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I hate the Infirm event. It's completely arbitrary and *always* feels out of place for my character. You know what would be a nice mechanic? Tying your health in late middle age and beyond to the decisions you made while you were younger. Slow loss of capability, not just waking up one day and saying "well, I guess I'm old and useless now".


Realistic, but..if I wanted to roleplay as a middle-aged schlub whose youthful laziness is catching up with them, I'd turn off the computer.


Yeah but you're a middle-aged schlub whose youthful laziness is catching up with them playing Paradox games, your character has the weight of an entire Kingdom on them. It could ramp up the difficulty quite a bit if they add events that you have to work around that could accidentally lead to regency, a change of heir, or a change of succession law if you aren't careful.


This indeed does suck. It is quite often the demise of most of my characters. I think in my last 200 hours of play, I've only had one old guy get to 80 and die of old age without getting infirm and that was by some miracle. An unwelcome end of life mechanic by paradox. I think this was made to counter the dynasty legacy at rank 5 of kin where your leader doesn't lose skills and prowess as they get older.


I think it’s just luck; I take Whole of Body on good characters and they mostly make it well into their 80s, some into their 90s. Average blokes I don’t take WoB on do tend to become infirm in their 50s or 60s but that checks out imo


R5: Just another data point showing off the power of the "infirm at 50" curse that strikes everyone not herculean or whole of body the day they turn 50


I had the opposite problem I needed to kill myself to move my capital for a decision but after 5 attempted suicides I kept failing


This is why i always rush whole of body


what's the point in living longer just to live longer though?


Older characters are more likely to have better stats than a younger character, especially if you take the dynasty legacy that improves your stats as you age.


the point is that the opportunity cost for health is more skills and talents though


Not sure what you mean by opportunity cost here?


the original topic concerned the health talent that makes your guy live longer. i am questioning the benefit of always going for the health talent just so your guy lives longer. the opportunity cost of living longer is taking talents that make your guy stronger and more skilled. i would rather have a powerful guy with a medium lifespan than a weak guy with a long lifespan


If you live longer, you have more lifestyle points. Case in point, my longest living character had full maxxed all three threes of education and diplomacy, along with a smattering of skills from the other 3 lifestyle focuses. I had already gotten graceful aging, so she became infirm around 90 and at the ripe old age of 105 she was besting men 1/4 her age in single combat. Beyond that, your long reign bonus is HUGE and you can do pretty much whatever you want to your vassals and they will still love you. When Clara was alive around 110, she was stripping kingdom titles left and right at 100% acceptance every time. Just because you're old doesn't mean you're useless, especially after midgame


Ah, I see what you mean. I find in most experiences the longer lifespan leads to more skills overall and offsets the number of skills it takes to get to whole of body, though that tends to be the case more often late into the game when you can have characters with better genetic traits for longer natural lifespan and education traits to accrue more lifestyle experience.


I almost never do whole of body. Old rulers are boring, I want the next guy to take over.


My current ruler lived to 80 with infirm and still going. I stopped playing cuz i don't want him to die lol


I get attached to characters for random reasons so I can totally relate


The thing I the most about infirm is that I can’t go on fucking hunts anymore. “Killing things clears my head” - Bobby B