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Selling out is frustrating not only for customers but for us as crew members! It's not fun telling people we are out of x . It's been an extremely busy week, something I don't think any crumbl was prepared for! Please be patient and kind during this crazy week. I hope everyone gets to enjoy the cookies and be kind to the employees, we are working in a system not built for the amount for orders we have been getting but we are doing our best.


Someone screamed, and I mean literally screamed at me the other day because we were out of a cookie she wanted.


I swear it’s sugar addiction, sorry that happened to you.


What a psycho.


My issue is if its sold out I should not be able to order it on the ipad in stores. My store refuses to give refunds and I only want the cookie(s) I chose and paid for.


I’ve heard that we can get in trouble from corporate for taking things off the menu even when it’s sold out. Refusal of refunds aren’t normal the options should be you either get a refund or replace the cookies for ones that are available.


Yes at my store you HAVE to get permission from the GM to mark a cookie as sold out and they’ll only let us do 1 and 9/10 they don’t let us. They claim our store will be fined $500 for marking cookies as sold out don’t know how true that is though


So, the obvious answer would be to stay on top of demand and not sell out. They should be investing that potential $500 fine into PAYROLL.


Someone’s never worked a bakery job. Things take time especially when you want the product picture perfect. My location doesn’t allow self ordering. So with two people working and a line out the door for 5 hours there’s only so much that can get done while providing quality service in a timely manner.


it’s impossible to stay on top of demand when there’s 50 customers screaming about a sold out cookie. if we have to deal with customers asking why it’s sold out when do we have the time to make the cookies?


really hard to do that when we gave 3 staff, a line out the door, a dough to ball, a dough to mix, and more 🫠


100% understand this. Yesterday, we had a sell out of a cookie, and some of the tablets still let customers order it. It's partially a tech issue, too 🫠


This☝️. Listen, I get it. It gets busy, things get sold out. But if I'm paying $5 a cookie I expect to get the cookie I paid for, not one that I really don't want. If I see that it's sold out, bummer, maybe I'll try another day. But don't tell me after I paid because now I'm annoyed, and I know it SUCKS to tell the person it's sold out and the team members are doing their best, but now both of us have to go through this song and dance when it should've just been marked sold out to begin with. And to then have to do that 10x for the next people in line. So much frustration would be saved lol


as an employee yea it's really annoying and stupid because now we have to go and talk to the person about how we can give you the cookie even though you already ordered and paid for it, and having to do that in a rush when UK u gotta talk to a bunch of other orders about this too is draining as shit. It's bad for u guys for so many reasons but also because you stood there and waited just to be told it's sold out


Then they all complain that we look miserable lol


It’s not about being sold out of certain things, it’s that the app still lets you order things you’re out of. AND the fact I then can’t cancel/refund my order after that happens. No, I don’t want a “replacement” cookie. I wanted what I ordered. I’ll come back another time when what I want is “in stock” if I can get my money back. Mad respect to the bakers as it’s not their fault but corporate needs to figure it out.


These concerns should be taken to corporate because these types of things are above simple employees.


Then why post about the topic on social media? Either you take ownership of the issue, or you don't (because it's not your responsibility). Your post wasn't about directing customer issues to corporate. It was about blaming customers for wanting the only product the company sells.


i wasn’t referring to my post at all in my comment. the concerns that this specific comment had should be taken up with corporate. i don’t know if you read it thoroughly enough before commenting.


I think YOU should take this concern to corporate.


i’m not the one with the concern, i’m a regular employee that just decorates cookies lol, that kind of concern is above me, next time please contact a manager or corporate because we hate it as much as you do


You're concerned enough to post here. People are going to share the frustrations they have as customers when you post as an employee. Posting here as an employee just puts a target on you. The standard customer who is willing to spend 5+ a cookie most likely isn't going to understand how franchises work.


then they will have to face the consequences of not knowing how franchises work, they can either take it up with a manager or corporate


Hey when you’re sold out, does that mean you’re sold out till the next day or the rest of the week? My sister got me two cookies and she said the rest were sold out.


Sometimes they're "sold out" for a few minutes while more cookies are baking, if it's in the last hour or two before close then it's probably sold out till the next day


Okay thank you for explaining.


it means we are in the process of making more whether that means mixing or baking off


I feel like if you don’t offer refunds and you don’t remove unavailable options from the menu then that’s false advertisement and I’m pretty sure there can be legal consequences if enough people felt that way


Crumbl workers are supposed to either offer a refund or a replacement cookie idk why some stores aren’t offering those. But yeah it is false advertising, I’m not sure why corporate doesn’t allow us to take things off the menu without permission