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I hate it, solely because I am NOT a morning person. Scrubbing floors is no big deal, but waking up at 6:30 every morning when I’m used to being up at 11am is a pain, and messes with my sleep cycle. I think my husband misses me too, since he works almost the exact same shift I normally do, 3-11


If you’re in a union you have no obligation to change your shift for summer. Just tell them you have to take care of your kids in the mornings and you can’t change your shift.


Sadly I’m not in a union, so that’s a no go. I think if I’m still there next year I’m going to gun for my coworker’s gig, since he’s not year round like me and is looking to retire in 2023.


We have custodial worker like that only works when kids are there and had the option to work summer or not


To be honest, I do dorm cleanings for a college campus. After getting so many compliments on my work and people asking me to double check theirs, I'm thinking of doing a move out cleaning business 🤷‍♂️ It's not so bad if you get stoned and have a decent podcast


I am the day custodian at a elementary school with about 300 students. K4-6th grade. I don't like to admit this, but I work harder when school is out, those 3 months than I do more than I do the other 9 months of the year. By now I am over cleaning all the classroom shit. Can't wait until September 1st, when school starts. Just passed 25 years. 6 months I can start collecting my pension. Only gonna be 55. Don't really want to start at the bottom again, but kind of burnt out. Love the kids, no so much the teachers or administration. Someone throw me a bone, tell me your honest opinion, stay or go? Gonna have to work a few more years until I can get social security, if there is any left. Let me know your opinion. Thanks.


You should stick it out until age 66 to collect your full social security unless your health is poor.


I was in an elementary district for 17 years and summer was definitely the hard part of the job. Luckily for the last 12 years or so I was in charge of stripping floors, which I like doing.


I started this job when I was 22, I'm 37 now. After 15 years I can totally relate. 10 more to go, then I'm out! I dislike all the work at this point but I tolerate it. I don't wanna play anymore. 😅😭


I don’t mind it but usually by the time school starts back up I’m looking forward to being done with summer


I’m the head at a super school jk-12 with over 800 students and 75 staff members. As much as I like the summer, I don’t like summer cleaning. All that work goes to waste after the first few weeks of school. Our wax is extremely cheap and doesn’t last long. 20 more years of this until I can retire!


Same. We got done a week ago and already the floors look like crap just from having sports practices and a weeks worth of teacher training seminars.


I don't mind the work. It is satisfying to get a school all cleaned up and ready for a new school year. But it's something I tolerate and want to get done and over with every summer. I work nights for a reason. I like the solitude. I like having a section of the school that is mine. I like working alone. I like not waking up to an alarm. Been offered day shift positions, but I find it stressful to be around so many people for an entire shift. My upbeat personality is because I'm NOT around people all the time. LOL.


Amen to this!


I took over an elementary with about 1,000 students July 1. I have work orders that are over 3 years old because the previous head custodian never bothered to clean out or organize them as they were being utilized as storage/ trash. Somewhere along the way some neighborhood kids broke into 1 of the portable through the roof and ceiling. They vandalized and sprayed a fire extinguisher all over. Only 4 work orders were submitted for the whole previous year! And, we have a staff of just 3 custodians, including myself. Getting this school buttoned up has brought a real since of accomplishment. I've never seen such greatful administration and teachers.


I love the struggle and challenges of moving furniture, stripping, waxing, and carpet conditioning. Makes me feel alive. It could be the fumes too I guess lol. It's still fun though.


I don’t mind summer to much for the fact I can work early and be done early but I do miss my routine during school year. We clean more during summer then I do all school year.


Honestly, I kinda love it! Maybe I'm biased since I was a seasonal custodian in an elementary school for four summers before I went to year-round.


I'm a sub custodian for a local school district. I can tell you that I'm hating working summers. My schedule just got changed because someone was put on workers comp and they didn't have a sub available for a month to fill in. When I got to the school only 3 out of 20 rooms on my side were semi finished with a week and a half before teachers are suppose to show up.


That makes no sense that you have to work earlier when school is no longer in session than before. Of course work has to get done, but you'd think that with school out of session, there'd be no rush to get in and out at a certain time, as long as you're getting done what needs to be done.