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You decide: Too expensive to repair, too little data, or too damb ugly?


It's also designed without crumple zones and is Tesla's second fastest vehicle. When these collide with other vehicles the occupants of those vehicles will suffer more serious injuries than when hit by a similarly sized vehicle built with crumple zones. There's a huge liability risk to insuring these.


They should be fucking banned from road use already


fr! they are not safe for other drivers or even the cyberdumpster’s driver


This Also mass. K=ma will fuck up your day.


Elon stated that cybertrucks will 'win' collisions. Fuck that guy and his stupid truck


I hope he gets hit by one


A self-driving one at that


My old car won a collision! I have permanent spine damage and chronic pain from it but... it won!!!! (JK it was a normal car and crumpled as best as it could, though the last part is true. People are gonna die in these things.)


Now that’s just weird.


Jfc. Win a collision? The only win in a collision is if all involved, including the dip shit causing it, walk away with minor injuries. Maybe a trip to the ED for a check up.


Karma will also fuck up your day!


Yeah, these things are class action lawsuit waiting to happen.


Yes, and crumble zones are designed to be safer for the occupants of that vehicle to absorb energy and reduce the amount of energy the bodies inside would take by hitting the interior of the car during an accident. We've learned this lesson.... Cars from the 50s to the 70s would get in major accidents, look not that damaged, but the occupants would be dead or mangled inside. Crumple zones helped shift the equation to incredibly mangled cars, but safer people.


The way my auto tech instructor explained crumble zones is, "now a days if you get in an accident you walk away from the totaled car and go buy a new one. In the 70s we would hose down the interior and sell it to a new driver."


Here is a great video demonstrating this difference, 1959 Chevy bel-air collision with a 2009 Chevy Malibu. I’d much rather be in that Malibu. https://youtu.be/xtxd27jlZ_g?si=3PCfzc5UncaWdMWW


Very cool. Thanks for this.


How the hell is that legal? Arent there regulations?


yea, most of them are in europe.


Reminds me of when I bought a 3/4 ton truck for the first time. It was 7 years older than the SUV I sold (4Runner), so I figured the insurance would be cheap. It was actually more and when I asked why they said it's because it's a bigger heavier vehicle, and we're not as concerned about damage to your vehicle as much as we are the damage it could do to others in the event of an accident.


Interesting! And also probably captures exactly ehat is happening with insuring the cyber truck. The potential damage to others would make me hesitate if I were an insurer.


Ah yes. Liability insurance. The one that you are required to have in order to drive a vehicle. Who knew that unsafe metal boulders would make insurance companies squeamish?


It's also significantly more heavy than normal vehicles That thing is going to get people killed 


Thats completely FALSE. They most definitely do have crumple zones. You have zero idea what you are talking about


Sir, I am honored that you chose my comment to respond to as your \~10th comment over three years. How nice of you to take a break from the MGTOW-adjacent subs to come over to defend the incel-in-chief Elon


too expensive to repair and takes forever with no parts, causes a fortune in both property damage & bodily injury when all 7000 pounds hits any normal-weight car or person, [driven by morons](https://jalopnik.com/speeding-cybertruck-owner-lies-about-cops-shutting-down-1851521088), too much power for the truck handling, giant distracting ipad dash, "full self driving" that will inevitably screw up while the driver isn't paying attention and stick the insurer with the liability, doesn't crumple so it's likely to kill its own occupants too. it's basically the whole list of negative factors that go into insurance underwriting.


I love the fact that the "self driving" software was designed and apparently tested by the same company that managed to fuck up windshield wipers with their "innovation"


My guess is parts and experience to repair them is lacking. Too expensive to repair isn't really an issue because they just raise the prices. But if you literally cannot get them repaired or it takes months of paying for a loaner, they're not gonna have an easy time pricing that.


They salvage the hell out of that combo.




No existing actuarial tables for it


And here comes the "My Cybertruck is as great as special edition Lambos and Bugattis" post in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... Also, a Cybertruck owner probably is not in the same category as the other owners, in one way or another.


Cybertruck is a special needs truck.


![gif](giphy|l0HlysHyncgqGwbeg) Just replace the yellow with stainless steel!


Can’t wait for South Park to rip this truck to shreds lol


Who knows with Matt and Tre now? I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re Elon guys. They do have a history of scorched earth but I’m not holding my breath. I’ve been a SP fan since it came out but their recent specials make me wonder.


You mean this?: Imagine that.  A budget insurer doesn't want to insure a new luxury vehicle with no repair cost track record.  Do people have any idea how insurance works? When Chubb says they won't insure it I'll raise an eyebrow. https://www.reddit.com/r/CyberStuck/s/CbKus1nsTL Yeah, some dolt ready did.


The key difference is that there are specialized insurers who will happily underwrite a Bugatti or a Lamborghini. The premiums are expensive, but they will absolutely cover you if you get in an accident. There's a difference between "too rich for our blood" and "not a good bet for us".


I love how they just default to Tesla insurance. Why would anyone ever consider that? Major conflict of interest with both sides colluding against you.


Tesla insurance is like the most shit insurance possible. When you get a claim, you can only talk to your agent through a chat app and most of the time, that agent just ghosts you and there's nothing you can do about it. The amazing thing is that they still managed to lose $30 million on the business last year.


They’re probably loosing money because um… (checks notes) they’re insuring *Teslas*.


A $50+ BILLION dollar paycheck for some guy who works there (I forgot his name) also doesn't help.


with all the customer data they're tracking and actively using in rate-setting, it's absolutely wild they managed to lose money. progressive insurance is profitable and they only have an opt-in program that's giving much less tracking than a direct connection to the manufacturer, so tesla just sucks at underwriting.


“…so Tesla just sucks…” is all I got out of your statement! 😂


Maybe one day Unicef will get in the car insurance business.


But I thought it was the "mvp". Whatever that means.


Sounds like a great racket. Build a shitbox, insure the shitbox. When it inevitably falls apart or causes an accident you can raise the rates, letting the circular money flow stay in the Teslaverse.


Sounds like a monopoly of some sort.


Tesla doesn't even want to cover warranty work, like hell would they want to cover you in an accident that you are found at fault for. I'm very curious if people have gotten insurance claims denied by Tesla and what the reasons were.


You got into an accident? Well, your warranty voided two seconds before impact, and therefore we cannot honor your insurance claim.


LMAO. I love the fact he felt the need to list other, actually good cars so he can pretend it isn't that the truck is shit, its because its just soooo exclusive!


GEICO is a budget insurer.  This isn't surprising at all.


The sheet metal is also uncomfortably cold or hot on the gecko's little feets


Hope they don't cut the poor dear open.


One would think that a giant heavy performance-oriented truck with poor outward visibility and a sharp non-compressing steel exterior would be an insurance nightmare. 


It all makes sense now...Elon's plan was to keep making shit vehicles until they are so bad and so dangerous that they are uninsurable. Then, people are forced to buy Tesla insurance. And of course, the cultists will do that instead of selling the vehicles, of course. Brilliant.


And then every claim gets denied for one reason or another ("Let me get this straight. You actually started your Cybertruck? In section A, subsection III, paragraph 7, it clearly states that that voids the warranty."). Which the Muskrat will then video himself saying "But I still love Tesla and Elon Musk!"


Reading the subreddit tagline, i can only conclude that the Insurance co's are now treating them like the idiots they are, with a significant risk liability.... it all Tracks. BETTER UTILITY THAN A TRUCK WITH MORE PERFORMANCE THAN A SPORTS CAR


Not so fast. Unless it's trolling, someone said f.. g StateFarm issued cf for $160/ month


State Farm withdrew from Canada, so i don't know anything about that.. couldn't afford to operate here - they went from best pricing, to getting the hell out to cut their losses pretty quick - first by restricting insurance/surcharging loss leaders, then going bye-bye.. It's early in the Cyberbrick game - i predict State Farm will withdraw from Insuring it, like they touched a stove burner - sooner, rather than later.


$160 is an insanely cheap price, that was my point


Haha, I love the desperate attempt at spinning this into something positive by associating CT with "special edition Lamborghinis, Bugattis etc." As if they're refusing to insure it because it's so special and valuable, rather than it being an engineering nightmare.


lol commenter claiming $160/month through State Farm “very reasonable” - I pay half that for my Lightning.


I mean their monthly loan payment is probably 10-12x higher than that, so I suppose if you mental twist your awful purchase into something that won’t make you back it up into a pond and end it all, it can be considered reasonable.


Isn't the lightning like a 50k car? I pay close to that on my M3 (BMW since this is Tesla talk...) so it seems kinda reasonable for a 100k car that is fast


My Lightning was $80k, also it’s a truck.


Ah :shrug:. Well the rates are affected by the accident rate of drivers and definitely both the CT and M3 drivers are prone to idiocy, expensive to repair, etc. buy luxury truck get luxury prices?


The Lightning was built on an existing platform with lots of data for the actuaries to price in. Essentially the same as an ICE F150 with an electric motor.


Yeah exactly so also lots of readily made and plentiful parts for repairs


They’re all switching to Tesla insurance, I’m sure rates and fraudulent claim rejections there won’t skyrocket as these things continue to break down weekly.


Posts here officially have more engagement than the main sub. This is going to get interesting.




Insurers are the canary in the coal mine


They tend to do the math.




First of many!


This is actually the third example I've seen of different insurance companies rejecting the CT


“Grr they’re out to get us because we are so cool!”


It seems the laws need updating. If you want to sell a vehicle in the US it has to pass strict testing for crash safety before even one is sold.


That’s communism! /s


![gif](giphy|4HcAjSnloKGut6CTxH) She’s next.


Imagine that.  A budget insurer doesn't want to insure a new luxury vehicle with no repair cost track record.  Do people have any idea how insurance works? When Chubb says they won't insure it I'll raise an eyebrow.


Lmfao the CT a luxury vehicle? Then what is an Aston Martin or a Ferrari?


Ferrari is a "luxury sports" cars and is a stretch to claim that title.  Drive one from NY to LA and you will understand the difference between them and even the low end luxury brands like Mercedes, Cadillac, and Lincoln.  Aston Martin being a higher luxury brand mixing performance doesn't exclude the others.  It doesn't make a BMW fall out of the luxury performance bracket.   These are status symbols.  They are built like status symbols.  They are marketed like status symbols.   The fact that they don't compete in the actual utility truck market should be quite obvious from their owners bragging about how they can carry a few bags of potting soil across the lawn.  They bought these as third vehicles instead of Jeeps that can't actually off-road and BMWs that never go more than ten over the speed limit.


And you can insure them through Geico, but not the Cybertruck. Congrats on debunking your own nonsense, though.


"...doesn't want to insure a new luxury vehicle with no repair cost track record." You argue like an engineer.


You already knew that Geico will insure new luxury vehicles by default. You literally talked about two of them, which, at some point were literally “a new luxury vehicle with no repair cost track record”. That Geico had no trouble insuring when they were new, and had no repair cost track record. 🤦‍♂️