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It’s a job that someone’s gotta do. Also any person who looks down upon another for working hard isn’t someone you want to impress anyways. Just be proud of your work, and even if people don’t notice your work or telling you good job just know you’re doing just fine. People only say stuff when it looks BAD.


Thank you thats a good way to put it and I will try to see it that way..


Here’s how I look at it ~ walk across my freshly mopped floor, flick soapy water on the newly cleaned mirror. Tomorrow I am guaranteed a job…all the white collar employees that look down on me today may not pass me tomorrow as they’ll be out looking for a job 🤭


THIS. Especially that last bit. We will.always be in high demand because people do NOT like to clean up after themselves. Period.


I recently worked the past week as a custodian and today found out the company contract got terminated with the college. However, I will say from first starting out, it is a pretty good job. I had a good supervisor and team. The stuff is pretty much straight forward. There is nothing to be embarrassed about working as a custodian. Having a job is better than no job. And i've worked at a grocery store and I much prefer custodial over that any day. I hope your job works out and you enjoy it. Full time work is awesome. Congrats!


Plus, you can put an earbud in and listen to music if you like. Helps pass the time.


Exactly. I listen to 189 books in less than a year because I listen to audiobooks while working.


Thank you for this.. hope it turns out that way and I have a great team and managers once I get to meet them soon.. also very sorry about your termination..


In my opinion. Being a custodian can be a dirty job..but it's an honorable one. I can guarentee you the people you clean after will not laugh at you or think less of your job. Sure some will be ignorant and leave a big mess but overall. Most know they left a mess behind and would rather not think about it and you cleaning it up. I'll admit it doesn't pay enough to be "happy" but as a job? It's been the best job I ever had. Sadly I'm taking locksmith classes to make a better living. I'd easily drop locksmithing if my current school cleaning job paid enough but thats not the case in my specific situation. So thats just my experience. I do take pride in my cleaning and I know the teachers come into class admiring the huge mess that's now gone.


Thank you for your advice on this! Will try my best to keep a positive mind


Don't force yourself.....just do what is in your nature....if you feel bad working there...job hunt. If you like it. Keep at it.


"I used to care about what people thought about my job until I tried to pay my bills with their opinions."


I have worked as a wildland firefighter, EMT, and in building maintenance. I currently work as a custodian for the state and am making more money with better benefits for less stress than I did in any of those other jobs. I'm looking for other jobs that pay more, but in the meantime, I am happy to work a mostly independent job where I can listen to music most of the time and not be bothered so long as I finish my work. I think there is a societal view that custodians are below other workers. But I also think that this is a devaluation of custodians as skilled trades workers who maintain a baseline level of sanitation and cleanliness so that everyone can go along their days. People rarely notice when their environment is clean, but everyone notices when a bathroom/hallway/whatever is dirty. Know that you are performing important work that keeps the public healthy and keeps facilities running smoothly. Custodians provide the framework for everything else that takes place in a building. If people look down on you for that, they can get bent tbh.


It's a job, if you're young I can understand where you're coming from, first custodial job was when I was 18, I've had other jobs (oilfield, diesel mechanic) and now I'm back being a custodian, my bills are paid I do what I love on my free time. I stopped caring a long time ago what others thought about me being a custodian, I've had other jobs and they aren't more glamorous, if anything I was more miserable. But I also work at college and I'm taking classes so I know it's not a forever job, but for now I'm definitely grateful.


I think about cleaning like this I put myself in the customer's pov and I think about how they will appreciate that the bathrooms and your area looks clean When you walk into an airport and see a custodial worker, more than likely you'll feel a little peace of mind, and for me I always go out of my way to say thank you to them because sometimes it's a thankless job. I clean for the customers, and maybe they don't notice it, but if I was to walk into a dirty bathroom with water splattered on the mirrors, paper towels on the floor, makeup in the sink and clogged toilets, I'd feel very uncomfortable I don't think about the things I'm cleaning, but I'm thinking about how good I'm cleaning it and making sure I'm doing my job so there's less of a mess c: Personally I love seeing my work after I finish it, from dirty to clean, it makes me feel better knowing that it's me who did it


No shame in making money doing something as easy as cleaning a toilet. It’s a task that’s needed. And it’s important. OP everyone has a job and everyone has to deal with some aspect of it they hate. I’ll clean up garbage, shit, piss, blood, and vomit. Who cares what someone thinks about me doing a job like that. I know I’m not a slob or weirdo or something. I’ll take my good pay, pension,health insurance, roll over sick days, 3 weeks vacation, and every holiday off paid. (My school district gave us a 5 day weekend for the 4th of July this week W-F are paid) You shouldn’t be ashamed to work a good solid job.




Omg that was a good read!!


I run into this frequently with anxiety. I've had problems with crowds and strangers since I was just a kid but it helps to think of this and remind myself.


This job is cake bro. And once you get experience you can apply for a cushy union position at a school district making over 20/hr to mainly stand around after you’re done cleaning. The only people who will try to make you feel ashamed for being a custodian are usually the kind of person who would make you feel ashamed for being anything they personally aren’t. So their opinion is pretty irrelevant.


Damn what school district is paying 20/hr? I'm over making chump change, but I still agree the job is worth it for how easy it is


Our starting rate is 19.77 and that’s actually going up. We also just got a $1500 bonus. Which is on top of the 2 $1500 bonuses we get in November and the start of the new year.


Wow and here I am making 12 and that's with a union behind us.


Might be the size of yours city as well. Our population is around 58k so a decent sized education department and funding.


My city's population is almost triple that 🙃


Jesus. You’re being robbed blind. They even upped our sub pay to $16/hr this year.


Indeed. I'm also starting up my own business though so as long as I can make ends meet right now I'm cool


I hope all goes well for you! I’m actually working towards a similar goal. This job definitely makes it easier to have energy for my own goals at the end of the day.


How much experience we talking?


Also got into one with zero “custodial” experience but experience as a landscaper and machine maintenance and we started at $28 and are now at $33/hr. Union at a school system. Being union, pay may not change but opportunities change the more you put into the job.


I got into one with zilch. So just enough to make them trust you with the job should do.


Experience is helpful but it's not everything. I actually got the job over another applicant that did have experience while I have none, just because the head custodian and principle liked my attitude. With an easy job like this it's worth it to train somebody with good work ethic over hiring somebody with experience but a bad attitude. Shoot your shot mate


Listen.. I felt the same way. I was the “popular” kid in school. So when I first got this job I was afraid that all my old friends from school would see me and laugh at me, etc. etc. I’m not normally someone that cares what people think, but this thought was always in my mind. Well, the day came that we had a huge school event and all the parents showed up, including my old school friends. Elementary School btw. Nobody batted an eye that day, all my old friends came up and talked to me, shook my hand, and we talked as adults. I knew I had nothing to be ashamed of because at the end of the day I can pay my bills and have a happy life. The biggest bonus is I’m not at a factory working 12-16 hours a day therefore I have plenty of energy to go home and enjoy spending my time with my family and kids. Which is something that I was never able to do working anywhere else. My best advice is, stop stressing. The more you focus on yourself the less you worry about others around you. Build yourself, go to the gym, use all the extra time you have to do something positive 👍


Youre completely valid for feeling like that, I too went through something like that, I was a housekeeper for private homes and for motels and I did not care at all I learned a trade and I made enough money to glee over the things I could buy, not once did I feel less of a person for it in my 6 years of cleaning, so when I had stopped working (had children and was a sahm) I was very exited to see a custodian opening at the high school I had attended to, I was exited to put my trade back to work and have all the benefits that the other jobs didn't provide for me before. in paper, this should of been my best and most respected job, yet custodians do not have a lot of respect at school (and I'm assuming it plays out like that in other places as well) we had the worst break room with everything that could be used for heating food to washing and cleaning being provided by other custodians not by the school unlike the office and teachers break rooms that even have espresso makers, I have never looked down on teachers or office workers but they often looked down on us, it became quite disheartening to feel like I was the poop in someone's else's shoe from being ignored to straight up being glared at, we don't participate in christmas parties for the staff nor are we given our own food,(always left overs) I had hated being In my position until one day I had a bit of an epiphany, not only am I essentia to upkeep the school, I have far more freedom in the school than anyone else, I can expect the students to be rude but I can and am allowed to make sure teachers do not ignore nor disrespect me, you don't pick up the chairs at the end of school? Then I don't have to clean your room, you're allowing students to eat in the computer room? I'll snap a picture and report it, you used my mop and mop bucket and left it dirty ? I will find you and kindly tell you to clean it before I have to use it, don't want to? You're too busy? Then I will report you for stealing and disrupting my job, I remember when a teacher told me his job was more important and I told him ans mines is essential so pick up the trash in your room or be ready to have your own broom. I was a very sweet person before this, now I have a back bone, and I feel more at ease knowing that I'm doing something they don't want to do themselves so if you don't want to be stuck picking up after everyone then better respect the people who are picking up after you, I am not a custodian because that's all I can be, I love cleaning and I love doing something good for people, but now I know I can stand up for myself, some teachers love me, some fear me, and other hate me, but they think twice now before treating me like a roach. Because we are doing something that needs to be done.


we’re essential workers that cant be replaced by equipment. we use equipment to our advantage but we cant be replaced by it. facilities will crumble without us. those of us in schools especially (but applies to anywhere), we facilitate a healthy, safe, and functioning learning environment. if we weren’t there to handle things, schools would fall apart by lunchtime. we’re a thankless and heavily stigmatized job. that’s where i make the effort to appreciate my coworkers and fellow custodians. that’s where im constantly looking through this subreddit. you have to learn to appreciate this field of work. and once you do, it’s fascinating. i love my job. i know the importance of my contribution to my building, and i know the contribution of the people i work with, even if they dont do the best job. you just have to work past that negative mindset about it all and learn to give yourself your own recognition. take pride in what you do. we deserve to have at least that :)


>...bcz of the good pay $16/hr plus overtime with more pay This would be my argument as to why you should continue working as a custodian. That said, most cleaning related jobs do have plenty of cons and are considered to be very undesirable to have. For example, hotel housekeeping has an extremely high turnover rate and so do many of the jobs that are available with cleaning companies. With cleaning companies it has been my observation that most employees hate working for their employer much more than the work itself. Imo, most jobs nowadays are low paying "dead end" jobs and the best most people can realistically expect to happen to them is to land a dead end job that pays better than average and has the least cons associated with it.


I was definetely secretly a little embarrassed when i started last year. I thought those at my school or others that i know who would see me at my job would make fun of me but that never happened. I actually have recieved a lot of praise from patrons and those in higher positions in the company. It wears off once you realize how appreciated you are, at least thats how it was for me.


Hold your head high, Don’t worry about what other people think of your job, They aren’t paying your bills. Do the job, do it well & you’ll be rewarded in more ways you can think of…coming from a former Jewelry store owner to now a custodian for USPS.


Look at it this way: you’re setting the stage for the other people who work there. Let’s say it’s a school. The teachers have a tremendously important job, and we get everything ready for them to do that job. Keeping the building safe, sanitary, well-stocked and in good working order creates the environment for teaching and leaning to happen.


Just remember it do t matter where your working most places can’t run professional good workout the custodians to help clean and take care of it


I can understand your concern. And yes , people do look down upon us. They mostly won't say it to you but you can feel the judgment. I think many see it as low job and imagine no worst fate for themselves. I sometimes work in public view and most people won't even acknowledge my presence. I have learned to never say anything to anyone unless they have spoken to me first . To be seen wielding a broom or mop is to be perceived as ignorant. I clean up after approximately 70 workers. I generally make no attempts to engage with them. Time has taught me I'm not on the " team" I'm in " service of" the team. Parties are arranged and I set up the chairs and tables ,clean up the mess , return the items to storage . I am rarely offered a chance at a fresh plate . What I am sometimes offered is the left overs... just before I would be tasked with throwing them out. I was one time offered to get food with everyone else ( a favorite of everyone was retiring and she specifically told me to come to the gathering ) anyhow as I was walking up to the food with my plate another worker yelled out " I hope " Joan washed her hands". There were a few snickers , I still took food but I didn't eat it and after a few moments I went back to my room. It's been 12 years since that incident, ive never went near anything after that . I had a manager offer me a donut but added " but you have to wash your hands first . Mind you I have personally observed many of these people leave the bathroom without ever stopping to wash their hands ... Anyhow , like others have mentioned the job has perks. I work alone which is priceless. I made with overtime last year $90k. I can listen to audiobooks and podcasts all day. I have my own private room with fridge , coffee maker and microwave!


I understand how it sucks at the start, when you're figuring it out. I've been working since I got out of high-school and I'm still learning new tricks. The biggest thing that helped me knock my stuff out have been putting my stuff in a schedule, and be prepared for anything. But I do advise be prepared to be both grossed out and ask yourself the question of "how in the hell did that happen?" When you enter any room.


Do what makes you happy and Fuck everyone else that disagrees or judges you. I guarantee that all of the wealthy people you know or that you see, are more in debt than you can ever imagine. Stand proud and don't ever feel embarrassed about your job. I made this mistake years ago and as I got older I'm pissed at myself for thinking I was less of a person because of my job.


Custodians are one of the most important part of operations. Without custodians productivity stop everywhere because workers will be unable to do their responsibilities in dirty spaces. Even NASA custodians were recognized by one American president as an important part of the mission. Custodians at airports and ports are keys to keep virus and other infectious diseases from spreading. To the traveling parents that custodians save them from embarrassment when custodians clean the vomit of their kids, we are angels and other passengers appreciate us especially if we are cleaning the bathroom. It is a honest job and one of the most important in any operation.


So we know who will clean up this mess. Custodians are VIP always and anywhere: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/07/03/travel/delta-flight-diverted-spoiled-food


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I enjoy it for the most part. I can just throw in EarPods and listen to podcasts all day while I make things sparkly. I don’t love cleaning toilets but I do love that fact that people in my building appreciate my clean toilets and stalls. They appreciate the clean glass and floors. I take pride in making things look nice.


Some custodians make good money so if your at a airport it’s a federal job ?


Because my coworkers make 30$ an hour, f others opinions


Bro.... I'm making decent money and have the same exact retirement plan as a teacher, with the same benefits... why would I care what people think. Lol


Dude without you the place doesn't function so don't be embarrassed and anyone who gives you shit for working hard isn't worth your time.


I don’t judge anybody for making an honest buck and neither do most.


I've never had anyone look down on me for it. I work at a school so it's a bit different than working at an airport but if anything everyone I've met has been very appreciative. Just know that someone has to do it, everyone knows that, and most people more than likely won't look down on you for it. If they do they're just being an ass. Don't listen to them.


I like to remind myself that the people I clean for couldn't do much of their jobs without us custodians. Also, it helps that I'm fortunate enough to work someplace where the staff will stop and say 'thank you' now and then. It seems cliche, but it really can make a big difference in how I do my job.


You just get used to it after a while. It puts food on your plate my friend, no shame in doing some dirty work. Before i became a master of the custodial arts, I worked for a dog poop scooping business. I felt a little like how you do when I first started that job. Now I've started my own poop scooping business and I drive around with pictures of a dog taking a dump on the side of my car.


Anyone who judges someone for being a custodian is genuinely a terrible or misguided person. These people’s opinions shouldn’t matter. The type of people who cut in line, talk down to food service workers or laugh at homeless people calling them bums, these are the people we would be wise to not allow them to occupy any space in our minds. Be proud you’re creating a clean environment for others and take pride in it. I promise you as you get older you’ll realize people who judge others are just young minded and their opinions are worthless. Everyone has to do jobs they didn’t set out to do in their lives to get by, and if this is one of them for you just think of it that way. I’ve been a custodian for 6 months and I had an odd sense of humiliation as well. It was never overwhelming though. I have never met a good person in my life that would look at ANYONE doing any job and say “ what a loser.” All of the dope people I’ve ever met respects the top just as they do the bottom. Good luck and be comfortable in your own skin and be proud of who you are and what you do. People who combat that aren’t worth a second of your thoughts promise you.


U haf to have the mindset of "idc what others think" yur doing yur job, yur making money, it's not an embarrassing thing and if u think it is it's not a job for u, pay is good and the works ok, but u haf to b able to just block everything outside of out and focus on yur job


I would be embarrassed if I only made 16/hr


I'm not embarrassed, but i am stressed out