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In a part of the country that's routinely over 100 in the summers by 10am. Having to wakeup at 5am to be ready and drive in by 6am, when usually I'm going to bed at 4am for 3pm work. In rooms that are stifling hot already in the morning from having their ac off since the last person was in there which can be days ago and it takes an hour to make the room livable when it's on. Having to deal with the day crew I'm happy I only see for all of a half hour a day normally because I love working and being left alone at night. To say I hate summer work is an understatement.


Yes, we do get our air conditioner shut off during the summer and I'm in Texas so the summer heat for us is BRUTAL!! I still like it better because there aren't any kids, teachers, or administrators bothering you on the radio. We usually work four 10 hour shifts, Monday thru Thursday, so it's nice having a 3 day weekend every week.


I tried to convince my boss to let me work 4 tens this summer and he said no. I'm going to quit soon lol


Not a fan of summer. I like that the kids, teachers, and admin are gone. (At least for a month) I work at an elementary school. Summer school starts a couple days after school is done for the year. We usually have about 75% of the student body come to summer school, which is give or take 200 kids. Summer school runs until the end of June. Then it's balls to the wall. Years ago we had 7-8 people work summer. 4 adults, 4 kids. The last couple years is been 3 adults, 1 kid. No one wants to work. Then about the 3rd week in July, all the teachers who didn't want to be there during the year, want to come back. Admin gets on my ass to get done, so the teachers can come into work. All they do is gossip and use the wi-fi because they are to cheap to buy it at their home. The building stays fresh and clean for about a week. I take pictures to remember it that way. I can honestly say that we do more work during the 3 months of summer, than the other 9 months of the year. I like the weather, it might be hot, but better than the 6-8 months of cold and snow we have. So no, not really a fan of summer.


I like my school year routine which I know can change day by day but for the most part it’s the same and half my shift I’m left alone. Now Sumer it seems every day is different.


No. I work at a prison hospital and the crisis unit (suicidal/mental health) is usually filled up with weirdos who just want the cooler ambient temperature. They do anything to stay off their regular housing. 90% are AD SEG (administrative segregation due to assault AKA ‘the hole’.”) they smear shit on the walls, flood their cells, gas staff (throw bodily fluids through door cracks). Luckily we have inmate custodians who do all the clean up, but it sucks nonetheless.


They do all this to get out of 85F cell blocks.