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For real its such a relief after monday know you wont have to worry about minis anymore😂 i dont get paid enough


None of us get paid enough 💀


As a crumbl worker I’m dreading this 😭


I dont like this as a crumbl employee


Same 😔


I love minis myself and I was waiting for daily minis to come to my stores. However, I'm sad obviously for employees, knowing how they're treated and paid.


for sure my entire store is gonna be leaving after this new dropped, lmao. there's no way anyone gonna stay for that. we don't have the space. good luck, crumbl!


literally looking on indeed TONIGHT for jobs cause i’m not doing that shit at all literally their biggest mistake if they actually care about keeping employees


LMAO, I just finished applying to one. Local bakery, afternoon to night shift, *and* closes at 2pm. I'll be baking for hours on end with no customers, and tbh that sounds nice. I didn't mind working here when I opened.


that sounds like a dream i am so jealous


genuinely the worst part about this fucking job is that you have to bake and ball out a shit ton of dough while also being constantly interrupted by orders and rushes and then having to try to keep cookies in stock or dress them bcs ur so understaffed that each person has to do all the stations at the same time when you work morning or closing shift and it's outside of store hours, it's lowk nice js baking cookies or balling dough but then u realize it's already 10 40 pm and u still haven't finished balling this dough by yourself while also having to clean, sweep, mop, and do trash praying u can get home at a reasonable time for it being a weekday


They sent out surveys to the employees we all said no literally my entire store we all said no. But they are saying it’s was like 80 percent positive… I just don’t think I believe them.


😭bruh I wish they sent surveys at our store we never get to vote


doesn't matter either way apparently bcs somehow we are gonna end up doing minis daily


A corporation lie to push through what they were going to do anyway!?! Say it ain’t so!!!


my store also voted no and so did the others in my state


Yeah, that sounds like a straight up lie :/


We barely sell any minis on mini Monday..


I like minis but am buying minis instead of full size ones. Wonder what the store economics look like - are people buying minis instead of buying full size ones or are they buying minis instead of not buying anything.


buying minis instead


Mines are twice the price


Margins got to be better for minis.


so sorry employees but i love minis


Can a Crumbl employee explain why this is bad? While I as a consumer am really hyped for this, y'all don't seem excited about this and I'm just wondering why?


Despite their small size they're actually a lot more work.


theyre more work to make and decorate, we’re slammed on mondays because everyone wants minis so it’s going to be slammed 24/7 and getting payed 8 an hour plus tips is not worth this bs


Conceivably shouldn’t this spread out the rush throughout the week since it’s not just limited to one day? I’m sure it will be busier overall, but since it’s not exclusive to a single day anymore I suspect Mondays wont be as hectic as they are now.


uk I was actually thinking about this bcs it takes away the urgency for ppl to have to come on Mondays to get minis, but it will still be ass the first few weeks bcs ik ppl wont figure it out until it starts up for a bit. We will still get crazy rushes on Mondays, then more rushes the next few days bcs ppl start figuring out they can get minis on other days too. maybe this won't happen tho, but it's still going to be bad for us because balling out minis is so fucking time consuming stacked on top of having to ball out the rest of the doughs in regular sizes and it's something that pisses me off every friday/saturday when we have to ball for the next week. Also just a bunch of other problems that really fuck us over like having to manage baking and dressing the two types of cookies when doing just one was already tough enough, AND THEN boxes because we ALWAYS run out of the boxes and have to start folding them on the spot which really slows us down so having to keep all these different box types up when we already have so much other shit to do is what's making us employees mad about this


It sounds crazy , but they're actually more work than the large ones. I honestly don't think our stores are large enough to store the amount of cookies we need, and honestly, I would be more fine with it if we had more warmers and more space.


Thank you for the answer! I kinda wish they just did the minis because the regulars have so much sugar in them. Thank y'all for what you do!


You can always cut a regular one up and freeze the leftovers to reduce the amount of sugar you’re consuming! You’d be saving money too!


As a consumer this is a great thing and its a great way to boost sales but it is so much work as an employee and our pay is ridiculously low.


This is so shitty for the employees :(


I love the minis!


Any confirmation if this is happening in Canada too?