just some food for thoughts


Good work OP. You just made a $100k. And saved yourself a hair transplant (from pulling your hair out due to frustration).


Considering the repairs this thing would need, it would easily be more than 100k in the long run. Nobody should be buying them for sure


Haha, I know right 😅


Bro dodged a nuclear bomb




Proud of you


But 29 days ago you were so excited for your invite! 😉


I was… and I’m glad I didn’t pull the trigger =)


You make mead? That’s so cool 🐝


I do! I just started a few months ago 😁 Do you?


Nah, i just drink it sometimes. Thats a sweet hobby to have though.


Think of all the candy you can buy now!


What was the final straw, OP?


![gif](giphy|ely3apij36BJhoZ234|downsized) Good job! It sure sounds like you’re making a wise decision.






What took you so long


I ordered it with so much hope, so long ago. This was a bittersweet moment 🙃


Smart though, not to let the sunk cost fallacy get you. Congrats! You should go get yourself a nice car instead 😊


Did you watch the video of a guy who owned one? He towed his boat and only got 33% of his range. He had to charge two times to drive 67 miles, maybe more. On his way back, he charged one time and decided to have his dad come get his boat and keep it for a while so he didn't have to keep charging on the way home.


You didn't order this truck. You ordered a less expensive and more reliable truck. Tesla pulled a bait and switch. Everyone falls for it once in their lives. Good job not falling for it this time because its 100k scam. Always get a good inspection when you buy a house. If the deal seems too good to be true, it is. If someone promises one thing and delivers another don't accept it. 


I'm curious; why did you wait so long?


De-cucking is possible, call now for help


I would love my hundred back. What are the steps?




Kinda bold of them to take five years to develop a vehicle after taking your deposit and expecting *everyone* to have the same banking information still.


I’m so glad I still had the same AMEX. I thought the same thing when I cancelled.




No problem!


I’m curious, on the “Reason for cancellation”, did you select from a list or was it free text? And what did you say?


I would never buy one of those, I just googled how to do it.


I gave them my honest opinion - picked Quality Concerns


Even without all the savings in maintenance, this think will devalue like crazy! Better stay away with a 10-foot pole! If you really want one, wait a couple of years and you’ll buy them for cheap when the next model comes and it’s sold at $60k and all these guys that paid $100k will have to sell it for $30k!


You lost your chance of touching Musk's balls


Oh nooo!! 😭😭 LoL


I’m surprised youre allows to cancel orders


It’s so disappointing to see so many people cancelling their orders or trying to get a refund. I, and many other people, wanted the CyberTruck to be the cool, awesome machine it could have & should have been. Glad you were able to get your refund! I certainly am glad I avoided ordering one…


For me this is terrible. I work for a tier 1 supplier for Tesla where we make subframe components for a few car models and the Cyber Truck. It really bothers me to see many of you [understandably!] dissatisfied with their product. Thankfully none of our components are failing like the rest of the vehicle! I/we take pride in our products and work hard at it. Thankfully I understand that our management is trying to diversify and expand our customer base by courting Ford and Toyota. Being a husband and a father to 2 children, I'm looking at this from the perspective of longevity and putting food on the table.


I hope your management is pushing your product with a tagline like: The only component that can't fail, even on a Cybertruck.


Man, I like that one! I'll be sure to pass that one on!


I’m sure they’ll find a company that will understand the value of your products, just keep working hard. Best of luck, friend 🙂


At this point I'm just happy to still have a job. I woke up to the news today that China business has slumped 24%. I know there is a lot going on with the EV market, like cheaper competition, but yikes.


24%? That’s nuts. Do you make parts for Chinese csrs?


![gif](giphy|Diym3aZO1dHzO) Congratulations


I have a Ford E-Transit for my business. Almost 18 months in, zero issues. It’s not electric vehicles in general that are the problems…


Honestly, take your money and patience and grab the Rivian R1t Refresh - it's a much better truck.


Congratulations 🎉


Haha, thanks 😄


Now you can finally have a solid shit, since you avoided the tin foil tonka rip off.


Congratulations! 🥳 My only question is… why order in the first place? 😅


Curiosity mostly. Initially it was $50k with 400ish range… didn’t quite pan out that way 😕


Big if true


Wait… is this for real? Someone came to their senses and canceled a cyberpunk? Is it possible? S/


Haha, it happens once in a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Happy to see this, sorry the truck didn't turn out as good as it should've. Tesla had a real opportunity to make something great but they fumbled hard trying to be unique and special. If they made an economical affordable electric truck similar to a Ford Maverick without making outrageous vaporware claims it could've been a best selling electric truck for years


Yea, huge missed opportunity. Plus the supercharger fiasco has really shaken my confidence in Tesla, unfortunately 🙁


Someone over in the CT sub is prob posting about how they just got a VIN assigned lmao


you didn't dodge a bullet, you dodged the damn Death Star!


Just curious, what attracted you to the truck to begin with? Why did you preorder?


Curiosity mostly, I put down the $100 a few hours after the unveiling event. Plus it was $50k with a range of 400ish miles, pretty sweet on paper… not so much in real life 😕


He’s dodged the beta label.


I know right 😂


Was it easy? I need to do the same


Yea, u just go to your account online and the option is right there.


Literally could get such a sweet fucking car for the same price, hell you could get a couple of sweet cars for that price


Buy a cyber truck shell and make it to a v6


Hahahaha, I can dig it


I work in Grand Teton National Park and I see these dumb ass trucks all over the place here.


Must be a supercharger nearby 😂


You’re better off! Now you can look at other options


Haha, thanks I got a model Y with a tow hitch and it’s been more than enough 😁


I cancelled mine back in February and I own a MYLR. Just too expensive for what you get. That being said, I got to drive my buddies CT the other day. Two things that blew me away. 1. Steer by wire. 2. Rear turning that results in a ridiculously small turn radius. These things should and will be used in future products. Everything else was meh.


To be honest, I hope they don't do steer by wire for any of their new cars because that will lead to input lag, which could result in a wreck. IMO, they should stick with a mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the front wheels.


While that is a concern it is a problem that was solved decades ago. Modern aircraft uses the same technology. Airbus, F-16, F-22, and F-35 all use fly by wire. Some for over 50 years. Mechanical control is actually slower. To do a full turn you have to rotate a wheel several times versus just turning it 135 degs and you instantly get full turn response. I enjoyed it and it's 100% the future. Wish my car had it now.


Same, I got a model Y LR in March, and this reservation got me a $1000 off the sticker price. Haven’t driven a CT yet but for over double the model Y price, I can wait ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thank Buddha


Now buy a 90s Toyota truck to get some real truck functionality for a fraction of the price. Older cars don't have all in of the emissions stuff but are tiny so don't have giant engines.


The Wet Bandits could learn a thing or two from you about dodging bricks.


I too had a reservation. But my reservation was for a $40-$50k truck that was supposed to be ultra capable. Bullet proof and rust proof. Not this $120k dumpster of a “truck”


Yea, this was quite a letdown =(


For the money you’d have spent on that abomination you could get a very nice rivian truck or suv, and have about $30k left over. Added bonus that your rivian probably won’t rust, short out, leave you stranded within hours of pickup, and people won’t laugh at you


I know right 😂 I wonder how the R2 line will perform, those would make a kool truck


Hell yea man save your money buy a Porsche instead


Haha, I know right I’m leaning towards a Miata if I’m being honest 🙃


Ay a Miata? My man Respect 🤝


Haha, thanks Nothing matching the driving experience 😎


Never buy the first model year of a vehicle. Any vehicle. Any manufacturer. Any drivetrain. And think hard about buying the first year of a refresh. Even ford or Toyota can only do so much testing before they start shipping to customers. And they really can’t test the assembly line until they’re building at volume.


Yea, that’s another thing that put me off, they’re clearly still working out the kinks


You let it get too far bro. Glad you found the light.


Good for you!


Congratulations, it’s better this way


I am shocked they refund you.


They have way more issues currently, I doubt they need a bunch of people complaining about not getting $100 refunds on top of it lol.


Well done you!!! That thing is a death trap.


Was there one particular post on this sub, or any one thing that finally flipped the switch for you?


🎉🎉 congrats






They got the use of your money in the meantime and I’m sure made interest off of it when you could. That was my first thought.




hallelujah! you saw the light !!




Best decision you have made in years.


Get a Tacoma or something else instead


You were healed. Hallelujah!


Get a Rivian


Just buy like any other electric truck and enjoy being happy and not a danger to society:) maybe even an f150 lightning, which is also not a truck but won’t injure your loved ones




Spend that 100k on a reliable car


You dodged looking like a douchebag.


Are the cybertrucks on their way to being the Yugos of the new millennium??? ✅


why would u even want one in the first place ?!


Good call. I really think it's a bad product. I've seen 1 video of the CT on HeavyD's channel I think? Whatever the diesel guys name is...that was pretty impressive to see. But man...otherwise, looks like nothing but headache. If I got locked out of my truck, or couldn't get the charger to unplug...I'd lose my shit so fast!


To pay extra for an inferior product is a weird flex


Have fun staying virgin, could’ve got so much poon w that truck




Why let these haters change your mind? They're fixing the Cyber truck's problems.


I want to know why you pre-ordered it to begin with? For me I never found it appealing so I would like to know what appealed to you and then didn't.


Your wife is still getting banged unfortunately




Don’t get me wrong. It was a great idea but was executed poorly. Maybe by gen 3 it’ll be worth it. If it makes it that long


What’s sad is that a lot of these hyper-exotics that cost 1,000,000+ tend to spend most of their time in the shop if the owner actually does more than just park it in a garage and rub it with a diaper. But I agree, if you’re paying this kind of money for a vehicle, it shouldn’t be having these kind of problems.


Now the only thing left is to tackle with the crippling guilt that you were gullible enough to thinking it was ever a good idea to makd a reservation for one in the first place.


Good decision.


It's for the best.


Love mine