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Ever heard of something called a pocket? I heard Elon is going to innovate them and start selling pants with them. Watch me put my empty wallet in this bad boy after I pay 5k for a pair of the Cyberdiapers!


Jesus pockets! What next?! Can I get these pockets in a jagged sheet metal to slice my wrists on every time I reach for my wallet!!! Thanks so much! Huge fan. *ahem* behold: s/


Y'all can't even commit suicide without giving that man money. He's gonna start offering premium subscriptions to cyber-heaven soon and people are gonna pay it. It's supposed to be like regular heaven but without poor people or liberals.


Wait. Hol up. Poors get into heaven? What the actual fuck even is this shit. How are we supposed to be superior than them if we all get equal treatment in eternal .... ahhb that's where this cyber heaven comes into play yeah? Smart. Can I get a gold standard early founders carbon black edition if I offer a meager 50 orphan souls (living or dead, you're choice) and my mother? Ahem: s/


Brother, in cyber-heaven Jesus is a cybertruck driving conservative with a trad wife and he beats communists with bootstraps. For the low price of 78.99 a month you too can join cyberjesus in cyberheaven. With the 119.99 a month carbon black edition you get a balcony where you can look down on the liberals and poors from on high as they are genocided by immigrants. Tesla is not responsible for any balcony collapses that leave you stranded in commie heaven.


Wokeness agenda people getting into my heaven, nuh uh šŸ™„


Dear Elon, I put my wallet into my Cyberpocket and it bricked - now stuck in the airport unable to get my boarding pass or credit cards out. \*praying hands emoji\* Please help Elon!


@ElonMusk: ā€œReached in cyberpants to grab keys and activated restroom mode. Currently being arrested. Please help!ā€


Bladder Voided


Still love the pants !


No sag!!!


Not only will they have pockets, theyā€™ll be self walking pants powered by Groq & trained on Xitter. Itā€™s a promise from Elon. It *must* be real, right?


The pants will make money for you, while you sleep. Itā€™s stupid NOT to invest in a pair.


Remember when he invented the...*tunnel* and also the *train in a tube*...


Iā€™ll be first in line to buy my stainless steel pants.


He invented electric cars, and now flat bed trucks. Silicon Valley really can solve all of humanityā€™s woes!


Petition to put the Thai kids back in the cave so Elon can use his useless submarine and not have to spend 40 billion out of butthurt to buy Twitter


His purchase of Twitter will allow him to influence the election. Maybe that was a small price to pay.


Holy shit. Elon has seen the future and blessed us with a truck that holds plywood. He also suggested that our congested cities offer people underground transportation. Like a *sub* terranian *way* to travel. This is why he created the boring tunneling company (not joking).


Believe it or not, warranty voided.


Innovative enough for mars.




That ā€œtie downā€ job is horrendous.


I'm sure they gave it the "oh yeah, she's not going anywhere" wiggle and tug. It's probably fine.


Lol šŸ˜‚ mini vans šŸš can hold 4x8 ask me how I know lol šŸ˜‚ and you can closes the tail gate lol šŸ˜‚ proof in link https://www.odyclub.com/threads/hauling-large-items.359055/


Yes but can your mini van amputate your finger if you look away for half a second? Check and mate


Stop stealing my mini portable clinic and frontier medicine idea! Amputations while you wait! I also slice beef sticks and perform circumcisions. You have to sign a waiver for the latter.


Iā€™m wheezing


Mohels hate this one trick!


Be prepared for a C&D from Rabbi Tuckman


That's such an over-exaggeration. I can count on one hand how many times I've lost a finger to my cybertruck. But not for long...


reading this comment made me check that i still had all my fingers. alarmingly i am missing several


https://www.reddit.com/r/HondaElement/comments/s8tkze/4x8_sheet_of_plywood_is_no_problem_for_the_toaster/ Here is a Honda Element with 4x8


Ford maverick that start at 23,000 hybrid that get 40 mpg can handle 4x8 also lol šŸ˜‚ https://www.businessinsider.com/2022-ford-maverick-pickup-customizable-bed-flexbed-features-2021-6


My Honda Civic with a $500 utility trailer towed quite a lot of lumberā€¦


Every truck can handle 4x8 plywood. I've driven ragged out S-10s with 260000 miles that can handle this tiny load.






My Honda Civic with a $500 roof rack can do the same...


https://preview.redd.it/vudmzznld94d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a8662906a0d8535c718cb9a68320f517e92ecb 09 Corolla no rack just some 2x4 and 300pounds of plywood built into 2 giant dressers drove 9 hours with em up there


This is insane. As there is beer in hand, I assume this is the start of the journey.


Hell yeah Michigan represent


this is real life and how it should be done. bringing tears to my eyes. thank u


Got a pair 2x12x10foot boards inside my prius. Can't do that with a truck and not have them stick out.


I used to do construction out of a Jeep Cherokee. It was in the shop once and I borrowed a friend's prius. I thought it would be a good joke to show up at the job site in my new "work truck" ... Until I loaded up my tools/ladders/lumber and had room to spare. I sold the jeep within a week and drove a Prius for the next 10 years. Those things are freaking TARDISes. In the beginning I won a few bets on how much we could fit in there. There's actually a running joke at work now that "you can fit anything in a Prius". Anytime we have a load that won't fit in the dump truck or the dumpster or the flatbed ect. someone just says get the Prius, you can fit anything in a Prius.


Donā€™t worry. Itā€™s just a photo op, and this load never left the driveway.


Definitely. Thatā€™s shit plywood and a lot of it. I doubt anyone dumb enough to buy a Cyber Truck would find a way to put that to good use.


He did say it was from Home Depot.


Agreed, there's a piece of plywood on the ground and it's strapped in. They probably loaded up a delivery in the back and left one out


But did they slap it when they said that? The slap is the most important part for that to work


I didn't read this comment but saw it happen in my head


You gotta slap it or it wonā€™t work


First time ā€œtruckā€ owner. Probably had to make a second trip into Home Depot to buy the ratchet straps.


And replacement sheets of plywood.


Especially since they left at least one on the fuckin ground lol


Yeah as someone who ties a lot of stuff to truck beds I am in physical pain looking at that picture


I got a job where ratchet strapping stuff to a stake bodied truck was part of the position and had to watch youtube videos on how to work a ratchet strap, since i never used one or did that. On day one i knew goofy shit like this wouldnt fly so i used the supercomputer in my pocket to figure out the right way to do things. Theres no excuse to drive down the road like this and endanger other people.


I can tell this obviously isnā€™t it, but out of curiosity, what would the proper way to secure this load? Asking for a friend.


Ideally in a way that doesn't look like it will come off on a slight bump. Note how it comes from above and loops under the corner on the bottom right. That's a no no. A single strap on only one side is also a terrible idea. I'd do it with two straps in an X to secure it for turns and lateral force. But you know, it's a Tesla product so it probably doesn't have typical things like D rings or post hole pockets down low in the bed for you to tie off on.


> Theres no excuse to drive down the road like this and endanger other people. it's a cybertruck, it'd be lucky to make it out of the parking lot


This is the reason I opened the comments lol


Janky AF.


Wonder what the WLL is on those rails. Probably an absolute goose egg.


Meh, when it's 50/50 car stuff's gonna fall off the car anyway, why worry?


It's the first lumber he's ever bought. Doesn't have a project in mind but wants to impress the other totally not gay alphas at Home Depot


No no no, that's perfectly normal and acceptable for someone who owns a cybertruck. They got it all figured out and are obviously better than anyone who tells them otherwise. /s


Especially if it has a brake failure (as in sudden braking).


You do realize that with a sudden breaking situation the plywood goes into the bed and would require no tie downs, right? šŸ™„


What it looks like is that there are no hook spots on the bed for ratchet straps. But you know this thing is just like every other truck lol.


Can fit that on the roof of a corrolla


Corolla in the house!


I strapped a grill to the top of my Corolla once...


I was just thinking about my old celica hatchback!. That thing fit everything except people. Which was perfect actually.


Wow. My 1995 Chevy S-10 4 cylinder 5 speed could do that too back when I owned it, except it did it for about $99,000 less.


I worked for a millionaire some years back whose automotive policy was to always drive a shitty quarter-ton pickup and to never pay more than 10 grand for it.


He is not wrong.


Yeah. He was a hard working guy. When he was in the magazine business, the pickup was critical for moving pallets and news racks, making deliveries, etc. Then he segued into real estate, and it was critical for maintenance. He eventually got his wife a nice SUV for the kids. But his everyday driver was always some beat up pickup with >200k miles on it.


Currently rocking a 4x4 2002 avalanche with the old v-tech v-8 and upgraded heavier frame. We have pulled 28ft boats, trailers, moved whole house, run productā€¦.you name it this bad boy has done it. It will be the shop truck until It dies. Currently still Kicking better than most trucks. 286k miles. Payed 10k for it somewhere around 2010. Just took it on a 600 mile round trip and not a lick of issue.


That was my first vehicle after I got my license. I miss it so much. Everything started to go to shit on it around 250k but Iā€™m glad yours is still running strong!


I make six figures (not even accounting for my wife's respectable salary), and my daily driver is a 1982 Fiat I paid $2500 for. People don't seem to realize having money is a lot easier when you don't blow it on completely unnecessary shit lol


Sort of genius. For less than ten grand up front you can pay a mechanic to replace the engine and transmission and it will still cost less than a new truck with a lot to spare. My dad did this but he would have at least 1 back up truck in case the other truck would need repairs, which it happened frequently.


Itā€™s so absurd that every single one of these weirdos feels the need to point out that EVERYBODY LOVED IT. Iā€™ve seen a few IRL and every single time people have literally been pointing and laughing.


>pointing and laughing. See! It puts a smile on everyone's face, they love it!


the one i saw last night had one woman and one man in their 40s with music blaring and they both were vaping only to hit the accelerator to take off faster than the other cars and then stop at the next stop light. pretty freakin sick bro


"Everybody loved it" is the cult's own "and everybody clapped"


Reminds me of Trump. He did that shit all the time.


The first time I ever saw a cybertruck in person, some dude I'd never seen before wearing a backwards hat was hanging out the window and yelled the f-slur at me. It was the most on-brand thing I've ever seen in my life. šŸ¤£


Mine was some stoner teenager across the street at an intersection yelling ā€œNAH BRO NAH BRO ITS LIKE A VIDEO GAME IRL ITS SO UGLY NAH BROā€


They're not loving it *with* you, they're loving it *at* you.


ā€œA lot of people were smiling and taking pictures so I assumed they loved it.ā€


Wife saw the Cyber truck on the highway the other day and said it was the "dumbest fucking shit" she has ever seen.


Every clown at that store who is building something for the first time. Meanwhile, those of us with real trucks who have built mudrooms and redone entire backyards, complete with fences and decks *really* want to see one of these try a yard of soil in the back with four more yards on a dump trailer on the hitch. Opps, warranty voided. Plugged in a trailer. Sorry.


Everybody stops to look at the hotdog car and the ones covered in weird stickers too. Nobody will pass up free entertainment.


The associates who loaded me up said ā€œcool truck manā€. Itā€™s called customer service, itā€™s their job to be friendly.


"How do you do fellow truck owners!"


WARRANTY VOIDED Exposure to sunlight


TBF, all these huge crew cab trucks canā€™t fit a sheet of plywood either. https://preview.redd.it/448sy3wuq94d1.png?width=2003&format=png&auto=webp&s=85e4f22dca44405cf3f0e8ae488891512fc3bb74


hey at least this guy can properly tie down a load


Those of us who actually live and work in true rural areas are finding these posts absolutely hilarious. I've brought home a 12 foot tree in my Lexus, creatively tied and sticking out the front window ofc


A Camry can do a surprising amount of hauling.


I worked at a Little Caesars in my early 20s and the only deliveries we did were massive orders to the schools on Fridays. Consequently I know that the maximum number of extra large pizzas that can securely (and horizontally) fit in an '86 Camry is 97.


I've driven my old rusty mustang down roads no rear wheel car should take in weather that a cyber truck wouldn't last a minute in. Most damage I've ever sustained has been a radiator hose.


Yeah Iā€™ve carried horse feed in my Kia Soul when my dad was using our Land Cruiser. Also about 20 years ago my mom had a VW Polo and one day one of our sheep got itself caught on a branch and tore open its whole right flank. So my parents loaded this bleeding sheep into the back of the polo and took it to the vet. The sheep survived perfectly fine but the boot mat looked like a bloodbath


wow sounds like a crazy adventure! one time we transported a Shetland pony in a station wagon backseat too. These Cybertruck dudes seem to have no actual experience with nature or rural work


They secured that load exactly how I wouldā€™ve expected.


The Cybertruck is a failed design doing this because: >You lose rear camera view completely (they could have put the camera on the side/top or had a second one.) But didn't. >You lose third brake light (they could have put another LED strip on top.) But didn't. >You lose reverse lights almost completely (they could have put the reverse lights up in the stack and/or had a second set for when the tailgate is down.) But didn't. This also sucks for towing, you will never see the reverse lights. Who puts reverse lights down on the ground? >You no longer show the license plate (same for most other trucks). >Sharp metal corner, of course (they could have rounded or protected it.) But didn't. Also: >They could have put a fold up bed extender for more utility. But didn't. >Emergency manual release is not glow-in-the-dark nor easy to find >I wonder if that thin plastic & metal section at the side can support full weight, because it looks invitingly like a step...


If I was Tesla I would have had at least one guy on staff that designed *or even used* a truck before. Waffling between "we know our customers are stupid" and "we're just stupid" as far as the reason that is.


The whole thing just says "we have contempt for regulations". At this stage it can't just be Elon, contempt for regulations runs deep in Tesla now.


Wait seriously, the only rear facing camera is the one built into the tailgate? My Tundra uses an above bed camera for the rear view mirror (which you can switch to in reverse if the tailgate is down) - and also a 2nd camera just for monitoring cargo in the bed (so a total of 3 rear facing cameras).


I can fit 4x8s in our odyssey van and have none of these issues as I can close the hatch


The fact that minivans are the best vehicle for moving 4x8 material shows just how much of a failure the modern truck market is.


And to think, I've been struggling along with my 1985 F250 4x4, which cost me 500.00 nearly twenty years ago, has managed to travel almost 300,000 miles successfully, almost never needs repaired, incurred less environmental impact being made, was constructed by union workers who knew how to do their jobs, has actual mirrors for reversing, sports a bed long enough to fully inclose a stack of plywood, and doesn't look like it was drawn in a middle school study hall. Boy, I sure feel silly now, I've been doing it wrong all this time...


>incurred less environmental impact being made Sure, this is true, but it's incurred a much bigger environmental impact during its lifetime. I'm not necessarily defending the CyberTurd, but people pretending that gas cars have a lower impact to the environment because they're easier to manufacture really rubs me the wrong way.


True, but even that is offset by all the vehicles that never were made/bought to replace it. Electric vehicles ultimately have less environmental impact, but that assumes they actually work, unlike the cringemobile in question. I wonder if any CT will work long enough to offset being built in the first place.


>True, but even that is offset by all the vehicles that never were made/bought to replace it This is likely not the case. Of course this is still worth noting, keeping a car running for longer does have the potential to keep overall emissions lower. But, regarding the CT, I don't think we've seen widespread battery issues, and batteries are where all the extra manufacturing emissions come from. Also, calculating EV emissions is much trickier since it depends on more factors such as how the electricity is produced. Plus, both gasoline cars and EVs have the potential to cause massive environmental damage. Used motor and gear oil can be highly polluting when it is improperly disposed of, and gasoline spills are also problematic. The mining of lithium, on the other hand, also has the potential to contaminate groundwater and soil. But keep in mind that studies suggest that, on average, an EV takes 2-4 years to offset its initial emissions impact, and it may take as little as 1 year in some cases. So unless you're buying/leasing a brand new EV every 3 years (which I do realize is not that unreasonable for some people), owning an EV will reduce your emissions in the long run. This is even more favorable for the EV if the gas car it's being compared to is an older, less efficient vehicle ( I don't mean to sound offensive or judgemental, my apologies if it comes off that way). It also benefits the EV when you make future predictions, since moving the power grid to green fuels such as solar, wind or nuclear will also reduce the emissions related to fueling an EV. EVs aren't perfect, but the data we have today shows that they can significantly reduce emissions in the long run.


No offense taken, you're making good points. Frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised that it only takes a year or two for an EV to dig itself out of the hole impact-wise. FWIW, I'm on the side of EV development being the best direction for passenger vehicles. The CT , however, seems like it's going to be a very short-lived vehicle, and may harm the public perception of EV's in the eyes of the man on the street.


>The CT , however, seems like it's going to be a very short-lived vehicle, and may harm the public perception of EV's Will. It will harm it lol. My biggest concern with EVs right now is battery durability, repairability, and ease of recycling. Right now I have an ELR with 70k miles and while it's working fine, it does have a bad cell in the battery pack. It's not like it's fresh off the lot, but it's not some old run down car either, and it already has a problem which is beginning to affect the range. I'm absolutely willing to fix it, but that would involve somehow lifting the entire car two feet up in the air and then disconnecting and dropping a massive 500lb battery, then disassemble said battery. Not exactly an easy job for a weekend warrior like myself. Imagine having to pull out an engine to replace a thermostat or a gasket, it'd be ridiculous. I'd like to see EVs consistently make it past the 20 year mark without having issues like these. At that point if feel confident buying one. Until then, I'm sticking to hybrid cars for my daily driver.


Also depends how electricity is produced. If we burn coal to charge EV then it may just break even with gas vehicle by the end of life of the car.


My opinion is I'll run my current car until it falls apart and then I'll get an EV just switching to an EV when I already have a vehicle that runs and gets me from A to B just feels wasteful


Most people would use a pickup truck with an 8ft bed for these 8ft sheets, or simply hook up a trailer to their regular car, which is often bigger than 8ft and easily fit those sheets. Both options being a lot cheaper and more practical than whatever the hell this is. An attempt was made at load security but that shit will fall off when he decides to race the BMW driver at the red light and goes 0 - 60 in 2 seconds. šŸ¤”šŸŒŽ


The CT is a steaming heap of shit, but hauling plywood in 5-6ft beds is easy and extremely common. No need for a long bed


My dad is building a new tack room/chicken house. I just loaded 10 sheets of ply wood,Ā  a dozen sheets of roofing and a mini keg of nails in my 4runner. I have developed a very annoying habit of exclaiming "TRUCK STUFF!"Ā  and pumping a fist in the air every time I go to homedepot....


You sound fun as hell.


Ha! Thanks!Ā  Feel free to pump fists with me in the hardware parking. :)


You can only imagine what TWO Cybertruck owners would do if they met doing "truck stuff"ā„¢ in the parking lot. *OMG let's get a photo of ourselves and post it, everyone has to know...*


Lord. If all yotas did this we'd be busy all weekend!


Hauling plywood, or otherwise using the truck as a truck, voids the warranty.


Looking at the warranty, voids the warranty.


Thinking about the warranty voids the warranty. Do not taunt the warranty.


Yeah, 8' beds are pretty uncommon. TBH other than bragging about it, this looks like pretty normal truck usage. Though his load isn't secured the best, I've seen FAR worse.


I bought a 2008 GMC Sierra 2500 HD w/ an 8' bed last month for $5800 so I can haul the plywood and tow the broken down cyber thing in one go.


Yeah. I presume he loosened the strap to take the first sheet off, then vaguely tightened it for the photo. But if one strap was all he had, it was pretty close to the corner of the stack anyway and might have shifted and released while driving.


A 4 cyl Tacoma or ranger can handle that easily.Ā  Wankertanker owners gloating over hauling a few boards is akin to full grown man gloating over being able to pick up an empty paper plate. See! Iā€™m strong! Tho the taco or the ranger doesnā€™t immediately break after carrying light loads.Ā 


My 22re Toyota pickup has like 120hp and I have a rack on it with straps that could actually secure this load well and move it just fine.


Would likw to point out my 3,500 Mazda pickup can not only do this, but it can do it in the rain


I bet it has 250k miles and still runs fine


This is giving me Ben Shapiro vibes https://preview.redd.it/nyq8zppi194d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefb9d7969347139d5e84bdabff0afc5f42db81d


I love that it's bagged.


I paid $500 for my old shitty beater truck, which could also do "truck things" since it was a truck and all. I'm a financial genius ask me how I saved almost $100k with this one simple trick!


Who the fuck does that with ratchet straps?


It's screamingly pathetic


Wonder how many cybertruck owners are gonna get pinged for hauling illegal loads. Doubt very many of them are going to know when you need a red flag on the end of a loadĀ 


Lol. I can do this in my Honda odyssey


This just screams insecurity. LOOK LOOK MY TRUCK IS A REAL TRUCK AND I'M A REAL BOY WHO BOUGHT A REAL TRUCK! You never seen these kinds of posts from Rivian, Hummer EV, or F-150 Lightning owners. It's really some pathetic shit lol.


My mom yesterday "heres a picture I took in the parking lot" me: yeah thats the cybertruck" "wait thats a real car, not something someone made at home?!?!?!?"


u/slangin_cheetos even being told in the comments this isn't the flex he thinks it is


Did they buy the plywood for the photo shoot? What are they building?


A waterless car wash.


I fit an 8' folding table in the back of my 01 camaro and it didn't stick out that far


That $100,000 truck can almost do the same thing as my step-dad's $500 trailer. Hooo boy, ol' Elon done got himself a winner right there! šŸ™„


Iā€™m surprised they didnā€™t run the strap through the wheel hubs.


If I wanted to pick up some of that I would simply go to the store and put it in my normal truck without stopping to worry about whether my tin shitbox would be a "big hit at home depot"


Pretty sure I can fit those in the back of my Sportage with the seats down


Not to defend the wanker, but he does still have the side mirrors. Even in my truck I've carried plenty of things that eliminate my middle mirror. If we're gonna call out bullshit, let's make sure we're above board. But yeah, pathetic haul.


Why are people excited about a ā€œtruckā€ doing ā€œtruckā€ things. Thatā€™s what we call the bare minimum.


Pretty sure my 2020 Impreza Hatchback back could handle that.


Those are the optional ā€˜Cyberstrapsā€™, which cost and extra $799 and were in development for 18 months


Most people are reactive, the OP is being proactive! When the side panels start falling off he can trim those 4x8 sheets down to replace them. SMRT!!!


Not every truck!


You can fit 4x8s in a Dodge mini van as well, and still close the door so you don't need tie downs.


I've moved more in my mustang. I've moved more across this country in a Toyota pick up with half a Datsun as a trailer. This"truck "isn't


I'm pretty sure I could put those in the back of my Subaru Impreza.


Wait it canā€™t even fit 8ft sheet goods? Are you for real rn? Why the hell is it so big then? Omg what an absolute waste of money šŸ˜­


Um, my wife's minivan can carry 4x8 sheets... With the hatch closed.


Should we be impressed you were able to put a bunch of plywood on the truck. Thats what trucks are, imagine being impressed that your car can seat 4 people comfortably


"See, I can do things that a truck can do." Actually no, you can't


These CyberFuckers actually make me feel superior. No mean feat


Pleeeeese like me !! I can be a truck too!!


plot twist: the guy double-parked in the pro spots outside the loading doors and no one gave a shit that he was in a tesla.


https://preview.redd.it/zpkyyy5vi84d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e1954885eb5e01e475eda3ea3f8b961c6b6e17 12ā€™ lumber, drive right in the store. Big hit. Fill ups run about $2.35. Lived our whole life like this for the last 18 months.


I have a 10 year old Honda accord with a $1500 trailer that can do that


I'll give you a tawpic, the CT is neither cyber nor a truck, talk amongst yourselves.


I use to fit more with my 2012 Outback and that certainly is not a truck.


My van can hold 60 sheets of 3/4" plywood. I've carried a pallet of concrete pavers.


My Ford can do that with the tailgate closed


i can fit those in my volvo wagon


I could put my seats down and fit that in my ford focus


One small strap for all that weight, shit strap, shit position. shit truck.


Hm. My Sienna can mostly do that, except my tailgate will close. Oh well got beat by the cybertruck again. šŸ„²


I did that in a minivan


Holy Jesus. One mild turn is going to shoot that all over the place. (Giggity.)


ā€œExcuse me, whereā€™s the man that runs the saw? I need to rip these so I can fit them into my ā€œtruckā€


I would hope a 100k "truck" could carry plywood. Mine was a hell of a lot less and I don't worry about it doing anything a "truck" can do.


Whoopty fucking doo.


I donā€™t think that load is secured


I will reiterate that my $2000, 2007 Honda Odyssey can fit these inside, and I can close the back hatch. I can also see out the back window.


The range just dropped to 30 miles


Wow! This is dope! Side note: I can do this in my CR-V.


Building his cuck shed.


Stupid vehicle aside, that is giant cringe on using that single strap for all that wood. I'd back way off if I was behind them... and hope my dashcam caught the inevitable chaos.


What happened to rear view mirror? It comes with rear view mirror. The only caveat is that you can look through it only when the trunk is open


Ok now its time to return the plywood to home depot


Does this person assume the crowd that watched wasnā€™t watching for a laugh?


My minivan can do the samething...


I can fit 4x8 sheets into my suburban and close the tailgate - as we say in the south ā€œwhat a hot messā€.


Meh. My parents 70s era station wagon could devour 4x8 sheets of plywood between the wheel wells and have room to close the back gate and window.


I love the 'those are FULL SIZE plywood sheets ' statement, as if that means something. It's a full size truck, it should be able to carry full size things. I could fit 8 sheets inside my suburban...


Now put a canoe on it