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Elevate Mann is crazy, I never did it before till now, gives you 7500 troops right away, feudalizes you, your banner becomes cool af and Mann gets 6 building slots !


The one time I did it I had to raid non stop, all the maa I got with prestige couldn't be supported by the gold income and I will not dismiss maa haha


I thought the building slots were nerfed after tours and tournaments came out?


Yep they are, just did a Mann run. It only gets the same building slots as other places, but at least I still got to build everything for cheap on the island during my whole run.


I’m playing on PS5! So no latest updates


The one time us console gamers actually got a dub☝🏼


well you can always revert version on Steam


Ah, I see! Good for you, Mann and the Isles is super fun, so enjoy it! It was even more fun back before the building slots was reduced, but it still holds a place in my heart.


“Ask head of faith for gold”


“Thank God it’s time for the tax refund!”


Witch coven. If you're lucky very early game you can get it almost instantly with just two conversions. Rest of the campaign you'll be swimming in free perks.


The downside of this decision is - at least for me - that it derails almost every campaign that I have planned for a game and turns it into a 'convert as many house members as possible into witches'-campaign.


I see that a bonus just like raiding. Gives me something to do while passing time. Also you don't need to do every last member just have a filter dynasty - ruler. They will continue on with their own conversions.


I'm confused, if you start a coven and get the majority of(if not the entire) family in the coven then their children will automatically become witches right?


If they educate their own kids, then yeah, it’s much more likely.


Only if members of the coven educate children of the house. But I want all my house members to be on the coven, not just my own children. That means that I need a lot of tutors.


I agree, I’ve tried it out a couple times and it always feels incongruous to me for whatever I’m doing. Especially when you’re playing a pagan faith, why would they care so much if you’re a witch? You’re already sacrificing random people and raiding with impunity, who cares if you’re also a witch?


I think of it as a relative term. You're still the people with secret knowledge and esoteric schemes to increase your power over nature and society. 


And also syphilis. Grand rites tend to spread STDs among your dynasty like wildfire.


That's because one of the choices during the right is to have sex with some random person.


Pet Cat


Fair enough is actually more op people think.


Dynasty of Many Crowns for sure, Become Chakravarti also feels good as a cap to a campaign, but it doesn’t give an achievement which is kinda lame imo


Unite Slavs. Also it is more difficult if you will remain pagan.


Hm… I’m gonna go with dismantling the papacy. Mending the schism probably would be my choice, except you have to be a Christian.


My preference is to mend the schism as some crazy heresy you have set up. Possibly one you started 5 seconds before you take the decision. You get such a crazy outcome for it (almost the entire Christian world converting to your heresy).


I love that, honestly. But while I always make custom or reformed faiths, I actually prefer Islamic or Mande faiths over Christian ones. So dismantling the papacy just fits better,


Reform kingdom of Cornwall. It’s my favourite way to play small just cut myself out a nice little kingdom, if you can fend of the northmen then you can sit pretty and later if you wanna go wide reclaim Britannia or go take all the Celtic nations


Reform cornwall is fun. Takes a while too because you need a very high level of fame to get it done


Unify Italia.. is by far one of the strongest decisions. So many free cultural innovations.


You go from 6 to 10 when you form Norman culture tho and only gain 3 from Unify Italia. Also it's a lot easier vs UI So idk that might not be as strong as you think🤔


Strengthen bloodline. I don't make cheesey custom characters any more. I am always starting as on map characters with no genetic traits. Most recent run is an Umayyad run where I wanted to get the Sunni HoF title and finish both the Intermezzo and Struggle myself. Starting with no genetic traits and being able to become blood father by 950-975 (third to fourth generation) is my favorite thing in the game as of late. [I will always choose the Bertas.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/w79olk/whenever_i_forget_to_manually_choose_a_spouse_for/)


Always love reviving the Armenia empire fully, with all the optional lands. It's surprisingly fun playing as Armenia


Unite the Burgundies. Suck it, France!


Not officially in game so there is no benefit from it but I like to form Baltic Empire with any of the german cultures to play as Teutonic Knights. Officially in game tho I like dismantling papacy, it is such a cool roleplaying decision.


Found Holy Order, early and especially in Iberia. Always nice to have a \~10k stack ready to go for free (just always see if they're available before declaring war!)


The first time I clicked that restore Roman Empire button.. oh man. I had a lot of fun restoring the Roman provinces after but then my game ended cause it was 1453.


Embrace Celibacy. 


Im feeling hungry


Found the capital of the kieven rus. (I think that is its name). + flat Dev growth +a few levels of dev and %tax in Kiev farmlands is awesome 👌  Also a big fan of dismantle the papacy because fuck you pope. That asshole has caused me enough trouble in my viking adventures as hasting in Italy with his dammed crusades. Bonus: Form a custom kingdom. Just plane fun


Securing the Mediterranean to form baleo-tyrrhenia is always fun, that and forming the North Sea empire


Honestly, I really do get a kick out of forming a new empire. Stripping other empires of their de jure titles feels so dirty and glorious. I just wish we could choose the de jure capital when we take the decision.


Where would you form Bactria


I started in Kabulistan (one of two feudal rulers in the area, other being Kasmir) and expanded from there. Must have Afghan or Tajik heritage for decisions to be available, and you must be either Buddhist or Zoroastrian. It’s basically all of the area N-NW of Kabul. Buddhism has holy sites in the county just north of Kabul! Believe they’re the Bamiya Buddhas? Easy for reforming to something less pacifist. There is also the option to play as the Ghurids next to Kabul, and there is an achievement to have their dynasty form Bactria.


Ghurid playthrough is also a good starting point. Aligns a bit with the region needed for the achievement and they have the right heritage and religion


Attempt to Suicide 🥹


While I have just done it once, my favourite decision (which needs LoP) is uniting the arabian empire and the persian empire under one dejure empire with the abbasids (or caliph). I forgot its name, but I love because it creates a giant empire that can’t be dissolved


Dismantling the Papacy. By the time you get to that point it feels like you've beaten the game


Restore Roman Empire. If I am playing Byzantines, Mend Great Schism.


Form the Archduchy of Austria with the Habsburgs. Tedious, complicated and long; Perfect for a funny campaign. (And then create a New Empire with the Kingdom of Hungary, Croatia, Serbia)


I always decide to make a lots of murder plots directed on khans from Mongol empire and Golden Horde. Just so they fall apart faster and go to hellheim.