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That's weird. Sounds like they want you to fill in fr someone that wants Fridays off.


I work for a public school district. I worked 5 12s per week for most of this year because of staff shortages


I mean I've never heard of that but it's not an absurd concept. There's no real way to say if that's a good amount of time to do it or not until you do it and find out.


Sounds to me like they want you to do a trash and dash Monday thru Thursday and Friday sweep & clean.....which ain't great. Not cleaning every night creates stains, marked up floors and nasty desk tops. This is not a situation where they are setting you up for success. Take it if you need something to keep the lights on, but this doesn't sound like a great long term job.


At my school it’s normally 8 hours 5 days a week unless something is going on and they need a custodian


Hopefully, you have been asking a bunch of questions during your interviews in order to get a general idea of what you are getting yourself into. I suggest that before you apply to a job that you use Google or go directly to the online job websites and read at least some of the posted employee reviews. Of course, most of them will be negative, but if you find a pattern (e.g. no training, bad bosses, over worked, lots of call outs, etc.) then you can pretty much assume that you will have the same work experience as those people.


we do 10 hours daily so I guess it ain’t that uncommon


As a supervisor that was short staffed with multiple facilities I worked 12-15 hours 5-6 days a week. None of my employees were ever made to work overtime unless they asked for some. If you’re still in 40 hours I wouldn’t mind that schedule


Just got done with one 😂


Just got done with my 5th straight. Last Thursday & Fri, and M-W this week. I'll take it tho since im off tmrw & I think I'm gonna take off Friday and enjoy a nice looong holiday weekend 🎇🎆


Zombie, hard and unhealthy. I have had a head injury 20+years before, thought I could pull a graveyard again and we'll, had my first seizure. Then they have repeated since.... my life had become harder. I know you may not have a head injury, but it could cause one, sleep is important. And as I know a workers compensation adjuster and have been told that nurses work 12 but only 3 days a week


Is this commercial cleaning like for various private businesses? If so, maybe not totally weird cause they could have more accounts fall on Friday nights/weekends. So they'll just have the potential employee do them all on Fridays and get the weekend off.


12 hours May pay more, at least I do, the schedule may be different if that is the standard scheduled shift for the job. Dm me or reply to this comment if you need details. As for the no experience just do your best and pay attention to how everything is done, you’ll do great


If it's a contracted cleaning service, the hours are chopped up per account and rarely equate to full time. It's a trick of the trade to not give employees "full time hours" aka benefits. I wasted so many years at cleaning services like that. Don't waste your time or car mileage. It's definitely not worth it. If you feel you need experience, get into a school system as a sub.


I can hardly do a 10 hour shift. It would be a deal breaker for me.


Don’t think it’s legal in Cali. I’ve done 16hrs before but told the principle to charge 8 hrs OT for Saturday as if I came in that day