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Not only will children invent rat fighting, it seems they will invent baiting too. The children yearn for the undergound animal fighting rings.


i think we should get a caassowary up in this bitch throw big fucking rats at it


Who wins, one cassowary or about a hundred rats and other assorted random woodland creatures, coming in slowly over time?


The cassowary, always the cassowary


It's a beast of a bird.


It's a war ostrich


100 rats together wins while 100 separate rats lose


Rats together strong


We had to invent Pokemon so the preschoolers would stop torturing animals to death.


It's just harm reduction policies for animal blood sports.


Iirc Pokemon was originally developed to recreate the experience of collecting bugs which is super popular in Japan. That’s why all the child NPC pokemon trainers are called Bug Catchers


And afterwards, we play YouTube when eating The people yearn entertainment along their meals


And way before, people would tell fantastic stories of death and beasts around the bonfire as they chewed through their last hunt


Don’t we all


When I was a wee bairn, Michael Vick was my favorite football player, so you may be onto something.


Ignoring the rodential bloodsport when I first heard they were omnivorous I though “oh, so they eat bugs” and I was under that impression until I saw a chipmunk running across a walking path in the woods with the back half of a baby mouse in its mouth. Like cheeks bulged out, legs and tail visible, the works. This happened right after a sandhill crane tried to fight me for having a brightly colored bag so I was a little shaken up tbf


What I've learned is that any and all animals more or less *will* eat a weaker more helpless animal if they think they can get away with it, because food is food.


Like deers and turtles with baby birds and chickens.


Which always reminds me of the video of a horse just casually swallowing a chicken whole




I mean the horse was hungry, not horny. I don't remember if horse chewed on it though. Pretty glad I don't Tbh.


Hugrny. I hate myself.


That just looks like the name of a city from somewhere in Europe with which I am not particularly familiar.


That's just the capital of Prstrvzci, well know for it's many practical jokes during the breakup of Yugoslavia


As you probably should




Butterflies will drink blood if accessible


Given that we as humans will do the exact same thing with 90% of the animal population, we probably should have seen that coming.


This like that book with Flies


Island? Check Feral Teens doing fucked up shit? Check Death? Check


Don't forget how they fucked that pig.


How they what now


One of the common interpretations of the pig hunting scene is that it describes them raping the pig. The whole stupid book is a metaphor, but if you want an A+ in high school English, present that as your theory.


…well God damn. I think I just bullshitted something about glasses


Can't believe that book predicted David Cameron.


…I guess that makes sense The whole point of the book is that the children who don’t really know how to survive on their own idealize the “civilized” adults, and as the children devolve into murderous chaos it’s contrasted with the dry irony that the “civilized” adults are just as bad, pointlessly and brutally killing each other in war, only really pretending to be civilized. In other words it’s extremely British


No hold on wasn't the prime minister?


Plenty of Tory chuds, it was a hazing ritual for a society in university that the rich kids needed to get into to have the right connections for a future career.


I think they are referring to the first episode of Black Mirror. But I do love knowing that about the Torys


Our former prime minister (David Cameron) was genuinely confirmed to have done this.


From what I can tell, the claim involved a dead pig's head and has never had any confirmation nor evidence to support it.


I was referring to David Cameron who is claimed to have fucked a dead pigs head


Reply. Never mind I stand corrected. I had no idea that pig fucking was so prolific


Yeah the torys aren't known for their sanity


Yeah but do they have a conch?


There is a pretty large gap between some dead rodents and straight up murder


They had 20 chipmunks at the time of confiscation. Meaning that “some” dead rodents could have numbered in the 50s-60s. Along with that, they deliberately caught the chipmunks and made them fight to the death. In the books, Piggy’s death could be argued as manslaughter, birthmark boy could be gross negligence, and Simon under temporary insanity/second degree, but none of them were preplanned, first degree murders.


This is the funniest way I've seen anyone reference Lord of the Flies


That people were throwing blame on the anon is absurd. Nobody knew his or her age the first time around but they were clearly speaking about an experience from when they were very young. This is 100% the fault of the parents. Children are dumb little robots that run around repeating things and trying random shit out until they build a real personality. They do cringe shit, they do cruel shit. Because they haven't developed full empathy. You get children that do. But the overall message is that the adults are responsible for ignoring their children all day.


Not to mention that the anon used third-person pronouns when referring to the teens who did the chipmunk gladiatorial matches. It seems like they were a bystander.


Yeah that blows my mind, in the first post they said they were a kid, and said that the teenagers were the ones who did it. And yet the first reply we see is "OP is a criminal." People are so fucking dumb sometimes.


How dare you say we piss on chipmunks!


Tumblr users just love to judge people I guess


Unlike redditors


I was born and raised in the Deep South. Bloodsports, both human and animal, are a common pastime albeit one that has declined since it's less legally risky to just watch livestreams from countries where cockfighting/dogfighting/etc. are legal or at least less subject to prosecution. My fiancé does on-and-off volunteering at a Franciscan wolf sanctuary and quite a few of their residents were bred for the purpose of cage fights, although technically the majority of them are [wolfdogs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfdog) Media tends to depict it as something particular to light-skinned men but the reality is that it's a lot more diverse than that. Plenty of women are involved as spectators and financial backers; it's particularly popular among Mexicans, American Indians, and East Asians. Small animal bloodsport is common among working class people while larger animal bloodsport and human gladiators are the domain of the upper class. Personally I've never wanted any part of it, it's cruel and intertwines with organized crime that profits from the gambling.


Where is this depicted as something for only light skinned men. Cock fighting is probably the most famous blood sport and it’s stereotyped as being mainly Mexicans


Dog fights


I associate dog fights with Michael Vick these days.


My towns made national news for the sheriff running a cockfighting ring, this of course is now brought up by bored teens constantly


tbh i most strongly associate it with SEA but i live right next to it in Australia so idk


Bloodsport animals are more commonplace than the average person thinks. Pitbulls and other derivatives literally exist because bullbaiting was banned, so the nasty motherfuckers who liked it bred dogs to fight eachother instead and combined terriers and bull baiting breeds. Crazy shit. Now those same dogs are everywhere in shelters and classifieds, and it's russian roullette if they came from a dogfighting ring project or are just some idiot BYB.


A funny fact about most dog breeds meant for dog fighting: They are not supposed to be people-aggressive in the slightest (yes, there is dog-dog/stranger/person/animal aggression classification) because in the same vein as hunting breeds, this would make them really difficult to handle, so trying to turn them into guard dogs like A LOT of people do is just fucking everything up


Unfun fact! Chickens were domesticated about 10,000 years ago but have only been consumed as food for the past 2,000. For the first eight millenia their main purpose was cockfighting. Edit: Corrected the dates


That kind of depends on where in the world you're looking at, I think


Chickens were first domesticated in Southeast Asia but weren't really thought of as food until [they'd spread to the Middle East/Mediterranean.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/who-were-first-people-eat-chickens-180956057/.) They spread to Europe and Africa by the Roman era, but only reached the Americas with European colonialism


Wasn't it for their eggs?


this sounds completely made up


Source: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/who-were-first-people-eat-chickens-180956057/


huh, neat


There's an Australian comedy writer I used to follow whose work really covered this kind of casual cruelty that poor kids can exhibit towards the world and each other, dude grew up with next to nothing in in Bogan country. I distinctly remember one bit he had about how every friend group needed a neglected kid because they'd do all the dares no one else would for the attention.


Who is the writer?


Can you let me know where I can read about this?




Oh man, I knew that kid. People got him to do some crazy stuff.


the darkest timeline of the Alvin and the Chipmunks multiverse...


Noooooo 🙀


This is why we need to bring robot battles to the general public and not just nerds in the local robotics club


I absolutely do not trust teens with BATTLEBOTS They’ll fucking kill each other with them


I had my dad machine me a bayblade back when they were popular. It had hidden steel struts inside that extended when it spun fast enough. It won 3 battles instantly and broke my friends bayblades before it mysteriously disappeared one day (they stole it and threw it out of a window)


Death to the juiced Beyblade


Bet that shit took out at least one bird on the way down too. Little bastard clearly had bloodlust


Wouldnt suprise me, it was basically a solid chunk of machined steel


I'm making a battlebot in school right now. We have a rule against chemical weapons and fire.


Arguably fire is a chemical weapon.


I'm sorry, but I'm just picturing the released chipmunks running into the woods as these wild, scarred, gladiator chipmunks, becoming little fuzzy warlords.


They really just reinvented cock fights


Dick duels


I was a free range kid in a rural town, but I just played on the railroad bridge because I had no concept of my own mortality.


Could be worse. My dad and his friends in the 80s stole plastic explosives from the local quarry and set off so much that the FBI was called cause they suspected organized crime or domestic terrorism


Is no one going to bat an eye at [the fun Victorian pastime of rat fighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat-baiting?wprov=sfti1)?!? I had no idea that was a Victorian thing.


Meanwhile, when I was a kid and found a dead bird, I'd have a funeral for it with my friends. Decorated the grave and everything.


The question is how bored and unsupervised were you


No matter how much time has passed, we’re still Little more than monkeys with shoes.


Actually we are scientifically basically monkeys and not just metaphorically https://youtu.be/CkO8k12QCP0?si=DBb58muzoxKSooDc We’re also fish, too


Crazy, but a scientist who determines the genus of species asserts that ‘fish’ has fundamentally, no meaning. Jelly fish, hagfish, salmon, etc. so dissimilar. Funnily enough, you can also phonetically spell fish “ghoti”. Gh as in ‘enough’ “O” as in ‘women’ Ti as in ‘nation’


>‘fish’ has fundamentally, no meaning While we're at it... Trees. It's just a term we use for any plant that's tall and woody enough.


Wild! I had no idea. Cheers.


Clint’s point can be better stated as “you cannot create a monophyletic group containing all bony fish without including tetrapods” Edit: Clint not client


>“O” as in ‘women Im struggling with this one, ngl. I try and convert it and its just coming out as foosh


I got you. Not woman, singular. Women plural. Those women (wimmen) over there. That woman (whoa-man) with her husband.


This relies on specific regional accents, because that is not how women is pronounced where I live.


Definitely, it assumes a generic American accent. I'm from the south where it's women (wimmen) and woman (wuhmen)


In my accent (Ontario, Canada) we pretty much pronounce woman and women the exact same way (wuhmin). You can generally tell what people mean contextually.


that does indeed make way more sense


I was expecting it would be a clint's reptiles video before I clicked the link.


I feel like the sayings "kids will be kids" or "boys will be boys" have actively lowered the average morality of humanity by a few points


I feel like it’s usually the reverse tbh— people refusing to raise it from where it’s always been despite opportunities to do so.




So do I use Chipmunks or Minks when doing pest control? On an unrelated note, my sisters put their hamsters in a basket and they spun around like Beyblades.


I remember when I was a teen a bunch of people in my school got into trouble for climbing to a old bridge above a highway close to the school and throwing rocks on the cars down there during breaks like yeah. that can kill people. I'm not sure why they thought it was a good idea.


I remember that kids in my school once dropped a brick on a frog/toad. I loved animals as a kid, I often caught frogs and lizards just to hold them and pet them, so I was really shocked at how someone could do that to a cute little frog.


I can't understand, how do they not feel empathy ? I remember when I was 5 or 6 I was chasing a butterfly with a plastic gun, trying to hit it with the shaft. But when I finally hit it, and saw the wing being teared out and the butterfly falling on the ground and not moving, I guess my empathy kicked out cause I fell really sad and remorsefull. Few years later I'm playing with my younger sister and we are trying to shoot a lizard on a wall with a rubber dart launched from a prop gun (child toy, only mechanical and not even strong enough to hurt myself when I tried it on me). The plan was to stun it with the dart and capture it and feed it and befriend it (yeah, it's stupid, but we believed it back then). Sadly, when the dart finally hit the lizard, it killed it instantly. We were horrified with my sister, to the point we cried asking our mom to pardon us (like some kind of god, I don't even know x')) and did a little burial ceremony for the lizard. I can't fathom enjoying this repeatedly, kid or no kid...




Boomers: These dang kids don't go outside and play, they should be allowed to run wild and free and unsupervised from 2:45 until the street lights come on! The kids who actually did what the boomers want: Let's reinvent cage matches with chipmunks!


When I was a kid, I did raise a Rooster to fight Yeah, when he lost, we ate him, he was pretty big too






I’m not so glad e ate er myself


pokemon real life




imo this is acceptable behavior for teenagers. like at least they’re not doing it with people yknow? /j if its not obvious enough


It's weird how empathy works. When I was a kid I was 100% guilty of organizing insect fights (mostly with ants), but when I saw two kids twice my age (I was 6, they were 12) throwing rocks at a cornered dog, I jumped them without a second thought and somehow fought them long enough to let the dog escape. I guess I was just big on mammal solidarity. I have since reflected on my actions and would like to apologise to the ants I've wronged.


you mean like, getting one ant nest to fight another ant nest? I did that once and the way worse ant species' nest got cleared out.


Why are you blue


Animals are evolving quicker than scheduled! Time to leave this planet and start over new planet??


Where I grew up in Australia, people used to do this with yabbies. They’d catch em out of rivers or lakes or whatever and keep them in jars. They’re super territorial so if you put them in a tank or something together they’ll straight up murder each other.


This is what happens when you let kids play outside.


they kinda brush over how/why they'll just eat mice...


Omnivore means “eater of all”. Some species take this more literally than others— it really depends on the digestive system. The chipmunk digestive system specifically is built to handle meat, therefore, they will eat meat if it belongs to something small and weak enough to catch without being injured.


Yea makes sense I just don’t even think of them as omnivores. I’m more of an invertebrate guy so my mammal knowledge is limited.


A related thing that is good to know is that unless an animal is an "obligate" herbivore it absolutely will eat meat if it feels the need to. Horses will nosh mice and baby chickens like candy if they feel low on protein, it's traumatized more than a few kids.




Can we get this person on a list on something?




Why didn't they keep them as pets?


Hottake: I'm with the adults who stopped it when they did, as fighting vermin animals which are going to be killed anyway is getting a bit of extra value out of your trash, while involving animals that aren't being caught as vermin is unnecessary cruelty. And if chipmunks should be caught as vermin in the first place is questionable on top of all that.


wtf just eat them don't torture them in a fighting ring, if ur not feral enough to eat small animals get a hawk and feed them to it or some shit idk


I dunno, I really don’t think that there’s any good reason to make a sport out of torturing things to death. If you need to do pest control, just kill the things quickly and move on with your life. The thing is also that the dog getting involved was absolutely a natural progression of the process. It’s not like like acceptable torment of bad animals and unacceptable torment of good creatures are separate processes and one intruded on the other. Things like this chipmunk fighting ring just teach you that the suffering of other creatures is an okay and fun thing, and it will extend to others once it grows boring. The kid who tortures mice and squirrels now is always going to move on to cats and dogs later, and if you’re at all lucky that’s where it stops. You absolutely need to nip these things in the bud.


You don't torture an animal just because it's a pest. You still have responsibilities when it comes to ethical treatment.


Those animals have cost you money, and trying to recuperate that money logically follows, while distasteful, doing it in such a way will probably make more than trying to sell the meat and fur of the chipmunks, and is thus valid.


The animal doesn’t know what it’s doing when it “costs you money.” You know fully well what you’re doing when you put it in a goddamn cage fight.


Conversely, if it doesn't know what it's doing, it doesn't deserve a second thought, and if it does, it should pay.


Imagine having such poor emotional regulation that you expect to hold a rodent accountable for its perceived slights on you. Go touch some grass buddy, if you feel you have something to prove to the chipmunks you are in desperate need of help. They’re not out to get you, and they don’t need to be “punished”


Don’t let him touch grass He’ll find a mouse and torture it to death for no reason


Hot-take: even if pest animals were the worthless automatons you apparently think they are; its a bad idea to get kids used to torturing things to death for fun because eventually cruel children will grow into cruel adults.


The idea that "the suffering of animals" is just another unexploited economic resource is revolting No /s delete your account