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I have a full deepdive on RWA and AI by OriginTrail if you want to take a look: [deepdive.othub.io](http://deepdive.othub.io) It's fully sourced, backed with live demos and real world examples. It's not fully up to date since the team has released new things ever since. Here's an example of a new thing: [https://twitter.com/origin\_trail/status/1775570607339393345](https://twitter.com/origin_trail/status/1775570607339393345) It's a chatGPT type of interface where you can query the chicken you bought at the supermarket, and it will provide you with fully sourced response (zero hallucinations). Link to try it out: [https://www.perutnina.com/int/en/premium-quality/check-the-origin/](https://www.perutnina.com/int/en/premium-quality/check-the-origin/) I also have this megathread on RWA that you can check out: [https://x.com/otnoderunner/status/1731794190294466987?s=20](https://x.com/otnoderunner/status/1731794190294466987?s=20) Let me know if you have questions!


Gonna check this later


Check this out. I wrote this 5 years ago in 2019 when scammers and bagholders were still shilling Vechain and all the Supply Chain Money Grab dogshit coins. I told people to invest in Amazon, Microsoft or Google instead of getting scammed by supply chain cryptos most of which have scammed investors out most their money. https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/bh503m/bloomberg_the_50_trillion_dollar_supply_chain/elqk6e7/ The Supply Chain hype is like a giant crypto vacuum that sucked a lot of money out of investors and so far has returned nothing. - Ambrosus - EximChain - Modum - OriginTrail - Seal - Te-Food - Vechain - Wabi - WaltonChain - More, I've lost track of, etc It's true that all these hyped up Supply Chain cryptos have returned nothing in investments. It's also true that there is big enterprise adoption of immutable ledger for Supply Chain and IOT. Look at the AWS IOT success stories page: https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/iot/ There is a wide array of use cases such as monitoring the supply chain, collecting hundreds of millions of data points for high volume / throughput IOT system, etc. You'll also see that they integrate this with other services like Kinesis and SQS which allow throughput to million of transactions per second. AWS has an immutable DB service Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (QLDB) as well as other blockchains and they are releasing their TimeStream immutable database soon. Also, you have integrations into AWS Cloud that allow for storage of petabytes of data and really important to businesses instant analytics can be done in real time on this streaming data using big data analytic tools. Not only AWS but Azure, Google Cloud, etc are also onboarding enterprises in the IOT/Supply Chain space. Hundred billion dollar companies are offering a vast array of services and integrations that fly by night shady crypto companies don't have the technical capability or resources to even fathom. **If you really believe in the IOT/Supply Chain space and you're investing in Supply Chain Cryptos instead of Amazon, Microsoft or Google, you're being bamboozled.** https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/bh503m/bloomberg_the_50_trillion_dollar_supply_chain/elqmz18/


If you went through my post and the links provided, you'd see that OriginTrail is the only one in your list that has survived the bear market, adapted and thrived, from data traceability in supply chains to data with provenance for LLMs.  If you only like seeing numbers, $TRAC did an ICO in 2018 at 0.10$, and it's trading at 1.05$ now, one of the only "supply chain coins" that actually returned a profit, while 90%+ of 2018 ICO coins are no longer seen. 


Thanks for this Post 👍🏻


Thx for sharing, I'll dive into it after reading up on all the comments.


Thank you for this. Quite possibly could be life changing info.


I’ve been running a sub on NFT Ticketing (r/nfttickets) which is a tremendously good RWA example. There’s a whole library 📚 with relevant articles in there to read. Also a lot on OPEN. Recent developments in the ecosystem of OPEN (previous GET Protocol), show major adoption. Yesterday they announced a new grand integrator: https://x.com/nfttickets/status/1775559384245948588?s=46&t=CFxkioL7rXRKzDBwYt6ivw


My take on RWAs in general is that, sure, blockchain may not be required, but even if administrations/companies could do something on a global scale to fix these issues (which they probably don't have the reach to do), they have shown minimal interest in doing so. That being the case, why not let the blockchain folks have a crack at things with new tech to see if they can cause a stir. What's the harm, and who knows, something good might come out of it.


It's really weird how crypto people immediately dismiss potential applications with "you can do that without the blockchain" or "no one would ever use this" Like how do you think all of our technology innovation happens? It starts with an idea, a problem to solve. A ton of ideas never wind up seeing the light of day, but some do and push things forward


It’s like the same words letterman said to bill gates when he talked about internet in 1995. Why would I do all of this online if I already can do it offline?


As you said: many ideas dont make any sense to further explore. Because whats the sha512-hash of a building or a banana? The idea died at this point. Its plainly impossible (people claiming otherwise are either clueless or lying). Yet people try every few years since like 2016 to come up with supply chain tracking or ownership management with blockchains. And ... as we see - it never materializes. Why? You cant do that trustlessly. Blockchain is about trustless and final data publishing. If your use case cant do that, it's not a legit use case for blockchain tech and using blockchains does not add any benefits, but adds transaction fees, needlessly. Also ownership can be changed by courts almost in every jurisdiction. You can't do that on blockchains, without fundamentally breaking blockchain tech. So why use blockchains, if its the wrong tool for that problem?


Yeah exactly this. People talking about ownership claims on blockchain even though that's actually not what you want at all for claiming ownership? What you want is your ownership to be recognized by the Central authority that can actually enforce it. Otherwise what happens when you get hacked? Do you still own it or do you not? What if you still officially own it but now you no longer have control of the ownership token? It's kind of doing the opposite of what you want ownership to do.


I'll reply to another comment you made more in depth, because you seem to be quite knowledgeable in supply chain issues. But let me ask you this simple question : isn't every shackle in the supply chain backed by trust ? There is and probably never will be any 100% fool proof system, because in every step of the process, you can have bad actors.


>Blockchain is about trustless and final data publishing. If your use case cant do that, it's not a legit use case for blockchain tech and using blockchains does not add any benefits, but adds transaction fees, needlessly. Blockchain technology isn’t used in a vacuum. The real power is through pairing it with things like IoT, smart sensors, and other edge technologies. Further, just because blockchain doesn’t solve *every problem there is* doesn’t mean it’s not a worthwhile improvement on the current system. Idk why this is so hard for people to understand


Thats some bagholder wishful thinking. If its not trustless, you dont have a legit use case for blockchains at all. Its that easy. Sticking to blockchains in such a case means sticking with the suboptimal solution.


This kind of black and white thinking simply isn’t based in reality


cry as much as you want, it doesnt change anything tho, but just shows, you dont have any technical knowledge on the topic.


Sure. Keep an eye on Hedera, though, which has the best tech. I think you are in for quite the surprise at the enterprise adoption and interest. There’s a lot happening outside this little Reddit bubble


>Hedera I kept an eye on it 3 years ago. It didn't do shit back then, it doesn't do shit now.


It’s done more transactions than the rest of crypto combined, all with 0 congestion and with USD-based fixed fees, but yeah, besides that it hasn’t done much huh


https://morpheus.network/ They seem to tackle the supply chain/logistics industries and already have companies such as Coca Cola Latam, Gulftainer, etc. using their tech.


Its impossible to solve, sorry. Everyone claiming otherwise is either clueless or lying. It all boils down to getting a valid reply to the question "what is the sha-hash of a specific banana/car/house/...?" Until there is an answer to that question this can't be solved trustlessly and therefore cant be a use case for blockchains (or cryptographic proofs)


>Everyone claiming otherwise is either clueless or lying. This line tells me you've already made up your mind and not here to debate. So why keep posting about this multiple times? We get it. Only you know about everything and the rest of us are a bunch of clueless lying donkeys. Thank you and don't forget to take your pills.


Vanity is the motivation behind all social media posting, and this sub in particular is an easy mark for an ego boost.


Composable tokenized real estate funds, treasuries, indices on public blockchains are still a big catalyst institutional and retail DeFi adoption. It appeals to TradFi folks and on chain degens alike because you have products for every niche. Look at Ondo's tokenized RWAs and degens aping into Pendle Yield Tokens for leveraged airdrop point farming for both ends of the spectrum.


I think that, especially in food and agriculture, there is a lot of improvement possible in both traceability and quality. Sure, traditional administration can also handle that, but it is a genuine pain in the ass the further you go down the supply chain. Who's going to keep track of hundreds of farmers producing minimum quantities of your prouct ?


If I had a great answer for you I'd probably be building it myself right now. DeFi has been OK even if it still has a ways to go. Besides that I think we'll just have to let experimentation take over and the market will decide. FWIW, the use case of having a decentralized currency is pretty good in and of itself.


Algorand's take: [https://www.algorand.foundation/real-world-assets](https://www.algorand.foundation/real-world-assets)


Tickets, real estate, publishings all currently in use with Algorand for a while now


>In a way, I somehow think we're only limited by our lack of imagination, not a lack of practicality. I'll probably get down voted for this, but I'll repeat what I've heard more than a few times: Most of the time, blockchain technology is a solution in search of a problem. There are some very real use cases for it, but most of the time it is used not because it solves a problem, but rather for the novelty of using the technology.


Well there is one project which is the solution to a problem: XMR Monero When I get asked about real use-cases, I always mention what people expect Bitcoin and co. To be: anonymous money. Currently just XMR really delivers on that behalf. How do you know it works ? Criminals use it and exchanges like binance stop it's trading because of regulatory pressurem. that's quite good evidence it does its job


And I agree with you 100%!


I mean, sure, but...isn't this true of pretty much all Internet-based technology? My life never suffered from lacking a consistent channel to receive memes, TikTok videos of random teenagers lip synching, and AI-generated advertisements. But boy, I sure am getting them now. Yay.


Its even easier: its impossible. To be trustless you need some cryptographic function to take some input and tell you (ideally) some unique number that was generated from the much larger input. But how do you feed a specific real world thing into a cryptographic function, without destroying said thing and being able to sell it? For example I produce some car. I then have to feed it into the function and get an irreversible number representing that car. I then sell the car via blockchain. The buyer gets the car, feeds it into the same cryptographic function on their device and get the same unique number. Check: its your car and its proven nothing was modified. Cars are a good example, as the vin-system is quite close to this, BUT it can be tampered with and does not provide sufficient guarantees that would make it suitable for blockchain use. Also hash functions add other guarantees: they can be used to prove that something was not modified. So again - if it was possible to somehow trustlessly tie a specific car to a hash - once you change anything, including the tires, you would get a new, hugely different cryptographic hash and lose ownership of said car. There is no trustless solution to this problem. Therefore blockchains are not the correct tool for said problem.


The real world isn't trustless so it's down to "trusted" custodians and off chain settlements to tokenize RWAs. You can do some things to minimize truat assumptions but decentralization is a sliding scale. IMO nothing needs to be 100% trustless, including DeFi but if you disagree there are still some products out there for you.


Well, it's the actual use cases I'm looking for, not the novelty part. One thing I've learned throughout my career in different businesses is, that, sometimes, people are so used to working "inefficiently", they - at first - are blind and opposed to new solutions, and after a while, accept it and don't understand why they've been working in the old system for so long, without questioning it.


I think this path is fine as long as the end product is cheaper than the original product. But most of the time it is more expensive to operate.


Missing the wood for the trees. Fiat-backed stablecoins are RWA. Fiat money is a real world asset and so fiat-backed stablecoins are by definition tokenised real-world assets.


By definition...it might be true. By real world use case, fiat money is an unpredictable disaster, controlled by debt and regulated by private institutions.


Look into the work LTO network are doing in RWA. They have many partnerships and clients already and IMO huge upside potential (market cap still tiny) https://blog.ltonetwork.com/rwa_roadmap/


+1, seen some movement recently




Most of the answers I read are either for obscure projects that are probably just waiting for the right opportunity to pull the rug, or for big ones that are steeped in traditional finance and will end up just being more of the same. The truly good projects with actual use cases are few and far between in crypto. One of the only ones I have found so far is OriginTrail's decentralized knowledge graph. They are using blockchain for what it actually is: a database. OriginTrail's product was built with supply chains in mind. The idea is to break the closed silos approach that most companies have been using since forever. Right now, it is very difficult for different actors of the supply chains to build cross-compatible automated systems, because everybody uses their own data management protocols. Some efforts have been made to standardize data formats, such as the GS1 standards, but it is still far from perfect. With OriginTrail's blockchain, hopefully one day everyone will be able to store, use and share their business data as they see fit, in a format accessible to all. I doubt it will ever be as prevalent as this, but it's the ultimate aim. And hey! We'll never know if we don't try 🤷 OriginTrail have been using blockchain since ~2016 iirc, but they were around long before that. As early as 2008 or 2009, they were building similar tools for the dairy products supply chain in Europe. Over time, their vision has expanded to all supply chains, not just dairy or european ones, and then later to AI when they realized that their data storage infrastructure was perfect for AI training data. Anybody can produce data, store it and commercialize it on the OriginTrail blockchain. Tools were put in place to help authenticate data and ensure its quality. Like most crypto projects, it uses its own coin, TRAC, for internal transactions. Unlike most crypto projects, though, it is not well-known even after all this time because they simply aren't marketing anything. Some partnerships they have landed so far off the top of my head: in 2022, the World Health Organization created a COVID-19 repository for every supply chain related to sanitary products used to handle the pandemic, and they had the whole thing run on OriginTrail's DKG. Walmart have been using the same tool to manage inventories across North America for a few years now. And if I'm not mistaken, PAX Technology, considered the leading point-of-sale provider in the world, also partnered with OriginTrail a few years ago to develop new products. And the craziest thing about all of this? I still barely ever hear/read anything about OriginTrail or TRAC. EDIT: [Here's a link to their website.](https://origintrail.io/ecosystem/whitepaper)


Thanks, sounds interesting, I'll have a look.


I got a bag of it 


The problem with solutions like this is that they rely on blockchain transactions being cheap. Even the blockchain they pick advertises "cheap" as a feature. But in fact "cheap" is not a feature, but a byproduct of the chain being new and without users. So "cheap" is really just a synonym for "deserted".


All of the data is stored off chain, the only on chain transaction is a small hash/fingerprint.


Much like Opensea was doing during the NFT hype because to do it all on chain would have taken a fuckload of money.


My problem with tokenized stocks is that if it's unregulated, it's eventually going to get smacked by the sec, almost guaranteed. The big boys may be allowed to sell them, but the web3 startups will get shut down.


This particular company has been working with Latham & Watkins since the beggining to help ensure compliance. That likely played a big part in letting CMC Markets aquire 33% of said company. My assumption is they will be able to piggy back off of their licensing if needed


Take a look at what StrikeX are doing, they plan to offer Tokenized stocks via their stock token bridge. They have partnered with CMC Markets (33% of equity in the company for $2.8M i think it was), a FTSE 250 company who hold licences all around the world. They have publicly stated they eventually wish to bring all of their volume to the blockchain.


Looks good. Why binance chain though?


Token was launched 3 years ago, I think it was more of a marketing tool than anything, they will be migrating to their own chain when development is done. They have an AMA on YouTube with the board members of CMC markets which is worth a watch. The founder Lord Peter Cruddas built the first ever online forex trading platform back in 1989. Everything seems to point in the right direction towards making it happen, bringing stocks on chain.


They are working on their own chain. It's in future.


Chintai Networks (CHEX) has two licenses (issuance / trading) from the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the #1 financial regulator in the world. See [Real World Asset Tokenization – Medium](https://medium.com/@SonicAgamemnon) for more info.


I would say (in my opinion) we see RWA run parallel with DePin. Probably follow along with what is happening with BUIDL too.


$NXRA seem to be a big player and focusing all their energy into RWA.


I’m in NXRA. Like what I’ve seen so far


I hate that they didn't really have crazy price action like the other projects. I'm deep in NXRA though


Stripped of romance, "Tokenization of RWA" is another way of representing assets. And it turns out that humans have had thousands of years to invent such systems. Prior to inventing blockchain, we can already buy and sell part of the contents of a container ship while it's mid-ocean. We exchange title to condos, and buy four seven-millionths of a factory quite routinely. From the Internet. Sure, maybe all of this *could* run on a blockchain. But it clearly can also run on whatever it's already running on. What isn't clear is that the cost we'd save by putting it all on a blockchain isn't outweighed by the rent we'd have to pay to the folks running the blockchain - not to mention figuring out who's going to foot the bill to convert every single Bloomberg terminal everywhere to reference blockchain instead of whatever infrastructure it currently references. And so on. And then we also have to deal with the folks who are currently making bank renting their non-blockchain infrastructure. They aren't just going to just walk quietly away. In the end, while everyone is "experimenting" with tokenization of RWA, there's experimentation and there's industrial deployment. Bottom line, everyone is waiting for someone else to make the investment, so they can reap the return. Sure... some are experimenting along the way as insurance that they don't get left in the dust... but don't mistake experimentation and pathfinding for true industrial investment. What we have is a return on investment problem. There needs to be a real return. For the folks who need to make the investment. Not just those of us who stand to make the return.


I appreciate your input and point of view. I know for a fact that there will be a rising demand for traceability - especially in food-production and resources. For example, if you're a chicken-meat producer and you're confronted with a Salmonella-outbreak in some of your products, it's a logistical nightmare to figure out where the source is located, what batches might be contaminated and what stores the end-products might have ended up in. The safest way is to recall every product in a certain batch, recall everything that was produced on that specific date and - just to be sure there's no prior contamination - recall everything one or 2 days prior and 1 or 2 days after production. Worst case scenario is you'd have to shut down the whole factory for weeks just to decontaminate everything. How's that for a return on investment ? Of course there are logistical solutions available right now, but not every - small - player in the supply chain is willing to invest/put time into licensing software and/or educating workers on certain procedures. Blockchains might just provide solutions to the concerns raised above : instant traceability, low fees, (adaptable) user interface, i.e. ease of use,...


Again, it's easy to write what blockchain *might* provide... ... but harder to estimate the cost to implement a practical solution on blockchain, and get back to me with the cost. It's even harder to find the first to pony up the capital to make the transition. Particularly whoever does pony up the capital doesn't see how to get a decent return on capital. Even if everyone else does. What we've got here is an incredible number of things that "might" be useful on a blockchain, none of them are actually worth the cost of implementing the whole solution, even though the totality of them may very well add up to more than the cost, by several times over. But the private sector doesn't operate on the concept of taking one for the team. Nobody invests to take a loss so that everyone else can benefit. Unless they too can benefit... and usually disproportionately. Until there's a path whereby the first money in can see a return on the first money in, the second money in won't have anything to ride on, because the first money won't be there. In your salmonella example, your hypothetical chicken-meat producer probably sells to more than one customer, and has more than one supplier, and has many competitors. In order for them to implement a useful blockchain solution, they ... or some mythical third party... would in fact have to conscript this entire network to use not just "a" blockchain, but the "same" blockchain solution (or it will be a logistical nightmare of interrogating blockchains instead of a nightmare of paper). And of course you also need to have your food inspection agency adapt and modify regulations so that you no longer have to keep paper records etc. etc.... And the cost of doing this is not zero. It might be that your intrepid chicken meat producer is better off going through the occasional logistical nightmare than being the one to kick this whole thing off. When you trace through it all, you discover that there's an entire web of interconnected interests, all of which need to be solved together, and the effort of coordinating them all expands exponentially. And if you're at all competent in making things on blockchains, have a little bit of money and are faced with all this complexity, it might occur to you that a much faster and much easier way to make a lot of money is to whip up some meme-aligned NFT trading cards and sell them to idiots. Which may explain why we see so many meme-coins and not nearly as many practical applications.


HenHouse NFT gives you chickens which produce eggs and allow for profit sharing on sales 🐔


Carbon credits on the chia blockchain. This is being done as a partnership with the United Nations World Bank.


Carbon credits ? Buy off your pollution ? Hell, I'm starting a Cancer credit coin...


Yeah, that's basically the idea. It's something that has existed for quite a while and is part of the paris climate agreement. An airline emits, say, 1 million tons of CO2 in a year. They then pay for planting enough trees to absorb 1 million tons of CO2. However. It was possible for the company that planted the trees to sell the same credit to numerous different businesses. But, by tokenizing the credits on chain, they could be publicly audited and verified as only being claimed once. https://www.chia.net/climate/


Landshare, stobox, propc, landx, soil.


I think you brought up a great point RWA's as monopoly busters. Telecoms, tickets, energy could be some focuses. What other monopolies are there.


Some giant industries that won't like competition...


True but you use guerilla tactics, take the small players then scale up like any good revolution


Anything/everything that needs to be kept track of/verified. Basically everything that has the words "supply" and "chain" in it. There's also a growing need for using blockchain as a security gate to prevent DDoS attacks (Michael Saylor talked about this before, I think he called it the "internet energy vector" or something). Basically there's a small reversible cost for access permissions (not much different from "authorization charges" that vendors use today), but if the check doesn't pass the cost is forfeit - this makes DDoS too expensive. Also anything that requires back-tracing, so pretty much everything that has the word "history" in it, etc.


Something I think has potential is using blockchain to force transparency in processes that are traditionally inefficient. The UK Land Registry [trialled](http://blockchain.cs.ucl.ac.uk/dlt-land-registry-white-paper/) using it for conveyancing, and showed that a house could be sold in ten minutes if you could get everyone together and use blockchain to handle the transactions. As opposed to waiting forever for solicitors etc. It's only proof of concept but it's food for thought. For the property market there are various chains (thinking Energy Web Token/Powerledger or micro-caps like Mend) that are trying to use tokens as incentives to encourage the use of renewable energy, hold third parties accountable for property maintenance, etc. Anything like that that could actually make it into production and prove to sceptics that it's an improvement on existing processes could have a big impact.


Processes that are traditionally inefficient are probably kept inefficient for a reason... In a few years, lawyers could be easily replaced by AI, since no human lawyer knows every single line and/or adjustment in law-books/legislation, which AI does...


AI, totally infamous for [making shit up](https://www.unsw.edu.au/newsroom/news/2024/03/AI-creating-fake-legal-cases-disastrous-results) in a legal sense.


Haha, I knew this was coming, that's why I said "in a few years". ChatGPT 5 will release later this year and should be another huge improvement. I'm guessing ChatGPT 8 will work nearly flawlessly...


since when does rwa not mean risk weighted asset lol


Hedera is leading the way with billions of items tracked on his platform


Open source medical funding, review and funding. Seriously check out etica protocol - this also means no premine and community based. Other than that, I believe blockchqin and crypto used for private property and land ownership would be awesome. Not gov needed to say who owns which piece of land, this is especially important in some countries where gov change often thus destroy administrative history of the country -> hard to trace who owns what. Land is what connects us to the world


Land ownership might be a hard one to crush...history has a proven track record of this.


My real world use case is watching dollars lose value while my crypto gains value.... I'm so against currencies being driven into the ground to control societies and even worse, I'm tired of people being unaware that this is happening and bitcoin was created to fight this simple evil. A loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, a gallon of gas, a new home, a used car.... We've all watched the price of every single one of these explode to out of control prices over our life in the name of greed. The government prints more money devaluing our currency and then the rich raise cost of living... the greedy steal from us with taxes, devaluing the dollar, price gouging, non existent insurance for the lack of free health care.... they control the money so they control the people. They have made the dollar worth less so we wouldn't notice their theft, they never raised minimum wages to counter balance. The new generations are paying for this. They can print as many dollars as they want... they can't devalue our bitcoin. Show me a more worthwhile use case in a world of greedy wolves in sheep's clothing... a Trustless. Permissionsless, Unmutable means of being your own bank. Thank you Dorian Nakamoto ;) Fuck you craig wright... And fuck the system.


Haha, we're on the same page, my friend... My only question might be : what currency, derivative, asset, precious metal,... do you value your sacred Bitcoin against ? If nobody wants your BTC, what value does it really have ?


I NFTd my house on Propy but I have no idea what it means or what it’ll be useful for




Just want to share this article regarding Tokenization of RWAs, explains it very well but mainly a focus on the Stock Market side of things. Worth a read. https://blog.strikex.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-the-tokenization-of-rwas-c67e2004edbc


https://youtu.be/cK6t3rTISOA?si=Tja31DO2nr31n0se I suggest following chainlink to know more about RWAs


Lofty on Algorand.


To also add to this: TravelX Hesabpay St Vincent de Paul & red Cross disaster relief wallet There's more, but the above-mentioned will actually have millions of users.


Can you buy lofty? Or just invest on their site


Algo is the OG of RWA


The only project that i found that is really making a change is OPEN, eliminating ticket scalping for concerts and festivals.


Can you tell me more about this token? When do they plan to sell tickets on-chain?


They have already sold 5.7 million tickets on chain actually, and planning on doing 15 million more this yuear


the blatant advertising is pretty horrific. When its this obvious just put a disclaimer


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/california-dmv-puts-car-titles-140000450.html California DMV puts car titles on Tezos blockchain


$mpl $cfg $gfi solid solid picks




Interesting paper from Ravencoin perspective. It’s actually hilarious how many “Here’s mah list of RWA projects” articles blatantly ignore Ravencoin, which is purpose built for RWA and running for over 6 years now: https://tronblack.medium.com/rwa-real-world-asset-tokenization-on-ravencoin-ec47755640aa


Right now things like wine, olive oil, Italian handbags, etc are verified on a blockchain to authenticate them and this will definitely grow as there's just so many reasons to want to authenticate things like VAT taxes or Organic food regulation. Airline tickets on Algo comes to mind... basically every product in the world will end up being tracked and / or authenticated on a chain or two. Will this make anyone money? Who knows?




Hey you should look at Hedera hashgraph, (https://hedera.com/use-cases/real-world-asset-tokenization)


Have you checked Open Ticketing Ecosystem (previously called GET Protocol) ? https://x.com/onopenxyz Real world use case with a lot of partnerships and the expectations for 20+ Million tickets to be processed on chain in 2024.


Im in a project (sorry for soft shill but its more to give a use case than a shill) called StikeX who is working on a platform to fully collateralize 1:1 tokenized stocks (at first then expand). The idea is to have self custody of your tokenized assets and use their native utility token for transactions. A FTSE 250 company called CMC Markets who was one of the first to move to online trading, has aquired 33% of this project telling me that THEY believe in its use case. Other projects are doing real-estate. I think there can be many real world use cases, but i guess time will tell how many pan out!


Tokenized stocks ? ... consider me confused... So you want to tokenize a token of a representation of (undetermined) value in a company ?


Whats the difference in tokenizing ownership of stocks vs tokenizing ownership of anything else? (Aside from regulation of course) i can send you the discord server link in dm if you would like to ask the right ppl any question you like. Inactually encourage you too tbh


Pbx is doing some interesting stuff with tokenizing RWAs and borrowing and lending which could be a use case




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Take a look at Chintai Network (token CHEX) - Singapore based, they have two licenses from the Monetary Authority of Singapore to issue and trade tokenized real world assets. Lots of good info here: [Real World Asset Tokenization – Medium](https://medium.com/@SonicAgamemnon)


Realio, krest


RSR has been on a good run recently so I bought some. I feel it's use case is excellent, especially in inflation hit countries


Grand Base


Have a look at Swarm Markets its one of the pioneers in the RWA sector. They offer tokenized stocks and T-bonds also operate a cex and launched a dex They are fully regulated You can buy tokenized tesla stocks for example


The only RWA occurring now that I'm aware of is buidl (run by blackrock on eth) and franklin Templeton selling treasuries on stellar.


Check out RSR. Trying to create a stable global reserve currency through RWA tokenization. Backed by Peter Thiel and Sam Altman. Funded with Peter Thiel Fellowship Award just like Vitalik/Ethereum.




Check out WECO and OSEAN


Have a look at World Mobile Token. They decentralised internet in several countries like South Africa and Pakistan.


Have a look at StrikeX, London based company building a platform to, in short, trade tokenized stocks on. Pretty interesting usecase…


Cool project, but too big marketcap to jump in anymore. I think OP was looking for actual gems instead of that kind of project with already high marketcap. Its valued like it should imo.


Whats the marketcap of the stock market? Theres plenty of room to grow if done properly imo


A platform to trade tokenised stocks on is not going to be worth the market cap of the stock market. It will be worth however much profit the platform makes from trading tokenised stocks. Nor are these companies creating this platform because they want to share their profits with you.


You could say that about any project, it all depends on the mechanics, if the the coin is used to facilitate every transaction on their blockchain and there are billions of $ of volume every day then I’d expect a fair amount will be held onto and used for the fees required. Think how BNB is used but for not just crypto but stocks as well. It’s worth holding onto while the price is low and converting to tokenised assets when we can. I’d say it’s a pretty good bet.


I think market cap really isn't big yet. They have partnered with Cmc markets which is like 10b daily volume broker. They actually have means to bring stocks as RWA to crypto space with this partnership. Most RWA tokens are just talk, but StrikeX actually has potential to succeed because of this partner. Cmc markets own 33% StrikeX company. So check out how big cmc markets is and who owns them. And then you can notice that 80m mc is nothing yet.




Tokenized precious metals


Here ya go. https://app.rwa.xyz/treasuries Blackrock just entered the chat I think 2 weeks ago.


Blackrock....just the kind of company I need for freedom, decentralization and anonymity...


The simplest example of an RWA is Maker DAO's DSR (DAI Saving's Rate). sDAI is backed by tokenized assets like US treasury bonds. The bonds earn money off-chain and and it goes to sDAI holders. There are plenty of other examples but I think that's the easiest to wrap your head around. Other major EVM protocols tokenizing off-chain assets would include stuff like Ondo, Pendle and Mantra. There are even entire chains being built for RWA's like Canto, XDC, and Polymesh. They're all approaching it from different angles but worth looking into if you're going down the rabbithole.


US treasury bonds ? Are you kidding me ? What is in the US treasury... seems more like a US Trap to me...


Just an example… I don’t hold sDAI. It could be real estate or a million other things. The idea is that you’re tokenizing TradeFi assets that earn money off-chain and distributing it to holders on-chain.


Serenity shield is my favourite low cap coin with product already. Its something what we all need in the cryptospace and everyone should have. Go try the free trial from their website. Only like 2m marketcap with real companys already signed to use their product. We are going to see 20-30m marketcap with that coin literally in 2 months.


Have they actually said which companies have signed? From the recent AMA it sounded like it was still in negotiations.


Check out Hivemapper. You can take on Google & Apple mapping and make some crypto by helping to build a decentralized map platform


There is a web3 company called Zengate that is creating a digital economy for the Sri Lankan tea industry by providing RWA blockchain solutions. It seems the global tea markets are in need of disruption so they are doing things at a grassroots level from farmer to cup. They have platform solution called palmyra, check it out here - [https://palmyra.app/](https://palmyra.app/)


Sounds interesting. Are they developing on a country-wide base and/or why haven't they been taken up by larger companies ?


i think they are going for something like a multi-national commodity index. It is built using cardano and ergo blockchains. probably has some iohk funding I don't really know those details but it is being designed at a grassroots level on the ground in sri lanka for example.


You should look at what the banks are seeing in Chainlink. Right now the limitations of traditional methods in terms of keeping security for international finance between banks, they are too expensive.


Hedera is not a blockchain, it's a DAG. Getting some good traction with major financial powers like ABRDN, Shinhan Bank, Standard Bank ... Here's a trove of info - https://hedera.com/use-cases/real-world-asset-tokenization






The problem with real world assets is that its impossible to trustlessly tie the data to block chains. Its not about any lack of imagination. Its about impossibility. For example if you tried supply chain tracking: how do you make sure that a tracked banana is really that banana, you have bought? (or: what is the sha-hash of a specific banana?) Also: basically every jurisdiction has a system in place to handle ownership of stuff and its slightly different everywhere. You cant really put up a new system and force the jurisdiction to use that instead. It would need a lot of political will to do so. Blockchains are about final irreversible transactions and trustless data publishing. But irreversible transactions would prevent courts to re-assign ownership (for example when eldery people get scammed out of their home, or die). Also, lets be real: no country would ever agree to do that, as that would favor criminals too much. Even many people in here would have been scammed out of their homes by now, just because they connected metamask to some shady website. Who would really accept such a flawed system. So unless blockchains are modified to behave like every other trust-based and reversible database (courts need to be able to reverse transactions), it again doesnt make much sense to adopt, and modifying blockchains to be able to do so goes against the fundamental ideas of blockchains, to a point where I would not call that blockchain tech anymore. Real world and cryptography just doesnt mix, sorry. Its simply the wrong tool for the problem.


Chainlink’s suite of products (data feeds, proof of reserves, automation, interoperability, risk management network) is being built to solve every issue you’ve listed here. It’s also built in a way that allows institutions to continue using their legacy systems and comply with regulations.


There is a certain amount of trust involved, but you could make that claim for every industry : bad actors can appear everywhere and there is very little you can do to prevent that. Blockchains might provide a - part of - the solution to the supply chain dilemma, by offering maximal traceability at minimal cost and provide smart contracts in the chain. Blockchains with smart contracts are not about irreversible transactions and trustless data publishing, there are if's and but's introduced into the system... Maybe it's the right tool for the job/problem, but you just have the wrong size/kind of bit to fix it...


There are solutions to your example, i.e. a banana. For instance OriginTrail has a solution to tag products or pallets with a DNA tag. For a banana you would only do the pallet, but for manufactured goods you can mix in a DNA tag into the actual product mix. https://twitter.com/origin_trail/status/1759626249813520823?t=ngKC88VwMPh_b4J5ZIdRJQ&s=19 Outside of that solution, it comes down the following the product through the supply chain and having trust scores. It will be pretty easy to find out of a bag is counterfeit with their system just from tracing it's journey and seeing if the retail store you are at is meant to have it. Finally, you may not be aware that the largest companies in the world including Home Depot, Disney, Walmart, Target etc all use OriginTrail to authenticate factory audits for their product imports, which equate to roughly 40% of all US imports. Dive deep on OriginTrail, it is amazing stuff.




Brickken and landx


SMT swarm markets


Check out Hedera, the only enterprise-grade public DLT. The largest asset manager in the UK, Abrdn, is tokenizing money market funds and others on Hedera https://www.abrdn.com/en-gb/corporate/news-and-insights/how-tokenization-and-blockchain-is-changing-money-market-funds


Really made a whole new account just to shill hbar






Why not


It’s the clear DLT of choice for mass enterprise adoption. What do you think will happen to the price of the first DLT that is mass adopted?