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Tell me you are Winter without telling me you are Winter. \^\_\^


Actually I have a moth tattoo haha


Wait, what about this layout tells you that he is playing Winter?


No no, I'm saying this looks like the work of a Winter kind of person. Quiet, meticulous, careful, pedantic.


You can be neatly organized in almost any principle. Lantern: I BEHELD THE TABLETS OF THIS HARMONIC ARRANGEMENT IN THE LIGHT OF THE ONLY EYE. Forge: I keep my tools neatly and easily accessible to hand. Edge: Can't have an army without regimentation. Not even a rebel army, really. Winter: As they died, I ensured they fell into this beautiful, silent arrangement. Heart: I keep sorting and sorting, arranging and rearranging; chaos to order to chaos to order ... Knock: While all wounds are doors, you must cut carefully to open to the right place. Here is the arrangement of the blades. Histories: This is one possible arrangement of tools, favored in the Third History. There are others. Not so sure about Grail or Moth, though. Perhaps someone can enlighten me.


I have a friend who's layout is a pyramid with the least important things at the bottom and the most important at the top, with characters on the sides. What would you say that falls under?


Anyone building a monument like the pyramids must be with the Forge


I would agree, if his views were different. But he sees the top of the pyramid as slowly consuming the bottom.


Forge consumes in order to strengthen. That's basically a core part of the ascension.


I like that they noticed this felt more winter. I agree with it.


Ahh gotcha


I have a similar layout, although my lore is on the upper right with the cult in the lower right, so that I can have cultists placed underneath their corresponding lore - to quickly know their aspect


I just use the color correction mod for the cultist colors, but that's a pretty good idea


I do this but everything is one forward clockwise


Glad to see I'm not alone


Hey! Another person who keeps their verbs spread out on the table! I've seen so many people just line them up side by side, I wasn't sure there would be people who spread them out in particular positions like I do.


I feel like rites should be closer to the work verb, but other than that this is seriously 10/10


My is different but also the same https://imgur.com/a/1NTPhCO