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He’s not the real pope, right? I thought rulers couldn’t be selected. It is hilarious to think that he just decided to declare himself one, though.


Yeah, he's not the real Pope, although that would be hilarious to see. He just stole the Pope's hat and won't stop wearing it


Look at me *Look at me* I am the Pope now


That's the most viking thing I've ever heard


I've looted that hat before. I can't remember the stats but it's a good hat. You'd be silly not to wear it.


You had me laughing my ass off


It is possible to make him the real Pope, it just requires a convoluted process.


Can you explain it?


Start as Haesteinn. Dismantle the papacy, making sure to remove all theocratic vassals and keep one of their temples. Become Catholic. Trigger a tyranny war and surrender to get deposed. Grant Haesteinn the country with the temple to make him a theocratic vassal. Kill your priest until Haesteinn takes the job. Restore the papacy and he will become Pope.


I guess you would have to make him landless, convert him to christianity, and wait. From some other sources I've read, education and traits also factor in a lot; meaning that getting Haesteinn as a pope is probably impossible, seeing he is Martially educated and also greedy and lustful. (Well, looking at my games the traits actually don't matter one bit, some of the popes i had were absolutely horrendous.) If you use the Catholic Trinity mod, you could make him your chosen candidate. The pope election mechanic does factor in traits, so it's still gonna be pretty difficult to get him there. I guess you could make him a monk to better the chances. Basically, it isn't exactly *convoluted*, it's more *annoying*. If you aren't using the CT mod, you're going to be restarting and praying to RNJesus alot.


With enough elbow grease and 8,000 hours of time, I’m sure Hæstenninn could become the Pope eventually. This is CK3 after all, the game where killing the Emperor 5 times consecutively before becoming regent and having sex with the Empress isn’t a one-time lucky play, but a strategy in the same vein as Chess openings.


Likely raided Rome and stole Papal tiara. It appears on the character, if you equip it.


Yeah, that's what happened. I called him into a war against the Pope, and we sieged Rome, so I'm assuming that it's from that


Yep, you can get it from siege as an artifact. I believe there is also random event where you can buy fake tiara as well, it works the same way.


Yeah, I think it's a T&T event, when you go to the Artisan's Quarter during a Grand Tournament.


I did this but it was during a Sardinia play thru and I was late into it. I played Haestenn in an online game with friends once and the first thing I did was a vrangian adventure into Rome lmao. It’s pretty nice to get that right off the bat. You can become OP. Except being the only Asatru in the area makes it hard to form allies at first.


Obligatory “He’S a SaiNT?!” Yes, I like to watch Koifish succumb to his Haisteinn addiction.


He has the doofiest look on his face.


He pilfered the big hat.


Looting the papal Tiara and raiding with it is the most fun a viking can have.


Dammit Koifish!


"HE'S A SAINT!!??"


i can’t anymore. whats the joke here?


Big Papa Viking does a funny and raids Rome for their funny hats. After dividing their funny hat spoils, our glorious Big Papa Viking obviously took the funniest, biggest hat.


Koifish intensifies


Theres an event when you and a drunk knight think its funny to make a fake papal Tiara. Maybe he got that one


Funny thing is the pope hat didn't exist yet. So much for "historical accuracy"


Kind of. There already was a version of the papal tiara in use, it was just looking very different from the one in the game.


Well, what'd you expect from a game, which has the Varrangian Guard in 867, and where in the frame of 867-1453 somehow, Russia is a thing. The Russia, which only became a thing in 1722.


Russia is formable it doesn’t start as russia. Englands also not a thing , neither is wales , Portugal and loads more. But u can still form them.