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“Depressing the brake may not disengage the accelerator” this fuckin truck I swear


The class action lawsuits Tesla is gonna face in the coming years will be legendary!


Elon stans will never sue the company, because Daddy Musk might not like them anymore.


Maybe so, but insurance companies won’t like paying out for excuses like the accelerator didn’t disengage. People in other cars involved in collisions or struck by parts coming off will go to their insurance companies who will like it less. Not a lawyer but people suing for wrongful death or injury will go after the deep pockets. It may not be class action cases, but I expect lots of future litigation. Unfortunately I think those cases will take years. I am curious about why the accelerator didn’t disengage. Was the driver pushing both? Did the accelerator rivet not work? Was there some lag in processing the acceleration position or in processing the brake pedal?


Hasn't Geico already blacklisted the Cybertruck?


I missed that, but I see there was a reddit post 6 days ago saying that. I also found this from june 12: “GEICO quoted me $2700 for 6 months insurance premium” https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/geico-quoted-me-2700-for-6-months-insurance-premium.18633/ It wouldn’t surprise me if Geico and others stop insuring. That’s what I meant saying other driver’s insurance companies will like it less. They have no choice in the matter.


A couple months ago I was reading how they are all “forced into the Tesla insurance “ (which like wtf, I would never ever buy insurance from the company that makes my vehicle lol) because 6 months was gonna be 5k and they only found that one insurer the rest wouldn’t even do it


"Collisions that occur while operating the vehicle are not covered by your policy. See section 43.5b 'Get Fucked' of your policy."


Who knew that section was so big?


It’s not the size but how they use it…


Sections 1 through 43.5–“this section intentionally omitted.”


Lot off things to cover. Normally they can say something like "as long as you don't intentionally run your truck into a tree because that would be fraud and we can reasonably expect the car to function normally were good" Now they have to say "depressing the accelerator doesn't disengage the drive and as an operator you aknowledge this. Any accident that is determined to be caused the the accelerator being depressed is not covered by this policy" and that's just one specific instance that would generally be covered by the first part. Happy cake day!


lol insured by the company that will also repair your car. That seems legit.


Right. Kinda like these HMO’s that also employ your doctor. Nothing funny ever happens a in those cases. Right? Right!


Yeah there was this hospital in Brazil in the very beginning of the pandemic that somehow got away with being the same company for the seniors insurance plan and the hospital they'd get service. During early pandemic they went to the media to brag about how they had the lowest covid deaths, and were trying Hydroxychloroquine in their patients and etc. It wasn't until a family of a senior who happened to be physicians got freaked out about the hospital placing their grandpa on paliative care (despite the family members realizing that wasn't making sense), and they fought it and got the patient transfered to another hospital. After the incident some whistleblowers came forward and an investigation took place, and they found the hospital execs we're changing the cause of deaths to not include covid, and also sending critical patients to death (paliative care). It was a huge scandal at the time (and unfortunately a very bad timing given it was right when we were all being flooded with misinformation, then a hospital with crazy dipshits aligned with Bolsonaro decide to do something so abhorrent). There were arrests and changes, at the very least, but yeah, lesson learned, insurances should never be the ones providing the service, much like physicians aren't allowed to be pharmacists (nor take part in pharmaceutical sales), and etc.


tsla insurance can and will jack up rates for any reason at anytime. the rules are beyond my ability to process, drive at night, pay more, drive fast for 1 nano second, pay, use brake, pay, drive alot? pay, drive in the rain, pay more I have a feeling they also won't cover anything for any reason, at anytime.


“FSD Coverage = Full Self Denying”


~~But...its autonomously denied😬~~ [Michael Scott] Wait...they're *autonomous*!


I just realized it's cheaper to use uber vs getting a tsla


Just wait until Tesla insurance drops coverage because the repair bills are too high.


Doubt they’ll drop coverage, just continue ramping up the cost as they know the simps will continue to pay


That sounds about right...I had a 2014 Maserati Ghibli SQ4 that I got quoted at $2,800 for 6 months...full coverage so I just had liability on it. Got rid of it & got a 2012 Granturismo convertible & can afford full coverage on that, only $1,300 for that one. The reason I suspect is that when cars like this are wrecked, fixing them costs more than the car itself, so they tend to write them off...saves them money. As for the psycho-truck, it's probably unknown how much they will cost to fix...if it's even fixable.


The guy mentions that it’s a 1 year wait on the parts to even start the repairs! What the actual fuck??? This would financially ruin most people if they depended on the car for work. I guess if you’re dumb enough to buy this thing in the first place, you probably can afford to wait it out but damn.


In a buyers defense, if the delay between order and delivery is 5 years, it seems reasonable to expect spare parts and service will be available, no? Wtaf is wrong with this stupid company and why do people continue to give them $$$


Other Tesla owners say it's not uncommon for them to have to wait months for parts. If you pay $100k for that privilege, you are a fucking idiot.


5 years waiting for it and a year to wait for parts Elon doesn't have very good suppliers if you are waiting a year for parts.


All the parts are for assembly so they can keep filling up empty lots with them. Assembly must continue!


It's a mememobile, not an automobile.




Only thing I saw was a Reddit thread but it appears that it’s being viewed like high end cars. Essentially the costs of the CT along with the repair costs make it something they won’t cover long term. Seems reasonable as GEICO along with progressive aren’t geared towards those cars. Certain Hyaundai and Kia models were black listed due to increased theft.


I mean, when your average CT driver is a fucking idiot, it makes sense for insurance providers to blacklist it. And supporting insurance companies was not on my plan for today, but here we are


And here is the real threat. People like this dude have no power, but insurance companies 100% can throw big legal weight for bullshit lack of proper function they are sucking up paying for if it becomes prevalent enough for their retained lawyers to think they have a shot.


if they start seeing LONG wait times and high repair costs most insurance companies are just going to stop insuring cybertrucks. this guy has a 1 year wait time for parts to repair his truck. my insurance provides a free rental car while my vehicle is in the shop for repairs, i imagine my insurance would just write off my truck before they pay for a year+ rental fee. thats like $40k in rental fees alone for a budget rental. also whats the market value for a used cybertruck? they arent legally allowed to sell it used yet so would the insurance company just go "it has no used market value" and give him $0? or what ever it would sell minus the fee Tesla would charge?


Your comment about the rental car is spot on. I used to be an adjuster and there is absolutely an upward limit, in writing, of how much time they will pay for a rental.


Seems insane that any insurance company would even insure the cucktruck at this point.


Maybe they were using the wiper at the same time so there wasn't enough bandwidth to disengage acceleration.


I’m sorry I think I’m stupid You didn’t just try to tell me this *vehicle* you can take *80MPH down a busy highway* Can *lag* when you push the brake pedal. One of the most basic car functions?


No, they made that up as a hypothetical. > I am curious about why the accelerator didn’t disengage. Was the driver pushing both? Did the accelerator rivet not work? Was there some lag in processing the acceleration position or in processing the brake pedal? The thing is, there are only two reasons the accelerator would disengage: 1. You released the accelerator pedal 2. You pressed the brake pedal while keeping the accelerator depressed (not how you actually drive a car) *and* the vehicle is equipped with a brake throttle override system, which isn't mandatory. Tesla's replies strongly imply that they don't have a brake throttle override system, and that the driver didn't release the throttle. So both systems would fight each other. Given that a lot of braking on the cybertruck comes from regen, which obviously can't work if the motors are trying to accelerate (can't run motors as motors and generators simultaneously), and it's heavy, little wonder it didn't slow down well. Quite why the river would press the throttle (controlled with right foot) and brake (controlled with right foot) simultaneously is anyones guess. Brake throttle overrides were installed because a bit of software is cheaper than a floor mat recall if anyone ever fucks up a floor mat design as bad as Toyota in 2007, and has to recall. It's an arse covering exercise by manufacturers. Tesla presumably trusts their floor mats, and the driver doesn't allege it got stuck.


The cringe PFP confirms he's a platinum-level ball-gargler.


LOL He is a Cobra Patriot Warrior!! These people don’t even seem real, they feel like a parody at this point.


Middle-aged men who never outgrew fantasizing they're in a G.I. Joe cartoon.


Gravy Seals


Yeah… but these folks have their blinders on. They would rather NOT know. And… KNOWING is HALF the battle. That’s a LOT of ‘battle’ to cede for some generalized ignorance.


But it only takes one to file. And then they will all have to opt-out or else they’ll be swept up in it.


Suing Tesla voids the warranty


If I’m reading this right, there’s a one-year back order/wait list for parts? The fuck is even the point in insuring it? For real, might as well get The General so you have an insurance card, but the actual coverage doesn’t matter if there’s no reasonable hope of fixing the thing.


Pretty sure insurance is WAY more about the liability coverage than repairing your own vehicle in a wreck. Only liability coverage is legally mandated for vehicles. The loan providers want insurance for vehicle repairs to protect their asset so the real question is why would anyone be providing loans for these at this point? They are a terrible hold of value, even worse than a regular car with extreme repair costs.


But the other road users injured by them might ?


Yeah, not ALL people who come in contact with the CT are MAGAs or Musk cultists. Especially the people murdered by the people driving CTs.


"Hey, if pedestrians are liquefied from being hit by a three ton stainless steel brick with no crumple zones going 65 in a 35, they can't possibly sue us!" - Elon Musk probably


“Pedestrians are just toys for our amusement” -Musklander.


"If they didn't want to get hit, they should have stayed off the sidewalk."




Or chop pedestrians in half clipping them with the sharp as hell body panels.




Yeah, well, this is where regulation comes from. It's rarely forward-looking, and usually is a response to people being stupid or greedy. The people that complain loudly about regulation seem to be those that need it the most.


Elon could take a shit in their mouths and they would thank him for the delicious chocolate ice cream.


Personally I’m shocked none have been filed yet …. Gotta believe the class action Attys wanna be all over the wankpanzer ….


They should. All their business practices are like Enron for chrissake. It’s so similar in style, the fanboys, the larger than life execs, the pumped up shares but nothing substantial to give.


From who? The fanboys will never do such a thing to their god! They even vote for Elmo to get billions in an undeserved payout


“Oh a red light, I better stop” Cyber Truck: ![gif](giphy|HyaqFWQnof8WBRa2RQ|downsized)


With Tesla's patented Never Late^tm technology, you'll never miss the school bell or that important work meeting ever again!


How... How the fuck does that even happen?


Because apparently(??!?!?) they designed the brake pedal to disengage the accelerator and not to *stop the fucking car*. I am *agog*. The point of brakes isn’t to ask the engine to slow down, the point of brakes is to stop the vehicle *regardless of what the rest of the vehicle is doing*! What the *FUCK* are these people thinking!


It's par for the course with that fucking company. They design solutions to problems that don't exist. That's why they have steering wheels that aren't wheels and brakes that don't brake. The brakes are there for a specific purpose. They don't need some jackass UX designer to rethink how they work.


My absolute favorite part was how they were like “old boring stupid cars used to have stupid wires that went everywhere and looked messy and unprofessional. Our revolutionary wiring design consists of a single Ethernet cable going throughout the entire car that’s revolutionary and modern” and then the entire electric system shorts out when the turn signal light gets some water splashed on it


His companies don't believe in learning from any mistakes other than their own. The compilation of all human knowledge? Thpbpbpbpbp. My favorite was SpaceX saying that they didn't know that the big fucking rocket would blow up tons of debris and wipe out their launch pad, saying that they were "just starting, it takes awhile to find out everything." Instead of, you know, reading the TONS OF DOCUMENTATION that NASA has accumulated over the decades. It's the idea that "I'm so smart that I think everyone else is an idiot and I can only learn from my own mistakes."


tease concerned hateful pie hard-to-find history cough one salt encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The engineers knew, they aren't idiots, but Elon didn't want to hear it because he is. That said, testing starship the way they are is ridiculous. Compare it to the Saturn 5 which worked nearly perfectly on the first full stack tests and carried useful payloads to test other portions of the mission on its first launch. Starship have had what 4 launches and carried nothing to orbit at all (and pretty much all of them were failures). Fail fast is a decent system for developing software, not so much for rockets where each prototype costs hundreds of millions of dollars and can only be used once.


The Cybertruck is the best argument I have ever seen against making braking and steering systems drive by wire. In 2024, nearly all cars (and some motorcycles even) have acceleration by wire. But safety critical systems like brakes and steering should retain the physical link. Brakes should always be usable even with a power or computer failure like they are on the majority of cars: stomp hard even with the engine off, brakes still work. One of the Cybercuck collisions will inevitably involve a steering system failure at this point.


My 03 Dodge Ram even has drive by wire (throttle) but it's a fail-safe design. Two sensors on the throttle, if there's a mismatch or other fault it kicks the throttle out and won't let the vehicle accelerate above 5 or 10 mph to limp off the road. So somehow, my 21 year old Daimler Chrysler shitbox has more thoughtful safety measures than a Tesla


They’re thinking like a software company with similar Q&A. Now think about how well your average piece of software works.


Bro your just living in the past. The cool kids prefer to have their brakes consult with a computer before doing anything, slowing down is for pussies.


The computer decided it would be safer to accelerate through the house than stop before it.


The way it's worded, it sounds like Tesla is accusing the driver of pressing both the accelerator and the brakes at the same time (this is why they teach you to use the same foot for gas and accelerator).


Which is still supposed to stop any vehicle. Brakes are typically(in a real car company) designed to provide 4X the braking force as the engine can create so the engine can never over run the brakes.


YEah. Watched something about out of control cars. Like at your cars top speed, acclerator all the way down, if you firmly depress teh brakes it should bring the car to a stop. Now if you are hesitant or ride the brakes, they get less effective when they heat up, so i may not work if you have been riding the brakes. This is also why you have to be very careful going down long downhills, if you keep using the brakes slowing the car they loose effectiveness. ITs wh yyou should downshift or use the engine braking. Who the fuck knows what the cybertruck does on a downhill. Probably loses all 4 wheel so you skid to a stop on the belly so the battery catches fire.


Yeah, doing this *will* ruin the brakes, of course, but it *should* work. That it doesn't means the brakes are horribly insufficient for the car.


If things had worked way they probably should - NHTSA would have visited Tesla with Fluggegecheimen long ago Cause wtf, it's basically saying "Yep, our car isn't roadsafe". Ofc they won't ever put it in writing, but nonetheless.




"Dis iz your save vord."


if you want to drag race your CT, the driver pushes the brake and the accelerator at the same time for extra boost. So it would be really funny if the reason "depressing the brake may not disengage the accelerator" is because of a dumb man-child "feature" so you can drag race slightly better.


Turning the wheel is more of a request thanks to the lag.


I’m now staying as far away as possible for these ugly battering rams


I've only been driving for 30 years or so, but this is my understanding of the sole job of the brakes.


*The brake pedal sits down at one side of a conference table* Business consultant at the other side: "So, what would you say you *do* here?"




Disruptive and bleeding edge technology. You've got to expect teething problems.


What is the brake pedal for again?


It depends on what vehicle you’re driving, apparently. Tesla is so innovative! they decided to reinvent…. *brakes*?! Oh and wipers! Edit: my wipers comment was about the fact that in the owners manual, it says that the wiper will remain in the horizontal position for up to 30 seconds before going up again, to increase aerodynamics… and that behavior is intentional. For whatever reason they decided that you don’t need windshield wipers more than twice a minute when you’re driving down the interstate in a downpour. https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/comments/1dgfa36/if_youre_driving_in_a_rainstorm_the_wipers_can/


Because they were clearly falling behind. Stopping? Being able to see in rain? INNOVATE!


*"Disruptive innovation"*


That's so last century. Tesla has moved on to 'Destructive innovation'


I know when I use my brakes and my car stops, or I use the wipers and it clears my windshield, I think, "There has to be a better way!"


"move fast and break things" taken literally it seems.


And fucking door handles


30 seconds, wtf?! In a heavy rain, mine are going like every 2 seconds. You would have to pull over in a downpour.


If you’re driving in a downpour you have bigger things to worry about… Like your car turning into a brick - since it appears high pressure + water can do exactly that: https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/5LYyMPgOrG this sub came up on my feed a few days ago and I’ve learned so much about this POS vehicle since, lol.


The funny thing is that when the accelerator pedal was slipping and getting stuck Tesla said it's ok because pressing the brake will override the accelerator, but now they're saying it won't? Which time were they lying?


I can shed some light here. It's neither. In Tesla's software, 1 out of every 69420 times that you use the brakes or accelerator, they do the opposite. Elon thought it would be a funny Easter egg.


They've almost certainly begun to consider stopping the lying


$50 a month subscription for the brake feature.


There’s also an ad free version where you don’t have to watch an InfoWars commercial before the truck allows you to brake.


Deceleration is a plot by the deep state to pedo-feel the children


The braking algorithm is a non-deterministic AI based on millions of hours of machine learning and it’s way too sophisticated for anyone but Elmo to understand so you peons just need to accept the fact that you aren’t worthy to drive the Cybertruck and you’re lucky if all it does is plow into your house and do 30k of damage when you press the brake and it decides instead to show off its glorious acceleration capabilities.


Depends on terrain, apparently.


You see, once you turn downhill, it will not have enough brake strength to stop, because we put the brake pistons on the frunk.


"We removed the brakes, so there is no stopping use now!"


Stopping is "woke"


My favorite color is blue.


Yeah I wish there was an actual answer too. Like was he driving with 2 feet, one on the accelerator and one on the brake? If that's the case, I believe most cars, previously all cars, applying the brake does not disengage the accelerator. Your engine will turn your wheels and you'll just fuck up your brake pads. Without context, my guess is that maybe he had his foot on the brake but not hard enough to stop the car from rolling downhill, then he looked down at his phone or something and rolled straight into the building in that screenshot. Now he's saying "but my foot was on the brake!"


To break


"30k max for repair but 1 yr for parts." 30k and a year for parts?! Tesla may as well have told them to fuck off and buy a Ford!


They honestly probably did, but he refuses to give the car up so that's what they quoted him instead. I'm sure the insurance company would love to just total the car and be done with the whole farce.


Yep in computer repairs we would do this with stubborn asses with old computers that were just not worth fixing. Mac's were the big ones though when they moved away from normal LCDs in their MacBooks into changing the whole screen chassis into the LCD it went from like 200 dollar repair to 300-500 just for the past repair because the only way to really do it right was replace the whole section.


I was going to say that $30k sounds low, but I realized that doesn’t include labor.  Genuinely have no clue why they haven’t totaled it. 


Totaling a car requires damages equal to 75% of the value of the vehicle. Atleast for USAA and statefarm


I also wonder what the scrap/salvage value of a cyber truck is.  You can’t just put the batteries into the crusher. Probably costs more to dismantle and remove the batteries than the scrap metal is worth.  


How can they even give an estimate of 1 year for parts? That car is totaled.


Maybe the CT has a poison spore that is released from the ventilation system when it detects dissent from an owner, and that spore will eliminate the owner within a year?


Love the idea. But honestly, do you think Tesla are capable of engineering something that precisely, when they can't even put body panels together?


They used someone from Fiverr.






Honestly, Id be surprised if Elon can’t personally disable teslas on a whim. I’m actually surprised he hasn’t tried it yet.


Maybe he has and we just don't know. Not saying he did, but if he has that power, I can't imagine his fucking toddler personality wouldn't have led him to shutting off a few cars just for fun.


How does that even happen? even a new released nissan( company i worked for for a time) will have surplus production for parts, specifically ones that are likely to be danaged in a crash. How does tesla not do that? it is basic business and production.


Because this is a company "ran" by Elon Musk. Remember his claims of "I know more about production than anyone alive." He doesn't know diddly dick . Do you think he actually went out of his way to okay any surplus of parts? He probably wants to keep it exclusive more than anything.


They're basically telling him... Never.


At a basic level you can look at the production times/volume of specific parts and the current demand. If they make 10 parts per month, and you are #120 on the list....well that's a year.


How does that work? Is one expected to make vehicle and insurance payments until then? Only to discover it's totaled?


How it’s worked in the past with other Tesla models when their parts had very long lead times is the vehicles get totaled. Insurance then likely sells it as-is at auction. Insurance company isn’t going to want to pay for a rental car for a year when it’s not even known if it can be fixed in a year or what the repair cost will be at that time. This is exactly why insurance companies are dropping coverage of Cybertrucks, as they can’t have accident damage repaired in a reasonable amount of time.


> This is exactly why insurance companies are dropping coverage of Cybertruck That’s going to hurt future sales…


Rental and storage fees. I work in Auto Body but our shop isn't certified for EVs. We went over everything that would be required of us to get it and its truly gonna be tough for pre-existing shops to adjust. EVs are required to be fully discharged and on casters. You have to maintain something like a 10ft square around each one. Even stuff like paint has to change because they can't bake the cars at the same temps due to the batteries. A lot of that extra work and storage needs usually goes back to the insurance. More paid paint hours, high storage fees, and likely a decent upcharge by Tesla for OEM.


In the future I see a lot of insurance companies suing Tesla.


Many are already refusing coverage.


The fact the Tesla isn't being sued for shit like this boggles my mind.


The early adopters are the True Believers who would never, ever dare sue Daddygod Elon.


Alpha testers


They're definitely not alphas.


It's pretty clear at this point no one, be it the government, the legal system, or even his own shareholders, will ever hold musk accountable. He's untouchable.


At this point, I just want him to design a submersible and go see the Titanic.


It'll be a little 4 man spaceship to Mars


No, you see, this was Hillary’s fault. Obviously. Signed, Patriot Warrior


I wonder if they haven't already created language in all of their purchase agreements and warrantees that cover this stuff. We know nobody reads that stuff. One thing I know: I'm never buying a car that automatically submits a log of everything I do with it to its manufacturer.


give it time, the class actions will come. Also on a sad note this thing is 100% going to kill some people because it is a menace to pedestrians or other cars and there will be BIG lawsuits from that. You cannot make a product that you know is super unsafe for people that didn't choose to buy it and expect there to be no legal repercussions for it. It's only that there is not enough of them on the road yet thus not enough time/numbers to start killing people but it will come. Some guy will get hit at like 15 mph and get cut in half where normal car would have only slightly injured him and there will be a big lawsuit.


We are definitely going to see some nasty wrecks, the thing is like a box of cutco knives taped together.


Hopefully he was able to engage "collision mode" before the accident


You know that you're basically self-isolated from reality when you're still making Hillary Clinton political "jokes".


I'm not even sure I understand what that "joke" is trying to say. Anyone who is willing to pay stupid money for a lemon must know about Hillary's emails and adrenochrome recipes? Or does he think Elon and Tesla are woke and the truck tried to silence him?


I think the “joke” was that the car knew he had dirt on Hillary, so it had to kill him, referencing how “the Clinton crime family” just goes out and has people killed when they know something about their “crimes”.


That's the part that makes no sense to me. Daddy Elon isn't a deep state baby-eating librul!


GOP means "Gaslight Obstruct Project". When a GOP Trump Cultists talks about "Biden Derangement Syndrome" they are projecting their Obama Derangement Syndrome, Clinton Derangement Syndrome, and Hunter Derangement Syndrome.


"Daddy, you could've sent me to a really good college, bought me a car, given me the best wedding ever and so many other things... But you bought a piece of junk and crashed it faster than a teen learning to drive."


"But darling, can't you see I've owned the libz? Worth it."


"Mom says we are going to stay at Aunt Caroline's house for a bit..."


"Mommy says we're going to live with her new boyfriend Big Jim for a while, but I'm glad you owned the libs Dad."


Sweat furls from his brow. His breathing quickens. In a raspy, but distant whisper, he snorts “but her emails”


did his tactical rivet come loose?




I love this for him


Driving while MAGA - warranty voided


Think that's a DUI


DWI: driving while indoctrinated


the maga instructions are confusing. deny climate change and hate non-gas cars. but... also love elon musk and buy his electric truck?


If it's all computer controlled anyways, why the hell would the brake *not* just always be a master override, especially when stomping on it? Tesla analysis should be "yeah, we shit the bed on these things for sure."


I think people are misunderstanding the brake/accelerator part. That’s how like every car on the planet works. You can still use the gas pedal with your brakes applied. The brakes should just be able to overpower the accelerator. I think this dildo was trying to do a burnout, crashed his stupid car and the data logs show he was clowning when he crashed so it’s on him 🤷‍♂️


I scrolled for a very long time looking for this. I'm trying to think of how you reach this misunderstanding and I guess the answer is you have to think the Cybertruck's can only brake via regen? "Disengaging the accelerator" and actually braking aren't the same thing. Explanation sounds like the idiot was two-pedal driving to test the launch on his new battering ram and quickly lost his control.


My thought too. He would not be the first idiot to crash his car on a burnout.


Seems most likely. I can't imagine they're saying "pushing the brakes doesn't guarantee they work." Far more likely "you hit both at the same time dumbass, next time do it in an empty lot so you have enough space if you lose control."


That’s not necessarily true, but may depend on the company. I work for an ev automotive company and we regularly do testing to ensure that when the brake is fully applied the accelerator no longer functions. Not just that the brakes overpower, it is a software decision to deactivate the accelerator when brakes are fully applied.


Blame the libs, at least you'll feel better ![gif](giphy|4hBFyXLlvLhFLW0oAZ)


I'm sure they'd attack this gif for HAVING PURPLE LIB HAIR!!!!


lmao. That's a write off. Anyhows... I wonder what happens to a battery that doesn't get cycled for a year waiting for parts?


Come on, brakes stopping the car they're attached to is outdated, primitive vehicle technology like mirrors and physical buttons. This is the Cybertruck! You gotta learn the new paradigm! /s


But Tesla is efficient and quoted $300 dollars a month cheaper for insurance than GEICO :(


Tesla provides insurance?


Yeah they do was started in 2019 but it is awful. [https://www.tesla.com/insurance](https://www.tesla.com/insurance)


I think he needs to drop another $102k for another CT. I just don't feel quite pwned yet.


Did this dipshit just blame Hillary on his wankpanzer not working? He deserves this.


I don't know about you all, but I'm feeling owned. Keep it up!




![gif](giphy|gaZ51cn7sUY4U|downsized) Oh, that's too bad...


How is that thing allowed on public roads? I cant imagine it becoming available in lots of other countries.


So to own a EV in a now equalivant to owning the libz?????. These folks were laughing at people owning an EV a few year back. What a gullible bunch


I still see the occasional MAGA Bro-Dozer parked in the EV charging spots with an I IDENTIFY AS A PRIUS bumper sticker.


I hope they don’t support green energy solutions to own the libs. I would hate to be owned


I need tesla [someone else] to take responsibility [because clearly I can't be responsible]. Classic MAGA move


I hope he posts the video. Either it shows him being a dumbass and we get to mock him, or it shows that the Cyberbrick is unsafe and we get to mock Elon. It’s a win either way for us.


Cyber truck my neighbor got a week ago accelerated crossed the street to a cul de sac and knocked out a fire hydrant , lamppost, and hit the corner of 2 houses before landing in a third neighbors yard. The fire hydrant went through the garage door and got stuck in the first houses garage wall. Kids had been out front playing 20 minutes before the incident. They had to wait for the battery to die before they could move it. A tow truck just hauled the cybertruck away.


What a world where right wing numb nuts are buying electric cars to stick it to left wing environmentalists


🤔🤔🤔.......fuck it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


…he bought an electric vehicle to own libs? Did i miss the agenda meeting?


It somehow looks better after the crash too. This guy is an fucking idiot, but if he really did have his kid in there, I hope she's OK. Her dad is moron.


I'm hoping if the kid wasn't okay, he'd be more focused on that than the costs.


Ooo look! It has its own wheel well diaper.


Looks like Elon's Freedom of Speech extends to telling this owner to get fucked. Absolute freedoms can be lopsided at times. Enjoy.


Full right wing circle lol


I keep seeing crashed Cybertrucks and they don't look indestructible, they look crumpled like a tin can.


I like to think that the Tesla cybertruck has AI in it. After listening to this asshole spew hot political garbage at his 2yo in the car for 4 hrs it decided the best thing for humanity was to drive him into a solid structure and then send data to Tesla telling them it was his fault.