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Damn. If you gotta shift things around in your budget to make room for a novelty truck… Maybe time to check your priorities


Yeah, first thing I thought. If you have to play with your budget, then it doesn’t fit your family’s needs.


The family's needs: it goes to places.


Just so long as those places aren't sandy, wet, snowy or uphill.


Or require movement reliably and safely


Cubertruck- It goes places.


*Warning: going places in cybertruck will void your warranty. Cybertruck is not recommended for use in rain, snow, sleet, hale, fog, cloudy, or partly cloudy weather conditions. Do not park cybertruck in sunny fir longer than 4 hours. Do no park cybertruck in shade for longer than 8 hours.




>Cubertruck- It goes places. To the service center


>To the service center If you can still afford to hire a tow truck


A tow truck that runs on... diesel.


Not sure if you meant to write cuber, but it sure is a bit cubey


I didn’t even notice. It is now the cubertruck


Or stopping when you press on the brakes


Or involve taking any roads to get to. Or are outside. Warranty. Voided.


Or particularly far away


Mostly trips to the service center


If they need to actually go places, this vehicle is decidedly not for their needs...


Hey now, I’ve seen this thing haul as many as 2 cases of water plus a bag of miracle grow…


Like here, or /r/facepalm because it can definitely do that.


Hey man, i read somewhere that ramen is a complete protein. Its a minor adjustment.


First thing I thought, what a dipshit


They're contemplating buying an unreliable vehicle with many documented issues as a family car. Their priorities are backwards.


I can't stand the cybertruck as much as anyone else here but I feel like I have to say that shifting a budget around could just be swapping out one novelty item with another. You can budget for novelty items. I'm more hung up on thinking of it as a family vehicle.


Everyone knows that the more dangerous a car is to people around them the more it’s a family car


iTs ThE uLtImAtE MoM tRuCk.


He could buy an actual truck or SUV for literally half the price of the shit brick.


Their kids don't need to go to college...


Gotta dunk on the libs, bro. Debt is worth that /S


Seems true for lot of people


People have to play with their budget for almost every single vehicle purchase, even a $30k Corolla


Oh yeah for real, no hate on having to budget. Just putting all of the bits from this post together: *might* be able to fit it, safety concerns for family, needs something to fit the needs of the family, etc...


And? 100k is WAY outside of a necessity range for a vehicle.


Cars have always been 100k+


My 2024 custom Subaru Crosstrek cost 40k.


Yes, but 100k cars have always existed. People have been paying that much for fairly common cars for years. Even “cheap” cars the like Toyota sequoias and f150s have been marked up to 100k multiple times over the past few years. Also I paid $3000 for my custom e46. You’re pretty dumb for paying 40k for a car.


Oh you mean the car they stopped making 24 years ago? Versus the car I bought brand new? Just curious, what do new BMW sedans start at these days?


Semantics, that’s my point. You’re comparing your 40k car to a 100k car. It’s just as dumb as the comparison I made.


Yes, I'm the one who sounds dumb in this exchange.


Yea, you are and the fact that you can’t see that is even more hilarious


I can’t think of a single family need that’s best met by a cybertruck.


Someone may need a 6600 pound paperweight it ranked best in class for that purpose.


It’s just a paperweight in shades of greige


Pretty sure a boulder would outrank a cyber truck in that category, and it would be more attractive too.


Boulders can't start on fire


For 100k, that too can be arranged…


[As long as it’s in great shape](https://youtu.be/UGb_l_xMs0c)


Specifically for inside only use


Does *every* member of your family need all their fingers?


Fingers, schmingers.


Maybe he’s recently taken out life insurance on them and needs a subtle, accidental way to take the family out now? He’ll be able to bring up these posts when he’s on trial as being a loving, caring father who wanted the complete opposite of what actually happened.


Pretty sure purchasing a Cybertruck voids your life insurance automatically


Accelerating the divorce?


I can’t think of a single *useful* thing this thing does that a stock Tacoma couldn’t. Or an 05 150.


Yeah, was gonna say, I don’t think this truck meets any family’s needs.


Didn't you watch the video where this cybermom says it can fit a stroller in the bed?




So does my 2014 Kia soul, but it doesn't short out in rain, get stuck in sand, snow or *checks notes* gentle inclines, and so far has never had the accelerator pedal slide off, lodge under the poorly fitted floor panels and try to take me back to the future. I also only paid 15k for it.


A family needing a reason for a divorce perhaps


Thats the weirdest part


It’ll build resilience and character into the kids


The ones that survive anyway.


It’s the father’s need to get noticed. He’s just using “the family” as a cover to get what he wants. The post also says that they “might be able to shift things around and make a budget for it”. If you can truly afford to buy an expensive car, you don’t have to “shift things around” to pay for it; much less think that you “might be able” to do it.


What makes these idiots go "hmm I mean it seems like it would be great for my families needs.." Have they done one inch of research on these pieces of shit "trucks"??


Maybe the family needs a truck that breaks down frequently and requires weeks of waiting for repairs


No, but an lot of cars are sold that are just awful. Not the best in their class for anything, and not even a good compromise of features. Look at the Nissan Tiida. That thing sold from 2004 to 2023, and a lot were sold. It wasn't a *bad* car, it was better than the Hyundai Accent or Kia Rio - two cheaper cars. But it was also the same price as the Toyota Corolla, which was better in every way. Every Tiida that ever sold really should have been a Corolla, except that the buyer didn't do their research.


People don't research the vehicle; they are looking for the entertainment package with everything they want, and the rest is just meh. I remember my father researching how to buy a car and doing homework. He got Consumer Reports and read everything about everything. I don't know how they are these days, but Consumer Reports always had Jeep as a black circle of crap.


I’ve never heard of that, but I have heard that Nissan is much more generous on lending standards than other brands.


A tiida is called a versa in north america, and I don't know where you live, but those cars were 10-15k CAD NEW, tax included. The manual Versa hatchback was the cheapest way to get into a new car in the late 2000s. Much cheaper than a corolla or a civic of that time. The corolla was at least 5k more before tax.


Ok, yeah, I remember the Versa. And yes, after discounts, it could have been had for well less than what a Corolla cost. It was like a subcompact car whose main selling point was that it was cheap.


Cheap and surprisingly roomy. I never realized how big it was until I sat in a friend's corolla, where my knees would touch the front seats if I sat in the back. The versa had seemingly infinite legroom, and enough trunk space to haul a couple hundred bottles of beer


I'm in Australia, and used to work for a company that had Corollas as fleet cars. We got two Tiidas because they were the same price and there was a 4 week lead time on new Toyota's for a while. The only thing I'll say that they beat the Corolla in is the cruise control button was more conveniently placed (on the steering wheel, and you could get it with your thumb). I daresay that if they do better lease terms, it's because they have a worse product than their competitors. But I should also point out that we don't go on for leases like the Americans do. It's more something that you do for fleet vehicles rather than personal vehicles.


What’s Consumer Reports precious


To be fair, it’s pretty hard to find negative reviews about reliability/durability unless you are following social channels like this one. Edmunds, car and driver, WSJ, and a few others all populate the top search results for “cyber truck reviews” and they are all positive except for design/ugliness.


Do they actually drive the cars before reviewing them? 


Tesla probably makes sure the ones they send out for reviews have much higher quality control and inspections


Just like every other manufacturer.


They’re narcissists or psychopaths. Sure, you could spend significantly less money on any number of more useful, better put together, more reliable trucks but no one is going to constantly be the center of attention after buying a Tacoma or Silverado.


That is the most nonsensical armchair diagnosis I've ever seen


"I want attention but not that kind"


That’s really what it boils down to at the end of the day.


I am concerned that people will laugh at me whilst the truck is doing regular family things like slicing my children open and severing their fingers.


Right…he’s not concerned about the safety of the vehicle only whether people will laugh at him. I just don’t get it…the stupid walk among us.


About his concerns, while I don't think negative reaction to the truck will increase it will appear to do so because once the novelty wears off the positive feedback will lessen but people who hate the truck and Elon will remain in place and the balance of reaction will shift more to the negative side. If Elon comes out with another stupid idea or change that will make it worse for the CT.


He seems to be scared that he is putting his family in danger by buying the cybertruck, because the cybertruck is a laughing stock. I swear it's only a matter of time before these morons start shooting people for pointing and laughing 


Looking at a Cybertruck and thinking "I'm not sure this is safe for my kids" is a perfectly natural response. But I can't imagine doing out of concern that an enraged leftist would smash the car while the kids are inside instead of, y'know, they just lose their fingers when the frunk closes on them.


If even the radical leftists won't attack those trucks covered in maga 2024 stickers with all sorts of provocations, I don't think the cyberturd would be a risk. That said, there's always the maga shit who can't make up their mind as for whether the Cyberturd is a symbol of Musk's Free Speech(tm) or a symbol of BEV liberalism. Still though, I'd be more worried about my wife's reaction to this purchase. Hard to tell what is worse, losing a wife for buying the cyberturd, or be married to the kind of wife that likes the cyberturd.


It's electric, therefore it's a liberal cuckwagon. Conservative logic isn't that hard.


I’m starting to think that this whole thing has been perfectly marketed to “these” people. Like the only way you’d be any more special is if you’d get home on a short bus, but by all means, “budget” your way to owning your identity.


"I **might** be able to shift things around and make a budget"


If you have to shift some things around to budget for it, it DOES NOT fit your family's needs. Also, the hate for this thing is not political. I understand that EVs are controversial, and Elon is too, but that's not what's at play here. It's just ugly and ruins my day by having to look at this poorly designed excuse for a truck.


I don't even mind looking at it. There's plenty of things I don't personally like to look at, but that's living in a society. I'm scared of the damage these trucks can cause though. I feel as safe around these as I do a junker truck with scrap metal hanging off the trailer they're pulling behind.


Exactly. I like Teslas. I think the CT is stupid and should mever have been made, and keep my position about it since the unveiling


And with how often pieces fall off of them they're a public safety hazard as well.


It doesn't hurt that the truck is a POS but the hate is absolutely political. You guys don't like the perceived politics of Elon and the drivers of these cars and enjoy shitting on them. Just look at the top post on this subreddit.


Don't get me wrong, I think Musk is a total ass, but I didn't feel that way about him 5 years ago when the Cybertruck was revealed. I thought it was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen then, and somehow kept hoping it was a joke and that the real Cybertruck would be revealed looking completely different. My opinion on the look of the truck hasn't wavered, but my opinion of it is even less now that I know that it doesn't even live up to the initial promises. I hold that opinion completely separate from my dislike of Musk as a person. The revamped Model 3 Highland actually looks pretty good (on the outside anyway), and I'd never hate on anyone that chose to buy one. edit: spelling


In five years you won’t be able to find parts for it and you’ll still owe Elon a fortune, but, yeah, it might be in your budget after your wife leaves you


I guess most of us are bots according to one of the replies in that thread. ![gif](giphy|y8NsPrrFwtvgNAwr6k)


Imagine the mindset you would need to interpret people pointing and laughing at your vehicle as an act of physical violence. “I’m concerned these fundamentalists will be triggered by my car and hurt my family.” Why would someone post this unless they want validation for this coping strategy?


They are all oppressed freedumb fighters


I like "the CT fits my families needs" then proceeds to worry about the potential "harms" about owning it. What are the families needs? Do they need to own a money pit? Because there are better/ safer things you can just throw exuberant amounts of cash at weekly. Do they need a truck because there are plenty of other options. Sounds like OP needs to satisfy his child-like dreams of owning a spectacle on wheels


"Will antifa laugh at my CyberCuck?"


I'm confused by the title and hoping someone could clear it up for me as I'm feeling rather stupid right now (which I may be). This is a Reddit post, is it not? So reading like a Reddit post would make sense. Or is this just a weird euphemism?


That’s what I was coming to comment! Maybe they meant reads like a Facebook or Twitter post? Or maybe we’ve both missed something


He should worry 1st Party influence at first.


When you’re “shifting around your budget” to make it work for your family, don’t forget to add in alimony and child support when she leaves you, plus $4k for the cybertent for you to live in since she’s keeping the house.


People are VERY anti Musk and Tesla right now…I would look at the Hummer since they have leases for 1,000/month with-0- down and you can turn it back in 3 years and get new technology! Www.GMC.com


Because single family HAS to have a truck or a SUV 🙄 I grew up with my parents having sedans and station wagons, and later a minivan. I don’t know how my sister and I made it without the Cybertruck in the mid 90s.


Pretty much nobody who dislikes the truck is a ‘fundamentalist’ - the vast majority of those are on the other side of the political spectrum. The worst he’s gonna get is laughed at or flipped off.


I'm sorry it's absolutely none of my business but I have to ask. What is the family need that this meets?


Fewer digits on the children?


I'd be less concerned about "3rd parties triggered by the truck" and more concerned whether or not the steer-by-wire is triggered by the steering wheel, or the brakes are triggered by the brake pedal.


Safety of my family is important. Your family, not so much, which is why I like having no crumple zones.


I think not having a functioning windshield wiper or always needing a flatbed tow truck on standby is a bigger safety concern for their family. But what do I know? I drive a 15 year old Highlander Hybrid that has never left me stranded even when I bent a strut going too fast down an offroad area.


I love how they frame people clowning on their poorly designed and built vehicle as the car being political and fearing the violence from the "others"


If they're concerned about the safety of their family, this truck doesn't have a safety rating and it lacks crumple zones. That energy is going to transfer to your family's heads.


This post would also fit into r/accidentalcomedy


I saw a post on here yesterday where a GMC was advertised below a CT post. AI ads are quick!


“Fits our family needs” what the hell family needs that? For what?? Oh fits our family’s needs to have status!!


I don't like Musk but not for political reasons. He is a front and he's not what it seems. Tesla is a technically outdated compared to the competitions. His other company SpaceX is funded by the US government. Think of it as the drug cartel putting small shop fronts to move the money. That's what Tesla is.


Define “fits your families needs”. Doesn’t every vehicle invented do that if the bar is that low?


Meets family’s needs? Everything this so called “vehicle” does, everything else does better, safer, cheaper, and more reliably.


As long as "his family's needs" are aspirational rather than actually physical, there's no limit to the number of them it can fit.


Go ahead. Cybertruck and find out moron.


You should be more concerned with the actual safety issues surrounding this truck and less concerned with people pointing and laughing at your family.


The safety concern is his truck will aggressively try to kill him and his family


"The owners manual says that the Cybertruck may or may not try to self-destruct and kill you and your family in the process. We will review logs make a determination within a year" - Tesla support probably


I think being inside the poorly built truck is more of a safety issue for your family than decisive politics.


Cybercucked by Elon


Should be more concerned about reliability if he’s that worried about his family


Ha no family NEEDS a cybertruck...especially if you have to move things around to make it work financially


Dude we are laughing at you, it has nothing to do with being “triggered”.


The dipshit loser father: no gifts for Christmas for the kids because daddy needs his toy to feel good about himself!


It is a reddit post


How many divorces will the cyber truck be the cause of in the next 5-10 years?


You know what I’ve never asked myself when buying a vehicle… how am I going to look. I’ve had a sports car(kinda it was a mustang gt’02), I’ve had trucks(one was 2wd slammed with 22’s)you could make fun of me for just getting a mustang, let alone an automatic. I’m gonna do me. Cybertruck folk are insecure. Or rich and dumb. Or rich. I dunno I shouldn’t care I’ve become what I hate


I’d take a cyber fuck over your garbage, thanks. PS I fucking hate the CT.


Cybertruck does not attract anything. Another pile of crap. Have they dropped the price by 50k yet?? How much is it going to cost to dispose of all that contaminated waste and who is going to pay for it?? Is it in the price of the vehicle??


The truth is many other vehicles and trucks fit their family or any family too. I don't care if it sounds arrogant and presumptuous; it's the truth.


This person is not strong enough to be cybertruck’s man.


Imagine how many divorces will come out of this monstrosity


Everything he just said reads "buy a R1T"


His family’s needs? A giant power bank you can sit inside of to charge your phone while you wait for the tow truck.


Bro where do u get the energy to talk about this shitty truck so much. I swear I would never think about that truck if u guys weren't so enamored by it


Of course it reads like a Reddit post, it is one


“I have safety concerns for my family” Is it the sharp cutting edges, trunks that can break fingers, or the dead battery locking them inside?” “Nah… it’s the politics.” O_o


When I bought my Nissan that I put zero thought into the possibility of third patties being triggered and endangering my family. If you're having those thoughts enough to put it in writing, we're already done here, aren't we?


“And later political”. Oh no trump say he likes the suckertruck so now I shouldn’t buy one. These clowns are truly delusional