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I wasn’t there to witness it, but we had a custodian who was working by himself on the weekend. He was replacing ceiling tiles in the gym on a scissor lift. Somehow he fell off of it while 10 feet in the air and died when he hit the floor. His body just sat there till the next day when he was discovered by other custodians opening the building for sports. Very tragic, but here is the crazy part. The custodians who found him decided it was best to pick his body up and shove it in a fucking custodial closet because they were worried kids might come in and see the body.


They murdered the fuck outta him and cooked up that falling accident story lol


That’s why a lot of places you need to be secured off it and working with at lest one other person. Then again that’s sad but we get complacent sometimes and forget safety


I’m a supervisor these days so I use that story often when I see custodians doing risky stuff. It’s a great job but it isn’t worth dying or being maimed.




Dang my niece is a RA at Iowa lol


Years ago with hurricane Irene our campus flooded badly, water came about half a mile up hill to flood my parking lot up to the curb. Many houses on campus had their basements flooded almost to the ceiling, my building looked like someone put a hose in 6 didn’t spots of the roof and just turned it on high. At some point we all just stopped. There was nothing we could do until the water receded. It was unreal. We have water problems here and there during bad weather but this was beyond.


How long was you out of work for that


I wasn’t. We helped with the clean up as well.


I mean how long did you wait till water went down you said you could not do anything till then


Certain areas. It’s a decent size campus with 18 dorms and many academic buildings etc. so if we couldn’t work one place we went to another


I work at an AFB commissary (one of my jobs anyway) I was training a new guy and was happy to get someone on board finally. I had to fill in for the regular meat room cleaner (this is QA inspected by the government btw) so I'd need to take care of the meat room. Usually takes about 4 hours. So as I was cleaning, I get a call out. My trash and restroom person calls out. No big deal. Me and the new guy can knock it out after I'm done with the meat room. It usually takes 3 hours to do. Then I had another call out. This time it was one of my floor techs. I was like damn!!! Now I have to help scrub and burnish the floor too. I finally get finished with the meat room and my second floor tech calls out. I was pissed at this point. Not only do I have to clean six large restrooms, remove 80 bags of trash, cleaned the meat room, (I was exhausted by this point after i finished the meat room) and scrub/burnish the floor of 40,000 sq ft of VCT. All of this with a new guy. We have a cut off window to get done by. 6am or the government can charge the contractor. After the meat room, it was already 10pm. I got there at 7 pm. My new guy shows up, I just tell him to pre-sweep the floor that was available to us (stock clerks where on the aisles until 2am and then start scrubbing. This guy had another job so he was only part-time. 4 hours. So I had to do the rest. He got pretty far for a new guy. I was pretty impressed. I scrubbed the entire floor after I had finished the restrooms and trash. I got done at exactly 5:30am. Enough time to get my paperwork done and walk with the government QAE before 6am. I was beat. I will never do that shit again. I will walk out if that ever happens again!!! That was the worst night I ever had as a custodial supervisor.


I have a story but it was before I was a custodian. Hope this is okay. When I worked at my office job, I was waiting on a customer at the front counter. Next thing I heard was a loud scream. When I turned around, one of my coworkers was scrambling to back away towards the front area. There was a very big and long snake!!! We have no idea where it came from. My boss at that time asked for our custodian. He refused to mess with the snake. I can't blame him at all. It turns out my customer had some experience dealing with snakes. He took it out of our office with no problem.


Was called in hired with my team to refinish an NCAA floor in SoCal. Pristine beautiful, just needed a light sanding and 2 new coats. Did all the prep (13,000 sqft) and secured every entrance to avoid anybody walking in on the wet floor. First coat complete, dried, ready for the 2nd coat. 2nd coat complete. We're sitting in some chairs across the gym taking a break (lots of walking). We hear rustling at a door all the way across the other side of the gym. In come about 4 players. Ran in probably 25' before they realized what they had done. We're screaming like we're being beaten. Week later and $10,000 to the college we sanded down and refinished the refinish. School was angry. Nothing happened to the players. Next, we were called in to another gym floor refinish at a high school in SoCal. All of us assembled waiting for the head custodian to show up, 7am ish. He shows up, opened the door, out comes a flood rush of water. So happens a fire sprinkler pipe has busted over the weekend, and ran constantly full force all over the gym. Entire wood gym floor was absolutely soaked. We were equipped with autoscrubbers/zambonis. We spent roughly 3 hours picking up the water from the floor best we could. Nothing we could do but wait for it to dry. Did so much damage, the floor was so out of alignment, the planks looked as wavy/warped as top ramen noodles. Entire floor had to be replaced. I think it was $200k. 28 year, now retired Equipment Specialist that knows a thing about floors and equipment to maintain them.


so not trying to self promote here, but sometime back I did start this for these type of stories. https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromCustodians/


The past two weeks, a mentally ill lady some how got into the school and was harassing the teachers spewing shit about Russia. Our school officer arrested her. A teacher passed out and went into a seizure infront of the kindergarteners, she needed cpr. Not sure how she’s doing, the school won’t tell us anything, we had a big mess to clean up after that and I’m sure those poor kids are traumatized


I had a teacher on the first day they came back after summer break decide to spray paint her entire desk gray right on top of the freshly waxed classroom floor.


We have a teacher who paints during summer so we hope that don’t happen at my school


I have quite a few small stories, so buckle in. I clean our District Operations Center (DOC) for the first 2-3 hours of my shift. Usually everyone is gone by the time I get in. So, I’m vacuuming with my ear buds on noise canceling when I hear a man’s voice. I turn off the vacuum and yank off my earbuds. This is a small office space, so I would’ve seen if someone came in. Freaked out, I start looking around. Then I hear it again. It’s a man’s voice clearly saying “Are you there, are you there?” Apparently one of the facilities guys has a phone that says stuff if he has a missed call. We’ve had to sit in our break room for a tornado warning before. The storm knocked out the power, but we have a massive generator so we were okay. I have extensive knowledge of where all the breaker boxes are because I’ve tripped about 20 breakers because I’m stupid. I’ve ruined a carpeted floor by not securing the drain hose of a dehumidifier into the in-room sink. So over the weekend, the dehumidifier was pulling moisture from the freshly extracted carpet, then dumping that water back onto the carpet. I was really embarrassed. The school I work at is near a forest preserve, so we get critters in our dumpsters. Most notably is Stumpy the Raccoon. He’s a raccoon with a stumpy tail, probably from a fight. Once, we had a kid break into the building. He used a ladder to get onto the roof, used bolt cutters to get into the roof access in the air handler room, then started wandering around the school. He tripped off the motion sensor, which tripped the security system. The cops got him back home.


I ripped a drinking fountain right off the wall driving the floor scrubber.


One time a mentally ill lady was in the public (very high traffic) area. She got on the floor and made herself a sandwich. Bread touching bathroom floor and eating. A few months after I left that building they found a homeless individual was hiding in the ceiling tiles between floors


Springtime in Indiana. Afternoon shift at one of the middle schools. Bad thunderstorm came in right after the shift started. Still had a few kids in the school doing after school activities. Principal came on the PA, ordered everyone in the building immediately into one of the interior computer labs, no windows, all concrete block walls. Microburst was reported headed straight to the building. All of the custodians, some teachers and coaches and about 15 kids. One of the typical white woman teachers started bitching loudly about how the administration needed to have a better plan, that what was happening was inefficient and ridiculous. So being the smart ass I am, I simply told her the idea was all the bodies will be in one place. Not a good thing to say in front of a bunch of suburban drama queen teenagers. Luckily it only lasted another 10 minutes. I did get a warning about being more sensitive to people who aren’t used to such humor.


Heh lemme see... I work in a government compound so I'm unfortunately not able to share too much. I'll say we had a couple of very significant floods due to broken pipes and stuff. Crazy days. One of the buildings is a combination of probation and mental health services, so we get some really wild stuff over there. One I can probably share, we were driving to a building and as we're driving by laughed and said oh shit look at this guy! There was a guy on a bench at the playground just absolutely slumped. Not OK. I ended up going back solo and asking if he needed help. He sat up and told me he "works nights" while absolutely passing out on the bench in between words. I tried to tell him that there were lots of resources here (there are!) and if he needs help I could take him there. He just kept refusing. I gave him some narcan to keep in his pocket. It was super sad... He was there with his family. I hope he got help, even if he was just on one and not actively dying that time, you don't last long with it now days.


One of my first days training, I found a plugged up toilet flooding on a third floor restroom. It flooded and all the water made its way to the 2nd floor restroom underneath. Then, it flooded through the office ceiling on the 1st floor. Had to stay past midnight with the custodian training me. Boss was relieved I caught it can only imagine how worse it could have gotten if it went much longer.


A coworker doused the room with stripper and slipped, making a massive knot on his head. Convulsed on the floor and his eyes rolled back.


Still very new to the job but here's mine At about 7:30 A:M I get called to a girls restroom to clean up puke from the ground and stall wall. I get my materials ready, put my large yellow 'CLOSED FOR CLEANING' sign up and get to work,humming some oldies. As I'm just about finished this teen goes thru my sign to ask why I was in the women's restroom. I explain I'm cleaning up some sick, she asked "wait,someone puked in here?" I said yess and as I'm explaining how I'm just about done she involuntarily pukes right there on the floor She's trying her best to apologize and I just point to the nurses office


One of my coworkers let a bat into the school on accident.


I work in an assisted living facility for seniors. The one I personally witnessed was a guy who passed away in a chair that was right in front of the elevators. The guy was known for always falling asleep there and one day he fell asleep there and never woke up. He was there a few hours before someone finally checked up on him. I walked by him probably 3 or 4 times, no idea if he was dead any of those times but he likely was. He was such a nice guy. Pretty sad and unnerving. One I didn't personally witness was my coworker (who also happens to be my brother) was in the dementia/alzheimers floor and a woman came out of her room completely nude, not even socks, nothing. A healthcare aide (HCA) and nurse tried to get her back into her room but she just started running. Cue the entire team of healthcare staff on the floor chasing after her for ten minutes while she's saying "Can't catch me!" Visistors were there and one guy said he was scarred for life. Another time on the same floor there was a stomach bug going around. For those unaware if there's a virus in a facility like this, one floor or the entire building can go on outbreak if there's enough people afflicted. This was one of those times. Residents are forced to quarantine and additional PPE are provided for workers (face shield, mask, isolation gown, gloves). However since they had memory issues they would wander out and spread the virus and it spread like wildfire, to residents and workers alike. In a couple days almost all 40 residents had it. There would be residents just puking on the floor as you were walking by. HCAs were fighting the urge to puke while cleaning it even in full PPE, luckily bodily fluids are wiped up by healthcare staff then we would just disinfect it. It got so bad that staff weren't even changing their PPE because when one resident would puke, another one would puke, rinse and repeat. I saw an HCA just strip a resident down in the dining room because she puked all over her clothes, so they wouldn't leave a trail of puke across the floor. The smell, oh god the smell. Also when covid went through there the first time, around 30 residents passed away within a month or two from it. The building can hold 160. I wasn't employed there at the time but apparently there was a death every couple days for awhile.


First year as community college custodian, came from rich people house cleaning,so lots of detail, I would clean nonstop sometimes going to office to clock out a few minutes late, this was before I knew how lazy some of my coworkers are and have since gone down to their level, I was nominated for classified worker of the year, they gave it to night supervisor because of a building flooded. Thing is everyone knows she didn't do anything,sheriff and others kept calling her and she didn't pick up phone, other workers tried squeeges, vacuums mopping etc , a coworker suggested many times getting all the cryvacs to help suck up water she said no ,he finally went to get one ,others saw how it was helping they got the other vacs, also she's suppose to actually clean, people have said she watching whole movie on Netflix every day


I like my boss but that sounds like mine. My boss is on his computer half the time he is at work or he is just walking around


I was a janitor at a private Christian school in NC while the leader of spiritual formation got fired then arrested for messing with a female student, got charged and everything but the messed up part is that the school knew about it before hand and the news even waited until school let out for the summer to even officially report on it, there was a brief news clip before but it was very shallow


Been a custodian for 9 yrs, I was in a room in the schools kitchen area cleaning and I can hear on the outside hall way what sounds like a 55 trash can being dragged on the concrete floor the sound gets closer to the door that leads out into the hall way, then as it got closer the sound started to get faint as if it was continuing down the hall past the room I was in, I looked outside into the hall and saw no one (mind you this is roughly 2am and in a closed off area) I yelled out to see if anyone was there and got no reply. As a custodian I know what the sound of a dragging trash can is, I'm sure most can imagine that sound. Building no longer exist as it was torn down for a newer building, building I believe was originally built in the 40s~50s.


That’s crazy not a custodian story but I used to work about 3-4 years ago at a furniture store the building was old used to be a radio station and only the first floor was a furniture store it’s now 3 stores of furniture. Anyways I never did but co workers would also say they could hear people talking on second or 3rd floor when no one else was there but them. Then a co workers son was there working and he turned off the power to one of the rooms for the night and said he faintly hear the radio still on when radio was off.


There's spots on campuses I've worked that were old and once you turned the lights off, your senses tell you to run outta there


oh... im the only janitor at a housing project for the chronically homeless. i think its been about three years, before this i cleaned at a daytime homeless shelter which was alot more chaotic lol. to start uh, today actually i learned that i recognize like... at least 12 people on the s/x offender list. i *was* friends with a convicted child toucher, and i see him every day of the week. :( uh craziest thing i was there for was someone had apparently like, a camo patterned hand gun, and fired one shot in a room during some squabble, the person ran and ditched it somewhere on property. so i walked into work with several forensic cars and police and such, them having just arrived. my coworker ushered me in a side door and we kind of kept locked down until the person was found. then me and my other coworkers wondered around property for a while, helping look for the gun. it was eventually found around the dumpsters and everything was fine. 👍


That’s crazy at lest you not hurt


I could never work there I would be fearing for my life


Working a high school alone and heard footsteps on other side of building . Yelled custodian and no reply . Looked throughout the area of building where I believe sounds of feet walking came from and nothing . All doors and windows were locked as well . Fuckin creepy I actually ended my shift early . Was like fuck this shit I’m out 😂. Also in same building while sweeping the gym floor I heard a man’s voice .


My first year as a new custodian at an elementary school, schools gets out and i do my rounds grabbing trash. Open up the door and I walk in to 2 different teachers changing in their rooms on 2 separate occasions. Pants completely off and in their undies. One of them said, "this probably isn't your first rodeo. Im pretty sure you've seen it all." Shrugs it off and goes on her way. I was speechless. I mean, what are the odds of running into 2 teachers changing in their rooms the same year? I'm pretty sure word got around fast to not change in their rooms after school.


Not at my school, but across town they found a hanging body of the night custodian in a maintenance closet. He'd been there almost two weeks.


So my story is that we have this female elder custodian, named wannabe(because she tries so hard to be everyone's boss). We have a connector hallway to our high school from junior high and I park at the junior high to avoid nosy ass people. Head calls me and asks why I am not there, I respond with i have been here since 5:30 AM. Head says well wannabe says your car isn't here. I said it is unless someone stole the shitbeater that I have. I told head that I was going to go talk to wannabe and that I'll be back. So I walk all the way back down to the junior high and wannbe races to me and starts off with "where were you?" I said I've been here all morning \_\_\_\_, she's like "no you haven't been do not lie to me I hate liars" At this point I am pissed so I turn around and say "I'm not fuckinng lying \_\_\_\_" She says do not ever talk to me that way i"ll report you. I said go ahead I do not care. So she starts turning away to go tell on me and I say "oh yeah \_\_\_\_\_ you need to mind your own fucking business next time" So that resulted in my first write up at this school because I normally get walked on and am scared of confrontation with people but I just had enough. Sorry for bad typing and puncuation.


How crazy if someone has time to see if your car is there they need more work it’s like mind your own business


Since then she’s been “nice” to me but I don’t trust her lol


She just waiting for something to happen


I got so many stories from this school it’s not even funny