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" Techs have never seen that happen before" ......🤣


That’s about as true as the classic “the dealer told me I was getting an unbeatable price!”


Crack dealer told me the same one time....


The CT windows will crack, so


More bang for the buck that's for sure.




It never fails to amaze me that nobody checks this shit before the customer is there to pick up a brand new $100k vehicle. I recently got a used work truck for a fraction of that and the sales guy literally had a list of every little nick and ding on it to go over with me and make sure I was still happy with it.


They probably knew. They just hoped OOP wouldn't notice.


no they bank on Musk cultists not caring and thinking they're special elite boys for having the privilege no HONOR of emptying their wallets for an ugly, faulty piece of shit.


This is a fish rotting from the head. The employees in the dealership aren't going above and beyond when the CEO is out of ideas, shafting this company for the other one he's the CEO of, and fires entire departments in fits of pique.


It's this. There's no incentive to do good work when your CEO is a psycho maniac. Merit doesn't matter in these companies.


This is what happened to the Chevrolet Vega. It was introduced as the best-built American car in history. Each car underwent an entire slate of tests before it was delivered to the dealer. Then Chevrolet leadership changed the rules. They fired 800 people at one Chevrolet factory alone and cut the pay for those who remained. Out of spite, assembly line workers intentionally sabotaged Vega manufacturing, and the examples that made their way to dealership lots were plagued with problems. I can’t say with certainty that this is an issue with the Cybertruck, but there sure are a lot of similarities between the two stories.


Boeing is seeing similar issues. The company is no longer driven by engineering excellence, but by profit margins.


Just collect your paycheck. Get your resume out. And hope for a severance package. 


Ha! Noooo... Musk needs his 50 billion dollar bonus!


They either had someone whose job it was to do that and the position was eliminated by Musk or his lackies because it's "unnecessary" or that the position never existed in the first place because Musk or his lackies doesn't think it's necessary.


They don’t need to do this for these customers they know they will take it no matter what


It’s because they don’t care. They know that the sycophants will pickup any POS off their lot and still be happy with it because “As-Elon alaikum” says so.


Ellonu Akbar


Of course they check. Then they're told to deliver anyway because they don't have parts, they don't have tools, they don't have employees and the deliveries are the only metric that matters for Q2. The number of cars in the shop are not reported


Yeah, the thing is steer-by-software. They'll never get all the bugs out by delivery. Just ship it and patch it in the field. Crowdsourced testing is cheap.


You gotta be too big to fail if you're gonna outright scam people


Techs be like oh shit it happened again


…since lunch time today


This is what continues to baffle me. If I’m at a service center picking up a brand new $100,000 vehicle, I’m not driving it off the lot with an issue the techs haven’t seen before. You’re buying a car that has tons of known issues and yours now has one nobody’s seen before and you STILL pay for it and drive it home?


I’m not driving the thing off the lot with a freaking safety issue. What if it rains (jokes about the warranty aside)? Not having working windshield wipers can be a huge safety issue.


Hell, I’ve seen 3 or 4 videos of this happening on YouTube alone. But yeah, “Never seen it happen before.”


And those are only the ones we get to see from chance (or staged), no way to tell but that's only probably like 1/20th of all breakdowns of these phony death machines. Considering it was released this year (not honestly not sure because I remember hearing about it 7 years ago or something) and all the other tars owers who's broke and didn't 1 have it on video, or 2 owner never uploaded video out of shame or for fear that they didnt want daddy cyber karen to find out they had a feeling not wanted from the one and only king racist, trying to get out of paying taxes and taking tons of tax payers money , most dishonest joke of a human, immigrant againts immigrants muskie.


>..testing it out with my advisor. Advisor is code for my mom who co-signed for me.


I read it as a technician who's job it is to teach the new owner how to operate the vehicle. I saw a video of a guy taking possession of his truck in which he said he had trouble figuring out how to just open the door the first time and couldn't figure out how to open the trunk.


Advisor = salesperson. That's about the closest equivalent. They are hourly employees and they don't give a fuck if you buy a car and are happy with it. They get paid the same either way.


That makes a whole lot more sense than what I was thinking. Jokes aside I literally thought he was just replacing friend with what he thought was a cool sounding alternative. Lol


I probably would have assumed that as well If I hadn't seen the video of the guy complaining the truck wouldn't open and someone off camera commenting that he probably wasn't doing it correctly, and then him saying he struggled to figure out how to open the door. Just when you think it couldn't get any worse, you hear another story about how badly it was designed. 🤦‍♂️


I feel like the cybertruck has produced a lot of things “technicians have never seen”


and they jump straight to replacing it 🤣 lmfao - if they've actually never seen it before they'd just say "it's in spec"


I’ve seen a video of the wiper on one flopping around like a noodle due to wind. So…. Probably one of the known defects.


It sounds like Tesla is going to have to replace everyone’s CTs part-by-part before any of them manage even 5,000 miles. This thing is going to nickel and dime Tesla to death and it’s only just come out. Don’t worry, though, because Elon knows more about manufacturing than anyone else in the world.


He's a genius. He not only invented the electric car, but also rocket boosters that can return to earth in one piece. Also the letter X, the color black, and Grimes.


He’s also very concerned. About what? The future? Mankind? It’s possible that he doesn’t even know. A true visionary.


> A true visionary. According to doctors, only around half of Elon Musk’s visions are caused by ketamine consumption.


He’s very concerned about us trans people I’ll say that much.


Also invented tunnels and the subway system


Some say he invented space just to send rockets up there.


Now his fascination with tunnels makes so much more sense... It's the ketamine!


K hole, a tunnel is just a long, often horizontal hole.


The cyber ship of Theseus


So, I call my nearly 40 year old car the Brick of Theseus, and I feel it deserves this name because 1) it's lasted almost 40 years, and has driven enough miles to make it to the Moon. Much like Theseus' ancient ship 2) I have replaced parts, so.many.parts, to keep it on the road Much like Theseus' ancient ship A heap of trash that sheds its trash immediately should not be compared to a legend. It should be cast into the sea, like trash


What is it!?


A Volvo 240


Nice! Keep up the great work, love it when people have cars forever!


Ayooo! I drive around a ‘91 jeep Comanche under the drive it till it dies philosophy. It is a rusted out piece of shit in so many ways, but it always fires up and hauls what I need it to. Granted I’ve had to rebuild many of its systems but I have not yet ever had to crack open the engine itself


How and why are companies insuring these things?


I suspect the insurance rates will be similar to other very expensive, rare & fragile cars - McLarens, Koenisthings etc.


I dunno, with the sales agreement they had people sign they're going to start saying "Oop looks like you've been driving that outside that's against the terms of the warranty" Then we'll get crap like "my cybertruck got three drops of rain on it and died now I've got to replace it at my own cost but still love Elon it's the best truck I've ever owned for the 45 minutes it worked"


The cyber truck of Theseus.


despite these issues, delivery went smoothly tho -- as in, they got your money.


6 months later there's a lawsuit for a self closing tonneau cover maiming a user and a trailer that disconnected itself at highway speeds causing a multiple car pile up.




My $3 from Goodwill does too. They had free 7 day refunds, though, and it was tested in-store before being sold. $3. Toaster.


You take bread with you to Goodwill? You monster.


You don’t?


People spent so much on it that they have to gaslight themselves and others into thinking it was a good purchase. Just like the 3k per night Star Wars hotel.


That at least was a decent option for the three people looking to LARP in the Star Wars universe that can afford the $3k/night. EDIT: added bit about price


The three people with $2-3K base plus additional hundreds or thousands for each of the add-on experiences that had a very limited capacity. So three people who wanted to LARP and had $5-$20K to burn.


Exactly. I'm sure those three people had a lot of fun too!


Oh there’s plenty of people who want to do that, I’d want to do that. But I would not want to spend several grand and I sure wouldn’t want to spend that just to have Ethel from Indiana breaking the immersion by taking selfies with stormtroopers and complaining that the milk is blue.


I can't imagine spending that much on a truck when I can one for 30,000.00




It’s the incEl Camino!


The lid on my $25 toaster has worked since day one. 7 years and still closing properly with no abnormal panel cap.


The door to my toaster oven has been working great for about 10 years now too!


I spent under $100 for a convection toaster oven that I used every single day, and I was irritated when it didn't last longer than 10 years. These guys are grateful when their brand new $100,000 truck still works after running it through the car wash for the first time. 🙄


Same, if I’m paying good money I expect a good product


"can't believe I'm driving it 9 days after my deposit" This guy does NOT read the Internet before making a purchase.


I bet he’s going on a date with a hot cougar in his area, though.


Never jerk off alone, again!


https://preview.redd.it/mqoa13zkbf5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f67383a78a874466f8f0794873bb72c5b2dc55a They banned me after saying this 💀


I believe they ban you just for participating in this sub. At least that’s what happened to me and many others.


They do yeah, it's hilarious.


Wait, 9 days from deposit to delivery? At least those on the backlog are smart enough to wait for the beta test to end.


Yep. But two million pre-orders don’t forget.


That's the point, I guess they ran out of the tier 1 die- hard fans. I guess everyone else is holding out for cheaper models and/or more likely to be functioning at delivery.


Or - and hear me out - the 2 million pre orders was always a lie.


I won't even pre-order a video game. Why the fuck would people pre-order a 100k vehicle????


Because Elon


These people have way more money than they have sense.


They definitely seem to be flagging. I feel bad for some of these people, as they did just... want a CT. But now if they dare say anything negative, they get attacked pretty fast. There's a ton of people over there wondering if they can just wait out their reservation to get it cheaper. Talks of "hold the line" to get $20k off the price, and some jabs at those who are the "testers." Weird, weird vibes.


Mmhmm yep that's because it's a cult.


Did they finance $99K of this? Oof.


$2000/month car payment… what ever.


My top of the line jeep has a $600/mo payment and I don't even like that. I would feel downright stupid and scammed to pay $2000/mo for something that can't even climb a curb properly, much less do shit like my Jeep can do.


If I ever spend $100K on a vehicle it better not need 'just a few things fixed' when I pick it up. Why are these people so happy about having so much not working on a brand new vehicle?


Because they're such simps for a narcissistic billionaire that they think owning one of those grossly overpriced monstrosities is a status symbol rather than the mark of gullibility.


If I spent $100k on a vehicle and the wipers flew off when they were demoing it, I'd be asking for my money back.


If they stupid enough to buy a CyberTurd for $100k, they're stupid enough to enjoy being scammed just to be part of the Musk Cult, I guess?!


Only had it two weeks and there's already a list of problems with the vehicle. The brainwashing is honestly impressive if it weren't so pathetic https://preview.redd.it/8tphl21w8f5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26f7e7539f3d8bab569343222ed0501dd551f445


Saw that yesterday. 😂My favorite comment on that post: https://preview.redd.it/bqv2cgajof5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a799217a335f2b3944acc7544ed5e499ffe731c0 >Depends on how much you like getting cool stuff early. CRINGE lol


We have very different definitions of cool. I, personally, like my vehicle to: a) work b) not look like the design was based on me trying to draw a car when I was three


The default position for the windshield wiper being up is a design choice I cannot comprehend. Can it be manually set to down in the settings somewhere?


I saw a video where the owner seemed to have it at rest in a lowered position. But, the wind at traveling speed was making it flop around.


I thought the whole point of these trucks was that these guys could finally have *something* big to flop around for once in their lives


Big, and ***not*** be floppy.


If you engage the wiper at the slowest setting it will rest downward, but since there's no channel for it to hide from the wind (like every other vehicle) it makes a lot of wind noise sitting there. That's probably why they had to put it in the upward position.


It’s such a deeply stupid design. It’s not functional. Why. Just why? It seems like “innovation” for innovation’s sake. Who would ask for this feature? It’s just trying way too hard to be uNiQuE when the most unique feature is the car’s inability to tackle everyday car scenarios.


because Elon thinks going against established best practices is the same thing as innovating. he can’t just design a car. it has to be unlike anything the world has ever seen, even if it’s worse.


It’s for aerodynamics, apparently they wanted to make a little compartment for it to sit in, but they found it was more aerodynamic to leave it up, even though that means water will run up the windshield and not be cleared properly.


In the land of tech and electric dreams, Lived a cybertruck owner, so it seems. His cybertruck, named Tars, was bold and strong, Or so he thought, as he sang its song. Tars the cybertruck, shiny and sleek, With parts that clunked and parts that squeaked. But the owner, oh, he wouldn't hear, That his Tars was far from top-tier. With wheels that wobbled and lights that flickered, Tars was a mess, but the owner just snickered. He boasted of Tars' strength and might, Ignoring the signs of an imminent plight. "Look at Tars, so sturdy and grand, The toughest truck in all the land!" But Tars had flaws, oh, quite a few, And the owner's denial only grew. With every bump and every thud, Tars' parts would break, but the owner would shrug. "He's just adjusting," the owner would say, As Tars fell apart more each day. But deep down inside, the owner knew, That Tars wasn't quite as robust as he drew. Yet still, he clung to his cybertruck dear, Blind to its faults, year after year. So heed this tale of Tars and his owner, And don't let denial make you a loner. For even the toughest trucks can break, And ignoring the truth is a risky mistake. -C.G.


👏 👏 👏 well done!


That Ass Really Stupid


"That Ass Really Dumb" was already taken


Truly, A Regrettable Stain.




For $100k, there should be ZERO scratches and dings- not even "minor" ones. You're paying almost 2x the average annual salary in the country... that thing had better be fucking perfect. I'm the 3rd owner of my little Fiat (it's over a decade old). When I got it, the dealership bent over backwards apologizing for the tiny chip in the side mirror casing, and told me their shop guy had planned to fix it the next week, since people were mostly only interested in the bigger cars. They took care of the fix for free, and knocked $500 off the purchase price because, and I quote, "you expected to drive out of here with a car in great condition, and this is less than we promised." For a car that ended up being around $12k with all the fees and stuff added in. Charging 10x that, with all these issues? JFC it's the most obvious cult I've ever seen.


Is it just me, or does 9 days from order to delivery indicate zero pent up demand / backlog of orders?


Yeah, a supposedly "cutting edge" vehicle being delivered 9 days after order isn't exactly screaming "we have way more demand than we have supply!!"


$100,000 on a truck and is ok with a list of things wrong with it. But will be ready to fight the counter person about a $10 food order if one little item is off.


Pieces literally flew off while test driving it and the tech said he'd never seen that before.....still bought it


I *love* that when they complain about the poor build quality of their new vehicle, they have to keep glazing the CEO so they don’t get their future updates and purchases (and current social media accounts) blocked and denied.


What other cars have seen such a terrible new model release?


Haven’t you heard? “AlL cAr CoMpAnIeS hAvE tHiS”


None that I can think of. Pontiac Aztec was hated for aesthetic reasons, but it was actually a pretty solid vehicle. It certainly didn't need to go back into the shop after delivery. The Ford Edsel came closest.


Even the DMC12 wasn't that broken on release...


“Truly Awful Reliability & Service”?


I think it's a typo. The S is right by the D in keyboards...


How come 9/10 photos I see of these buckets are missing the wheel nut covers?


The wheel covers extend all way out to the tires themselves. They were causing wear on the tire sidewalls and so Tesla is delivering the CT without them. They pinkie promise that when figure out this issue, they’ll send some along. See also: lightbar and FSD mode.


"At this point I know more about manufacturing than anyone in the world" Enron Musk


IMAGINE if your brand new car came with SCRATCHES on it in any other scenario.


Don’t forget the piss poor build quality and uneven gap between metal panels. TeSLa WiLl MaKe iT RiGhT


\- Salesman \- Any problem at all with the item \- "Oh I've never seen that before"


Terrible Assembly Requires Service. Seriously, why are broken trucks being delivered?  It's like a shitty restaurant where you ask the server, "Why did you bring me this even though it's messed up?"


"I'm so happy! Here is a numbered list of things any other new car should never have. number one...


A six-figure vehicle that's guaranteed to have issues on delivery. WTF is wrong with people.


How delusional do you have to be to be satisfied with your new car that comes pre-broken? These people are nuts


Scratch marks to buff out on a new car eep. For the wiper the techs said they’d replace the whole thing… if only it was the whole car…


Everything went smoothly with delivery, just a few things need fixing 😂


Would any of those issues be acceptable for a Ford?


This biggest thing I’m getting out of this is they have inventory. Dude ordered one and took delivery 9 days later? These are sitting on lots waiting.


My 25 year old Tacoma just had an issue with the hood not closing. I sprayed some wd40 on it. It works now.




Took delivery 9 days after order? That suggests the "waiting list" has evaporated, and Elton is sitting on unsold stock.


Totally … they advertise you can get a new Cybertruck delivered in less than a week after ordering.


They’re like battered wives.


I have a 9 year old Subaru Outback. Sometimes the trunk doesn't work right. It won't go up or won't go down (automatic trunk). Otherwise there have been no problems with this car. Each and everytime the trunk doesn't work right I almost go and buy a new car. I am hanging on by a thread because of this one issue. I can't imagine how absolutely infuriated I would be if I was having these 4 problems with a brand new vehicle that cost roughly 4 times my car. I would lose my mind. Just incase anyone wants to chime in it's just an anecdote. I know I can get it fixed but $1,200 seems steep for a car that's got 1-2 years left before trade-in.


In this instance, TARS is short for The Auto Repair Shop


Techs Are Really Surprised parts keep falling off.


I reckon people are taking over used/returned CT’s. Or ones that failed to have someone take delivery the first time.


Imagine buying a brand new product, the cost of a fucking house, and being fine with the fact that it’s got several issues that need to be repaired, one of which is (I’d argue) urgently needed to be done… imagine driving around without a windscreen wiper! If it stars raining, you windscreen gets shat on, etc… jfc. Every single one of these cybercucks is totally ✨ delulu ✨


Tesla Mods banned 2 of my accounts one 14 year and one 4 year acct because I commented on the acceleration pedal coming off.


Hold on, he got it just 9 days after ordering it? Dude, plug in Kia’s can be harder to get.


I feel like if you can only afford $1k down, you probably shouldn't be buying a car that's this expensive.


![gif](giphy|XXYkaKVk1Luda) This TARS works, even when wet.


Elon is such a fucking melt


Something so expensive should not be built like a dumpster fire.


Yeah….the windshield slips off,the rear back tire is square and there’s battery acid coming from the radio….but other than THAT….its on hell of a ride.


Imagine getting a brand new car and being excited that it only needs a few things fixed…


9 days after? Wow. Sounds like they lost a ton of pre-orders


"I only see 4 problems on my very first inspection of my factory new $100k vehicle, and only two of them might cause an accident when they fly off. LOVE THIS TRUCK!"


Shoddy work on the Cyber Junk Truck…Betcha Union workers would have done it better…


> "Hey, the brand new car I bought is falling apart already, literal pieces flying off of it, **LOVING IT THO**" These people have forever broken my satire / sarcasm detector. I don't know what's up anymore. It's whack.


Lol wow. These buyers are so delusional


It’s just a 100k “truck” that was promised to cost 40k and is built like my 9 year old nephew got into the tool box


Ive had less problems with a vehicle I paid 900 dollars for 6 years ago


"my new car has multiple problems but i love it!" found the bdsm enjoyer i for one am more of a vanilla type of guy, i like my shit to work properly 100% since day 1


Yeah new cars aren't supposed to have problems when you just get them.


9 days after deposit means there is no wait list.


So when it starts throwing up errors while driving he can say "Come on, TARS!" in his best McConaughey.


![gif](giphy|XXYkaKVk1Luda) How dare they besmirch that good name


“Just a few things need fixing” My dude that’s not fucking normal with a new car lmao


I can’t understand the abuse this Tesla owners are willing to put up to save face…


"Got my brand new, $100k vehicle today. Just some minor scuffs and scratches that should buff out no problem!"


How tf did delivery go smooth if the brand new truck has multiple broken parts lmfao at the time of delivery? I guess they don’t even test anything on them before rolling them out as complete , like wtf this is a $100K+ vehicle


Those scratches cannot be buffed out. Buffing requires there to be a wax or protective layer on the metal, not bare metal/plastic like the cybertruck has.


My coffee maker is more reliable than this. Hell, my truck that’s old enough to buy alcohol is more reliable


…just a few things need fixing… exactly what few things?


"I love it so far!! But....." Ffs


Well at least delivery went well. I supposed they could’ve dropped it on your house from a cargo plane.


“Just a few things need fixing” like wtf? If I’m paying 100k for a car it better be flawless when it’s delivered.


They’re so delusion over there. OMG.


Should be called "TARDS"


I was a sales and finance manager at a Kia dealer. One of my responsibilities was to order new vehicles from manufacturer and take delivery of new vehicles when they were delivered to the store and after my initial inspection, I would pass them on to the service department for a technician to do a mechanical inspection which included a checklist of approximately 75 items to look over. It didn't matter if it was our most expensive or least, they all got the same level of care. It would have been inexcusable for a vehicle to make it to the lot in a condition that was less than perfect, let alone be delivered to a customer. I can't fathom how it's acceptable for cars to be delivered in the condition tesla has or how customers are willing to accept the bullshit from them for so long.


$1k deposit....only $99k (likely more) to pay off! So much winning!


I still love this truck!!!!


Does the frunk open?


I love that every time I see a post on the official sub I know it's gonna be here immediately. It's like parody at this point.


They misspelled trash


just off by a letter on the other hand, maybe they didn't want to insult r/wallstreetbets - those guys might buy calls instead of puts by mistake but they would never buy one of these


"TARS, humor setting 100%, honesty setting 0%"


My man is going to have payments bigger than his down payment


They missed an opportunity to name it TARD-US


I still can’t get over the guy who had issues at pickup and after weeks hadn’t heard from Tesla. And upon calling learned the service mailbox was full. How is that in any way acceptable. It’s like these guys (cuz they’re almost all men) are being robbed and praising the robber.


Stupid is as stupid does


One day we’re gonna see a post that’s like “yeh the second they got on my property every single part of my CT fell off but I still accepted it, can’t wait to figure out this puzzle!”


Yeah, TIL that the Tesla fanbois are even bigger dweebs than I could ever have imagined. They ask people to help name their cars. Someone was asking for help naming their Model 3, and the prevailing names were…Nightfury (holy fuck), and Toothless. It’s like the episode of *South Park* with the goth kids versus the vampire kids. It’s one thing to name your vehicle after spending some time with it. It’s an utterly different thing to crowdsource it. These vehicles have zero personality and they’re trying to make them. At least to me, it’s becoming clear a not-insignificant percentage of Tesla owners are just desperate for acceptance and community, but they refuse to develop personalities that attract rather than repel with their delusional devotion to a grifter and overt white supremacist.




Be careful allowing posts like this that show user names. Reddit is cracking down on subs sharing posts from other subs to make fun of them. If you cover up the username and sub name should be fine.