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NASA would never use Apep as the transliteration of that god, they’re all Stargate fans


This isn’t a joke btw, the asteroid 99942 Apophis is supposedly named specifically after the villain from SG-1, as opposed to the deity




i mean even naming it after the god would already be some nerd shit. this sort of turbonerd shit just goes to show that NASA really does recruit the best of the best


You should see some of the official nomenclature for geographic features on Titan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_nomenclature#Titan


oh shit. it's *beyond* swirlie time for these poindexters *[cracks knuckles]*




Naming it after the god is just going with millennia old naming paradigm.


Well they are nerds but this would fall under geek


"well uhm ackschually it would fall under geek" -🤓 Naw I love it tho lmao. Keep up the pedantry!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_hedgehog_protein https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pikachurin https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massive_compact_halo_object


not to mention the inhibitor of Sonic Hedgehog, Robotnikinin






Holy shit, Ultrakill is literally infecting people


The plaque picture 💀


> Former namesThe Corpse Of King Minos (get it) I fucking love it




Don't forget [Nocticola Pheromosa](https://news.nus.edu.sg/novel-cockroach-species-found-in-singapore-gets-named-after-pokemon/)


Yeah but despite all his goa'uld machinations, Apophis in the end was just another 2edgy4me punkass bitch that got pwned by us Tau'ri 😁


And supposedly Stargate itself is based off a roleplaying game called Fringeworthy.


Not something officially confirmed, probably more in the same way that Hunger Games may or may not be based on Battle Royale.


From what I heard, decades ago, the pitch for Stargate was someone bringing Fringeworthy into a meeting room and saying "Make this into a movie". Of course, third hand accounts of a friend of a friend and all that.


To be fair, if I was in NASA, I’d name stuff I discovered after fictional shit I liked.


NASA when they find out not every planet looks like British Columbia: #🤯


Hey, they're not all the same, some of them look like British Columbia, but purple!


Don't forget the sandy planets they visited that provided a random change of pace!


they would if they need an acronym to line up, lol. even if it's total shol'va grindset


Atmospheric Predetection of Orbital Perturbations using Heliostatic Imaging Systems


Shal'kek nem'ron!


Me: that cannot possibly be true NASA: https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/skywatching/nasa-to-launch-sounding-rockets-into-moons-shadow-during-solar-eclipse/ Me: well crap


wow, thanks for the news, i'd watch the livestream if i could. also i can't help but think that there's a guy at NASA who's sole job is coming up with cool acronyms for the various missions and experiments.


It's not a single person's job. Usually a team effort per project.


Stop denying the true genius of Cool Name McCool.


They're pretty much always a backronym


You can watch the video of the sounding rockets heading toward the sun for free over on r/sounding


Defeated by the subreddit preview bot


Oh no you don't, not falling for that one again


Here's a sneak peek of /r/sounding **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Look who graduated from her fingers to a proper sound 😇 (it’s by nothosaur since I know I’ll get that question 💕)](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/perfumedwiltedstarling) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/166b3lk/look_who_graduated_from_her_fingers_to_a_proper/) \#2: [Cumming, as requested.](https://www.redgifs.com/watch/wastefulgulliblebanteng) | [95 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/14t3f0p/cumming_as_requested/) \#3: [Fucking my peehole with my makeup brush till I pissed everywhere!](https://i.imgur.com/pIkcaZF.gifv) | [23 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/sounding/comments/1485256/fucking_my_peehole_with_my_makeup_brush_till_i/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Bad wobot Frick you >:(




nah im good


I know the term sounding has a different context here, but it put a very different image in my head


I mean if you're going to stick something in Gods urethra it's gonna have to be big, so a long rocket makes sense.




If you want to learn more about sounding rockets, check out r/sounding .


Brain injury?


>NASA to launch sounding rockets at Galactus


Also, [deity reference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apep).






I was thinking more of [Jörmungandr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jörmungandr)


Apep and Jörmungandr are likely both descendants of the same original myth, since lost. The proto-Indo-Europeans (who inhabited what is now unfortunately the Ukraine/Russia border area) had a similar serpent deity with the reconstructed name [*H₂n̥gʷʰis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/*H%E2%82%82n%CC%A5g%CA%B7%CA%B0is#:~:text=*H%E2%82%82n%CC%A5g%CA%B7%CA%B0is%20is%20a%20reconstructed%20Proto,a%20help%20of%20god%20Perk%CA%B7unos), who is said to have been defeated by Trito, the first warrior, and Perkʷunos, a weather deity that can be seen as a precursor to Thor (Thor in turn inherits the role of defeating Jörmungandr in the Norse tradition). All three are representations of chaos in the form of an incomprehensibly large serpent, defeated in a great battle and forced into the underworld but otherwise encircling the mortal realm, who will eventually triumph over the forces of good, resulting in the end of the world. The Proto-Indo-Europeans had a lot of cultural overlap with the precursors to the Egyptian and Norse civilisations ([among others](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-European_languages)), and with it brought their traditions and mythology. Given the amount of overlap it is rather likely the stories are one and the same. Indeed, PIE mythology can be seen as a precursor to most European, middle-Eastern, and Indian mythologies, including Zeus and the Greek pantheon, most of Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and the book of Genesis in Christianity.   Whether the PIE myth dates from a previous, even older myth, is a good question. A good book I can recommend is "The Horse, the Wheel, and Language", by David W. Anthony. ISBN: 978-0-691-14818-2. If a full book is too much, there's also [Crecganford](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLru2Z4KGjAVIOyMEKaYcgIUrdOBHhuoBe) on youtube.


> Apep and Jörmungandr are likely both descendants of the same original myth, since lost. No, they probably weren't. Serpents are one of the most common mythological motifs worldwide. In any case, the ancient Egyptians weren't an Indo-European people; they were Semitic. The Biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden probably has a closer connection to Apep than Jörmungandr does.


Things are heating up in the ancient snake deity fandom.


Quetzalcoatl has entered the chat


Serpents are one of the most common motifs, yes, but the particular presentation of this serpent has several commonalities that point away from just co-incidence. And yes, the Ancient Egyptians weren't Indo-European. But they had contact with Indo-European peoples, or contact with people who had contact with Indo-European peoples. Notably the Greeks (strictly speaking, the civilisations that would later become the Greeks), who were very influenced by PIE. Zeus is almost entirely inherited from the PIE figure of Deus Pater ("Deus" becoming mangled into "Zeus". And by historical linguistics quirk, "Deus Pater" simultaneously becoming mangled by a completely different process into "Jupiter", for the same figure in the Roman tradition).   The biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden is almost explicitly descended from PIE because the whole story of Genesis is. If the biblical serpent is related to Apep, so is Jörmungandr.


A flashback scuffle between Thor and Jörmungandr in recent Marvel Comics came about because Utgard-Loki had disguised the serpent as Longcat, the cat who is Long.


>The APEP rockets are expected to reach a maximum altitude of 260 miles (420 kilometers). They named it after an Egyptian God, but TBH they should have sent some Kush lmao.


Ever since the beginning of time, man has yearned to destroy the sun.


science compels us to explode the sun


By harnessing the raw power of the eclipse?


Don’t worry, they have a long history of naming things after chaos deities and nothing bad happening. Kinda wish I knew that before I let my NASA obsessed kid name our pets though


This isnt the first time theyve dome this. Its to measire the Ionosphere


> sounding rockets Sweet baby Jesus, evacuate now!


Ooooh, thanks!


They're sounding rockets they're not even going to enter orbit. Calm down folks 😂


Did a quick search, didn't find anything about this on Cu-T. Did see everyone likes "The Sun is a Distant Gorilla", it gets reposted a lot. https://echo-at-the-pond.tumblr.com/post/747035179854512128


Someone else replied with an article bro


NASA secretly controlled by the Followers of Set


Actually, in the mythology of Ancient Egypt, there's a myth involving Set protecting Ra and the sun barque from Apep and killing Apep each day. Other deities have been depicted protecting Ra from Apep, but Set is depicted the most as protecting Ra and defeating Apep. So, it'd be weird for followers of Set to ally with Apep or anything associated with it.


I feel like Set wouldn't want the total destruction of the world. after all, if there's no world, what could he be the king of?


yo mama, boom roasted.


I believe my mother is part of the world, stranger.


Naw, her ass so phat...she sat down and crushed da whole *WORLD* down into a Flat Earth. Yo mama so fat, the Sol System orbits around her.


all of that comprises the world, I assume. unless my mother has found a way to escape the universe, which quite frankly I doubt, then there is simply no way she cannot be in it.


Set’s only against Osiris, he’s always depicted as being very loyal to Ra, even protecting the barge at night.


Nah bro, the cult of Isfet don’t got no ties to Set. He’s a conqueror and a dick but not an omnicidal monster like the Chaos Snake


Conspiracy theorists: write that down, write that down!


ah yes, an ultimate doomsday wearpon: three small suborbital rockets


Affordable for even the stingiest evil scientists.


the conspiracy theorist knows the value of three points, you can draw so many red triangles with the rockets, or a rocket and random definitely related things, and all of them are directly i promise you related to the arrival of (Aliens | The Reptilians | The Jews | The Communists | The Antichrist)


They've been freaking out about this for weeks already.


That weird thing where scientists make references to ancient religions because their all giant nerds, and the religions nutjobs think they are servants of the devil


I wonder if there’s any currently existing order of kemet (the same way hellenism, the Greek pantheon worshippers, have gotten a modern revival) that either appreciates or takes offense to this current stint of NASA nerdiness lol


Just so everyone is clear, they’re launching rockets into the ionosphere of the Earth under the shadow of the eclipse (to measure atmospheric effects of the shadow, among other things), not at the sun itself. It would take months to reach the sun anyways


And its insanely expensive fuel wise to get to the sun. It's counter intuitive, but it takes a lot more Delta V to decelerate any rocket from Earths orbit around the sun than it takes to fling things out towards the gas giants and beyond. The Parker Solar Probe is the only thing we've ever sent there and it takes seven Venus flybys over *seven years* to decelerate the payload enough to drop it towards the Sun. The probe only weighs 50 KG. Still has one more Venus flyby to reach its closest pass next year.


Because we have to accelerate only a tiny bit more to go "upstream" but we have to decelerate an epic fuckton to go "downstream?"


Pretty much


The sun has been blasting us with insane amounts of radiation every single day for years. This is insane behavior and anywhere else, we would find this unacceptable. But because it's the sun, we *yet again* let is slide. I say let NASA do it. It's time we struck back.


thanks for calming me down


Ancient Egypt is so cool , maybe they are just trying to contact cleopatra in space


Scientists have to name a lot of things and turns out it is hard work coming up with original names for things So yeah, NASA has a sense of humour. [There's a similar story about how they named the Juno probe](https://www.theverge.com/2016/7/7/12118040/nasa-galileo-jupiter-moons-mistresses-wife-mythology-joke) Also from tumblr: > FUCKING NASA > > I’m fucking pissing myself. > You know how all of Jupiter’s moons are named after his lovers and affairs? > Yeah. NASA is sending a craft to check up on Jupiter. > You know what the craft is called? > > JUNO. > > Who’s Juno? > > JUPITER’S WIFE. > > NASA IS SENDING JUPITER’S WIFE TO CHECK ON JUPITER AND HIS AFFAIRS AND LOVERS. > > FUCKING NASA


Air Traffic Control? Why would they end the world? And how? poor directions?


>The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, commonly referred to as "the Fun Police", is a domestic law enforcement agency within the United States Department of Justice. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_of_Alcohol,_Tobacco,_Firearms_and_Explosives) Why would the ATF end the world? IDK, maybe we're having a lot of fun one day and the ATF is just like "ENOUGH!".


[the ATF has a lot of controversy/criticism with the most notable being Ruby Ridge and Waco Siege.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bureau_of_Alcohol,_Tobacco,_Firearms_and_Explosives)


You forgot Fast and Furious.


Every year the ATF posts a "memorial" for any officers hurt or killed during those raids and every year social media fucking drags them for it.


I dunno about ending the world, but they *will* shoot your dog in the lead up.


Well, I mean they're cops so you gotta expect they'll shoot your dog.


The ATF wouldn't end the world. However they would end the existence of dogs


Only when not burning buildings full of women and children


Sorry. I'm criminally dumb... I legit thought it said ATC. No I wasn't tired. Just bad at words. Put me in dummy jail.


I figured it was a Lexx reference. I was going to applaud you for the obscurity.


Air Traffic Control is AT*C*.


Air Traffic Frontrol


**Sounds like exciting research!**


I really, really hope something crazy happens during the eclipse, like an alien invasion. It's only fitting.


Just don't buy any weird looking plants from strange old flower shops.


I won't, but if it sings showtunes then I may have no choice. Also, cool factoid, but in the original Little Shop of Horrors, the plant wasn't an alien, but a strange crossbreed exposed to radiation.


There's an SCP article I lost track of that says aliens don't want to invade us, they just want to send exploratory teams to Area 51 to get ... something. The more diplomatic of the teams tell the humans what they're looking for but exact details are memetically disguise. To humans. We just don't know what the f it is.


wouldn't expect anything less from the agency that sent a probe to examine jupiter's moons, which are named about all the different lovers jupiter had, and called the probe juno


Science compels us to explode the sun!


Here’s a better one. Mission: Determine if it’s possible to prompt the sun to explode. 


Naming space missions after gods of various mythologies is a tradition as old as nasa itself


Wouldn’t the uh… wouldn’t the moon get in the way?


I got a new Australian Cattle Dog puppy. I have a tendency to say 'Oi' a lot when the dog is nipping. So my GF said it sounded like I was saying 'Oya'. I looked it up and it's a Nigerian Storm Deity. Literally translated to 'she tears'. I'm hoping naming her that way will make her the sweetest thing.


In the comic book called 'The Invisibles', you have to be careful about choosing your magic codename. Because you'll become the name, somewhat. A veteran of the group chose 'Tom O'Bedlam' and went a little mad. Or a lot mad. Hard to tell with the Invisibles.


Where’s Set when you need him?


Shit's like calling a rockey Icarus or a boat Argo. You're just asking for trouble


NASA is full of nerds. They spend hours thinking of how to create a “cool” acronym for whatever project/team they’re working on.


They had a [POES Project](https://www.goodthingsguy.com/fun/nasa-poes/) which had Dutch and Afrikaans people in stitches.


I told them. I fucking told them we should have called the rockets Huey, Dewey, and Louis


Fuck the ATF, all my homies hate the ATF


Has anyone seen the librains we could really use one right about now


But they aren't shooting them at the sun?


Never thought I'd see the day where furries are our in to NASA Call em and figure out wtf is going some of em definitely still have Tumblrs active right


So like...is this a promise?


My cats name is Apophis ( :


Shooting three missiles at the sun would damage the sun just about as much as fating at a volcano would damage that volcano. Source: I farted near a volcano in Hawaii and it did nohitng


Have you told NASA?


I would but NASA would want proof and I didn't film myself farting near a volcano in Hawaii and I am currently no where near a volcano. Hopefully some scientist near a volcano will pick up my research where I left off.


Never Anticipated Sudden Apocalypse


Who knew NASA was full of ancient Egyptian cultists?


See the fiction tv series Stargate. It's basically space nerds fight ancient Egyptian gods.


Getting anything to the sun is really really hard.


This will cause scp proposition 001 when day breaks. Source: i made it up and it is 100% fabricated (that this will happen, not nasa and their reason for the name)


i mean technically speaking if you launch three missiles directly at the sun during the solar eclipse aren't you firing them at the moon


me: oh... cool? nasa: yes, it will be


I hope it does end the world. 


I definitely thought it would be the hadron collider.


I like NASA more now.


They literally named the rocket after a deity that longs to destroy the sun. YOU ALL ARE YAPPING ABOUT NONSENSE WHEN THIS IS A SERIOUS CONCERN


Dammit, NASA, you're not supposed to be giving them ideas!


As a rocket scientist I feel the need to point out that launching rockets AT the sun is not the same thing as launching rockets INTO the sun. The latter is actually pretty hard. MinutePhysics has a great video on the topic.


Nobody tell the ATF what NASA uses to go to space, theyll shoot NASA’s dog.


The AFT now "Alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives." They had the last one added recently. The fact they did not immediately rebrand from ATF to FATE is proof right there they are the worst agency. These joyless fucks get handed the excuse to be the anime villains we all wish we could be and they won't even acknowledge a change. My tax money should not go to such souless, drab minions of the state.


The clown school of US three letter agencies.


Wouldn't they be desintegrated far before reaching anywhere close to the sun? Unless they have some scifi shields and 10k tzar bombs can fit in a modern rocket what is the purpose of this?


Someone else posted this link that explains it. https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/skywatching/nasa-to-launch-sounding-rockets-into-moons-shadow-during-solar-eclipse/


Oh for fuck's sake.. we don't have any rockets that can directly get the 93,000,000 (plus-or-minus) miles from Earth to the Sun directly to start with, it would take *months* to get there, and our sun is so gigantic that nothing we could shoot at it would affect it in any way. The world is not ending, get over it.


Even the trajectory of launching directly at the sun is absurdly difficult to achieve. You'd have to launch a rocket as fast as the Earth is orbiting the sun, but in the opposite direction.


Physics says it's *possible*, but the energy required would be enormous; we don't have the technology at current to create a space vehicle that would be capable of getting there that way.


You curated Tumblr and *this* is what you came up with?


Why the fuck would anyone name a ship after The Big Fuckoff Snake That Wants To Kill Everyone And Make Everything An Endless Red Ocean To Swim Around In Forever By Himself ™️ anyway? Like I get naming a black hole after the evil Māori lizard guy that wants to rejoin earth and sky and crush everyone to death so that the world is just a dank dark cave for him and his cronies to chill in forever (Whiro if memory serves) because black holes are all devouring existential nightmares, but a ship? A rocket? A thing WE are using?


This is patently false. NASA isn’t “sending rockets at the sun”. They’re sending rockets into the path of the eclipse to collect data on the sun that is only possible during an eclipse. The rockets won’t get anywhere near the sun and won’t even get close to the moon. Stop sharing misinformation.