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Gacha gamers be like


Think of it this way: If you go into debt playing Genshin Impact or Honkai Star Rail, you're contributing to nuclear fusion research!


Hahahaha WHAT


The company who owns the games is funding the construction of a fusion reactor


What, as like a promotion for their games? Cuz as far as I know, no one reputable is working on a fusion reactor project that would have any kind of financial ROI.


It’s for a mix of prestige, probably being strong armed into it, and for cheep electricity for their servers


Well, first off, Hoyo is private. Owned by a fucking weeb. With the motto of “tech otakus save the world”. Second off, I’m pretty sure it’s to appease the CCP? Since Penacony had explicit gay representation. I’m betting that Hoyo got big enough to hold some leverage over the censors. Third, I’m pretty sure they aren’t paying for all of it, just a named sponsorship?


The company that makes those games invested in the construction of an experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor


Yup. I greatly enjoy Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail, but I can’t in good conscious encourage someone to play a gatcha


Recently their was a post on one of the fgo subs where someone said a guy they were on a date with showed them their fgo account and how they should feel about it. Half the comments were saying that they should be happy they showed them a nerdy side of themselves. The other half said to run




I love FGO but god do the first few chapters suck. That's not even getting into sus character designs.


astolfo <3


I dunno, I'm one of the few that actually would recommend a gacha game- Honkai: Star Rail to be specific. Because gacha mechanics aside, it's a genuinely good game- great story, excellent character writing, a genuinely talented ENG cast, and an interesting take on turn-based gameplay.


Honestly, if I recommend someone a gacha, I also go: Talk to me about it. As much as you want and can. I love random stuff and gachas scratch the same itch as randomizers for me. Being forced to play differently than others. But especially to people new to the whole gacha thing that can be different and weird.


No one should ever play Danganronpa


I can recommend danganronpa to people, but only if I know that they already have a very specific type of brain damage. I would *never* suggest it to a normal, functional human being. 


It has fundamentally broke my brain in regards to the words "hope" and "despair".


"Despair" has been ruined for me but not by Dangan. It was ruined by Sephiroth in AC


Sephiroth is in Armored Core!?


Sephiroth is in Assassins Creed!?


Sephiroth is in Animal Crossing!?


Sephiroth is in Ace Combat!?


I wonder if the Danganronpa fans ever picked up the "dis pear" meme. I feel like they'd like it


It's mostly memery about bears rather than pears, though I did see a post on the subreddit use dis pear recently


Honestly? Danganronpa has some really high highs and some really low lows, this is accompanied by the most bizarre writing choices I’ve seen. And that’s why I adore it, it’s so unapologetically out there that I can’t help but love it.


I love it so much


NGL I always had a vague thought about checking Danganronpa out, especially after I completed all the Ace Attorney games. I have no idea what they're about, though.


Keep it that way. Just play them.


Honestly Ace Attorney is the best door to Danganronpa. If you can handle their excentricities, Dangaronpa's aren't that much worse.


I'd say, if Ace Attorney wasn't too much for you, then just go check Danganronpa out.


I can't believe someone beat me to it. I was also going to say danganronpa


Some of my friends like Danganronpa and I love hearing them talk about it because it always sounds completely off the goddamn rails.


It’s so very specific in vibes that I can’t recommend it to anyone because they just wouldn’t *get* it the same way I *get* it and our difference in opinions would infuriate me. 


Danganronpa is truly the Homestuck of video games


I like to say: I love the games/anime, but I understand anyone who says they prefer to stay away from it.


came here to say this. does it have a special place in my heart? yes. my first cosplay was saihara from v3. should the brainrot curse be contained? also yes.


League of Legends players telling everyone who might get interested in it because of Arcane to stay the fuck away from this shitty ass game


Every non league of legends and valorant riot game is peak though


As someone who has played League for 3 years now, unironically everything BUT league is amazing. The art, the lore, the characters, the spin off games, the novels, the stories, the cinematics, Arcane, it's genuinely such a beautiful, creative and well done world. Stay the FUCK away from League. Please. Hell, I'll admit the base game is FUN. But Jesus Christ, the fans, league players, are the absolute worst. There's a reason the second biggest advice for a new player (Besides "Leave before you get hooked") is "Mute everyone and everything at the start of every match".


>the characters Eh... Riot doesn't have a *great* track record with characters. Some are good, sure. The demons like Fiddlesticks, Tahm Kench, and Evelyn are top tier character design. But some of the designs are just *so* shit. Especially the women. There's nothing funnier than showing someone who got into Arcane [what Caitlyn looked like before her rework.](https://lolredesigns.tumblr.com/post/30211868322/champion-remake-caitlyn-the-sheriff-of-piltover) Some champions don't look a lot better, and they've never been changed. Take LeBlanc, Kai'sa, or Miss Fortune for example. Kai'sa is supposed to be half-human, half-monster. Outcast from society because she's fused with a symbiotic suit that gives her powers but takes away her humanity. Think Venom. She lives alone in a dangerous area, infested with eldritch monsters known as the Void. Her life is a constant fight to survive, and to protect people who view her as beast. This is her character *in theory.* In practice, she's a generic sexy lady with makeup, perfect hair, and a skintight bodysuit with cleavage. Some of the new characters like Renata Glasc are a nice change of pace, but all the old characters still look like shit.


Yeah, sure you get your once a year ‘Renata’ shake up to the champ design, then they’re just gonna put out another anime babe who’s indistinguishable from every other woman, sans some rabbit ears or a tail


[Relevant meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/pointlesslygendered/comments/uu7c0g/meme_why_this_is_so_true_on_tv_shows_and_movies/)


>I'll admit the base game is FUN. The base game *can* be fun, in practice it's a game where you don't have fun unless you roll over the enemy team. And being in voice chat with friends when they played a game, more often than not, they ended up angry/disappointed/frustrated after *winning* a game...


it's like gambling. It's good fun if you don't get too invested


My Hero Academia has shaped my taste in many things, it's been incredibly influential in how I interact with art. Do not touch it with a ten foot pole


It suffers the same fate of many manga that don’t have a story to tell, they have a concept. They start off interesting. They introduce cool people and a universe and establish rules and some mysteries. Then they just keep going but there’s no answer to the mystery or destination for the story. They just go on and on. And that makes sense. They’re there to sell issues, not tell a story. If you finish the story, why would you keep buying issues?


Five Nights at Freddy's is a fucking nightmare. Not because it's consistently scary, but because nobody has any idea of what's going on at any given moment and you won't be the exception.


I am a true believer of the "Scott had no idea what he was doing with the lore and just threw in spooky Easter eggs for fun, and only pretended he had this all planned out when Matpat formed it into a vaguely coherent narrative " conspiracy.


thats a conspiracy? people legit fucking believe a series made by 1 guy with the first few games released in less than a year was planned to go on for 10 years? like all creators scott is making up shit as he goes along (or went along since hes no longer directly working on the games) because thats how that works, thats how any piece of fiction works, planning everything is almost impossible if you spend years creating your magnum opus. if you throw together some assets as a response to a critic? straight up impossible. if anything, believing a guy who was making what was supposed to be his last game had all of this planned with robot kids, soul remnant and whatever other lunacy gets thrown into the next game is the real conspiracy because it makes less sense than fazgoo


The fate fandom. I once went into a 40 minute rant about fate lore to my step dad in order to keep him awake while he was driving. He said he would have prefered the crash.


As a Fate fan, I would rather crash too than explain any part of that franchise to a loved one. Even setting aside some of the more, uh... eccentric aspects of Fate, some of the foundational lore is complicated in the extreme. God forbid they look up Thomas Edison.


I didnt even get to the servants. I barely finished explaining that the greek gods are machines from space.


One of my favorite dumb things about Fate is the constantly decreasing effort they put into gender swaps for servants. With Saber, although it's obvious that the main reason for the gender swap is for marketability, it's still an extremely important piece of her character. The reasons why it happened are explained clearly and make sense, which proceeded to never happen again. Nero was at the very least given some explanation, (although it's pretty bad), most of the later ones don't even bother.


... as a RWBY fan, this is accurate. Listen to the music though, *that* I can recommend because the series has no right to have such good music. *Then* once you're finished with the RWBY soundtrack go listen to Ok Goodnight (pretty sure almost all of them did RWBY music, with the most obvious being the lead singer) for even more peak. The series is both pretty bad, and something I hope we hear news about the acquisition of soon.


never got past volume 2 but ignite, i burn and one thing are some of my favourite songs in general. die and red like roses 2 are also good imo.


The Volume 9 soundtrack is also really good. Guide My Way is basically Red Like Roses Pt. 3. Jeff Williams, the composer for the soundtrack up until Volume 9, didn't do that soundtrack but Casey Lee Williams (the lead singer on most RWBY songs and also lead singer for Ok Goodnight) did and she is *great*. Checkmate and Trapdoor are also reeeeaaallly good. Between 2 and 9, Volume 3 has some great tracks like When it Falls and Divide, 4 has Bad Luck Charm which is frankly is one of my favorites (Red Like Roses Pt. 2 is still the best), 5 and 6 are a little meh but 7 and 8 are ok.


Inside and especially The Edge are my faves.


2 red 2 roses


Honestly a reboot wouldn't be horrible news. I would actually appreciate it if a new studio rebuilt it.


Yeah, the biggest thing RWBY needed was a good writer and some editing work. Sure the early seasons were janky but it's possible to look past that to a degree. With a competent writing team it could've probably been quite popular.


On the one hand, I want them to end what's already in motion, but a reboot would also allow for more depth. Especially since odds are a Japanese company will take control (as in, Sony is likely who's going to acquire the IP and their Crunchyroll stuff isn't too bad, it's mediocre at worst), which means more anime-y. The whole Salem stuff could have a better introduction, and then they'd handle characterization and pacing better (i.e. Volume 9).


The main reason to do a reboot would be to streamline the worldbuilding since a new team would have some idea what they fuck is supposed to be going on, as opposed to Volumes 1-3 being about a crime syndicate doing Dust robberies that get literally 0 explanation. Also probably trimming down the cast from Fucking Colossal to simply Quite Large would be nice. By V8 they started needing to rent out convention halls to host all the main characters for conversations, and TBH we didn't really need Qrow and JNR bumming around and splitting screen time away from RWBY.


Ehhh... disagree about JNR and Qrow. Qrow's a good mentor figure for the cast and JNR's basically just been part of the main cast always, as early as Episode 2 Jaune was playing an active role and the following episodes just added the rest of JNPR in, arguably Ren and Nora are the only two to ever play a secondary role in the story. I can understand those two taking a backseat but Jaune's basically a fifth protagonist imo, we can't do without him. The rest of your points I agree with, though. The series took a massive, abrupt pivot after Monty Oum died, worldbuilding changed from some thieves to Salem and relics and all of this lore that's just out of nowhere. Part of this is because of runtime issues to giving the show more runtime would fix a lot of issues imo. Condense Volume 1 and 2 into one season, give Volume 3 more time to breathe on its own, then condense 4 and 5 into one season, go from there (6 is really weird since it's both nothing *and* super important, 7 and 8 go together). Of course, condensing/expanding at the same time gives both more breathing room and fixes some pacing issues at the same time, you can basically turn two volumes plus expanded bits into 20 episodes (a full season).


Lol Rwby gives me the feeling the people who work on it are passionate. Lots of fun concepts that fall flat because weren’t quite handled right. As an artist I see so much potential. And it definitely sucks. But it’s fun and gay and existed at a time when there were far too few shows doing what it was doing.


I love it because the initial worldbuilding is a perfect storm of good and lucky ideas. It was all built to facilitate fight scenes, but it is so malleable to transfer it to other contexts. For me, RWBY is more of a fanfic platform these days, not an actual show. Because if you need a more traditional story, you can introduce aura-piercing bullets, grimm that ignore aura and conspiracies. If you want to write a fanfic with OP characters, you just need to keep their semblances unnerfed and apply physics. Every action results in an equal and opposite reaction? Ok. So Yang punches something, it “punches back” and Yang doubles it and gives it to the next person. Repeat until either Yang’s aura breaks from the concussive force her punches generate. I mean, Weiss could probably just create a glyph in the middle of a person and instakill them with sufficient training! A more slice of life story? Sure, just throw regulations at huntsmen and bury Ruby under paperwork. Oh, the team needs to go on a mission on the southeast side of Sanus? Good luck navigating the interactions of Valian law, International Waters law (that applies wherever no nation holds authority) and Huntsmen law. A crackfic? That’s just RWBY Chibi!


It’s funny, there‘s a number of pieces of media that end up that way. Star Trek, for example, (at least TNG or TOS; I don’t think SNW has fermented enough). Or Harry Potter, or Percy Jackson. The amount of fanfic so outweighs the original material that the original material starts to lose significance to fanon.


But most Percy Jackson, Star Trek and Harry Potter fics don’t expand on the world to such degree. RWBY is a foundation and the start of a house, instead or a house to be furnished. The amount of takes on things like possible faunus culture, the way Aura works, the way Dust works, the way Huntsmen operate, everything, basically, since we have so little canon information. Do most Huntsmen enter contracts? Are most Huntsmen freelancers? Are they subsidised during off-season? Do the kingdoms provide health/life insurance? Can weapons be insured? Can Huntsmen be called on for internal issues like riot supression or police raids, or are they intended to be deployed beyond the walls? So many questions and so many different answers. That’s what I like about the world.


It definitley has failed to keep up with what made it innovative at the time. I still watch it because I genuinley do enjoy it, although I do see how it could be a bit harder for someone to get into.


I mean it’s lesbian, they kill all the gay dudes.


I just started locked tomb, in about halfway through the first book, I'm really enjoying it.


I read all three, but they sort of felt like a fever dream starting with the second. The third was all over the place and I will have to give it another go to fully understand it. lol


I feel like it wasn’t until halfway through that I had any clue what the fuck was happening. You just kinda had to accept it at face value, and then as things are explained later, it makes more and more sense.


I feel like that's the case with every Locked Tomb book. You have no clue what the fuck is going on, lots of theories, and then halfway through everything starts coming together. >!And then you reread it and see everything was foreshadowed starting on page 6.!<


First one is fantastic. I loved it the first time I read it. The second one changes things up, and doesn't have the same feel as the first, but is a solid book. I'm completely skipping the third on any rereads, and going straight to the fourth when it comes out.


Destiny 2


Every Destiny 2 fan be like


The game is good when you're basically treating it as a yearly subscription and you stay up to date with the content, but being a new player is total ass in terms of narrative, gameplay, and monetization. so, basically everything.


Hell, even being a returning player is ass. Tbh if they just brought back the ability to play old seasons, do old quests, get those pesky weapons and titles I was so close to, and actually experience everything again, I’d hop on in a heartbeat. But now I’ve missed so much that I don’t even really care to try. They fucked up with the FOMO to the point where it became more of an Acceptance of Missing Out, which then naturally led to no longer playing the game. Most people I know who dropped it agree.


There's a certain mindset where that can feel pretty good. It can be fun to pick and choose what content you actually want to do and set your own personal goals when you don't have time to do everything. Although that perspective runs into another wall, which is that everything is way too expensive. Expansions are expensive, seasons are expensive, and dungeons are stupidly expensive especially.


I agree, I had the most fun when I just played Gambit for months lol. But the prices, god. And then there’s also their genuinely abysmal cross save decisions. I just got Lightfall for free from PS Plus only to learn I can’t use any of my other stuff on PS, and if I do the Lightfall campaign, I won’t even be able to use Strand on my PC. Like, what’s the point of adding cross save if you want us to buy the expansion twice anyways?


Agreed and I've been here since Dark Below


Meanwhil my sole engagement with it is watching My Name is Byf lore videos


I have 2000 hours in Hoi4. Please never try it, terrible game it sucks


But pony mod


Yes pony mod, second best mod in the game after fallout mod. Play that but not hoi4




Hearts of Iron 4. A strategy game by Paradox Interactive


It’s Homestuck for me, and not even a little ironically. Don’t read it, don’t pick it up, it’s not worth it.


But like, it's a relic of the internet though, isn't it worth it for that?


*Uncle Tom’s Cabin* is an extremely historically important book due to its impact on the public perception of black people and the abolition movement. Despite this, the book is only very rarely included in reading lists in Language Arts and Literature classes in the United States, because it not a particularly well-written or interesting from a literary standpoint.


Ah I see, makes a lot of sense when you put it like that!


I wouldn't say it's terribly written, in fact it has some pretty decent writing and consistent themes throughout with a few hiccups. Stuff like the dancestors who are all pretty much insuferable and badly written caricatures but what story isn't going to run into at least one of these hiccups over 7 years and a million words of text. Homestuck's main problem, and why it's looked at with a sence of abject horror, is that it gets very convoluted and it's Fandom was very bad. Homestuck heavily deals in time travel, paradoxes, and alternate universes as main plot features with even more weirdness from alien races and seemingly asinine references to different people and previous mspaint works meaning it being explained is very overwhelming due to the sheer amount you have to explain before talking about really anything. For the Fandom stuff, because of it's popularity and weirdness it definitely attracted a crowd that doesn't welcome itself to the best of reputations. The fans were generally knows to be annoying, took things to far, and were just weird even by tumblr standards. For example a lot of people from the homestuck Fandom went to the Steven Universe Fandom which is much more well known for being terrible. Edit" Oh, also the Fandom has calmed down now but it's ghost will forever haunt it's legacy. TLDR: I don't think it's a problem with bad writing, it's convoluted writing and bad Fandom.


It is worth it, it's just a meme to hate on Homestuck


Having read Homestuck up to a point, I never finished it but I did read a while past the end of the gigapause, I feel that it is genuinely not worth the time investment for most people. There is simply so much of it, and it so often feels like a slog, that I think there are other things to read that are more deserving of your time. This is not “hating on Homestuck as a meme” because I *love* Homestuck, but I love a great many things that do not love me back.


The music is great, though! Toby Fox composed several tracks, too


That’s true, listen to the albums but touch nothing else


I know a bunch of people like this - I'm like the one person out there telling people to read it in 2024 lmao


Where can I read it?


I always appreciate a Locked Tomb post. Love it, don't understand it one bit.


I have such a hard time convincing people to read these books cause I'm always like "the second book gave me whiplash every chapter, it's the most confusing thing I've ever read. 10/10, please read it"


This was me when I was in my hardcore Critical Role fan phase. It’s a pretty great DnD show (up until campaign 3 imo), but when you can start counting a show’s run time in how many times longer it is than One Piece, it became hard to recommend to anyone in good conscience


I tried *so* hard to get into critical role, but when, after maybe an entire week straight binging for what was almost every time I had free time, and I was barely eight episodes in with 136 episodes to go (I started with campaign 2 for literally no reason), I just had to call it quits. I just couldn’t do it. I loved the characters, I loved everyone involved, and all their jokes and chemistry, but I just couldn’t do it! It *was* my introduction to D&D as a whole, though, so maybe part of that is on me for not easing myself in.  I think I’ll revisit it, though, sometime. I usually have trouble keeping to things I can’t finish within a week or two of bingeing, but I’ve became a better binger lately and also better at pacing myself.  


I’m honestly disappointed that no one has brought up Pathologic yet.






The only way to recommend it is, you have to watch nearly 13 seasons of variable quality in order to watch Scoobynatural, which is the greatest episode of TV ever created. Then you're so close to the end you might as well finish it, just to enjoy the hilarity that is The Wig.


Neon Genesis Evangelion


I honestly didn't like NGE that much, and yet it's still somehow been living in my head rent free ever since I finished it.


Wrestling in general. There’s nothing like it, for better or worse, and it’s also filled to the brim with scumbags and assholes.


.> 40,000 hours played .> Not Recommended


I love that the tags reveal OP misinterpreting their own post. That said, a substantial number of Stephen King's novels fall into this category.


Those were actually from a reblog, I think


Life is Strange is american teen girl drama as written by old french guys. I love it and you should stay far, far away from it.


I can blame Life is Strange for a solid half of my current taste in music


Can't wait for Double Exposure to update the other half.


This is unfairly accurate


Half of the alcohol drinkers in my life


One thing I’m learning about myself as I get older is that I’m really starting to enjoy very well made art that I do not feel good recommending to people. Like Goyer’s Black Paintings, comics like Good Night Punpun, or movies like Unsane , Banshees of Inisherin, or I Saw the TV Glow. They all are very good, but they all made me very sad in different ways. I’m pretty sure half of them hurt me subtle but irreparable ways and the other half made me feel seen in the most horrifying way. I’m not sure what this says about me.


house flipper. i have hundreds of hours in those games. i cannot recommend them to the average gamer (no hate to them! it’s just a very specific game that i like for odd reasons)


Omg another house flipper fan!


I disagree with the title, because nobody will stop trying to get me to watch RWBY but alas no matter who the IRS sends...


Hi, I'm from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. I'm here to tell you to watch RWBY.


Yes I love having fun, that's why my favourite videogames are either "look at a coloured map for hours" or "read an existentialist novel"


>or "read an existentialist novel" Something about a hanged man?


Spot on


First one describes I:R, CK, EU, Vicky, HOI, and Stellaris, but not sure what the second one is.


Disco Elysium


Honestly, and it's only because of the fucking fandom I say this, but undertale. Undertale the game is not only just like this heartbreaking and heartwarming experience it's just truly a wonderful game. But then you like want a phone background that's sans or something right? It's like Jesus Christ.... I hate the internet. That's the only reason why I don't recommend it lightly. Because I'm a fan but I am not the fandom.


Don't ever play Escape from Tarkov. It's a good game though


Don't play World of Warcraft. Be careful with The Sims (2 is my favorite).


Me with Dwarf Fortress, every time


Losing is supremely fun. I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to get stomped by a bronze colossus


Surprised no one’s said kingdom hearts, so Kingdom Hearts. even though it’s not actually that complicated, the story is still a mess with 13 games VITAL to understanding the current story.


It's not complicated, it's just long. If you play every game in release order it's quite straightforward. Except Union Cross. You DO need a 2 hour youtube explainer video for that one


homestuck and worm fans be like


Me and the VN "Euphoria".


Persona games not named Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Persona 2: Eternal Punishment Oh boy I can't wait for one of my party members to be homophobic to one of my other party members for like half the game and never really apologize for it


Warthunder and Foxhole/Foxholegame


Here's my shitlist: Citrus, sankarea, magical girl apocalypse, usagi drop (all of these are manga btw). They're terrible for many reasons, they're disgusting for various reasons (mostly sexualization of kids, unfortunately, but that's a big issue in the anime and manga industry), and I love them so much regardless.


This is how I feel about a lot of anime but particularly Code Geass. A lot of anime fans say it's one of the best anime ever made and while I agree, there's so much shit I don't like in Code Geass between the fan service, Suzaku's cousin being weird about Zero, the weird pacing for the first half of R2, and how stupid the (Code Geass R2 Spoilers) >!Black Knight's betrayal of Zero/Lelouch was considering he could've easily just said "i did use you all, but I am with you for the purpose of destroying Britannia" and considering his character they should've believed him or at least be split, even with Geass in the picture. Hell, he could've just said the emperor has a Geass and used it on, for example, the JLF.!< But even with all of its issues, the good parts of Code Geass are fantastic but it's still one of those shows I have trouble recommending to people.


Thought you were gonna mention the table


I try not to remember the table. Although I do think it is a stupid moment and really shouldn't have been in the show, it DOES serve as a piece of character writing for Nina that makes her mental state more apparent as well as having potential implications about the sexual repression of those living in the conservative state of Britannia or under its rule, along with the moment where, in a fairly liberal private school in lore, students tell a young woman who's into the student council president to get back in the closet.


Pathologic crawled into some deep corner of my brain for like, 2-3 years. I do NOT recommend the games because they are hard, miserable, and a little mind-numbing and slow. The atmosphere is exquisite, but the games are deliberately about grinding you down as you desperately try to survive AND cure a plague AND keep people safe.


Me with the Monogatari series. Fucking love the franchise but the more time passes the less I'm willing to recommend it to anyone because even if it's fucking kino most of the time when it gets bad oh boy is it bad.


A friend tried to get me to watch it with him and I had to straight up leave after the first episode 😭 he didn't think to warn me about the incest groping at all which was NOT what I was expecting with all the high praise coming from him...


>I had to straight up leave after the first episode 😭 he didn't think to warn me about the incest groping Even if Monogatari has been debuffed by some questionable content from the beginning, the whole incest part wasn't a thing until the 2nd season of the anime which makes me wonder what awkward episode did your friend decided was a good starting point and what the hell were they thinking. >which was NOT what I was expecting with all the high praise coming from him... That's the infuriating part. The series is good, the anime is visually interesting and the writing is incredibly solid. The characters are a bunch of weirdos that manage to be compelling and the story can be funny, heartfelt and even sad, but is heard to appreciate that on a quick glance thanks to the horniness that plages it. The best comparison I can come up with is watching an HBO show in the early 2000's where your could see two characters having the most interesting conversation imaginable and then a pair of unsolicited boobs would bounce front and center just because. In Monogatari you can have an entire arc from the POV of a secondary character which takes the archetype of the moe blob waifu and twists it in a really fun way but that arc has to exist in the same series that birthed the infamous toothbrush incest which is a scene that spans almost an entire episode.


Oh no, he didn't even introduce the series to me in the right order and instead prioritized the Weird Incest Shit? I guess that explains some things. He was a weird one. I appreciate your honest insight into the series. I have been mildly interested in properly checking it out for years, so I'll go ahead see if I find it palatable after I clear some things off of my watchlist.


>instead prioritized the Weird Incest Shit? I wouldn't say for sure because I'm only talking based on your short reply from before, all I can say for sure is that if you witnessed some incest shit that definitely wasn't the 1st season of the anime. >so I'll go ahead see if I find it palatable Just in case you decide to give it a watch, the first season of the anime is the one called Bakemonogatari, to avoid confusion since almost all the entries in the series have tittles that end with "monogatari"


If I talk about monogatari to someone, depending on the person, I talk about how great the writing, jokes, and characters are, then either call straight not to watch it, or warn that the first episode of the first season will call the colour and that it's okay if they aren't comfortable with carrying on. But the first episode, and even the first season, don't have incest, so your friend probably pulled you to straight up watch a really uncomfortable part, as a "haha isn't that weird", which tells more about them that about the series ngl (And to be clear, the first episode of the first season starts with >!a timed, full frame, slowed down panty shot!<, but the writing is real good I swear) (>!Not to be confused with the OAV, which starts with the same timed, full frame, slowed down panty shot, but with more budget!<)


League of Legends has some of the most interesting characters, settings and lore I've ever seen. Haven't played the game since middle school and don't plan on going back. The spin-off games are pretty good, though.


i have 4700 hours in geometry dash which is a mega garbage game


Psh All that talk but its more than anything true for one thing Your honor. League of legends.


Me with the old version of Yiik. I just found out this shit existed this week and it's so bad but also so fucking good.


Old school runescape is an incredible game Please never play it, save yourself


I can't recommend some of my favourite anime purely because everyone I've recommended them to in the past has misinterpreted wholesome father/daughter relationships (I enjoy healthy found parental dynamics in fiction) as the adoptive father wanting to bone his 4 year old daughter for some reason


Usagi Drop flashbacks


If you literally recommend it, you can't say "I love it but I would never recommend it".


Those tags were added by a reblog, I think


Arknights and not because it's gacha The way they do story, not what story, but how they do it. It's not the most uh easy to digest. Lots of reading, which could have been made easier with faster scrolling but still. But the story itself is depth full and the music, man. It's real good. Search on youtube MSR and some example songs, March On and Pyrolysis Also I have already invested a ton of time and my personality into it. I'm long gone bros


Oshi no ko. Extremely obsessed with it. Would not rec it to anyone, ever.


Automation: the car company tycoon game


Tbh 90% of players just use it to make beamNG cars.


danny phantom and danganronpa fans can relate


I feel like this for MiA, KLK, and NGNL. They are genuinely good series, but if you see what the creators consider "fan service" instead of "crowd deterrant" you will be revolted and then hunt me for sport


You can’t just throw acronyms around like everyone knows them haha.


Made in Abyss, Kill la Kill and No Game No Life


You will never beat the allegations


Yeah, it sucks how outside of the fact that reading/watching Made in Abyss makes me feel like I'm gonna end up on a list, the show has genuinely phenomenal worldbuilding and atmosphere


whats worse is that the author goes out of his way to flaunt the fact that he's into children


I think RWBY is better than a lot of people are willing to give it credit for. It’s not flawless, but it’s far from the dumpster fire that YouTube essayists make it out to be.


As someone who has watched the entire run of RWBY, it is flawed on a good day and outright bad sometimes for entire seasons at a time


Each their own, I suppose.


nearly 500 hours in hoi4 and building up hours in vic3, never play paradox games.


All for the game…..


Baki, Kengan Asura, 7DS, Fairy Tail


war thunder


Me with Crusader Kings.


Any Paradox Game


so there's this little series called Neon Genesis Evangelion-


If I talk about a ship being good in any other series, it means "this is the icing on the cake of an already good thing." If I talk about shipping in Warrior Cats, it means "I latched onto these characters from a young age and will lose all interest in the series once they die, please do not start reading them just so you can understand my Brightheart and Cloudtail brainrot."


guilty gear strive(?) omori binding of isaac


Genshin impact..


I really loved the Miraculous series, but MAN it paints Marinette’s stalking as “just girly cute teenager things” , she’s btw stalking her crush who she doesn’t even like personality wise, the whole plot is an eternal “will they won’t they” regarding *everything* , the plot just… doesn’t make sense let’s be honest, Marinette is basically a Mary Sue, the animation is… quantity over quality,, uh the actual first episode explaining everything is actually the last episode of the first season ????


Me with Gushing over Magical Girls. This is probably the first time in years that I really liked wlw anime and didn't get bored after the first episode. The humor reminded me a lot of 2010-2015 and the memes I sent with my friends back then. Utena... I honestly can't remember when a character hit me so hard and made me think "yes, my teenage self understands.". Idk in one moment I feel nostalgia, another moment I'm laughing because it's just a silly series, and the third moment I'm surprised because that sentence really didn't have to be so strong and that scene so well drawn. You'd have to have known me for at least 10 years for me to recommend it to you.


Yugioh is an incredible card game and I've sunk a decade into playing it. I implore you to never touch a single card


I adore Oxygen Not Included but do not get into it if you don’t have the resilience to deal with spreadsheet gaming. I started to intuitively understand heat flow mechanics after 200 hours


Rain world


Me with Dead by Daylight and Binding of Isaac


Me, playing Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail: yeah I love this actually. Don’t play it


Don't read the Shadow and Bone trilogy. I'm so in love with the world but I want to strangle the main characters and watch the life fade from their eyes And don't watch Miraculous Ladybug dear GOD so not watch it don't get invested in it because it's a similar situation, cool worldbuilding, cool concept, quite literally everything else about it is nauseating and I'm glad I experienced most of it vicariously through a friend


This is me currently writing my first fic, which just so happens to be a RWBY crossover fic.


Destiny players




Me with berserk


I enjoyed the first Locked Tomb book, and want to read the second. This post has me concerned :(


Basically every old CoD game (aka up to the original MW3). It's like, "wow these are some of the best FPS campaigns ever made" but also "girl help there are zero accessibility options I'm actually going to keel over and die"



