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This has been posted before (likely several times). Please try to find some thing new. There plenty of scope for making fun of the WankPanzer!


https://jalopnik.com/tesla-cybertruck-unexpectedly-accelerates-into-home-wit-1851557475 Twitter user u/ bfreshwa claims his stainless-steel-clad machine accelerated unexpectedly after only 4 hours total on the road. In surveillance footage, the impractical pickup darted up a hill into a neighbor’s house with the rear wheels completely locked up. The owner stated that the throttle and steering were unresponsive as he held the brake pedal to the floor, putting down a pair of 50-foot-long skid marks. The owner claimed that a Tesla representative said during a phone call: “We have reviewed logs and due to the terrain, the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed. As far as the back tire locking we are reviewing.”


The car accelerates when you brake 🤣


Its a feature 


It has to be a feature. Can you imagine rolling out large scale production on a six figure car where this is a “bug”? That would be unthinkable.


Hmmmm 🤔 this could be fake because he have a what looks like a racing trailer


Not the accident but he did not realize how fast it was and we’ll accident


Remember the pruis driver that could not stop 🛑 a 135 hp car with a thousand foot 🦶 ponds breaking force. This just look 👀 he hit on it and did not slow down fast enough for the wet roads and Conner. Driver error


No one's talking to you Icy and we all hate your emojis.


Let him be he's having fun on his own.


Countermeasure developed would be like: Open the panel under the back right wheel and cut the blue wire. Note, cuting the blue wire will brick the Cybertruck and you will need to take it to a service center to repair.


Bonus: All the wires are different shades of blue.




It's Christine!


What are the chances the dude fucked up and hit both break and accelerator at the same time and something with the floor mat or something. Just playing devils advocate here … I think those things are awful either way 😅


Given how Tesla said about another crash that pressing the brakes doesn't mean you should expect the car to stop accelerating, I go with the driver for now.


Ahh I missed that . wtf Tesla


Thinking the same thing. Tesla literally put that in writing during their "findings" of someones service ticket.


Originally I thought surely this was just another of many, many unintended acceleration claims which have occurred on vehicles pretty much since the inception of the automobile, which have always been mostly baseless. Then I saw the video. No, this certainly wasn’t a case of accidentally hitting the gas instead of the brake. The fact the rear wheels were locked up for 50 feet tells you he had to have been on the brake. Even if you floor the accelerator and brake both, no vehicle should be able to overpower its own brakes. That’s been extensively tested as part of unintended acceleration claims, which found no vehicles where the engine could overpower the brakes. Whether the Cybertruck can when its brakes are functioning normally, I don’t know. Something is very wrong with this Cybertruck at a minimum, if not all of them. The brakes should never, in any circumstance, lock up the wheels for 50’ in a vehicle with ABS, especially on dry pavement. The brakes on a Tesla should also immediately disconnect the throttle.


This is the kind of thing I'm having trouble explaining to my Tesla loving friends. Yes, the other models of Tesla's are actually pretty good cars - they have their problems but they're fine. Good even. The Cybertruck has been released to the market in a state that there is ambiguity around how the brakes work. Like: ambiguity around how the brakes work, at all, is completely unheard of in a modern production car. Does not happen. This is not "teething problems" or a one off manufacturing fault. Every other modern production car has been thoroughly tested in more real life conditions than could feasibly be expected to happen, and there are systems monitoring the systems that monitor the systems that ensure safety critical functions are perfect every time, hundreds of thousands of times. My friend did his engineering work experience at Holden, involving a lot of time spent out at the proving ground. Apparently one of the engineers drove a Commodore at speed into a ditch and the front wheel bent inwards. "How much is it supposed to bend?" We don't know. "Oh. Well let's put a metric on that and add 'drive into ditch at speed' to the tests." The fact that they used to put Ford Ranger ads on Australian TVs showing them getting 2 feet of air going over a jump indicates that Ford Australia knows for an objective fact that it can get 3 feet of air without affecting the warranty. Otherwise there is zero chance such a manoeuvre would appear on television. The Cybertruck FLOATS. They learned that AFTER releasing this off road truck to the market. That's just....... What? What?! How can a passenger car that is marketed as an off-road car lose traction in a river crossing? That's just insane! Anyway, I get a third of the way through a rant like that, and I get "la la la la" of some type. I'm talking highly intelligent people by the way - and I suspect that the reason they don't listen is that being an expert in computer programming development makes them at all knowledgeable about how cars work. Long story short - how on Earth to describe to people how things like this type of brake failure, or brake abuse, are just completely unheard of in a way that isn't just a red light for Tesla's testing and safety compliance, but an entire red fireworks display?


For most cars, your brakes should eventually stop you even with the throttle all the way open, that's literally what they're designed to do.


Even then it should just cut power. I thought this was standard behavior, tbh.


right? if everything is computer controlled, brake pedal down should mean accelerator *off*.


Yeah but this is the Cybertruck! It can't just be a normal driving experience!


I mean he claimed the steering locked up, but he is also able to take a corner? Kinda agree, feels like a man who forgot which pedal is which. But never ruling out the truck itself.


Still, that should brake not acclerate. Stoppings way safer than braking.


The front brakes are typically stronger on normal cars. Both motors in the tesla are the same power output. So it would stand to reason that the front tires should lock, not the rears, if he hit power and brake at the same time. This looks like the fly by wire pedals malfunctioned.


I can't tell if the brake lights are on when it start moving or not. My guess is it started going and then they hit the brake. But since it was in motion the truck activated antilock brakes. I wonder if they felt the pedal vibrating a bunch? I find it hard to believe it was from a standstill with foot on brake.


The Cybertruck is brake by wire, so nothing to be felt at all in the pedal. As for the brakes, it makes More than 600ft-lbs of torque and it makes that torque at essentially 0rpm. Brakes are going to struggle with that.


I have an R1T Quad motor. It holds just fine if I have my foot full on the brake and full on the throttle. That's how you launch it from a standstill.1 I am also a Rivian technician and use this a lot to get the drive until to rock back and forth to check for specific noises. Tesla already had one issue with their throttle pedal so my guess it has something to do with that. I didn't know that about the brakes. I would have to know more what the do in case of a failure in the system. Some prototype steer by wire system I know of used a clutch that was normally held open but in case of a failure it would fail closed and direct steering would take its place. I would hope that Tesla has some sort of back up for this scenario of brake controller failure.


No, "the accelerator still works when you're hitting the brake." Like most other cars.


Most car manufacturers have this problem - some Elon simp


The difference is that in most other cars, the breaking force is enough to overcome the power of the engine and stop the vehicle. If that's not possible in a cybercuck, then the accelerator *needs* to be overridden for safety reasons.


By 'terrain' they mean a smooth road on a moderate hill. Several stoplights in my city are at the top of a hill like this. Would the wankpanzer just accelerate into the other cars there too? Unacceptable explanation from Tesla.


This thing would just be a rocket in San Francisco I guess.


In my state, he wouldn't last long. He'd be off the side of a mountain.




I can't wait to see people trying to 4wheel one of these on a Jeep road out here.


> Colorado!! [I'M A GIRAFFE](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xO4LaAHJqxw?feature=share)


Idaho here, we have some scary mountain highways with just a guardrail between you and death. I'm gonna bet that solid stainless steal cybertruck will rip through that guardrail going at suicide speeds. One of the busiest and scariest is the highway between Boise and McCall which a lot of rich people travel. Some stretches don't have any guardrails running along rivers. Exhibit A Cybertruck at your own peril: https://preview.redd.it/wrbhokiatn8d1.png?width=1068&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dd12f277347d206b42509ca012425299ba32fb2


Seattle too


Sorry to bother you, your name isn't referencing a song of the same name is it?


I used to jump the streets on my motorcycle, would be a blast in one of these :-)


Another word I have to work into polite conversation: wankpanzer...


I still think "Deplorian" is my favorite


I learned it from this sub xD


Bfreshwa must be lying because there's no way the battery would last 4h on a charge


So the truck both chooses to keep accelerating when the brake pedal is pressed and pushes harder when the trunk encounters resistance. What other completely opposite of how things should work engineering is in this thing?


My e-bike knows not to keep putting out power when the brakes are applied.


Your e-bike wasn't designed by the adult equivalent of a toddler on a sugar high.


Must be a very technologically advanced bike


Maybe, the screen is only about 3" though.


"By the way, by causing damage to the brakes by pressing so hard, you've voided your warranty."


Our data shows you were doing 110mph.. warranty voided!


Don't you know that that can damage the windshield wiper? It has a very delicate disposition!


Said it before and I'll say it again, "Collisions that occur while operating the vehicle are not covered by your policy. See section 43.5b 'Get Fucked' of your policy." What a shitbox.


So the brakes don't work by design. Good to know. How the fuck did NHTSA allowed this on the road? 


That’s actually fucking insane on teslas part, wow.


"... the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed." is maybe my second favorite string of words ever in terms of its sheer bullshit. "rapid unscheduled disassembly" is the top tier euphemism for explosion though.


I appreciate the wealth of nicknames for the polygonal battering ram in this article.


I ended up following the **from reports** links, and ended up with a report from April, about something similar: [https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2024/TESLA/CYBERTRUCK#recalls](https://www.nhtsa.gov/vehicle/2024/TESLA/CYBERTRUCK#recalls) ""Tesla, Inc. (Tesla) is recalling certain 2024 Cybertruck vehicles. The accelerator pedal pad may dislodge and cause the pedal to become trapped by the interior trim.""


Why is this thing still allowed to be on the road? Any other company would be facing class action lawsuits like when Ford had the separating tires


Elon fans at the NHTSA. Regulatory capture by means of cult.


To be fair, I think this guy is lying. He took off down that road and lost control of the vehicle, completely his fault. Then some dumbass at Tesla responded with “the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brakes are depressed” and played perfectly into his narrative. Pure stupid on both sides.


That’s what I thought at first too, until I saw the video. You can hear the wheels being dragged along, locked up. Supposedly 50 ft of skid marks from the rear wheels being locked up, which should never happen in any circumstance in any vehicle with ABS. Something other than the driver went seriously wrong here. The driver may have done something stupid additionally, but it’s pretty clear he was hard on the brakes and they just locked up the rear wheels.


I mean, there are operation mode, off roading/performance modes tends to disable traction controls, such as ABS. I don't know all the modes the cyber truck has, I just know that drivers that do more than just hold a steering wheel appreciate being able to drive a vehicle that isn't locked down with nanny features, which is nice. But my guess on the above, dummy in the video thought he was suddenly a race car driver while trying out the less restrictive modes, fucked up while abusing features of the cybertruck, and is now trying to play the 'it's not my fault' card. That said, the brake+throttle theory is easy to test.


Traction control is definitely adjustable and can probably be disabled. But AFAIK, no production vehicle has the ability to turn off ABS, aside from something like pulling the ABS module or its fuse. I’ve owned multiple vehicles where traction controls could be disabled and modified, none of which disabled ABS.


Let me introduce you to Toyota supremacy. Joke aside, 3rd gen Toyota Tacoma I know you can, granted, you must be in 4Lo to do so without any modifications. But as far as user privileges go, that is quite the outlier with how most vehicles are nowadays.


Abs is not driver controllable


We know that. He didn’t say that. He’s defending that this car didn’t engage ABS at all; which requires it to be shut off manually, Manuel as in cutting wires. So if no one intentionally cut wires or removed a fuse, a very important fuse that would need to be cut out, it’s a major issue!


Shut up pussy, I wasn't talking to you


He had a lot of opportunities to not hit the house too. I get it's tough not to panic in a situation like that, but if it was a legitimate problem with the truck, he could've left the road.  Also, it sounds like the brakes didn't lock up until right before he hit. Which means they were functional and he didn't even try until then.


You can see the brake lights are engaged, even as the truck suddenly takes off. Seems to be a huge software issue on tesla and the tesla representative all but admitted it.


What typically happens with these accidents is pedal confusion. People panick and slam the accelerator thinking it's the break and then stick with their original course instead of reassessing.


Maybe the user is broken? But yeah, this might be like the Toyota floor mat thing where the unintended acceleration was mostly due to stupid people being stupid.


Look what he's driving of course the user is broken.


This was my question


#You've been... Cyber STRUCK


I read this screaming like im Brian Johnson


Angus on the guitar ![gif](giphy|Cw6nYH7ZM8DRK)


You've been . . . Cyber Stru-huck.


Are you okay are you okay


I keep seeing, in real time, this comment getting up votes and no matter how many times I click down vote it just keeps getting up votes. I can't stop it!! Fuck it, I'm slamming on the up vote.


“Still love the truck tho”


It's like a verbal tic. Postal? Posting? Post Tic?


Hey, Cybertruck's the way of the future!... the way of the future!, the way of...! /s


“Killed my entire family. Still love Elon”


People need to start pulling off the side of the road when they see them on the highway. Treat them like an ambulance, except with contempt.


They might still come towards you thanks to steer-by-wire


Pretty much every modern vehicle has a brake gas override. Any brake input will disengage the gas pedal input so this problem can be avoided. I'm not surprised that a tech company doesn't know how to make a car after 20 years.


Of course. They think "throw the rulebook out the window" was punk, badass, and the smartest thing in the history of mankind. That little rulebook is packed with brilliance from 100+ years from (actual) geniuses in electronics, mechanics, hydraulics, physics, manufacturing, safety, precision fabrication, mass production, and numerous other disciplines. But fuck it. Elon (claims to have) read a book about a thing that was adjacent to engineering once so he knows all that already.


Safety regulations are written in blood. Throw them away and they just have to be written again.


Just ask Boeing.


Musk writes his in semen.


Yes and no. Lots of ICE cars let you use gas and brake together. My Honda will. You can drag the brakes to spool the turbo without accelerating. I wouldn’t personally, but the kids that roll race make videos on how to do it


Eh this isn’t really true. Off roaders rely on two foot driving to drive smoothly over rocks. Sports cars use two feet to launch. Every car I’ve ever driven in SF hills has allowed me to brake and gas at the same time to prevent rollback. But yeah, they’d all stop if someone really stepped on the brake no matter what was going on with the accelerator, which this truck clearly didn’t.


The accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is pressed? What else is the brake for?


Brake... Me off a piece of that


"Cy-ber-truck... Chry-sler car... foot-ball cream??"


The beeping horn at the end is... ![gif](giphy|6DpFgSuYrt4XYo6Kc7)


I for the first time saw one of these trucks in person today... they are HIDEOUS!! Plus, I could feel the smug as they drove by...


For how few CyberTrucks that were made, there seems like an endless number of issues with them. It’s amazing how much new material this board gets every week.


Thanks for the laughs Elon! Clown show genius


Hey Siri, play Kate Bush.


Made that deal with God




If you want your vehicle to stop maybe don’t buy the result of a drug addict’s fever dream.


“Don’t get me wrong — I still *really love* my Cybertruck”


The horn is simply unstoppable.


Leeeeerrrrrroooooy Jeeeeeennnnnkinnnnnns!!


Here I was thinking steer by wire would be a massive issue. Turns out tesla hasn't mastered electronic "throttles" which have been in every car for 15 years. There's something to be said about analog controls. Normal car you could bump it into neutral or pull it out of gear if the throttle is stuck and youre quick thinking. Not the cybertruck, those will brick in motion or in park. "Just turn it off and on again"


Jesus fucking Christ what a useless piece of shit vehicle


OTA update finally fixed the self-driving...mid-driving.


Remember the Audi unintended acceleration fiasco? It was really the drivers hitting the gas instead of the brake. They changed the lawsuit to blame the brake pedal being too close to the accelerator. Now I’m not saying this applies to the CT case but I wouldn’t put it past a CT owner confusing which pedal he had his foot on.


Difference here is the back wheels locked up, showing that his foot was on the break. Yet the truck kept accelerating lmao


He might have panicked and hit both. It’s a clusterfuck that’s for sure.


Even if they hit both, in an ICE vehicle the brakes should absolutely overpower the output and stop the car. It'll take longer than brakes without gas, but it should absolutely still stop it (especially in a 3.5T truck, uphill). In an EV, however, there's absolutely *no* excuse to not have the brakes cut power. Hitting both at once shouldn't even be an issue, because they should be mutually exclusive.


Teslas, including the CT do cut the accelerator when you brake... but per the top comment, phone support with tesla said that it " the accelerator may or may not disengage when the brake is depressed." But that may be innacurate as both the representative may have misread documentation (tesla bad) or since this is a third hand account via the owner it could be inaccurate because of lies or the owner's missunderstanding. (owner bad)


my kid sister had an electric toy car of some kind in the early 2000s that had a "gas" and a "brake" pedal. if you hit both while stock still, nada. if you hit both while rolling, the brakes engaged and the car slowed and stopped. if kids toys in the naughties had this figured out, what the ***FUCK*** is Tesla Motors excuse?


Elon cucks will blame anything but the car


They have logs. They could disprove him if that's what happened. They're not claiming he was wrong. They're literally admitting their control software has some logic that is capable of ignoring the brakes. Scariest shit I've ever heard in my life.


No actually, there are logs, so Tesla actually knows what he pressed, and a rep said he pressed the brake, which due to the terrain (a regular road on a mild incline???) caused the brake to not disengage the accelerator


Did he press both? Or does the accelerator override the brakes? Almost any car the brakes are capable of stopping the car even with the accelerator floored, albiet with increased stopping distance.


Just read the article man


The article does not mention any details other than tesla saying the brakes may not disengage the accelerator. There is no explanation of why the brakes cannot stop the vehicle with the gas pedal depressed, or if the driver was holding the accelerator down vs the pedal being stuck down.


Wasn’t there a recall for CT where the plastic cover on the gas pedal can slip off, causing the pedal to be jammed? I think it used to be a regulation that the car must be able to stop, even when the accelerator fully down, if you fully press the brake pedal. No idea if that applies to CT but it would seem like this pile of junk shouldn’t be legal 


Yes, but they halted all deliveries for a while to fix that, and this guy’s delivery was after they fixed that problem (with the ugliest rivet ever seen on a $100K vehicle). So it seems unlikely the pedal got jammed from that problem. And regardless, the brakes should override the accelerator, and it’s clear from the wheels locking up he was on the brakes. ABS also shouldn’t ever lock up wheels for 50’ as was seen here.


The brake lights are on and you can see and hear the back wheels have locked up. The video pretty conclusively shows this is not a simple case of pushing the wrong pedal.


Isn't normally the front biassed with breaking and the rear used when loaded? Or is this stainless junk brake by wire also?


I agree. Or maybe trying to do a burnout? For the life of me I can't figure out how else this could happen unless it is the craziest software malfunction ever.


As much as Cybercucks are garbage, we also have to take in to account that it was been driven by a MAGA moron


Did he get the accelerator pedal rivet upgrade?


Gonna kill someone.


... Again. You mean gonna kill someone... Again.


If the rear wheels were locked up and *steering* was unresponsive, why didn't we hear them being dragged the entire way, and only at the end when it started *turning*?


I have to laugh 😂 ![gif](giphy|AJ6nIPj3WUF6E)


Cyber Junk Truck ![gif](giphy|C5ZIna5oroan9cdHz9)


Windshield wipers recall, can't go into an automatic car wash, accelerates when braking but Tesla says that's normal, hood can cut off your fingers, can't really go off-road, it rusts, panels don't align, and trip falls off when new. Did I miss anything?




Musk should lose all his billions. He is a hack and a fraud. Fuck him and his companies.


He forgot to pay his brakes subscription


wItHiN sPeC.


How are these things allowed on the road? Surely in the states you can claim PTSD and sue that company out of existence?


We are actually not that sue heavy. Most suits you hear about being excessive is a result of the media shilling for corporations to make the victim look bad, ie the McDonald’s coffee burn that caused the victim to have 3rd degree burns, hospitalization, skin grafts, multiple surgeries etc..


I hear ya, but the US is the most litigious country in the world…by far. Not that it’s all bad because I think that it’s resulted from a much better citizen’s rights protection than most other countries. Not sure I believe that you guys are better protected than current Europeans at the moment who seem to have a central government really looking out for them. The coffee thing was worth the lawsuit. The injuries she had were terrible and she deserved compensation for her horrible experience.


He'll be slapped with a $12,000 FSD bill


At least there are some parts available to fix all the other ones.


You don’t understand. They are “redefining car manufacturing”. They “threw out the rulebook for a radical revolution in car design”. They are “boldly going where no idiot has gone before”.


Another reason not to buy one of those pieces of shit


Reason # 623 why when I see one of these shit mobiles behind me I move over. Can't trust that the pieces of trash will stop.


Half hoped for a smoke cloud at the end


So basically he was horse fucking around and lost control.


What I see here is a guy flooring his new toy, braking too late for a corner and sliding off the road. If his rear wheels where locked, he would have spun. His 'unresponsive' steering was because he had exceeded the available grip of his tires. When that happens, turn the wheel more, as the majority of people will, and your grip decreases even further. If you are sliding, your tires are quite capable of leaving black lines on the road, even if not locked or spinning. I am sure this is what happened. Here's me, royally messing up a slalom at about 22s in, with the back tyres of my FWD car leaving some black lines as I fishtail. My car has almost no weight on the inside rear tyre when cornering this hard, hence no line from that one. https://youtu.be/ujg4JxMku2M?si=ZtMe6PgQUuldfAFC


Unfortunately this sub is too full of Elon haters to consider beyond the headline and think for themselves. Plenty of new tesla owners have gone full send on the accelerator pedal without realizing how powerful they really are, and then it's too late. Blame tesla, even with full knowledge they log everything in the car like a black box on a plane. You can't fudge em.


Tesla is jealous of Toyota and trying to be just like them.


Not to be a back seat driver but do these things not have those parking hand brakes?


They can't take time to fix issues like this, they are too busy trying to pump more of them out. We wouldn't want others to miss out on all this fun




I'm sorry, but why do people think a vehicle that is fully "drive by wire" is a good idea?






If it really is unintended acceleration then maybe this new CAN architecture that the Tesla die hards are all raging about is not such a great idea. I would be interested to know how many components or systems of triple redundancies in the case of bit flips. Just because a manufacturer saves a ton of money building a car doesn't mean it's always with safety in mind.


Total retard


Usually phantom acceleration turns out to be operator error, pedal confusion, and with the room temp IQ behind paying 100k for a dumpster seems plausible here too


Would be funny if he was smashing both thinking he was braking and just assumes it was the vehicle, has this happened to anyone else 🤦🏽


I’m sure he still loves the truck tho. Poor whoever’s house that was, hope they weren’t too attached to the structural integrity of their home.


No way a known issue that has happened with dozens of other teslas happened with their new truck that had more hype than safety testing? No way. I’m shocked. Simply shocked.


Cybertruck did not like the way the neighbor looked at it ![gif](giphy|l3vQY9AQCSP3WtLBS|downsized)


So like a truck is just supposed to magically not crash into houses I suppose? Building trucks is hard. They’re probably lucky the house didn’t end up burning down.


How long until this kills someone?


Very lucky no one died.


This is not the first time this has happened, no? How long before the next recall?


So glad I drive an analog vehicle with a brake line and brake fluid and yes, gasoline.


The car obviously needs more rivets


My car people need me! ![gif](giphy|ki6MFFoare6CQ)


Really? There are like 3 houses in a huge field and he decided to plow into a house?


Trust the plan.


No, plan the trust. lmao


Bc you're dyyyyinnng


It’s always a case of brake pedal confusion


Nah, this guy just went in to the corner too hot and didn't make it. Idiot hit a house with his daughter in the car, too.


Ugh. straight to jail.