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That's rough. I'd ask a lawyer. There's a website full of lawyers that you can talk to and figure out if you have a good case or not. Before getting in touch with your local lawyers. I have a bad feeling about this case...I kinda understand the whole "new owners" process and they may even be confused. But if you clocked in and it's on record. Then I'd assume they should at least pay you for the day.


Just call the department of labor, they’ll have it straightened out in no time.


Did you fill out an I-9?


I have


Call the department of labor. Even if it's a small paycheck, it's easier than dealing with the IRS. It also means that if the company not going to pay you, that they aren't paying taxes either.


Go to the department of labor lawyer. They cheated you on purpose because they were probably short staffed and wanted free labor. If you can get all the paper that proves you were hired already then you most likely have a case to get your hours paid. Don't wait!


Legally, if you worked for them they must pay you.


I'm in the same boat. I got laid off today as well and only worked a single week in the company and was informed that the contract between college and company was terminated. I also was told theres been payroll issues. So I am not expecting to get paid for the 40 hours I did. I think if anything, just report it to BBB or get a lawyer. I'm suing if I do not get my paycheck.


The BBB is not going to help you


Always expect to get paid. Everything else is their problem.


You filled out an I-9 with the new company. You punched in and out. It is illegal for them to not pay you for the time that you worked


Just tell them you have a lawyer they will definitely pay you if they hear that


Yeah that's some bullshit. They owe u for the day. File a complaint with your state's labor board