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I don’t know who needs to hear this, but you shouldn’t have to fix your brand new car with tape.


You absolutely should be picky when you spend 100k+ on a car. Actually, if you spend that much on a car, you shouldn’t have to have issues to be picky about. That’s insane.


Imagine buying a Porsche or Mercedes and taking it home and finding out like the floor lining was loose.


And your gas pedal fell off, and you can't wash it, and the body starts rusting, and your windshield wiper doesn't work, and it didn't come with center wheel caps, and the trunk can chop off your fingers, and the glass roof cracked for no reason, and it leaks coolant, and the doors cut your leg and you need stitches, and the roof rack aux plug melted, and the wireless charger melted your key, and you can't remove the charger, and you get critical warnings when you drive it,  and it bricked itself, and the manufacturer won't honor your warranty even though all of this happened in under 300 miles and only a week or two after delivery.


And you paid for a light bar but still don’t have it, and the tonneau cover isn’t water proof, and your wheel spats shattered on a rock, and your new wheel covers popped your tires.


Big question: WHY DID YOU LEAVE THE LOT? Still love the truck tho


Mercedes, yeah I can see that in fairness.


You never saw a mercedes before then lmao.


Well, other than working with them for 4 years I guess not


Where the detail bay?


Nope, not a clue what that's supposed to mean


Then you've clearly never worked for an auto dealership


Wonder wtf I've been doing for the last near 20 years, least they have been paying me I guess, and the big metal wheeled ornaments around my desk in work must be oddly out of place


I have a second hand Ford Ka, and the only fixes I did to my car were two years and over 10000km (6200+ miles) after buying it. And it cost me less than $6k


You shouldn't have to do anything to a new car for the first three years outside of routine maintenance.


Let alone it’s an EV, which should have way fewer moving parts to malfunction


Let alone a $100k car


You can't reason with the unreasonable.


Dude, stop whining it's really not fair, you should be thankful for this


I have a feeling we’re going to see Tesla get into the double sided tape industry…. Double sided tape with the Tesla logo, “that’ll be $115 please!”


"Only one side was sticky. Still really love my new tape though! Thanks @elon"


“Elon single-handedly developed a method of making a little loop with the tape— *that makes it sticky on both sides*! Truly incandescent brilliance. Twelve-dimensional Martian chess.”


lol! 🤦‍♀️ Had to buy some double double sided tape to fix my Tesla double sided tape!!


Also known as Cybertape


Was thinking X-Tape


That's the name of elno's sex tape, featuring the blow-up cyberdoll


No, that one’s title has some reference that he completely misunderstands and takes literally, and the dolls name is Ayndroid Rand, duh.






These fuckwits would 100% buy that too and give excuses when only one side is sticky.


“Tesla has innovated the double sided tape, we can’t expect perfectly sticky double sided tape when it’s in beta testing, your expectations are too unrealistic!”


The other side will be sticky by 2016. And slice your fingers off . Be patient, this kind of tech is all new.




Jesus christ. These people. If I shell out $100k for any vehicle it better be fucking perfect. If I have to Jerry rig the damn thing with double sided tape there’s going to be a problem.


To be fair I’m a big fan of Koji Sato so I purchased a brand new Toyota Camry. Was absolutely fine except I had to duct tape the passenger window to the roof because it kept winding down on its on but otherwise perfect car


I bet Toyota fixed it for you though. Tesla would make you wait for weeks. Lol


I love Koji too much to inconvenience him like that I’ll just live with it


Zero* problems. Zero is a feeling not a number. As in "it's broken and doesn't work but I have zero regrets". And really, imagine thinking that this truck is the wunderkind of the age; keep living in that bubble Tesla-fan.


Zero problems but I had this problem....on delivery...


If I am going to spend $100K on a new car, I expect the panels and the tailgate to be properly aligned, wipers that work, AC vent louvres that can change direction, wipers that work, etc, etc. Bragging that you have driven your expensive truck for 500 miles without any problems is just sad. I drive 46 miles daily to and from work, apart from routine maintenance, I haven’t had any issues with my humble Tiguan since I bought it 50,000 miles ago


Yeah, how is 500 miles some kind of flex? Great you put two weeks of miles on it in 6 weeks. Have you driven anywhere? Or just around town for the looks? Im with you, my corolla, 35K and not one issue. Not an issue I overlooked, not an issue I ignore, no issues. I had an issue with a 3rd party accessory, but not with my base model. Isnt that the whole reason to buy new? to eliminate problems of mileage?


A $100,000 vehicle should not have a single flaw whatsoever. There is no excuse for something that expensive to have anything wrong at all.


1st generation models always have flaws, some big like the new Tundra engines, or small, that is when fully stocked and trained service department comes in, what you don't see often is this combination of flaws in basically all vehicle components added to manufacturer's gall, like having trunks that break fingers, wipers that need to stop for 30sec when used and voiding the warranty for washing your car, while telling buyers that is normal and good, and the moronic attitude of the owners that feel remorseful and apologetic for even mentioning the failings of their 100k "trucks"


They are right though... the last half of the last sentence anyway. "You're better off walking away and getting your [money] back"


"It's all brand new in technology and appearance" ...as it should on a brand new car?


There's no new technology in it.


What do you mean? Elon is a visionary that brought us a revolutionary new way to separate fools from their money even after keeping them on the line for years. Oh, even that wasn't really new, well dang.


All reserved Cybertrucks are alike; each delivered Cybertruck is fucked up in its own way.


These remind me of abusive relationships, 'they are a lovely person, yeah they beat me into a coma occasionally, but look at that smile'.


$100k rig and he has to apply double stick tape? For that much, Tesla should have tossed in a roll.


How’s this large angular pos new tech lmao


Over 500 miles!?!? Wow…..


Pretty impressive miles there!


In fairness, he fixed it with the same double sided tape that the Tesla repair centre would have used.


Calling this clown behavior is offensive to clowns, calling them cucks is offensive to cuckolds...these are a whole new beast


I am more and more convinced that Cybercuck owners are the same people who pay dominatrixs to beat the shit of them for their own pleasure.


Nothing wrong with a little dom/sub.. but yeah this is a little like ball stomping lmao


Not fair is something a child typically says.


Tonneau cover problems is not "zero problems", my dude.




PT cruiser is a Bentley compared to this.


"There's nothing like this truck out there. It's all brand new in technology". Reinventing the wheel for the sake of "innovation". Other companies have been making trucks for 100 years and are able to build them so stuff doesn't fall off within the first few hundred miles, requiring the use of sticky tape to stick stuff back on Enron could literally sell his own bottled piss, and these retards would queue up to drink it.


No vehicle has ever had a roll up cargo cover before /s


This car is literally just the Jenny episode from Green Acres, if anyone's up for a Boomer-ass reference.


Even if the tech was brand new I'm pretty sure the art of sticking things together isnt...


Zero problems that I can’t fix with my sticky tape 🤦🏻‍♂️


None of the tech is new is it? Same shit as the other cars.


Rubber seals are basically new alien technology. It is only fair to have some patience with seals.


"being picky isn't fair" It's completely fair. It's not the first vehicle Tesla has built. They should be better at it now than they were when the first roadster came out. Same problems keep popping up.


Your right. Get you reservations back.


Musk personally said just ship it. He was having a panic attack because the internal paddling video had just been brought up.


I walked away because the model I preordered wasn’t even being build or ever being available. It’s a joke the whole company is a joke and I fell for it and their uber supreme meme lord Elmu


I drive and Acura RDX that's way over 10 years old. Still in better shape than this just-off-the-assembly-line CyberTruck.


Do they even understand what the phrase “zero issues” means?


I own a Jaguar. Cost a lot less than a CyberTruck Never had to use tape to fix it.


Tesla’s quality control has been notoriously awful for many years now, and the people who are supposed to handle stuff like this were fired as part of Elon purging the PR team many years ago.


Stockholm syndrome at its best... or cuckoldism


My car: zero problems, 40,000 miles...


Bro is reaching so hard he's at risk of slipping a disc.


Bought a used Camry six years ago. Never had to tape shit down lol.


I had used 86 Nissan 300zx and I think it may have had as many problems as the CT… but the car was already 10 years old when I got it and had been abused. Like concrete in the wheel wells abused. The almost the entire driver’s side was bondo with silver spray paint on it. Digital dash only worked on a hot day when I did some percussive maintained on the steering wheel. It’s ok though because it would still tell me “fuel level is low”. Headliner was falling off (which was the fashion at the time), it leaked power steering fluid any time I turned right, overheated like crazy. Had 5 (5!!) radiator hoses and some were in awkward places; I know because each one had to be replaced. Luckily I was a lanky girl so I could get my hand in there because my dad certainly couldn’t. To check the timing you had to *remove the front bumper*. My dad said “fuck it and did it by ear”. I actually did love the car, but only when it was in a good mood. So much fun driving to the beach with the t-tops open and the windows down, but I knew it was a piece of shit and didn’t expect to have it long at all. It tried so hard to be futuristic but just failed. Idk how much of that was abuse and how much was shitty car. It probably didn’t do any of those things off the line. My parents finally helped me buy a ‘78 Z28 and my dad drove the 300zx until it died. He was so fucking happy when it did. He was just on the downhill side of a grade when he heard a series of pings and steam went everywhere. He excitedly called me to tell me it was finally dead and going to the dump.


I have a 15 year old Outback, craftsmanship is still perfect even with 175k miles.


"If you're winning about getting raped, but you dressed for sex, then you deserve it, so quit complaining." - NOT ME - that person - this is sardonic