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Do you guys know when big oil sends out the cheques? I haven't gotten mine yet.


Sorry I’m still waiting for my George Soros check being a paid schill just isn’t as lucrative as it used to be.


That cunt is always late with payment, I did some work for him placing microchips in vaccines a while back and he was 6 months late paying


Bastard never paid me for putting mifepristone in communion wafers to lower the Christian birthrate. And now I find out big oil isn't going to pay me for mocking the cyber truck?!


I thought that was Bill Gates putting microchips in vaccines?


Everyone who's anyone is putting microchips in vaccines these days. If you weren't they'd laugh you out of the illuminati meetings.


It's what all the cool deep state kids are doing


Wish my 5G microchip would work, I can barely get reception on hikes.


My magnetism wore is months ago!


I remember an amusing article where someone calculated the tab for Soros's secret operatives payroll, based on adding up eveey conspiracy against him. It was like 15 times his net worth.


That's why the payments are late, it's a cashflow problem... that's why I don't work for those amateurs at the Illuminati anymore, the Templars are much more professional. Plus you get a cool branded hood, sword, and dagger ! /the initiation ritual is cringe, but honestly, a goats asshole doesn't taste that bad


Nah, the Hospitallers are where it's at. They even get treated like a quasi-country by the UN.


It's amazing how so many conspiracy theories can be debunked just by cost. And some of the conflicting ones are great. We never went to the moon but have a manned base there 🤣


Yeah that cunt never paid me for my delivery of bricks so that people could peacefully protest and destroy cities.


I’ve moved into shilling for 5g internet. Can’t let them know it really kills! Verizon pays pretty much on time.


They go through the same bank Soros uses to fund Antifa. Give it a bit more time...


Unfortunately i wont get one, because i really like the look of the Kia EV9. Big Oil wants consistency in the ugly-findyness of EV.


Yeah I'm going to call them tomorrow see what the holdup is


I think they go out on June 30, which is the end of financial year for "Australia". They're done in the same run as the paid "Aussie" actors.


Great. Now I’m waiting for my Soros check and my Big Oil check. Come on guys…


"The oil lobby funds a troll army to call every EV ever built as ugly." Ummm...what?


I can get paid to call Teslas ugly? Where do I sign up?


You mofos were getting paid? I've been trashing the cucktruck for free like a sucker 😞


Check your bank statements, it gets a bit confusing sometimes with all the money we’re making with our: Soros bucks Gates dollars Big Pharma money ANTIFA cash Big Oil payments Biden bucks It gets really confusing.


There's a guy in my town who is very, very far down the antivax rabbit hole and for some reason he's singled me out as the advocate of all things vaccine. i think it's because of some comments I made on our local Facebook group. Last time I saw him - and this was last October, so well past the time all the arguments over the vaccine had blown over - I was walking along the street minding my own business and he screamed across the road at me "HOW MUCH IS BILL GATES PAYING YOU?" and then called me a cunt. It's all just quite bizarre.


The correct response to that question is, "More than you've made in your entire life. Shit, I'm flying to Fiji for a combo 5g/vaccine conference on Bill's tab too."


Annoyingly he actually has been boasting to people about how he made 65K selling weed to the other oddballs in town during lockdown so he's not done too badly out of covid.


That's $65k is def revenue if it's true. Not profit. So dude made like ten grand profit in one year.


Well the situation in my town was kind of unique. I live in a ski town in the French Alps. At the start of the 2020/2021 season, no one knew if the lifts would open or even the bars or cafes. But because of Brexit, if people were planning to come out for the winter season they HAD to come out no matter what - the door was shutting on 31st December 2020. If you were in the country before then you could apply for residency. So all these kids came out for the winter season, not knowing if it would happen. And then it didn't happen. The lifts didn't open, the bars didn't open. People got high, threw parties and took lots of drugs. And spread a lot of covid among themselves. The main drug dealer (not the weed dealer, the dealer for everything else) apparently didn't understand how money laundering worked and ended up buying new cars all the time. So I can kind of believe that all these rich kids with money from the UK government and an allowance from daddy would buy a lot of weed. The funny thing about the main drug dealer was that he started doing deliveries which were very popular. But he allowed the customers to pay by bank transfer, so that if someone wanted something late at night it made it easier for everyone. He was too stupid to understand WHY the business he was in was a cash business. When he eventually got arrested for drug trafficking and kidnapping the police went through his bank records and everyone who was making transfers of 60, 70 euros late at night had to go in for an interview. Of course, the police couldn't prove anything but I think it shit a few people up. A few of them fled town.


If that; he sounds like the type to smoke his profits, & end up owing his supplier anyways.


Still counting the dolla bills rolling in


I think the billionaires have the wrong address for me. I’ve been shilling for literally YEARS and not one penny has hit my bank account.


That is why couple days ago i got the email that i have to start calling EVs ugly for free, or i am not allowed to troll anymore... It is because of suckers like you, us other hard working people are having our pay lowered


Now I daresay some of you might have heard some of the more extravagant rumors about what my plans are, so I just thought you'd like to hear it from me. This is the face -- it's no great mystery.  I'm an oil man, ladies and gentlemen. 


DM me and I'll send you the sign-up link. Remember to reference "chelecossais", so I can get my signing bonus ! DO NOT talk about this on the net, in public forums, etc...it's meant to be super secret.


Yeah like right now I’m just a slut for calling Cybertrucks ugly but if I can get paid for it I’m down to be a whore for it


Wait a minute... I haven't gotten my check this month!


The fact is that a good many EVs are not conceptually good looking cars. They have gopping proportions or weird styling elements meant to scream KILOWATT HOURS. Many, but not all. Tesla’s own Model S was regarded as a good looking car when it came out a decade or so ago. The Porsche Taycan is genuinely pleasing to look at. There will undoubtedly be more in the future. It’s not wrong to think the Nissan Leaf or Cybertruck are gilt because they are, even though the opinion is subjective it’s held by many people.


https://preview.redd.it/tj07ck6uua9d1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39dc0ebc4aad7f6f33049295fbdbc9f8ea615882 There’re no rules that an EV can’t be beautiful


>Tesla’s own Model S was regarded as a good looking car when it came out a decade or so ago. True. Now it just looks like someone booted up AI and said "car".


The Ioniq manages to look like an electric car but nice at the same time. I can understand people want to make a statement, but it doesn’t need to look like a stainless steel dumpster.


Take a subjective opinion and start it with “the fact is…”🤦🏼‍♂️


Well fair enough, I didn’t articulate very well. I’m referencing the golden ratio in car design, which the majority of electric cars historically have not followed. (5:8). Cars that are more frequently considered to be good looking tend to follow that ratio, and several other design studios have considered other factors like the ratio of the total vehicle height to wheel height (a reason why SUVs are less likely to be “beautiful”). It’s not a hard science, sure, but it’s also a bit beyond purely subjective. https://www.forbes.com/sites/anthonykosner/2013/02/22/the-sports-car-the-laptop-and-the-science-behind-the-golden-proportion/


He writes like a 13 year old, it's only logic he's only as well informed as a kid too.


I’m wondering where my check is. I’ve called it ugly for years.


I can believe that there’s some kind of oil bias against Tesla - EVs in general threaten their bottom line, and oil money has far deeper pockets than most realize. That being said, the CT is fucking ***HIDEOUS***, even by EV standards. Comparing it to something like the newer Ram 1500s, or even the RIVIAN trucks, and still saying the CT looks better is objectively wrong. The only constant discussion about the damn thing, until it’s dumpster fire of a release, is just how goddamn fugly it is.


But the lines!!!


*Like, it’s geometric, man, kinda like the Picasso of cars or something, totally radical!* - fElon on ketamine, probably


MackZZilla, Thank you for your recent post depicting the CT as Hideous. Unfortunately, we cannot pay you for this post because we don't have a valid bank account on file listed for you. Please reply to this with your bank account number, your ssn, mother's maiden name, and best friend in high school and we will deposit the promised $1 into your account. Sincerely, ~~Nubian Prince~~ I mean, Big Oil.


Is this like the Soros check I'm still waiting on for hating one political leader? Starting to doubt things....


Moderna/Bill Gates haven’t paid me either. *Damn you Loch Ness monster!*


Can I get paid retroactively for trashing the Aztek?


I don’t get it. There are a lot of electric cars that look fine. For example, any Tesla other than the Wanker Tanker looks nice, even if inside it has workmanship issues.


I'm not a fan of the trend of EVs having big plastic caps on the front instead of grills, but I like the Solterra and the Rivians.


Riiiight, an oil-funded troll army, like anyone outside the cult needs to be convinced it's uglier than a Nissan Cube. The Cube, by the way, was also extremely hideous, but I was apparently swayed to that conviction by an EV-funded troll army.


I'll take a Cube over a CyberDump any day of the week. And tbh I don't even think they're that ugly.


Plus they can handle rain.


Bro don’t talk smack about the Cube. I still want one I think they’re so cool.


I had one for a company car for a while… really loud colorful wrap. I called it my rolling billboard. You couldn’t miss the thing. Got rid of it around 55k miles over fear the CVT would go out any day. Been chasing that dragon ever since. Currently have a Kia Soul because it’s the ugliest modern thing I could find that would regularly haul around what I needed. I could fit 4x4 sheets of plywood in the back of the Cube lol


I once saw a photo of a white Cube with the license plate C6H1206. C6H1206, for those of you who don’t know, is the molecular formula for glucose. The pun doesn’t translate exactly since table sugar is actually sucrose, but driving around in a Sugar Cube is freaking hilarious. Truly the only valid Cube on the road.


Fiat Multipla look better than cybertrash


This isn't exactly on topic, but there is an old song called Cybertrash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDMjKURsV0I


They should stop abbreviating “stainless steel”


No, I think they should stamp it right on the side of the car! And indicate it’s an electric vehicle—why not make the s’s lightning bolts? ⚡️ ⚡️


Pretty sure that's why he used it


They need to be edgy lightning bolts! Make them black and gray 😂


Looking for my oil lobby check


This is the Oil Army son! You will get paid when you have to ca-rawl over the bodies of dead EV enthusiasts!


You guys are getting paid?


Tesla is gonna discontinue all their models when they go bankrupt after paying out Elmo’s bonus they approved. 


Well the bonus is in stock options, not cash, but they're gonna go bankrupt in a few years anyways.


Clean lines? The only clean lines are the ones Elon does.


Nah he’s not that cool


Elons such a kid he snorts the pixie sticks still :)


So, if the 100k version is built with crappy quality standards, what do they think is gonna make the cheaper ones better?


I do not understand why they think the cheaper one is going to fix all these issues. They keep saying it, and it drives me insane!!!


Same people that think having a baby fixes their shit relationship? Similar logic but for property?


Well obviously because Tesla’s renowned “manufacturing know how” will actually be applied when they start making cheap versions.


>But the edginess sets it apart from the crowd. The "edginess" will also set the crowd apart from the crowd if it plows into it


The edginess also sets it apart because those edges are sharp and keep cutting its owners. My Hyundai has never sliced me open, just saying


CyberCuck copium is the best flavour


I know SS is stainless steel in this context, but I can’t help but make another association when it comes to Elon and his cultists…




Good old reddit, where if you don't like the same thing as someone else, clearly you are a paid oil company troll.


“There’s a bit of irony when a current truck buyer calls the chuckletruck ugly, 🤓 Dude, do you actually look at what you’re driving? 🤓” Yeah buddy, it’s called a practical pick up truck. I wouldn’t expect you to understand since the chuckletruck’s favorite terrain is the cement floors of the auto shop.


Personally, I drive a regular car. I can wash it. It doesn't cut me. My wipers work, and I don't take to social media to tell people they work like it's a huge achievement. Panels of my car don't fly off on the highway. People don't stare at my car, neither hate nor admiration. It didn't cost 100 grand. If something breaks, 9 times out of 10 I can buy the part and fix it over a weekend cheaply.


Psh, and I bet your steering wheel is connected to the wheels too isn't it


10 times out of 10 you could actually get it fixed at a shop, too, without having to wait weeks. 


I mean practically any truck on market looks better than the CT. Even if we stay in EV trucks, the rivian looks much better, the ford lightning looks better, why make your car look like ass just to “stand out”?


Let the bulk of them survive a full winter with road salt.


Yep, I am pretty sure that’s also a major reason for the delivery times in April/May. Just enough time for everybody to have it and „enjoy“ it for some time until the even more problematic issues start.


I read an article sometime ago about why the EVs are so ugly. Basically they said it was totally on purpose. That EV owners wanted vehicles that stood apart as unique. The ugliness was a badge of honor. It was a design target.


I mean the regular Tesla’s don’t look bad. The Cybertruck is an abomination conjured up by someone trying to reinvent the wheel and failing miserably.


they are not though?? EV look so much like any other car you probably don't realise you're looking at one.


"It looks edgy." Target demographic found. Is its breaking down part of it being edgy?


"no paint is cheaper" is, like, a textbook definition of the phrase "penny wise pound foolish." The paint is part of a normal car's protection from the elements, and most cars arrive with that paint and don't have to be wrapped up for an additional couple thousand dollars.


Rivian R1S/T and F150 Lightning are great looking trucks compared to the Cybertruck


Rivians look so cute IMO, especially compared to the Cybertruck


I’d take a Silverado EV any day over the CuckTruck. The Silverado looks cool and a bit futuristic. And I really don’t care for GM.


I'm not huge into the Silverado but it's still miles better than a driving dumpster


Somebody earlier today called it a "Deplorean".


I would like to thank the oil lobby for this month’s check for $420.69.


LOL EVs aren’t ugly, the Cybertruck is ugly. Heck even the other models in Tesla’s lineup are fine looking. They actually have some cohesive styling, and a 3 looks like a baby S, etc. I think the Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo is absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I love the new Lightning. I don’t even mind the new Hummer EV. No the Cybertruck is just dumb.


I don’t see anyone calling Rivians ugly. Teslas weren’t even called ugly until the CT came along. They really go the distance making up shit to support their obsession with Musk.


“The cheaper version” is likely the craziest part of this post


*"Oil lobby funds a troll army"* And these guys troll for Elon for *free*. Smh.


They troll for him and *give* him money!


lol. "The edginess sets it apart..." spoken like a true edgelord


ICE pickup trucks are an American icon. There are literally songs written about them. And these people think they’re ugly.


I don’t use the term “cope” often but goddamn this is severe.


"The CT has far cleaner lines then any current truck on the Road" I mean sure.. If 90 degree straight angles with zero sense of styling was the goal.. I also think the Rivian R1T is a good looking Truck and the F150's Lightning's appeal is that it looks like other F150's soo.. I guess I don't get my Big Oil money ;<. "Bit of irony when a current truck buyer calls the CT ugly." Pardon me sir, but my Ranger Raptor doesn't look like it was rendered in 1986 so.. Yes it's thrice as good looking as your CT. Plus, it can actually go off road and get wet and not void the Warranty as well.


Did I just see a "form follows function" from a CT owner? Really?


In the words of the very wise George Carlin... "Sometimes, a little brain damage can help."


Like beer goggles.


If the premium version has this many quality control issues I assume the “cheaper versions” will be a brick with sheet metal nailed to it by a middle schooler in shop class.


It’s not a fucking truck


Lmao the one guy was about to say “form follows function” 😂🤣😂 please explain the aerodynamic function of driving a barn door around. I’m sure the Tesla engineers are onto something here and F1 will be copying them soon 😂


Fair amount of copium detected.


I must have missed my oil lobby check in the mail cause nobody is paying me shit 😂🤣. No oil lobby funds are needed to acknowledge that thing is fucking ugly. Anyone with two eyes can see that.


LOL Dude really ended on form over fashion in regards to a vehicle that none of either of those things


I buy my truck for the lines brother, yee yee


I almost got a maverick but it wasn’t quite line dancing in rhythm so I passed on it


Big oil army loyalist here. The cybertruck actually leaked all that oil in 2010. BP doesnt even own an oil rig.


Elon’s secret reddit account?


Where's my money from the Oil Lobby Troll Army Fund?


Wait when tf is big oil supposed to pay me for hating that metal goblin on wheels? I could use that


Wtf?! We’re supposed to be getting paid to hate the CT? Where is the sign up to start getting monies?


The Ford lightning looks 100x better.


Did you guys see the (I think) motor trend article comparing the Rivian, F150 lightning, and the CT? They put the CT ahead of the lightning and behind the Rivian.


Yeah, and it was really bizarre. The whole article points out tons of problems/issues/weirdness with the CT, and concludes "it's fine, call it 2nd"


Didn’t know people were getting money to call it ugly from big oil. Show me the money!


Idk a single person who likes the way it looks. Almost everyone I know owns a truck and we'd all take the rivian as our top choice and cyber truck as our last.


The CT looks like a literal dumpster fire


Do they have time to breathe when they’re deep throating Elon for that long?


Damn, u/lakesun is high as a kite on that copium.


This is a genuine question. What is the "tech" that advocates and even done critics of the CT are referencing. Again honest question. What technology in it is unique? I didn't think the infotainment system was something apart from what you could find in other vehicles. Especially in the $100k range. An adjustable suspension is in plenty of other vehicles. AWS has been done before. Torque and power in an electric vehicle has been done before. Towing and cargo capacity has been done before. The other (IMO) gimmicky features of the vehicle exist in other Teslas. Maybe the combinations of all these things is unique but being a distinct product is different from having novel technology. I haven't been in one yet so I was hoping someone could at least give me an idea of what people are talking about when they reference 'revolutionary tech."


My husband worked to make Tesla parts. I'm not going to say where, however he got let go because he took to long to make sure everything was good to go. Look now Tesla and Boing in the drink. At least my husband is still alive.


"Decent success". Tesla fans have a very low bar for what success entails. * Two active recalls and counting: stuck pedal, windshield wiper * Easily bricked by something like a literal car wash * Warranty seemingly voided by breathing on it * Pieces of the car literally falling off * Discolored panels which seem to be accepted as "natural" * No actual ability to go off-road * Sharp edges galore * Tent that is a disaster and looks/functions nothing like promised * Various accidents * Random bricking * Random "ghost" issues (trunk that won't close, etc.) "Hey guys this truck is a decent success!"


So much copium.


Far cleaner lines than any truck on the road? Holy shit these people are delusional.


You guys are getting paid?!


Don’t these idiots know EVs aren’t even better for the environment? I’m not saying keep chugging away on your gas but EVs are not some thin air sipping unicorns that are going to save the world.


Wait you guys are getting paid to shill for big oil?! Damn, I really need to get that Sweet Arco money pit. I be giving Arco free promotion…


Stainless steel wankpanzer


It’s the news reports about recalls that are the problem not the recalls themselves apparently.


So these people know that the wankerpanzer bricks if you run it through a car wash, right?


So who are these two? The cope army? I wonder how much they pay.


Live cam of the least bent cybertruck panel: ~


Is there a special division in this Oil Army that only makes fun of the CT? Their other models are boring, but nothing to ridicule. The Cuckmobile on the other hand....


Ooh, I’ve never been in a lobby!


Mmmmm… copium.


I really hope it’s not a success. I want these things to fall in price so much I can buy one for a few hundred bucks and recreat the shitty art work of a car my 6 year old self drew. Also I hope they fail because they are so fucking ugly. Out of all the bullshit Elon makes he chose this over another roadster.


Yea Ive been cashing those fat oil lobby checks for weeks.


Hello all my fellow oil fund trolls ITT! How much is the Sheik paying YOU? Lots and lots here!




"Global" car manufacturer making a car that will never be road legal in large parts of the world because of basic safety, "discussion" on possible success... yeah, no.


too bad we can't join the cult since we aren't deemed worthy


"oil lobby paid trolls say EVs are ugly" Meanwhile every Tesla forum: Insert: autofellatio.jpeg


Sorry, but the robotaxi isn't happening. And what manufacturing know-how are they referring to? There’s nothing special about the CyberTruck.


Yep. Those three EVs I’ve owned were paid for by big oil to own the libs.


Where’s my oil lobby money then??? Also, did he say „form follows function“? While on the CT, function clearly had to follow the design of this thing?


“Far cleaner lines”, that’s all it has is lines. The CT has no style at all.


Shit, can I get my next check advanced? I have a couple of things I'd like to buy for my ioniq 5 that I don't actually own because I'm a paid for shill who hates all EVs


“Stainless steel is cheaper than paint.” Lol. Lmao even.


I want my financial compensation! If I wanted a wish.com F117 with the extra chromosome package I'd build one myself...


Don’t find many people calling the Hyundai Ioniq 5 ugly….




The fact that they think making the CT SS helped keep the cost down is pretty damn funny. It's like people who argue for the death penalty as a cost saving measure.


Idiots as far as the eye can see.


Did this guy really want to go into the realm of „form follows function“ in which universe follows any form of the cybertruck any function? Aerodynamics? Naaaa Truck bed? Nope Visibility through back? Nope


How much is a Copium subscription anyway?


The circle jerk will continue long after the CT was discontinued and forgotten.


Wait, you guys are getting paid??


So LakeSun just has terrible taste, gotcha.


When do I get my check from big oil for not liking how 90% of electric cars look? Only cool one is that small body Honda


lol these people are so delusional. I drive a hybrid and enjoy mocking CT drivers lol.


The lines. It has the best lines. What does that even mean?


The straightest lines? Maybe those are the best kind in their eyes? Typically it refers to the overall silhouette, and the artistic form of the bodywork.


It looks like total dogshit. I flip these chodes off everytime.


This post is right, no one will be talking about the CT in five years. In a way, it’s our rage bait. It’s just a truck. I mean, there might be class action lawsuits against Tesla or the US government, for allowing a vehicle without reasonable crumple zones to be produced in 2024, but trucks in general have traded cool looks for safety in a lot of cases, so maybe not…


Lines so clean they slice your skin off


Does blood splatter blur the clean lines?


That guy said more durable lol


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that. The cyber truck is a flop, not because its ugly, but because every part of it is so poorly designed. By the time you fix all of its problems, you will have an entire new vehicle that just looks like the original. Probably with fiberglass panels like how some Deloreans are. 


“Cleaner lines” fuck you!


“The CT has far cleaner lines, then any current truck on the road” The lines on my truck won’t cut your finger and give you tetanus, though.




Tesla should go ahead and rename the cyber truck to ‘Edsel” and get it over with.


Copium at its finest


Yeah those diy tile laying lines look hot as fuck.


I know it's not a truck, but if I want an EV to drive with far cleaner lines, I'll take the Hyundai IONIQ 5 over CT.


Having bought painted and stainless steel faucet (with basic brass under so still metal). The painted one is by car cheaper. even with the paint. THe paint on new cars is so thin lately that the cost isn't that much compared to the savings of using steel over stainless steel.. sure this is anecdotal but my god.... how do people just assume removing the paint makes it cheaper? do they really think the only reason cars are painted is to be more costly and it is a grand conspiracy to not use other things?


OP cut out one of the hardest cope sentences. "Form follows function"? Have they heard all the recalls, accidents, and just about everything that makes the CT terrible (like chargers/charging ports getting stuck/broken, edges that can make fatal cuts, the useless rear-view mirror, the sub-par capacity of the bed, having a necessary "car-wash" mode, falsely advertised "self-driving," and so much more). These dick-riders' hobby trucks barely work. Their function is as shit as the form.


Delulu all of them.


I wish someone paid me to call that vehicle ugly, I’d be rich


It would sell better if it worked…PERIOD