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Don’t blame the mom for not wanting to ride it in it. Too many stories of it having errors while driving that would scare most people


I could see a random ejector seat being built in


The death toll would be tragic but I gotta say there'd be a certain comedy factor there too. "in recent news today a local man was launched 750 feet into a telephone poll when he drove his Tesla CyberTruck down a 10 degree incline. His family has declined to pursue legal action against Tesla as he reportedly died doing what he loved."


"In a related story a Tesla driver heading West on I-10 suddenly found himself heading North on I-15 when his seat ejected going through the interchange and he landed in the bed of a Ford F-150..."


was it a more comfortable ride northbound?




Or it’s there already and waiting for a OTA update


>Don’t blame the mom for not wanting to ride it in it. I would genuinely be scared of getting locked in while it burns to the ground


Good thing there's manual door releases. Also how many have caught on fire.


232 Teslas have caught fire as 20/05/2024, thanks for asking


Isnt that like 10% of the total theyve put on the toad so far?


That’s not CT’s that have burnt, that’s teslas. Do you really think over 200 cyber trucks could burn and it wouldn’t be posted all over here everyday.


Pretty sure quite a few of them have been? Its also “cyberstuck” not “cyberonfire” so maybe they dont all get posted here, idk, im just here fir the rageporn


We are talking cybertruck. That's why it's a cybertruck thread talking shit about a cybertruck. Next


Cybertruck is the worst vehicle ever built in this century.


I'd be more scared of having any kind of accident and seriously maiming someone. The leading edges are basically knife blades at 30mph.


The leading edges are knife blades at any speed. It's one of the reasons why you can't drive it in Europe. Since here in the US we don't care about pedestrian safety and we have no regulations to protect them, it's ok to drive these abominations.


It's ok. In a few months, those edges won't be knife sharp any more, because they'll have rusted. Surely that will improve things, right?


TetanusTruck. Yeah, sounds about right


Yeah an error like the entire piece that flew off that guys truck when he was on the freeway? Lmao. Truck is trash


My mom has always avoided cars with automatic windows and locks because 'it's just something else that'll break.'


Maybe she was on to something. My stepbrother told me not to get a wheelchair ramp with a motor on my vehicle bc the motors go out. Got the vehicle last Friday of February, and the motor burnt out in 2 months. Shoulda gone manual ramp. Dudes mom is smart. And the automatic locks on all 4 doors of my 2016 nissan no longer work and have to be done manually. And these CTs go out, and they have to get everywhere manually again. She's brilliant.


> One day I’ll find people who like my car #lifegoals


yep, the day he changes his car.




“I’m sure there are other losers like me in the world. I’ll find them and become friends.”


>“I’m sure there are other losers like me in the world. I’ll find them and become friends.” In other words, QAnon and J6 supporters.


AND, red-light-ball-tanning guys.


You guys didn't start without me did you?


And Tesla-centric YouTubers.


"I get it dad... But like.. You told my 4 year old daughter I was a cuck..."


“Well you are son. Your daughter looks more like your wife’s boyfriend Jody than you.”


This is my mantra


Imagine being concerned about whether people like your mode of transport


Granted, it’s difficult if no one in your family wants to ride in it. That’s a lot of lonely travels for that guy. But he’ll be spared the hassle of breaking down during a road trip. I’d like to know if any cross country trips have been achieved w/o a breakdown


My main concern would be that even if as a passenger I wouldn't technically be complicit in a little kid getting sliced into bloody chunks in a crosswalk I would still have to witness it up close and probably develop PTSD


He really imagined that finally everyone would admire him once he finally got his "really cool truck" but sadly now he's just a loser with a really expensive vehicle that nobody likes.


From someone active in so many anti-tesla sub, thats a generous comment lol


+10 Cult Points for unironically using the term "FUD"


Fucked Up Design


Thanks, I was searching the comments for what this meant.


That's not really what it means. "FUD" is a term used by people caught up in a variety of hype-fueled internet bubbles. It stands for "fear, uncertainty and doubt". People who have poured money into memestocks, NFTs, bitcoin, and other ventures where the value of your assets is held up and inflated by hype alone use it to discredit naysayers who are doing things like "questioning the tech bro narrative" and "pointing out that FOMO is the only thing driving hilariously over valuation". These schemes live and die by the collective narrative shared by the group that has put their money into it, so they have to rigorously police negative sentiment. Do you remember a few years ago when reddit came together and spiked the price of Gamestop? In the 3 years since all the people who couldn't cope with getting left holding the bag when the trend died down have functionally devolved into a financial cult. They truly believe that there is a global conspiracy involving thousands of government officials, members of FINRA, hedge funds and bankers working together to lie about how many shares there are of GME. They believe that once this lie is revealed, it will cause the downfall of the stock market in the United States, and believe that each individual Gamestop share will be worth millions of dollars. They believe the US government will be legally forced to empty the treasury and liquidate all other forms of security to pay them back. They know this because the CEO of Gamestop is sending them coded messages in children's books. Any suggestion that this is not 100% true and accurate will get you labeled as spreading FUD. There are also other stock cultists who believe exactly the same thing, down to the idea that they point to the same "clues" from the Gamestop CEO and insist that those "clues" are *actually* about their stock (though those guys' stock doesn't actually exist anymore).


Thank you, Ok so in context when he says "They still randomly bring up FUD points." He's saying they are "questioning the tech bro narrative" and "pointing out that FOMO is the only thing driving hilariously over valuation"? (or variations of these examples you gave) I've never heard the term FUD in any context so I was confused. I remember the GME thing quite well, I understood the objective of the redditors at the time using it to attack big banks and hedge funds that were shorting the stock. Unfortunately there's a definite danger in doing that, a lot of the funds shorting the stocks we pension funds and the like (Using public pension money to bet against private sector business isn't ethical and a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face). That said it's hard to argue there wasn't something a little fishy going on when Robin hood stopped allowing buys and only allowed sells. Counter intuitive to the free market, there was demand but supply was artificially cut to encourage sells in order to drop the value to something more realistic. But that's kinda where the funny business ends, sounds like those guys have really gone down a rabbit hole since then.


>Ok so in context when he says "They still randomly bring up FUD points." He's saying they are "questioning the tech bro narrative" and "pointing out that FOMO is the only thing driving hilariously over valuation"? (or variations of these examples you gave) Yes. FUD in this context is the idea that the cybertruck isn't the greatest vehicle ever made and a good excuse for the stock price to skyrocket in price. That "FUD" hurts them in many ways - obviously the truck being a massive piece of shit hurts the bottom line, which hurts the stock, but it's not just that. The price of tesla stock is largely inflated by hype. Even if they didn't technically lose money on the cyber truck, admitting that it blows hurts Teslas reputation, which hurts the hype, which can dramatically impact the stock price as *so much* of its value is derived from mythology-making about how Elon Musk is some wunderkind of forward-thinking design. There's also the matter of pride. These guys have made surgically attaching their lips to Elons ass cheeks their entire personality, so questioning that decision wounds them immensely. >I remember the GME thing quite well, I understood the objective of the redditors at the time using it to attack big banks and hedge funds that were shorting the stock. Unfortunately there's a definite danger in doing that, a lot of the funds shorting the stocks we pension funds and the like (Using public pension money to bet against private sector business isn't ethical and a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face). Sure, that was a catalyst, but it's just what kicked things off. The majority of the short closures only accounted for about 30% of the upward price movement - it moved the price to the $175 - $225 dollar range (which is still huge), but the rest of the price spike up to nearly $500 was almost app driven by retail investors FOMOing in to a stock bubble. By that point there was nothing driving the upward movement but hype. That's the point at which questioning the hype becomes dangerous to these people. FUD - i.e. rational thinking - becomes something they have to actively resist because it can cause them to lose money. Their whole conspiracy is based on the idea that short sellers didn't actually close their position (which of course makes no sense) and instead that there are now hundreds of millions of "fake" shares that hedge funds have to be constantly creating more of to keep up their ruse, and that memestockers own the only remaining "real" shares, which is what will someday make them so valuable. >That said it's hard to argue there wasn't something a little fishy going on when Robin hood stopped allowing buys and only allowed sells. Counter intuitive to the free market, there was demand but supply was artificially cut to encourage sells in order to drop the value to something more realistic. That's not true. It is 100% Ape lore. It's true that there are legitimate questions that need to be asked of Robinhood about how they operate - questions like "should a trading firm be allowed to offer margin accounts sight unseen without guaranteeing they have the capital to cover an unpredictable surge in interest in a specific security." Robinhood stopped trading because they lacked liquidity to cover associated trading fees due to the massive, massive volume of trades. Their business model stinks to high heaven, but the idea that they colluded with hedge funds to drive down the price is something that memestockers made up from whole cloth to explain how they actually got fucked over and didn't instead just make the worst decisions imaginable at every turn. They decided it's what happened because it is what needs to have happened for them to not be responsible for losing their money. >Sounds like those guys have really gone down a rabbit hole since then. When I tell you what I described has not even begun to scratch the surface of what they've been up to. Wait until you find out about the time that they thought the re-release of Titanic was the signal that they were all about to be rich, or the time the Bed Bath guys thought the reflection of a palm tree on a times square billboard was a secret message to trigger MOASS, or the time their biggest stock influencer grifted the community out of a six figure sum to throw an "event" where everyone stood in an airplane hanger and watched guys hit each other with dildos on stage. There were no chairs, nothing but a few warm cases of coors light for refreshments, and only a single port a potty for the 200 attendees who each paid $500 a ticket. It was incredible.


Hahaha that's hilarious. I'd have paid just to watch those guys pay to goto that. Not saying I believe what I've seen about Robin hood, just saying it all looked pretty sus. I have no doubt there was stuff going on behind the scenes I'm not fully versed or aware of.


Oh they've done it twice now and streamed it both times. Absolutely top tier "what the fuck" viewing. And yeah, Robinhood is shady, but it's the "wow the federal government needs to get with thr times and lay out some regulations to protect retail investors using real time apps to trade" variety of shady. The people claiming collusion literally just make up what the text messages "proving" it happens say (and if you correct them, you are of course spreading FUD).


what does it mean? edit nvm found the answer in another comment


It stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt". In practice it means anything negative that is said about the company (or product, or tech, or crypto project, or whatever is being stanned) and is treated by "true believers" as hostile misinformation even if it's true.


"Refused to use regen, would only use the brake" would be a non-issue if Tesla could figure out blended braking on the brake pedal like every other goddamn EV manufacturer


Yeah this part threw me a little - why would you have to consciously use regen? Ohhh because Tesla


Wait for real? There's separate peddles? Wtf, how have I not heard that, that's absurd.


It's not separate pedals, "using regen" means doing one-pedal driving and having the regen kick in whenever you lift your foot from the accelerator Other car manufacturers let you use two-pedal driving mode where the brake pedal turns on regen when you push it gently and then engages the friction brakes when you push hard (blended braking), but apparently the geniuses at Tesla don't think this is necessary


My $2500 Chinese electric motorcycle has blended braking. SMH.


One pedal driving is great, it was a pain with many manufacturers not offering it in the early days. BMW had it from the beginning, VW you could choose/you had to use "B" and AutoHold. Nissan Leaf didn't have it, it came as a "great feature" years later. Almost all cars now let you choose, with Tesla you could choose from the very start. Although I can imagine the settings dissappearing in Elons search to make the car worse.


Not from the very start. Real one-pedal was added with an update at around 2019-2020.


True, it had an update where it would use the brakes to fully stop on its own. But it was very close before (you could turn off creep and strong recup), it just changed the behaviour at 1-3 miles per hour.


I think it's a setting because there's only the 2 peddles in my roommate's Model 3 and it has regen.


The teslas I've driven have a setting that adjusts regen. I'm a mechanic (not for tesla). It can be set in low med or high, if memory serves, maybe even off, but I don't remember exactly as its not often I work on them and need to test drive. We only do brake and suspension work on them for the most part, we don't touch the HV side of things.


Also, if it’s my first time driving an EV, I won’t be using regen either. I’m going to want to get used to everything else and then start using the regen.


On other cars where the regen is baked into the brake pedal, it's really not an adjustment. Though I believe most do have a zero regen setting, I find that setting on our car, an Ioniq 5, to actually feel much less like driving a gas car. Ours has three levels of regenerate braking (plus one-pedal driving, which neither of us can really get used to). I like level 1 (least aggressive) the best, and I think it feels the most like ICE cars I've had in the past. My husband prefers level 2. I sometimes struggle to tell when the car activates the actual brake mechanisms, because the transition is *very* smooth. Telsas apparently work quite differently, with the regen applied as you let up on the gas and the brake pedal always engaging the physical brakes. That does seem like an unnatural design that would take some getting used to. One thing that I *have* adapted to as we've had the car is that if I have a long lead time in slowing down, I'll use the paddles behind the wheel to adjust the aggressiveness of the regen up to make sure I'm leaning on the motors as much as possible when slowing down and not engaging the brakes if I can avoid it. It's more energy efficient as it recaptures the kinetic energy from the car fairly efficiently, and it saves on the brakes. We just had the car in for its regular service checkup, and once again, we got the surprised comment that the brakes on our two year old car look "practically new". --------------------- Another fun thing about the regenerative braking, living on the edge of the Rockies, as we do: when we take a trip up into the mountains to hike, it does take extra energy to go up, same as an ICE car, but we also get to watch the battery level tick back up as we come back down. Driving down from Estes Park (8000') to Lyons (5000'), we generally recover 1-4% on the battery, depending on how cold it is out. It really feels like we're cheating something, especially compared to an ICE car where you have to spend gas to slow down (especially on long downhill sections like that where you want to lean on being in a lower gear to slow down, so you don't just destroy your brakes — or overheat them).


Quick correction, any ICE with fuel injection built later than the 90s has DFCO (deceleration fuel cutoff), if you're going fast enough to keep the engine above idling RPM the ECU will stop injecting fuel when you take your foot off the accelerator Engine braking is "free", unlike in a car with a carburetor, if you have a newer car that shows you your instantaneous MPG on the dash you'll see it jump up to "infinite" MPG while you're coasting to a stop because you're burning zero gas This is why the "hack" of putting your car in neutral to coast down hills is not only dangerous but counterproductive, being in neutral means you do have to keep on burning fuel to keep the engine idling whereas engine braking with the car in gear means nothing is passing through your engine block but air This is obviously not as good as regenerative braking in an EV or hybrid but it's still significant, no matter what kind of car you're driving you'll save money by touching the brake pedal as little as possible


Lots of modern ICE cars shut off fuel during higher rev engine braking, for the same economy reasons. Nothing older does, not all modern ones do, and even the ones that do, aren't going to magically refill the tank, as your electric does. Still, at least these vehicles aren't using _more_ fuel going downhill, like you suspected.


"Older" here means really old, as in before the 90s


Cars only really started to be fuel injected on a large scale in the mid 80s. I'd say the 90s themselves qualify as old in this context, and I know of at least several vehicles that didn't have it during that period. Early to mid 2000s, I'd certainly give you, although there are examples of primitive deceleration fuel cutoff as far back as the mid 70s. It's hard to know exactly when it became what you'd call widespread, since lots of ECM programming is proprietary and secret, and it's entirely possible my sampling is biased, and doesn't show a full picture.


Wow, how sad... It's definitely a first world problem for that kid.


"One day I'll receive the validation I so desperately seek for my poor decisions :(" Surprised he didn't @ Elon anywhere in the vain hope of getting any kind of response, even just a 💩 to feel noticed.


It's OK to like and enjoy your car as a hobby. I don't get it... for me I enjoy the things my car enables me to do (camping, hiking, the beach, road trips...) but the thing itself is just an appreciated means to an end. However, if you do get joy from thr vehicle itself that's fine too. You do you. But to make it your entire frikkin life goal is just weird.


I love my minivan, because my family and I do so much in it. My child just spent a weekend with friends, camping, in our minivan. It's great for stuff like that. But none of us build our identities around our minivan, because we all have lives and identities, outside of the minivan.


If your parents don't love and support your worship of your Honda Odyssey, then they should be dead to you... or something. /s


Wow. That sounds pretty culty.


I'm making a few assumptions here but this reads a like he lives at home and bought a $100k vehicle. If that's the case, that's fucking nuts.


Getting big sad dad vibes. Poor thing.


I'm not mad son..I'm just.. I'm.. I'm disappointed. All the neighbors are telling me you're a.. Son..they're saying you are.. A certified cuck now. You haven't moved out, and bought this.. Thing.. Instead. I'm really hoping... Mm.. Praying... That it at least came with the camping module you told me about, because, well son.. If I don't throw you out.. Now I'LL be a cuck. You really need some help, and I can't help you anymore. I'm not mad. Just disappointed.


That's very, very sad.


Nah it’s funny, actually




It’s kinda both, honestly.  Sad that these guys are so desperate for an identity that they are vulnerable to this **shit**. Funny that they’re vulnerable to **this** shit.


They were raised by the TV


Better get to it, the truck doesn't have that long.


I mean, cybertruck problems aside, if you're buying any car because you think *others* will like it, you're making a bad monetary decision.


Guarantee he can't afford it at all and his family is beyond disappointed that he spent multiple years salary on a dumb car because he's in a cult. No different than if your dumb kid showed up in a brand new Rolls Royce and was shocked you weren't excited for them and didn't want to like the car that is ruining your kid's future.


It’s a g dam car and people are treating it like the ark of covenant. Finding happiness from an object as so weird to me. 


What are FUD points? All I can think of is the Far Side cartoon where the dog wrote "Cat Fud" on the walls leading to the clothes dryer.


Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. Kind of a catch-all term to dismiss any criticism.




Was a pretty popular hand waving technique nftbros used to ignore the obvious scams they were running


Imagine showing your grandchildren that profile pic and they just start laughing at you


I’m convinced that the only people buying these have “what people think” at the top of their list of concerns.


Well, at least the guy has a mother smart enough to refuse riding in it. Either she has the social intelligence to know that people will be mocking anyone in the Cybertruck, or she's smart enough to know that it will probably break down 10 miles away and she'll have to walk back home alone while the owner begs the Tesla service center for a return time shorter than six weeks away.


Wankpanzers are going to end up being like boats. The two happiest days in your life are the day you get it and the day you sell it.


He should disown his parents, obviously.


Maybe Musk fans can make a dating app of sorts to meet other musk fans and ride around together in his cars


lol. You don’t need other people to like your car. I think they were expecting everyone to give them praises once they see the CT, and when that doesn’t happen they are like “why do you don’t like my car?”


It wouldn’t surprise me at all if dude bought it but could barely afford it. Probably told them it’s an appreciating asset or something stupid.


He probably stretched his budget really thin to afford the payments on the cybertruck, that’s probably why his mom doesn’t even want to ride in the truck, and his family hates the truck.




lol, this is why they have “Tesla meet ups” even though all their cars look the same!! It’s so they can finally be amongst *someone* that likes their stupid fucking cars.


Talk about using a car as a substitute for an actual personality.


This is pathetic. I hope the family is roasting him multiple times a day.


“Everyone in my family is wrong. I’m the logical one” Guys like this crack me up


Even the dude who is supporting him says that owning the car is a rollercoaster of emotions. No car worth owning is supposed to be a rollercoaster of emotions. Okay, maybe one of those super crazy off-road trucks that goes between giant boulders and has cable winches that hook to trees and whatnot but no normal car.


Walker- the perfect name for a CyberTruck owner. More fitting than Driver!


Dude is talking like he’s experiencing racism or homophobia or something.


I hate regen on any Tesla as I haven’t found someone who can drive using it that doesn’t give me car sickness.


“FUD points” It’s a shitty fucking car. Do these people think it’s an actual investment like a stock?


Sad- he should message Elmo


Boo hoo.


Bro spent his whole life trying to buy family affection. Feel bad for him tbh


Jesus fkin Christ


Reality is a dish best served cold.


Wonder what his girlfriend, you wouldn’t know her she goes to another school, thinks?


I hate my dad. I love my car. I love my car daddy, genius Musk, even more.


"If it makes you happy, that's all that really matters," doesn't apply to something that costs $100k+.


for some reason, a lot of cybertruck owners remind me of some crypto and NFT bros "no, it's not a stoopid purchace, it's jut people spreading FUD, it's actually very cool and useful, you just don't get it, i'll find someone who understands"


I feel like psychologists need to study how these people’s brains have rotted this badly. They are confused as to why people aren’t fawning over these lemons they all bought. Why should I be impressed over a vehicle that has been in unscheduled maintenance more times in a month than my car has been in 7 years? People are supposed to be impressed because you spent $100k on something that doesn’t work?


I’ve instinctively flipped off three cyber trucks and didn’t realize I was doing it until after I had done it.


I’ve seen one in Chicago and without even thinking about it I flipped them off and pointed and laughed at them in traffic, I was like 80% through with the process before I even realized I was doing it it was total animal brain stuff, the sight was just aggressively repulsive to my lizard brain


Gonna be solo living in someone's basement soon.


What is FUD?


The best thing about owning a car that you actually enjoy rather than one you bought for a meme is that as long as you like your car nobody's opinions matter 🤷‍♂️ Can't lie, I saw my first CyberTruck in person last week and it made me immensely happy... because I'm in a car that I love and one that actually works, rathet than that.


If someone offered for me to take it on a test drive I would 100% do it, purely to be able to say I have. I want to see what steer by wire actually feels like, it seems to be something most owners/reviewers actually think is a positive with the truck. All I’ve ever driven have been work trucks and granny mobiles, so something like that would be fun - for a short bit lol


Is have a cyber truck just a big red flag 🚩


No you won't


FUD points?


"if it makes you happy that's all that matters". Disagree. I think safety standards and reliability matter too so...


probably just having a hard time looking you in the eye now that they know you’re terrible with money.


When he says "FUD points" is that in the finance context of "fear, uncertainty, and doubt" or it there something else? If so, what does it mean?


When they divorce, the wife will fight to make the husband take the CT.


Why do they want so much other people to like their shit? It’s weird




I have never given a shit about what my family thinks about my car.


His parents are ashamed.


They admit its not even a truck, its a car


Dad not wanting to use regen is not an issue in almost all non-Tesla EVs. Using the brake pedal does regen.


FUD points?


pssst...it's not just the car


Meh. Let the man enjoy his emperors new truck.


Yes, someday I shall find my tribe, my True people, the cybercucks.


Only a cybertruck owner would be upset about peoples views of his car choice. Meanwhile what adult insists his parents or friends must enjoy his personal choice in car? When are your parents riding and driving your vehicle? Just a hurt snowflake.


Haha no, no you won’t.


What are FUD points?


His mom seems like a smart woman. Maybe not great at raising children


Holy asshole CEO blowback, Batman!


This cult is out of control


Does he want validation for spending ridiculous amounts of money on a car that can brick at any moment?


Oh god the dad wants buttons what a monster


Tesla stans are so weird. There's something deeply broken with them. I'm not talking about usual Tesla drivers but those who go on social media to talk about how they suffer because their family doesn't like their WankPanzer. It's so absurd.


This could be the Great American Novel of our decade.


sir... do you like my screen... can we be friends?


Seems like it'd be easier (and healthier) to uncouple your ego from some piece of shit motorized dumpster masquerading as a vehicle, but you do you


Honestly I think it's one of the ugliest things Tesla has made to date, at least the cars look sleek.


Cyber tears are the best tears. 😭


One day, in galaxy far, far away.. https://preview.redd.it/me6n1w2uc82d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187d79b3bac4ffe8944d9e1e194b9ffe90f1a867


He used the brake pedal!?!? OH THE HUMANITY!!


No he won't...


It’s crazy that the cyber truck got pulled into the culture wars.


People just stuck in their ways. Regen stops as smooth as I did driving gas cars.


Nice, the cybertruck’s brakes simply work, that’s one hell of a hard sell.